How do i connect to mongodb on openshift - mongodb

I have created MongoDB on openshift v3 is it possible to connect to that MongoDB
using the Robomongo can you please explain the procedure


can i use Mongodb with laravel-vapor project?

want to connect MongoDB with Laravel-vapor but not find proper solution how to connect MongoDB with Laravel-vapor.

Deploy my mongodb instance on oracle cloud

I have my mongodb instance running on MongoAtlas,
I have to host my database to oracle cloud,
Is there a way i can host my mongoDb on Oracle cloud.
i looked into bitnami , but its only giving option to host mongodb on Aws, Google, dnot see oracle there
currently OCI does not have hosted/managed MongoDB offering but you can deploy it on the pure IaaS either via containers or VMs. You can get both of those from Bitnami and deploy them on the OCI IaaS.
What is your use case for MongoDB? If you are looking into hosted/managed DBon OCI , did you check out Autonoumous DB?

Unable to connect to Mongo DB Atlas using Mule 4 connector

I am trying to connect to mongodb Atlas using Mule 4 connector but it is throwing below error.
I am able to connect to the database through MongoDB Compass.
Any help with this?
Thanks in advance
I was facing this issue. I could resolve this by upgrading the Mongo DB connector of Mulesoft to version 6.3.0, which takes connection string.
This takes DNS, no need to provide multiple server names & port

Mongo DB BI Connector with Tableau not working with sharded instance

I've been trying to follow these instructions
to get the tableau desktop to connect to my mongo db server. looking at the data source example in the link above they only have 1 server listed where I have a replica set, which I think might be an issue.
i was wondering if anyone has an example connecting tableau to mongo where mongo is on a replica set?
It should work. When you setup the Mongo BI Connector, you can specify a standard Mongo URI connection string with multiple replicas. However, when connecting from Tableau, you specify the hostname of the server where the Mongo BI Connector service is running. It will use the uri connection string you defined.

Connect remote MongoDB to Solr using DataImportHandler

Having my MongoDB server and Solr on the same machine I was able to connect them using DataImportHandler with help from : Steps to connect MongoDB and Solr using DataImportHandler , now I have MongoDB and Solr on different machines and in the Solr config I added the URL of MongoDB but I didn't succeed.
Could anyone tell me how to indicate to Solr that MongoDB is in a distant server ?