Facebook Messenger Bot 'sender action typing on' in node.js - facebook

How do I make my chatbot to indicate that it is typing?
The following code doesn't work at all...
function sendQuickReply(recipientId){
var messageData = {
recipient: {
id: recipientId
sender_action: "typing_on",

You can't send a message with a text/image/payload and a sender action.
You need to write 2 functions (or requests). And the request with the sender action needs to have only the recipient id and the sender action in parameters.


Send Money to Paypal Account ASP.Net Server Side Code

I am having a difficult time finding halfway descent documentation or examples on how to send money to another Paypal account.
I have installed the Nuget package PaypalSDK version 1.0.4. I have read the documentation at https://developer.paypal.com/home. I have browsed and tried to implement the sample code at https://github.com/paypal/Checkout-NET-SDK.
The problem I am having is that I am having is that I am not seeing notifications of payments sent or received in my sandbox account. I can successfully execute a checkout with the Javascript button in my shopping cart view. But eventually I want to add the capability to send money from my Paypal business account to another Paypal business account, without the other Paypal Business Account owner having to be logged in to my website.
Does the money recipient have to authorize the money I send, or should it just get deposited into their account once I send it?
Here is my code:
namespace MyShoppingCart.Helpers.Paypal
public class CaptureOrderSample
static string PayPalClientID = Startup.StaticConfig.GetValue<string>("Paypal:ClientID");
static string PayPalClientSecret = Startup.StaticConfig.GetValue<string>("Paypal:ClientSecret");
public static HttpClient client()
// Creating a sandbox environment
PayPalEnvironment environment = new SandboxEnvironment(PayPalClientID, PayPalClientSecret);
// Creating a client for the environment
PayPalHttpClient client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment);
return client;
public async static Task<HttpResponse> createOrder(string Email)
HttpResponse response;
// Construct a request object and set desired parameters
// Here, OrdersCreateRequest() creates a POST request to /v2/checkout/orders
var order = new OrderRequest()
CheckoutPaymentIntent = "CAPTURE",
PurchaseUnits = new List<PurchaseUnitRequest>()
new PurchaseUnitRequest()
AmountWithBreakdown = new AmountWithBreakdown()
CurrencyCode = "USD",
Value = "100.00"
Payee = new Payee
Email = Email // "payee#email.com"
//ApplicationContext = new ApplicationContext()
// ReturnUrl = "https://www.example.com",
// CancelUrl = "https://www.example.com"
// Call API with your client and get a response for your call
var request = new OrdersCreateRequest();
response = await client().Execute(request);
var statusCode = response.StatusCode;
Order result = response.Result<Order>();
Debug.WriteLine($"Status: {result.Status}");
Debug.WriteLine($"Order Id: {result.Id}");
Debug.WriteLine($"Intent: {result.CheckoutPaymentIntent}");
foreach (LinkDescription link in result.Links)
Debug.WriteLine($"\t{link.Rel}: {link.Href}\tCall Type: { link.Method}");
return response;
And this is currently called from my Orders controller when an order is completed. This is just for testing purposes.
public async Task<IActionResult> CompleteOrder()
var items = _shoppingCart.GetShoppingCartItems();
Models.Order order = await _ordersService.StoreOrderAsync(items);
PrepareSellerEmail(items, order, "You Have a New Order!");
PrepareBuyerEmail(items, order, "Thank You for Your Order!");
await _shoppingCart.ClearShoppingCartAsync(_serviceProvider);
//OrderRequest request = Helpers.CreateOrderSample.BuildRequestBody("USD", "100.00", "sb-r43z1e9186231#business.example.com");
//var client = Helpers.Paypal.CaptureOrderSample.client();
var result = Helpers.Paypal.CaptureOrderSample.createOrder("sb-r43z1e9186231#business.example.com");
//var response = await PayPalClient.client().execute.(request);
return View("OrderCompleted");
The output of the result is:
Order Id: 51577255GE4475222
self: https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders/51577255GE4475222 Call Type: GET
approve: https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/checkoutnow?token=51577255GE4475222 Call Type: GET
update: https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders/51577255GE4475222 Call Type: PATCH
capture: https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders/51577255GE4475222/capture Call Type: POST
This is a screen capture from my sandbox account:
Am I supposed to do something else to actually execute the transfer?
Edit: I figured out how to use the Paypal Payouts API.
First I installed the Nuget Package. It's simply called PayoutsSdk. I'm using version 1.1.1.
For the payout to execute, you need the client() method that is listed above in this post, and this CreatePayout() method listed below.
public async static Task<HttpResponse> CreatePayout()
var body = new CreatePayoutRequest()
SenderBatchHeader = new SenderBatchHeader()
EmailMessage = "Congrats on recieving 1$",
EmailSubject = "You recieved a payout!!"
Items = new List<PayoutItem>()
new PayoutItem()
Amount=new Currency()
PayoutsPostRequest request = new PayoutsPostRequest();
var response = await client().Execute(request);
var result = response.Result<CreatePayoutResponse>();
Debug.WriteLine($"Status: {result.BatchHeader.BatchStatus}");
Debug.WriteLine($"Batch Id: {result.BatchHeader.PayoutBatchId}");
foreach (PayoutsSdk.Payouts.LinkDescription link in result.Links)
Debug.WriteLine($"\t{link.Rel}: {link.Href}\tCall Type: {link.Method}");
return response;
Of course I'll add parameters to the method for email, amount, currency code, email message, and subject.
Right now, I am calling this method from the controller method like this: var result = Helpers.Paypal.CaptureOrderSample.CreatePayout(); where Helpers.Paypal are folders that contain a class called CaptureOrderSample, which I will probably rename.
To send money from your account to another account, there are several different options:
Automate the sending with the Payouts API or Payouts Web (spreadsheet upload). For live, payouts can only be used if the live account sending the payment is approved for payouts.
Log into the account that is going to send the money in https://www.paypal.com or https://www.sandbox.paypal.com and click on the menu for Pay & Get Paid -> Send Money .
Use a PayPal Checkout integration, with or without the Orders API, and specify a payee that is to receive the money. You must log in with the paying (sending) account to approve the sending, and finally the order must be captured (via API or client side actions.order.capture()) which is what results in a PayPal transaction. If the final capture step is not performed, no money will be sent and the order will merely remain created or approved and eventually expire (72 hours after creation or 3 hours after approval)
In the sandbox, no actual emails are sent with notifications. Instead, the developer.paypal.com dashboard has a "Notifications" tab on the left, and of course activity will also be visible in each sandbox account by logging into the account. Only captured activity is likely to be visible.

How to stop the user from entering the duplicate record on default save

I have a custom module where there is an email field. Now i want to stop the user if the email is already in the database.
I want to stop the user on save button and show the error. Like when a required field goes empty.
I tried to get some help but was not able to understand it.
Note: I realized after posting this that you are using suitecrm which this answer will not be applicable toward but I will leave it in case anyone using Sugar has this question.
There are a couple of ways to accomplish this so I'll do my best to walk through them in the order I would recommend. This would apply if you are using a version of Sugar post 7.0.0.
1) The first route is to manually create an email address relationship. This approach would use the out of box features which will ensure your system only keeps track of a single email address. If that would work for your needs, you can review this cookbook article and let me know if you have any questions:
2) The second approach, where you are using a custom field, is to use field validation. Documentation on field validation can be found here:
The code example I would focus on is:
For your example, I would imagine you would do something like this:
Create a language key for your error message:
$app_strings['ERROR_EMAIL_EXISTS_MESSAGE'] = 'This email already exists.';
Create a custom controller for the record creation (you may also want to do this in your record.js):
extendsFrom: 'RecordView',
initialize: function (options) {
this._super('initialize', [options]);
//reference your language key here
app.error.errorName2Keys['email_exists'] = 'ERROR_EMAIL_EXISTS_MESSAGE';
//add validation tasks
this.model.addValidationTask('check_email', _.bind(this._doValidateEmail, this));
_doValidateEmail: function(fields, errors, callback) {
var emailAddress = this.model.get('your_email_field');
//this may take some time so lets give the user an alert message
app.alert.show('email-check', {
level: 'process',
title: 'Checking for existing email address...'
//make an api call to a custom (or stock) endpoint of your choosing to see if the email exists
app.api.call('read', app.api.buildURL("your_custom_endpoint/"+emailAddress), {}, {
success: _.bind(function (response) {
//dismiss the alert
//analyze your response here
if (response == '<email exists>') {
errors['your_email_field'] = errors['your_email_field'] || {};
errors['your_email_field'].email_exists = true;
callback(null, fields, errors);
}, this),
error: _.bind(function (response) {
//dismiss the alert
//throw an error alert
app.alert.show('email-check-error', {
level: 'error',
messages: "There was an error!",
autoClose: false
callback(null, fields, errors);
Obviously, this isn't a fully working example but it should get you most of the way there. Hope this helps!

Email Sending .NET Core

I just want to have a function, which will be sending mail to different people.
I have written a Email Service, just like this:
public void SendEMail(EMail mail)
var body = JObject.FromObject(settings);
GlobalTelemetry.TrackDependency("E-Mail Service", "Send", () =>
var result = AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => httpClient.PostAsync(azureFunctionUrl,
new StringContent(body.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")));
if (!result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"E-Mail Service failed to send mails. Http Status {result.StatusCode}. Please check if the Url '{azureFunctionUrl}' is correct. Env: {Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT")}");
and by every other functions, which want to use this mail service, do just like this:
SendMail = mail =>
var fireAndForgetTask = Task.Run(() =>
catch (Exception e)
Log.Fatal(e, $"Fail to send E-Mail to: '{mail.To}'");
it does work, but fireAndForgetTask is not used, I have no idea how to do it better.
Is it necessary to write a Email Job???
Some better suggestion is welcome :-)
I had a similar issue in my app for sending a password reset email, I did not want the delay of waiting for the email to send because if a hacker is trying to find out if an account exists for an email address the delay could indicate that the account does exist. So I wanted to fire and forget the email with no delay.
So I implemented a simple extension method named forget like this in a separate static class based on this so question:
public static void Forget(this Task task)
and then I send my email async and use that .Forget extension to not wait for it like this:
sr["Reset Password"],
note that I am not using "await" when I call this async method and the .Forget gets rid of the warning that would otherwise appear in Visual Studio when calling an async method without the await keyword

how to update an subscription without id in mail chimp rest api

I really like the new Mail Chimp REST API - it is easy to create subscriptions by PUT and those can be updated using the subscription id.
But I would like to update a subscription simply using the email address, because I do not want to save any new Mail Chimp Id in my Middle-ware application, as long as the email should be sufficient as identifier?
To update a List Member the API is:
but I would prefer a simpler way:
is something like this possible?
The subscriber's ID is the MD5 hash of their email address. Since you would have to make a function call to URL Encode the email address for your second way, using the first way is just as easy.
See this help document on managing subscribers for more details.
More specifics on updating a subscriber via MailChimp's REST API.
// node/javascript specific, but pretty basic PUT request to MailChimp API endpoint
// dependencies (npm)
var request = require('request'),
url = require('url'),
crypto = require('crypto');
// variables
var datacenter = "yourMailChimpDatacenter", // something like 'us11' (after '-' in api key)
listId = "yourMailChimpListId",
email = "subscriberEmailAddress",
apiKey = "yourMailChimpApiKey";
// mailchimp options
var options = {
url: url.parse('https://'+datacenter+'.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/'+listId+'/members/'+crypto.createHash('md5').update(email).digest('hex')),
headers: {
'Authorization': 'authId '+apiKey // any string works for auth id
json: true,
body: {
email_address: email,
status_if_new: 'pending', // pending if new subscriber -> sends 'confirm your subscription' email
status: 'subscribed',
merge_fields: {
FNAME: "subscriberFirstName",
LNAME: "subscriberLastName"
interests: {
MailChimpListGroupId: true // if you're using groups within your list
// perform update
request.put(options, function(err, response, body) {
if (err) {
// handle error
} else {
console.log('subscriber added to mailchimp list');

Facebook get number of sent requests and accepted request

i need to make a page that will have a request dialog for a facebook page or a facebook app.
I need to get the number of friends the user sent the request to and at the end of the day the number of request that got accpeted from the specific user.
The scenario is for giving awards , the user that sent the most request to freinds gets an award and the user that had the most requests accepted also gets an award.
I dont know if the seccond is possible , but i think it should be , couse games on FB give u points for sent request and also u get new missions when friends accept your request , so there mut be a way.
I will record the number of invites sent.
Return Data
A comma-separated list of the request_ids that were created. To learn who the requests were sent to, you should loop through the information for each request object identified by a request id.
method: 'apprequests',
title:'Suggest '+fbAppName+' to your friends',
message: 'I thought you would dig this app!',
data: 'gameID=96'
}, onInviteFriend);
//jquery required for ajax function
onInviteFriend = function(response) {
if (response && response.request_ids) {
var idsLength = response.request_ids.length;
var idList = "";
var data = {};
var ajaxSettings = {};
for (var i = 0; i < idsLength; i++){
idList += response.request_ids[i];
if (i < idsLength-1){
idList += ",";
if (idsLength > 0){
data.idList = idList;
ajaxSettings = {
type: "GET",
url: sketchnpass.root+"/ajax/log-invite-sent/",
data: data,
success: sketchnpass.onSaveInvites
//was published
} else {
//was not published
i think using the code above i can get the number of sent requests.
But when some1 accepts the request how will i know that happened , does the accepted request send the user to my app along with some data?
The Facebook requests dialog documentation basically walks you through how to do this.
When requests are sent, request_ids is returned as return data so you would want to log this information in your system to track who sent how many requests.
To track accepted invitations, the documentation says that this url is called: http://apps.facebook.com/[app_name]/?request_ids=012345678910 so you would just need to parse the request id and look that request id up in your system and mark it as accepted.