Forceing driver updates on only dell machines - powershell

Im trying to force weekly/monthly remote updates of dell drivers and have found that the dell command update cli application is perfect for this with the following command.
CD 'C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandUpdate'
.\dcu-cli.exe /applyUpdates -reboot=enable
My problem is that i have several different computer brands in the office and don´t want to push the command to all pc´s in AD.
Any suggestions on how to do this or even a better way?
i have found this command from which i can isolate the manufacturer but do not know how to condition it for site-wide deployment.
Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem


How to activate Windows 2012 R2 Terminal License with command line

I have Installed Remote Desktop Session Host and Remote Desktop Licensing services on Windows 2012 R2 Server which is working in WORKGROUP.
I have Enterprise Agreement Number for "Per user Cal Licensing". Normally I can make this activation using Remote Desktop Licensing Manager. But, I want to make this activation via command line such as powershell or cmd..
I need to fill some fields such as company name, email, name surname, Enterprise Agreement Number etc..
Is there any way to make this or it is impossible via command line ??
I found this command ;
gwmi -namespace "Root/CIMV2/TerminalServices" Win32_TerminalServiceSetting
But, I could not found usage scenario for my case.
First of all, you need to import the module
Import-Module RemoteDesktopServices
Then you can use:
Set-RDLicenseConfiguration -LicenseServer license_server_name -Mode PerUser -ConnectionBroker connection_broker_name

Task sequence variable for OS, I want to install

I'm verry beginer in powershell, I'm wonking in a project, the goal it's to set the Biossetting like disabling or enabling the secureBoot and UEFI mode, while installing windows 7 or 10 by MDT.
I'm working with Dell and hp computer, I have the script for setting the bios of hp or dell
$bios=Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/hp/instrumentedBIOS -Class HP_BIOSSettingInterface
$bios.SetBIOSSetting("UEFI Boot Options", "Enable","")
(Get-WmiObject DCIM_BIOSService -namespace root\dcim\sysman -ComputerName .).SetBIOSAttributes($null,$null,"Secure Boot","1")
Then, my first problem these command is not working in any computer I need to install some modules, some cmdlet from hp or dell website, I want to know if make my script ".exe", it's gonna work in every-computer ?
Because I need to run my script with with deployement of windows.
My second and difficult task, I want to know with variable task sequence to use in my script, to detect the os of the tasksequence, I find this code in internet, after too much research in internet
$TaskPath = "$($MdtDrive):\Task Sequences"
$ControlPath = "$MDtroot\Control"
$OSPath = "$($MdtDrive):\Operating Systems"
$OS = (Get-ChildItem -Path $OSPath | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Select required OperatingSystem").Name
This code detect if the OS of the task sequence I want install in my computer is windos 7 or windows 10?
Thanks !
If I recall correctly from my days of systems deployment, Dell and HP both make dedicated tools for settigns BIOS configuration. Just make sure you run it in WinPE. Depending on which BIOS settings you change you make even have to boot WinPE twice to make sure the OS installs the way you want.
Although it is definitely possible to make these settings in WMI I would only look to it as a last resort. Windows has to be compatible with every piece of hardware, whereas Dell/HP tools are targeted at their systems. It's like using a scalpel vs a Swiss army knife.
I have some difficults I’m working in a script who set the bios configuration while installing windows 7 or 10 by MDT, then my first question is:
Wich variable I can use to identify the os of the new task sequence I mean the current os the mdt preparing to install in the computer after the user select the os during the installation.
I’m wondering if this code doying the job
$OS = Get-ChildItem -Path $OSPath | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title “Select required OperatingSystem”
$OSPath = “$($MdtDrive):\Operating Systems”

Get status of service on a remote server

I need to find the status of a service on a remote computer. Though I can use the following command:
Write-Host (Get-Service -ComputerName "remoteServerName" -Name "serviceName").Status
which would give me correct status of service. However I have PowerShell 1.0 installed on the server where i need to run this script. -ComputerName parameter doesn't work for PowerShell 1.0. Currently I'm not supposed to install higher version of PowerShell.
Any idea how to get the status of a service in PowerShell 1.0?
First and foremost (and I can't stress this point enough): If the operating system supports it you should upgrade to at least PowerShell v2.0. No exception. If the system doesn't support PowerShell 2 or newer it's already out of support and should have been replaced/upgraded months ago.
With that said, you can use either WMI (as suggested by #vonPryz):
Get-WmiObject -Computer 'remoteServerName' -Class Win32_Service -Filter "DisplayName='ServiceName'"
or sc.exe (as suggested by #Kayasax):
& sc.exe \\remoteServerName query 'ServiceName'
Of these two WMI is the more PoSh approach, as it doesn't require parsing text output.

How to remotely register static ETW manifests as part of a website deployment?

I'm doing a pilot effort to use the new EventSource (Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource from nuget) and its new support for ETW channels in order to write to the windows event log. The code is in place, and it writes properly to my workstations event log. I'm thrilled.
Now comes the difficult part. The application that's taking advantage of this capability is a web service, and we deploy it with webdeploy as part of a build-deploy-test system. Because usage of ETW channels requires static registration of provider manifests via wevtutil.exe. The EventSource documentation states that this is best done as part of an installer, but this seems a bit out of webdeploy's capabilities.
Our aim is that we would be able to automatically uninstall the manifest resident on the target server immediately before executing the webdeploy package, and then to import the new manifest after the webdeploy sync has completed. We're not set on this, but it seems like the most sensible way.
For that reason, it seems like maybe this is something that powershell remoting might be able to solve, but it's not an area I know much about.
Has anyone done something like this? Is there a better or simpler way?
There are only a few requirements here. A) the remote machine must have PowerShell remoting enable which also means it must have PowerShell 2.0 or higher B) the script running on the local machine must be able to run as administrator and the credentials used must have admin privileges on the remote machine. If you can meet those requirements then this should be cake.
On the remote machine you need to execute two commands to enable remoting:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
Then on the local machine from an elevated prompt you should be able to execute something like this from a script:
# these two paths assume these files have been copied to the remote computer and to a directory
# in which the service account has privileges to read i.e. not under a userprofile dir.
$etwDllPath = c:\somepath\myassembly.mysourcename.etwManifest.dll
$etwManPath = c:\somepath\
$s = New-PSSession -ComputerName <remoteComputerName>
Invoke-Command -Session $s {param($man) wevtutil.exe um $man} -arg $etwManPath
Invoke-Command -Session $s {param($man,$dll) wevutil.exe im $man /rf:$dll /mf:$dll} -arg $etwManPath, $etwDllPath
Remove-PSSession $s
If you can avoid a remote path with spaces, try to. It will make this easier. :-)

Windows Network adaptor disable enable via Powershell

My network card is rubbish and until I get a new one I need a quickfix. My idea was to have a program ping my router and when the ping failed 3 or 4 times, it would reset the network adaptor for my wifi card, however I do not know the command line commands to do this!
I found the following in a stackoverflow question:
$adaptor = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*Wireless*"}
However to run this the script needs to be running under admin privileges and I do not know how to fix that without manually launchign powershell to execute the script
This post shows how to elevate PowerShell scripts to Administrator access:
Elevate Powershell scripts
To do it, you create a scheduled task (without a set schedule), and set it to run elevated. Then, give your users rights to execute that task. This blog post describes the process in more detail:
In addition, here is a blog post that goes over the Win32_NetworkAdapter class, and how to use it in PowerShell, in detail:
Using PowerShell to Manage Network Interfaces and Windows Services