Random walk rerouting issue using netlogo - netlogo

I created a small network using the following code and implemented a random walk algorithm. I used some nodes as targets, where the walker is initially placed on one-of node. I used a path (walker-own variable) list with the walker to save its location.
Question: How to prevent the walker to not come back towards those nodes which are already visited and listed in its memory(list).
I'm new to Netlogo and unable to implement this logic.
breed [nodes node]
breed [walkers walker]
walkers-own [location path]
nodes-own [ target? visited? ]
to setup
set-default-shape nodes "circle"
create-nodes 30 [
set color blue
set target? false
set visited? false
ask nodes [ create-link-with one-of other nodes ]
repeat 500 [ layout ]
ask nodes [
setxy 0.95 * xcor 0.95 * ycor
ask n-of 5 nodes [
set target? true
set color white
create-walkers 1 [
set color red
set location one-of nodes
move-to location
set path (list location path)
to layout
layout-spring nodes links 0.5 2 1
to go
ask links [ set thickness 0 ]
ask walkers [
let new-location one-of [link-neighbors] of location
move-to new-location
set location new-location
set path lput location
;; This gets turtles to ask their current location
;; to set visited and target to true.
ask location [
set visited? true
if target? = true [
set color red
;; Check for target nodes that have NOT been visited.
;; If there aren't any, stop the model.
if not any? nodes with [ target? = true and visited? = false ] [
print ("All target nodes have been visited.")

You probably want something like let new-location one-of [link-neighbors] of location with [not visited]. But, this will create an error if there are none. So try something like this.
to go
ask links [ set thickness 0 ]
ask walkers [
let candidate-locations ([link-neighbors] of location) with [not visited?]
ifelse any? candidate-locations
[ let new-location one-of candidate-locations
move-to new-location
set location new-location
set path lput location
;; This gets turtles to ask their current location
;; to set visited and target to true.
ask location [
set visited? true
if target? = true [ set color red ]
[;;whatever you want to do if all possible paths are blocked
;; Check for target nodes that have NOT been visited.
;; If there aren't any, stop the model.
if not any? nodes with [ target? = true and visited? = false ] [
print ("All target nodes have been visited.")


Catch nobody for target patch

I want to check if target patches fulfil a condition. If a patch is found that fulfils the condition,
then the turtles should move there. If 'nobody' fulfils this condition, then an error message should be printed.
The condition is that a patch should have in radius 10 2 turtles of the same breed.
I try to achieve this with ifelse and nobody. However, at the moment I always get the error message, even though the
target variable is not empty (you can check this with the if loop).
breed [ breed1s breed1 ]
breed [ breed2s breed2 ]
globals [target1 target2]
to setup
create-breed1s 1000 [
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
create-breed1s 1000 [
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
to go
ask turtles [
set target1 ( count turtles in-radius 10 with [breed = breed1s] ) >= 2
set target2 ( count turtles in-radius 10 with [breed = breed2s] ) >= 2
to new-position
ifelse target1 != nobody
[ if (breed = breed1s) [ move-to one-of patches with [ target1 ] ] ]
[ print "Not enough agents in the neighborhood" ]
ifelse target2 != nobody
[ if (breed = breed2s) [ move-to one-of patches with [ target2 ] ] ]
[ print "Not enough agents in the neighborhood" ]
; if (breed = breed1s)
; [ move-to one-of patches with [ target1 ] ]
A remark to the efficiency of the model: as I want to add turtles later in every tick, target has to be reevaluated
in every tick (therefore it is in "go" and not in "setup").
Another question: is there a possibility to do something like [ breed = myself ] instead of [ breed = breed1s ], so
I don't have to type the breed for every breed?
the turtles that move to the target patch should have the same breed that is also addressed in the target patch.
The problem is actually how you are creating target1, not the check as to whether it is nobody. You have:
set target1 ( count turtles in-radius 10 with [breed = breed1s] ) >= 2
This line first identifies all the nearby turtles with the appropriate breed and counts them. If the count is 2 or higher, then the variable target1 is set to true and to false if the count is 0 or 1. So you are comparing a boolean true or false to nobody (a special type of agent). That will always be a mismatch and therefore print the error.
Just a note on debugging - when you get this sort of problem, it's always useful to have a print statement for each side of the check just before doing the check. You would have immediately spotted that target1 wasn't what you thought it was.
Since you are asking to move to one-of the patches, you probably really want to store the available patches that are within 10 distance (I think) and have enough of the right type of turtles. So, you need something like:
to go
ask turtles [
set target1 patches in-radius 10 with [count breed1s-here >= 2]
set target2 patches in-radius 10 with [count breed2s-here >= 2]
Then your emptiness test is any?
to new-position
ifelse any? target1
[ move-to one-of target1 ]
[ print "Not enough agents in the neighborhood" ]
ifelse any? target2
[ move-to one-of target2 ]
[ print "Not enough agents in the neighborhood" ]
Assuming I have correctly interpreted that you want patches within 10 of the asking turtle (as compared to any patch with sufficient turtles within a distance of 10) and all you care about is the number of turtles of its own breed, then:
to go
ask turtles [
let target-breed [breed] of myself
set targets patches in-radius 10 with [count turtles-here with [breed = target-breed] >= 2]
to new-position
ifelse any? targets
[ move-to one-of targets ]
[ print "Not enough agents in the neighborhood" ]
On the efficiency, it depends on how many turtles you have. If you have quite a lot of turtles, then asking each to count its own neighbourhood will be expensive. Instead, you could have patchsets for each breed. That is, set up target1 as patches with [count breed1s-here >= 2] at the beginning of the go procedures. Then you can just do:
to go
let targets1 patches with [count breed1s-here >= 2]
let targets2 patches with [count breed2s-here >= 2]
ask turtles
[ set targets targets1 in-radius 10
However, you can no longer use the breed of the turtle and the myself trick to pick the correct patchset. There are ways to get around this (for example, using a list with two items, breed at first position and the patchset as second position) but that's getting well off track for this answer.
to new-position
ifelse any? targets
[ move-to one-of targets ]
[ print "Not enough agents in the neighborhood" ]

Netlogo: how can I use contract net protocol in my model

Good morning people,
At the moment I have a template in netlogo that allows to visualize routes of deliveries in houses created randomly.
breed [carr car]
breed [spare spares]
breed [hous housess]
breed [spawns spawn]
carr-own [ route route-counter spawn-target target route-complete?]
spare-own[ route route-counter spawn-target target route-complete?]
to setup
to create-carros
create-carr 2 [ set color green ]
ask carr [
set size 1.5
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set route-counter 0
set target nobody
set route []
set route-complete? false
to create-carspare
create-spare 1 [ set color blue ]
ask spare [
set size 1.5
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set route-counter 0
set target nobody
set route []
set route-complete? false
to create-casas
create-hous 5 [ set color red ]
ask hous [
set shape "house"
set size 1.5
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
to path
set route-vector [4 7 6 3 5 0 1 1 0 1]
let houses sublist route-vector 0 (length route-vector / 2 )
let carlist sublist route-vector (length route-vector / 2 ) (length route-
(foreach carlist houses
[ [the-car the-house] ->
ask car the-car [
set route lput ( housess the-house ) route
ask carr [
hatch 1 [
set breed spawns
set spawn-target one-of other turtles-here with [
xcor = [xcor] of myself
to go
ask carr with [ not route-complete? ] [
if route = [] [
set target spawn-target
if target = nobody [
set target item route-counter route
face target
ifelse distance target > 1 [
fd 1
] [
move-to target
ifelse target != spawn-target [
set route-counter route-counter + 1
] [
set route-complete? true
set target nobody
if route-counter > length route - 1 [
set route-counter 0
set target spawn-target
I thought about using a broken or crash switch, and a slider with how many maximum home deliveries per car.
in my go procedure I put:
ask carr with [failure?] [
if ticks = 25 [ask one-of carr [set crash? TRUE]
set target spawn-target
Assuming the maximum deliveries per car are 3 and as one or more houses will not be visited because of the car that stopped, I put a reschedule button:
to reschedule
ask one-of spare with [not route-complete?] ; How do I make the reservation
car take the route of the car that stopped?
set target [car route that stopped]
set target spawn-target
I need some help in my reschedule bottom. if a car stops, and does not finish the route, the reserve car should take over the houses that are missing to visit
Thanks in advance for your understanding, and if you can help, I was grateful.
If I understand what you are asking, you have a car that has crashed and want to pass on the content of one of its variables to the spare car. The car that is crashed has the variable crash? set to TRUE, but I can't see from your code how you define a car to be the spare car. But it's probably something like this.
ask cars
[ <doing whatever they do>
if <conditions for crash>
[ set crash? TRUE
ask one-of cars with [spare?]
[ set spare? FALSE
set target [target] of myself

Preferential attachment: Selecting a node to attach

I've been struggling with this one for the last 24 hours or so I feel like I'm missing something relatively simple here.
to setup-scale-free-network
;; Make a circle of turtles
set num-nodes (num-children + num-adults + num-toddlers)
create-children num-children
create-adults num-adults
create-toddlers num-toddlers
layout-circle turtles (max-pxcor - 8)
ask turtles[
create-links-with turtles with [self > myself and random-float 5 < probability]
to-report find-partner
report [one-of both-ends] of one-of links
The above code creates a set number of turtles of various breeds and creates a number of links between these breeds.
to go
make-link find-partner
The two procedures would be called until the needed level of degree distribution as been met.
What I want to do is use the find-partner procedure to move towards preferential attachment to do this I need to modify this code to create a link from the node find partner has selected to one of each of the other three types of breeds in my network.
to make-node [old-node]
crt 1
set color red
if old-node != nobody
[ create-link-with old-node [ set color green ]
;; position the new node near its partner
move-to old-node
fd 8
My own attempts have lead no where to be honest. I know I'm asking for a lot of help but I'm at my wits end here, thank you for your help and patience.
I was unable to completely understand your question. I am guessing that you wish to create another type of link which you call preferential attachment (with green color) between turtles who are already a part of the network.
One thing you might want in this situation is that you do not pick turtles which are already in a preferential attachment network. [this is just my assumption]
I have modified your code (as follows) to get the desired network with preferential attachment shown with green colored links, have added a turtle-variable already-attached which is used to exclude turtles which are already preferentially attached to others.
Hope this helps!
breed [ children child ]
breed [ adults adult ]
breed [ toddlers toddler ]
children-own [ already-attached ]
adults-own [ already-attached ]
toddlers-own [ already-attached ]
to setup-scale-free-network
let num-children 5
let num-adults 5
let num-toddlers 5
let probability 1
;; Make a circle of turtles
create-children num-children [ set color orange ]
create-adults num-adults [ set color green ]
create-toddlers num-toddlers [ set color blue ]
layout-circle turtles (max-pxcor - 8)
ask turtles
create-links-with turtles with [self > myself and random-float 5 < probability]
to go
ask turtles with [already-attached = 0]
attach-to-one-of-each-breed self
to attach-to-one-of-each-breed [ source-node ]
ask source-node
if any? other children with [ already-attached = 0 ]
ask one-of other children
set already-attached 1
create-link-with source-node [ set color green ]
if any? other adults with [ already-attached = 0 ]
ask one-of other adults
set already-attached 1
create-link-with source-node [ set color green ]
if any? other toddlers with [ already-attached = 0 ]
ask one-of other toddlers
set already-attached 1
create-link-with source-node [ set color green ]

How can I increase speed up simulation of my least-cost path model

By using network extension, the following code builds the least-cost path between two polygons (composed of several patches) :
to calculate-LCP [ID-polygon-1 ID-polygon-2]
let path []
let path-cost -1
;; Define polygon edges
ask patches with [plabel != ID-polygon-1] [
ask neighbors with [plabel = ID-polygon-1] [
ask nodes-here [
set color red ] ] ]
ask patches with [plabel != ID-polygon-2] [
ask neighbors with [plabel = ID-polygon-2] [
ask nodes-here [
set color red ] ] ]
;; Build least-cost path
ask nodes with [color = red] [
foreach sort nodes-on patches with [ID-polygon = ID-polygon-1] [
let node-on-polygon-1 ?
foreach sort nodes-on patches with [ID-polygon = ID-polygon-2] [
let node-on-polygon-2 ?
ask node-on-polygon-1 [
let cost nw:weighted-distance-to node-on-polygon-2 "link-cost"
if path-cost = -1 or cost < path-cost [
set path-cost cost
set path nw:weighted-path-to node-on-polygon-2 "link-cost" ] ] ] ] ]
;; Draw least-cost path
foreach path [ ;; trace le least-cost path
ask ? [ set color red
set thickness 0.2 ] ]
I applied this code with two polygons that are represented by black rectangles in the figure. By using the profiler extension, this code ran for 14 min.
For each wolf, I would like to build the least-cost path between a polygon where there is a wolf and all polygons that are situated in a radius of 3km around the wolf. Here my code:
ask wolves [
set my-list-of-polygons-in-buffer ( [plabel] of patches in-radius 3 )
set my-list-of-polygons-in-buffer remove-duplicates my-list-of-polygons-in-buffer
set my-list-of-polygons-in-buffer remove [plabel] of patch-here my-list-of-polygons-in-buffer
set my-list-of-polygons-in-buffer remove "" my-list-of-polygons-in-buffer
foreach my-list-of-polygons-in-buffer [
let ID-polygon-in-buffer ?
ask patches with [plabel = ID-polygon-in-buffer] [
let LCP calculate-LCP [my-ID-polygon] of myself ID-polygon-in-buffer ] ] ]
The problem is that my procedure "calculate-LCP" runs too slowly to define least-cost paths in buffers around wolves (I have 100 wolves in my model). How can I increase speed up simulation of my model?
Thank you very much for your help.
You only need to call nw:set-snapshot turtles links once when you first set up the network. If any weights change, or any links or nodes are added or removed, you'll need to call it again. This should speed up your code tremendously.

NetLogo releasing isolated patches from patch-set

I am growing animal territories. Animal territories may cleave parts of other animal territories during the process of expand. So instead of being one contiguous territory, the territory may include more than one cluster (i.e., unattached clusters). This is what happens in the model below. I'd like to have the territory recognize this and release whichever cluster of cells (or a single unattached cell) is smallest so that the territory remains one contiguous cluster. I'm not sure where to start with this. Any help would be great.
breed [animals animal]
breed [homeranges homerange]
to setup
random-seed 2234
ask patches
set owner nobody
set prey 2
set pcolor scale-color (black) prey 1 4
let $colors [brown orange violet sky lime]
let $Name ["t6" "t7" "t8" "t9" "t10"]
let $status [0 0 0 0 5]
ask n-of 5 patches
sprout-animals 1
set shape "circle"
set orig patch-here
set territory patch-set orig
set status item who $status
set size 0.3 + 0.1 * status
set color item who $colors
set pcolor color
set Name item who $Name
set owner self
to go
if all? animals [food >= 350] [ stop ]
if ticks = 70 [ stop ]
to expand ; animals procedure
repeat 10
ask animals
let vacant no-patches
let subord no-patches
let target nobody
let new-patches no-patches
let status-of-calling-tiger status ;
let calling-tiger self ;
; If territory not yet good enough:
if food < 500
ask territory
; Add unoccupied neighbor patches as potential targets:
set vacant (patch-set vacant neighbors with [owner = nobody])
; Add occupied neighbor patches as potential targets if their tiger has a lower status than me:
set subord (patch-set subord neighbors with [owner != nobody and [status] of owner < status-of-calling-tiger])
ask subord [ set pcolor red ]
; Set of all potential targets:
set new-patches (patch-set new-patches vacant subord)
; Choose as target the one potential target with highest prey:
if any? new-patches
ask new-patches
[ifelse any? vacant
[ifelse any? subord
[ifelse [prey] of max-one-of vacant [prey] = [prey] of max-one-of subord [prey]
[set target max-one-of vacant [prey]]
[set target max-one-of new-patches [prey]]
[set target max-one-of vacant [prey]]
[set target max-one-of subord [prey]]
move-to target
if-else member? target subord
[ set shape "triangle" ] ; so you can see that the target patch was from "subord"
[ set shape "circle" ] ; or from "vacant"
;ifelse any? target with [owner != nobody]
if target != nobody
; Add target patch to territory of the current animal:
set territory (patch-set territory target) ; this is the territory of the calling tiger
let old-owner [owner] of target; this needs to be memorized
; Tell target patch that is has new owner:
ask target [ set owner calling-tiger ]
; Tell the original owner of the target patch to remove the target patch from its territory:
if old-owner != nobody ;
ask old-owner
set territory territory with [ owner != calling-tiger ]
set food sum [prey] of territory
ask animals
ask territory
set pcolor [color] of myself
set plabel (word [status] of owner [status] of myself)
if food < 10 [die]
Patch Clusters Example, in the Code Examples section of NetLogo's Models Library, has code for identifying a contiguous cluster of patches. The core code is as follows:
patches-own [cluster]
to setup
ask patches [ set cluster nobody ]
to grow-cluster ;; patch procedure
ask neighbors4 with [(cluster = nobody) and
(pcolor = [pcolor] of myself)]
[ set cluster [cluster] of myself
grow-cluster ]
But see the rest of the example as well.
In your use case, instead of placing the "seeds" randomly for growing the clusters, you'll start growing the clusters in the patches where the animals are standing.