Task sequence variable for OS, I want to install - powershell

I'm verry beginer in powershell, I'm wonking in a project, the goal it's to set the Biossetting like disabling or enabling the secureBoot and UEFI mode, while installing windows 7 or 10 by MDT.
I'm working with Dell and hp computer, I have the script for setting the bios of hp or dell
$bios=Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/hp/instrumentedBIOS -Class HP_BIOSSettingInterface
$bios.SetBIOSSetting("UEFI Boot Options", "Enable","")
(Get-WmiObject DCIM_BIOSService -namespace root\dcim\sysman -ComputerName .).SetBIOSAttributes($null,$null,"Secure Boot","1")
Then, my first problem these command is not working in any computer I need to install some modules, some cmdlet from hp or dell website, I want to know if make my script ".exe", it's gonna work in every-computer ?
Because I need to run my script with with deployement of windows.
My second and difficult task, I want to know with variable task sequence to use in my script, to detect the os of the tasksequence, I find this code in internet, after too much research in internet
$TaskPath = "$($MdtDrive):\Task Sequences"
$ControlPath = "$MDtroot\Control"
$OSPath = "$($MdtDrive):\Operating Systems"
$OS = (Get-ChildItem -Path $OSPath | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Select required OperatingSystem").Name
This code detect if the OS of the task sequence I want install in my computer is windos 7 or windows 10?
Thanks !

If I recall correctly from my days of systems deployment, Dell and HP both make dedicated tools for settigns BIOS configuration. Just make sure you run it in WinPE. Depending on which BIOS settings you change you make even have to boot WinPE twice to make sure the OS installs the way you want.
Dell: http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/enterprise-client/w/wiki/7532.dell-command-configure
HP: https://deploymentbunny.com/2010/10/18/enable-tpm-via-task-sequence-on-hp-boxes/
Although it is definitely possible to make these settings in WMI I would only look to it as a last resort. Windows has to be compatible with every piece of hardware, whereas Dell/HP tools are targeted at their systems. It's like using a scalpel vs a Swiss army knife.

I have some difficults I’m working in a script who set the bios configuration while installing windows 7 or 10 by MDT, then my first question is:
Wich variable I can use to identify the os of the new task sequence I mean the current os the mdt preparing to install in the computer after the user select the os during the installation.
I’m wondering if this code doying the job
$OS = Get-ChildItem -Path $OSPath | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title “Select required OperatingSystem”
$OSPath = “$($MdtDrive):\Operating Systems”


Forceing driver updates on only dell machines

Im trying to force weekly/monthly remote updates of dell drivers and have found that the dell command update cli application is perfect for this with the following command.
CD 'C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandUpdate'
.\dcu-cli.exe /applyUpdates -reboot=enable
My problem is that i have several different computer brands in the office and don´t want to push the command to all pc´s in AD.
Any suggestions on how to do this or even a better way?
i have found this command from which i can isolate the manufacturer but do not know how to condition it for site-wide deployment.
Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem

Uninstall all software starting with a specific string

Following this issue, I want to uninstall all the National Instrument software. From here first enter the wmic in CMD. Then using the command product get name I get a bunch of software all starting with NI:
NI Logos 19.0
NI Trace Engine
NI-MXDF 19.0.0f0 for 64 Bit Windows
WIF Core Dependencies Windows 19.0.0
NI-VISA USB Passport 19.0.0
NI-VISA SysAPI x64 support 19.0.0
NI Controller Driver 19.0 64-bit
NI ActiveX Container (64-bit)
Math Kernel Libraries
NI MXS 19.0.0
NI LabWindows/CVI 2019 Network Variable Library
NI-VISA GPIB Passport 19.0.0
NI LabWindows/CVI 2017 Low-Level Driver (Original)
NI-RPC 17.0.0f0 for Phar Lap ETS
NI LabWindows/CVI 2017 .NET Library (64-bit)
I can uninstall them individually by for example:
product where name="NI Logos 19.0" call uninstall
and then I have to select y/Y. Given there are a lot of these software which I have to uninstall, I was wondering how I can automatize this process. The steps should be something like this:
find all the lines in product get name starting with NI and make a list out of it
a for loop on the above list running product where name=list[i] call uninstall with the default y/Y
I would appreciate if you could help me with this issue. Thanks for your support in advance.
P.S. Powershell solutions are also ok. In fact, any other solution to uninstall all of these using any other way is OK for me.
You should be able to use the Like operator with wmic.
From cmd
WMIC Product Where "Name Like 'NI%'" Call Uninstall /NoInteractive
From a batch-file
WMIC Product Where "Name Like 'NI%%'" Call Uninstall /NoInteractive
No command line options are documented as available to to the Uninstall call, so using /NoInteractive is offered here more in hope than as a definitive solution to your stated prompt.
If the applications were installed from an MSI you could use the following PowerShell code. If some other installer was used, you could add the silent uninstall parameters to the $uninstallString in the loop:
$productNames = #("^NI")
$uninstallKeys = #('HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall',
foreach ($key in (Get-ChildItem $uninstallKeys))
foreach ($productName in $productNames)
$name = $key.GetValue("DisplayName")
if ($name -match $productName)
$uninstallString = $key.GetValue("UninstallString")
if ($uninstallString -match "^msiexec(\.| )")
$uninstallString = ($uninstallString -replace "/I{","/X{" -replace "/X{", '/X "{' -replace "}",'}"') + " /qn /norestart"
Write-Host "Removing '$name' using '$uninstallString'..."
& cmd.exe /C $uninstallString

Sophos - Antivirus last update tacker Script -Powershell

I have been tasked with compiling a list which contains the version and last successful auto update for all the machines on the domain.
I understand this would be much easier if I used the Sophos enterprise console but unfortunately this is not a resource that is available to me at this time.
So far I have created a PowerShell script which currently gives me back the current Sophos version, computer name, and the exe file. However I am now struggling to find a way to also display the date and time of the last successful auto update. the domain is set up to auto update every 10 minuets.
PowerShell Script :
function Get-AntiVirusProduct {
param (
[parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
$AntiVirusProduct = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SecurityCenter2" -Class AntiVirusProduct -ComputerName $computername
#Create hash-table for each computer
$ht = #{}
$ht.'Computername' = $computername
$ht.Name = $AntiVirusProduct.displayName
$ht.'Product Executable' = $AntiVirusProduct.pathToSignedProductExe
$ht.'Version' = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\AutoUpdate\ALUpdate.exe").FileVersion
#Create a new object for each computer
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ht
I have done some research and seen where a K100 script has been used to query the auto update file but I am not sure if this would be applicable for my solution.
FileExists(C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe) AND ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /q /c powershell.exe -command "$f=[DATETIME] '01/01/1970 00:00:00'; $f.AddSeconds((Get-ItemProperty -Path 'REGISTRY::HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sophos\AutoUpdate\UpdateStatus' LastUpdateTime).LastUpdateTime) | ForEach-Object {'{0:yyyy}-{0:MM}-{0:dd} {0:HH}:{0:mm}:{0:ss}' -f ($_.AddHours(-0))}")
The module which the update runs to is ALUpdate.exe
would appreciate any help or suggestions.
Sophos Bootable Anti-Virus (SBAV) is an antivirus tool that will allow you to perform scanning and cleaning of the infected computer without the need to install the software. This procedure will be useful when the Master Boot Record (MBR) is infected on your computer.
The Sophos Bootable Antivirus is provided for free as a Windows binary file .exe file. You can download the program to the Windows computer and then install it. Once the installation is done, you have to run a command. The program will now create an ISO file with the latest version of the Sophos Antivirus including the recent virus protection updates. The tool will boot the computer using the underlying Linux operating system and performs a scan of the computer by suppressing the local operating system.
There are practically two different methods in which you can create the Sophos Bootable Antivirus:
By using a Bootable CD
By using a Bootable USB stick
Creating a bootable CD
Double-click on the bootable downloaded sbav_sfx file.
Click Accept to the License agreement and later on specify the installation location (default location is C:\SBAV). Take note of the specified location.
Open the command prompt.
You can open the Run command by pressing the Windows + R button on the keyboard.
Type cmd then press the Enter button.

Getting CimException: Invalid property when using Get-Disk with no parameters

I have a script which makes use of the Get-Disk command in Powershell. Intermittently, I get an error when using Get-Disk with no parameters:
$disk = Get-Disk | Where-Object { $_.Location -eq $Location }
Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException: Invalid property
at Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Internal.Operations.CimAsyncObserverProxyBase`1.ProcessNativeCallback(OperationCallbackProcessingContext callbackProcessingContext, T currentItem, Boolean moreResults, MiResult operationResult, String errorMessage, InstanceHandle errorDetailsHandle)
where $Location is the disk location (similar to PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1500)#PCI(0000)#SAS(P00T01L00)). The script this line is run from is part of our VM provisioning script, which gets run after the clone and VMWare customization script is run. This error does not always happen, and if I go and run the script manually later it succeeds every time leading me to believe it is a race condition of some sort. Any ideas as to why Get-Disk isn't working reliably?
Ultimately, this script is being kicked off from vRealize Orchestrator (vRO, formerly vCenter Orchestrator or vCO) using the Guest Script Manager plugin. This detail may not be relevant, but this script has only failed running when kicked off by this plugin.
Additional details:
Powershell Version: 4.0
OS Version: Windows Server 2012 R2
Hypervisor: VMWare vCenter Version 6.0.0 Build 5112533
vRO Version: 7.2
I ended up provisioning the disks with diskpart instead of the storage cmdlets, which works without issue. Although I did find out that our script is running while the Windows installation is still completing, which may account for the storage cmdlets not working properly.
Follow Up: I did confirm that the storage cmdlets were indeed not working due to the Windows installation still completing. Now that I figured out how to wait for completion, the storage cmdlets work fine every time.

Programmatically updating network printer drivers

this is a deployment issue I'm hoping to solve with some simple Powershell:
When doing 32 bit Windows XP to 64 Bit Windows 7 migration, USMT is
migrating all the network printers, which is great. As the drivers
are obviously not correct though, the driver needs to be manually
upgraded (right click printer --> Update Driver).
Is there a WMI function or Powershell cmdlet for this action? I cant seem to find any
documentation on it! As our USMT task sequence is separate from the
deployment and runs under the migrated user's context I'm sure it
would work. If I could just get the right syntax, add a Powershell
script at the end of the TS that would be perfect.
I'm basically looking for the function that would have the same result as right-clicking the printer and clicking 'Update Driver'. I've cross posted here from the MDT forums as I think this would probably be more appropriate!
I've looked at Win32_Printer class but doesn't look like it has what I need.
How I understand it, doing a RC-> Update Driver is not really the correct way to manage print drivers.
Update driver is designed to update a driver from Version X to the next Version Y and not really the correct way to change the driver from a Win XP driver to a Win 7 driver (i.e. if the XP driver is at version 1.0, and the Win 7 driver is at 1.0, then running Update driver will not do anything because the versions will be the same).
The #1 and best option is to use PowerShell remove the printers, and re-add them (which will then also install the Windows 7 drivers). That way you will guarantee that they will work.
The script will be something like this:
#Get list of all the printers on the machine
$printers = gwmi win32_printer
#Save default Printer
$DefaultPrinter = $printers | where{$_.Default} | Select ShareName
#Create a list of all the printers we want to delete (in this case I am deleting all network printers)
$PrintersToDelete = $printers | where{$_.Network -eq $true}
#Create a list of all the printers we want to add (in this case, all network printers I just deleted)
$PrintersToAdd = $printers | where{$_.Network -eq $true} | Select Name
#Delete the printers I want to delete
$PrintersToDelete | foreach{$_.delete()}
#Add back all printers we want to add
$PrintersToAdd | foreach{(New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network).AddWindowsPrinterConnection($_.Name)}
#Get list of all the new printers on the machine
$printers = gwmi win32_printer
#Set the default printer
$NewDefaultPrinter = $printers | where{$_.DeviceID -match $DefaultPrinter}