Is there an option to remove the multipart content set in request in REST API(RestAssured) after getting a response? - rest

In REST API, specifically RestAssured, there is an option to remove the Query params, Headers, Cookies, Form params, Path params which is set in request after getting a response.
Is there an option to remove the multipart content set in request in REST API(RestAssured) after getting a response?

If you're looking a way to reuse the RequestSpecification object, then No, there are no reset method for all of these config.
You can create new RequestSpecification object each time you call the request. Sample here.


How can I put header parameter in a Url?

I want to get data from API. So first I want to get Json response from the browser. I Usually do it by specifying a query to pass the API key. But this time the API key is passed using header parameter instead of a query. How can I pass the API into a header parameter?
This is the base Url
This is the header parameter:
You can try to issue this request first using some rest client like postman or insomnia.

How to get response headers in neo4j - apoc.load.jsonParams()?

I have the following CQL apoc query in neo4j that works fine to get response payload from a rest GET request:
CALL apoc.load.jsonParams($uri, {Authorization: $Bearertoken}, null)
YIELD value
UNWIND value.items AS item
However, the uri uses pagenation and the next page uri is present in the response header. Therefore, I need a way to retrieve the response header along with the value. Please let me know if there is a way to do this.
Thanks in advance.
The apoc.load.jsonParams procedure does not support returning the response header.
You can write your own code instead. Here is an article that can help get you started.

POSTa Request with rest assured api using XML Payload

I am in need of one requirement.I want to POST a request using Rest Assured API using XML payload,I did not get any where how to set the body using XML. any one please tell me how I can achieve this.
I have one table customers with 5 fileds,name,id,address,email and phone number.My URL to post the request is something like
"".Please any one help me out.Thanks in advance
The above should work, here it is again in a slightly different version with your example...
Response response = given().
myXML would be the xml you want to send (5 fields; name,id,address,email and phone number). After that you can pull the result from response.
You can just post in the request body as a String, InputStream, byte[] or a Java object (that will be serialized to XML using JAXB). For example:
String myXML = ..
given().contentType(ContentType.XML).body(myXML).when().post("/x").then(). ..

Passing parameters in BODY with GET request

I want to pass some data within request body, but I'm using GET request, because I just want to modify this data and send it back.
I know that it is bad practice to use body with GET requests.
But what should I do with this situation if I want to build correct RESTful service?
P.S. I'm not changin any object on server.
I'm not putting any new object on server.
You want a POST. Something like
POST /hashes
"myInput": ...
The response would be the hashed value. There's no rule that the created resource must be retained by the server.
From the RFC:
The action performed by the POST method might not result in a
resource that can be identified by a URI. In this case, either 200
(OK) or 204 (No Content) is the appropriate response status,
depending on whether or not the response includes an entity that
describes the result.

Get form parameters from a post request using spray/scala

I'm really new with all this Scala/Spray. With some testing I was able to get parameters from a Get request using the parameters function. However I'm trying to fetch some parameters sent from a POST request on the body of the request. It seems like parameters function is unable to fetch those values.
As an example, I'm trying to get this values "name=john&lastname=smith" from the post request body. What is the best option to get these values?
Thank you
You could use [Form-Field-Filters] to extract parameters from POSTs
Indeed, the parameters directive only handles things actually in the query-string and not parameters in the body of the request. To get things out of the body, you'll need to use the content directive and then unmarshal the content.
This spray-user thread may be helpful, as it includes some unmarshalling code doing precisely what you're looking for.
As of recent Spray versions, you need to use the Unmarshaller for FormData.