How to know which version of CrafterCMS I am using? - content-management-system

Is there a way to know the crafter version from Studio Admin Console/Dashboard?
I am running CrafterCMS 3.0 on my local. But from the content admin's point of view, is there any way to know the exact version/build I am using?

There is a feature being added in support of this. It's under Help > About, but it's not there yet.
You can track progress on the feature here:
And here for the UI:

You can also try http://localhost:8080/studio/api/1/services/getInfo.json that will give you something like this:
Note this also work for 2.5.x (since 2.5.6)


Tiny_mce image list

I was using a very old tiny_mce (tiny_mce_gzip.js) that is no longer working after a php upgrade. I need to able to use the image selector via the 'external_image_list_url' but trying to find my way round the documentation it only refers to this in v3. Does it still exist in the latest version?
Thanks for any help.
Easy to find when you know where to look for it. I was searching the documentation for a phrase in my old version that is no longer used. "images_upload_url" seems to be the replacement for "external_image_list_url" (although the content of the file pointed to is slightly different).

Can you run a version of vscode inside the browser without a server?

Is there any way to run a version of VS Code inside a browser without a server? (inside a React or Angular app). Something like an enhanced version of the monaco editor.
Of course that means it will have some missing functionalities.
If not, are there any other options?
Try this
its something of the same king what you want
As far as I could find, it is possible to run VSCode in the browser (since we have, but there doesn't seem to be anyway to deploy it yourself yet?
This Github issue is probably what you want, but there isn't any information there (or on the repo) yet.
It does strongly suggest that is the version used for, so there might be things to be found there, until official instructions/embedding is possible.
I think it depends on how you treat vscode.
if it is just a editor software, there'll be a lot of .
For you customerization purpose, it sounds something like ''
Not sure if it helps, but you can try looking up It opens up a visual studio code instance on your browser with options of installing extensions as well.
Use the link like
You can possibly use Gitpod self-host, or they both have documentation on how to create your own version of VSCode for the web, however, as I've never tried to create one myself, I don't know if it accomplishes your specific use case.

Sonarqube Plugin for Confluence

I would like to integrate my sonarqube instance with a confluence space, so all my team could have access to the project metrics. Does anyone know any plugin that does this or how to do it without a plugin? Thanks
You're looking for badges, which allow you to embed a little image in a page with a metric name and current metric value. This is a native feature on, and coming soon for SonarQube. In the meantime, there's a community plugin you can use.
We experienced the same need and a colleague recommended me to give this a try:
We are currently in the evaluation stage, and quite happy with its use and functionality.

What framework was used to build the new Windows Github application?

Github recently released a new Windows application, with some very interesting UI ideas. Does anyone know what UI framework was used to build this?
Have you seen this? Looks like that UI used by GhfW is called Metro-ui. This keyword can be useful.

Notifications for Joomla extension updates

Is there an extension that would check whether there are newer versions available to the installed extensions on a Joomla site, and would notify the site administrator?
Ideally, I am looking for something similar to Drupal's "Update" module.
I understand that there is no central place for keeping all these modules and their versions for Joomla, but at least a lot of them are available on the Joomla Extensions site, along with the needed information, so perhaps somebody wrote a tool that checks that source?
Aha, looks like this is to be included in Joomla 1.6, according to this description (check out the "Find Updates" button, looks great).
But if you are using Joomla 1.5 until 1.6 is stable check out:
Excellent for keeping components up to date :)