Unable to connect to Mongo DB Atlas using Mule 4 connector - mongodb-atlas

I am trying to connect to mongodb Atlas using Mule 4 connector but it is throwing below error.
I am able to connect to the database through MongoDB Compass.
Any help with this?
Thanks in advance

I was facing this issue. I could resolve this by upgrading the Mongo DB connector of Mulesoft to version 6.3.0, which takes connection string.
This takes DNS, no need to provide multiple server names & port


When I try to create a mongodb datasource in BIRT that connects to mongodb atlas it just times out, how to fix this?

I'm trying to create reports in BIRT using data from a mongodb data source hosted in Atlas. I'm using a shard's mongodb:// URI and not a mongodb+srv://. I'm able to connect to this URI from Compass and Intellij, yet birt mongodb data source times out. Is there any way I can fix this?

MongoDB ODBC configuration for MongoDB BI Connector

I’m trying to setup MongoDB BI Connector to use it for Tableau. I have already running mongosqld and it is connecting successfully from windows cmd to aws documentdb, but when I try to setup MongoDB ODBC Data Source it shows Connection failed [MongoDB][ODBC 1.4(w) Driver] can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘xxxxx’. The same error is when trying unicode or ansi. It is also not working connecting directly from Tableau Desktop using MongoDB BI Connector. Same error message. I'm using port 3307. Perhaps anyone has had the same issue and can advise how to solve it?

Spring application issues to connect to mongo db

Spring boot application.
MongoDb Database hosted on mongodb cloud.
Application propperties
#Database connection string
spring.data.mongodb.password=[my password]
com.mongodb.MongoSocketException: No such host is known (cluster0.mbdhj.mongodb.net)
If I use the same host/port/user/password combination with MongoDb Compass, i can connect without issues.
If I use a cluster connection like this
the application throws error
com.mongodb.MongoSocketReadException: Prematurely reached end of stream
I've opened the firewall, to accept any connection.
Analitics show some actions, but i still get error in Spring.
I was just following a single youtube tutorial. In their example this didn't cause any issue.
What am I doing wrong?
Should I write a class that connects via Java to the database?
Mongo cloud instances do not allow direct connection while debugging

Pentaho MongoDB Atlas connection issue

I’m trying to connect Pentaho PDI (CE) to mongoDB hosted by Atlas, but getting an error, complaining about the host name I believe.
All examples on the internet is for connecting pentaho with mongodb with host = localhost; somehow when I pass the Atlas hostname it doesn’t seem to resolve.
Anyone been able to connect pentaho to a mongodb atlas cluster that could help me please?
Oh, I’m able to connect via compass and via command line.
Any idea on what I may be doing wrong?
Thank you!

Mongo DB BI Connector with Tableau not working with sharded instance

I've been trying to follow these instructions https://onlinehelp.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/examples_mongodb.html#make_cx
to get the tableau desktop to connect to my mongo db server. looking at the data source example in the link above they only have 1 server listed where I have a replica set, which I think might be an issue.
i was wondering if anyone has an example connecting tableau to mongo where mongo is on a replica set?
It should work. When you setup the Mongo BI Connector, you can specify a standard Mongo URI connection string with multiple replicas. However, when connecting from Tableau, you specify the hostname of the server where the Mongo BI Connector service is running. It will use the uri connection string you defined.
See: https://docs.mongodb.com/bi-connector/master/reference/mongosqld/#cmdoption-mongosqld-mongo-uri