How to combine CRC-32 results? - ethernet

Let's say I have two numbers X = 0xABC; Y = 0xDE.
I want to calculate CRC-32 over Z, which is X concatenated to Y i.e. Z = 0xABCDE.
I have CRC(X) and CRC(Y) available. How can I compute CRC(Z) ?

Take a look at crc32_combine() in zlib for the approach.
The basic idea is to use the linearity of CRCs. The CRC of 0xABC00 exclusive-or'ed with 0x000DE is the exclusive-or of their corresponding CRCs. If I ignore the pre and post-processing (which I can for reasons that are left to the reader to derive), leading zeros do not change the CRC, so the CRC of 0xDE is the same as the CRC of 0x000DE. So all I need to do is calculate the effect of appending zeros when starting with the CRC of 0xABC, in order to get the CRC of 0xABC00. Then exclusive-or those two CRCs.
crc32_combine() uses matrix multiplication to compute the effect of appending n zeros in O(log(n)) time instead of O(n) time, so combining CRCs is very fast regardless of the lengths of the original messages.


How to convert values to N bits of resolution in MATLAB?

My computer uses 32 bits of resolution as default. I'm writing a script that involves taking measurements with a multimeter that has N bits of resolution. How do I convert the values to that?
For example, if I have a RNG that gives 1000 values
nums = randn(1,1000);
and I use an N-bit multimeter to read those values, how would I get the values to reflect that?
I currently have
meas = round(nums,N-1);
but it's giving me N digits, not N bits. The original random numbers are unbounded, but the resolution of the multimeter is the limitation; how to implement the limitation is what I'm looking for.
Edit I: I'm talking about the resolution of measurement, not the bounds of the numbers. The original values are unbounded. The accuracy of the measured values should be limited by the resolution.
Edit II: I revised the question to try to be a bit clearer.
randn doesn’t produce bounded numbers. Let’s say you are producing 32-bit integers instead:
mums = randi([0,2^32-1],1,n);
To drop the bottom 32-N bits, simply divide by an appropriate value and round (or take the floor):
nums = round(nums/(2^(32-N)));
Do note that we only use floating-point arithmetic here, numbers are integer-valued, but not actually integers. You can do a similar operation using actual integers if you need that.
Also, obviously, N should be lower than 32. You cannot invent new bits. If N is larger, the code above will add zero bits at the bottom of the number.
With a multimeter, it is likely that the range is something like -M V to M V with a a constant resolution, and you can configure the M selecting the range.
This is fixed point math. My answer will not use it because I don't have the toolbox available, if you have it you could use it to have simpler code.
You can generate the integer values with the intended resolution, then rescale it to the intended range.
F=2^N-1 %Maximum integer value
X*2*M/F-M %Rescale, divide by the integer range, multiply by the intended range. Then offset by intended minimum.

Alternate method for bin2dec function [duplicate]

I have a 12-bit binary that I need to convert to a decimal. For example:
A = [0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0];
Bit 1 is the most significant bit, Bit 12 is the least significant bit.
Note: This answer applies primarily to unsigned data types. For converting to signed types, a few extra steps are necessary, discussed here.
The bin2dec function is one option, but requires you to change the vector to a string first. bin2dec can also be slow compared to computing the number yourself. Here's a solution that's about 75 times faster:
>> A = [0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0];
>> B = sum(A.*2.^(numel(A)-1:-1:0))
B =
To explain, A is multiplied element-wise by a vector of powers of 2, with the exponents ranging from numel(A)-1 down to 0. The resulting vector is then summed to give the integer represented by the binary pattern of zeroes and ones, with the first element in the array being considered the most significant bit. If you want the first element to be considered the least significant bit, you can do the following:
>> B = sum(A.*2.^(0:numel(A)-1))
B =
Update: You may be able to squeeze even a little more speed out of MATLAB by using find to get the indices of the ones (avoiding the element-wise multiplication and potentially reducing the number of exponent calculations needed) and using the pow2 function instead of 2.^...:
B = sum(pow2(find(flip(A))-1)); % Most significant bit first
B = sum(pow2(find(A)-1)); % Least significant bit first
Extending the solution to matrices...
If you have a lot of binary vectors you want to convert to integers, the above solution can easily be modified to convert all the values with one matrix operation. Suppose A is an N-by-12 matrix, with one binary vector per row. The following will convert them all to an N-by-1 vector of integer values:
B = A*(2.^(size(A, 2)-1:-1:0)).'; % Most significant bit first
B = A*(2.^(0:size(A, 2)-1)).'; % Least significant bit first
Also note that all of the above solutions automatically determine the number of bits in your vector by looking at the number of columns in A.
Dominic's answer assumes you have access to the Data Acquisition toolbox. If not use bin2dec:
A = [0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0];
bin2dec( sprintf('%d',A) )
or (in reverse)
A = [0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0];
bin2dec( sprintf('%d',A(end:-1:1)) )
depending on what you intend to be bit 1 and 12!
If the MSB is right-most (I'm not sure what you mean by Bit 1, sorry if that seems stupid):
Output should be:
ans =
If the MSB is left-most, use fliplr(A) first.

Why inverse equality does not satisfy in MATLAB?

MATLAB does not satisfy matrix arithmetic for inverse, that is;
(ABC)-1 = C-1 * B-1 * A-1
if inv(A*B*C) == inv(C)*inv(B)*inv(A)
It does not qualify. When I made it format long, I realized that there is difference in points, but it even does not satisfy when I make it format rat.
Why is that so?
Very likely a floating point error. Note that the format function affects only how numbers display, not how MATLAB computes or saves them. So setting it to rat won't help the inaccuracy.
I haven't tested, but you may try the Fractions Toolbox for exact rational number arithmetics, which should give an equality to above.
Consider this (MATLAB R2011a):
a = 1e10;
>> b = inv(a)*inv(a)
b =
>> c = inv(a*a)
c =
>> b==c
ans =
>> format hex
>> b
b =
>> c
c =
When MATLAB calculates the intermediate quantities inv(a), or a*a (whether a is a scalar or a matrix), it by default stores them as the closest double precision floating point number - which is not exact. So when these slightly inaccurate intermediate results are used in subsequent calculations, there will be round off error.
Instead of comparing floating point numbers for direct equality, such as inv(A*B*C) == inv(C)*inv(B)*inv(A), it's often better to compare the absolute difference to a threshold, such as abs(inv(A*B*C) - inv(C)*inv(B)*inv(A)) < thresh. Here thresh can be an arbitrary small number, or some expression involving eps, which gives you the smallest difference between two numbers at the precision at which you're working.
The format command only controls the display of results at the command line, not the way in which results are internally stored. In particular, format rat does not make MATLAB do calculations symbolically. For this, you might take a look at the Symbolic Math Toolbox. format hex is often even more useful than format long for diagnosing floating point precision issues such as the one you've come across.

How can I convert a binary to a decimal without using a loop?

I have a 12-bit binary that I need to convert to a decimal. For example:
A = [0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0];
Bit 1 is the most significant bit, Bit 12 is the least significant bit.
Note: This answer applies primarily to unsigned data types. For converting to signed types, a few extra steps are necessary, discussed here.
The bin2dec function is one option, but requires you to change the vector to a string first. bin2dec can also be slow compared to computing the number yourself. Here's a solution that's about 75 times faster:
>> A = [0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0];
>> B = sum(A.*2.^(numel(A)-1:-1:0))
B =
To explain, A is multiplied element-wise by a vector of powers of 2, with the exponents ranging from numel(A)-1 down to 0. The resulting vector is then summed to give the integer represented by the binary pattern of zeroes and ones, with the first element in the array being considered the most significant bit. If you want the first element to be considered the least significant bit, you can do the following:
>> B = sum(A.*2.^(0:numel(A)-1))
B =
Update: You may be able to squeeze even a little more speed out of MATLAB by using find to get the indices of the ones (avoiding the element-wise multiplication and potentially reducing the number of exponent calculations needed) and using the pow2 function instead of 2.^...:
B = sum(pow2(find(flip(A))-1)); % Most significant bit first
B = sum(pow2(find(A)-1)); % Least significant bit first
Extending the solution to matrices...
If you have a lot of binary vectors you want to convert to integers, the above solution can easily be modified to convert all the values with one matrix operation. Suppose A is an N-by-12 matrix, with one binary vector per row. The following will convert them all to an N-by-1 vector of integer values:
B = A*(2.^(size(A, 2)-1:-1:0)).'; % Most significant bit first
B = A*(2.^(0:size(A, 2)-1)).'; % Least significant bit first
Also note that all of the above solutions automatically determine the number of bits in your vector by looking at the number of columns in A.
Dominic's answer assumes you have access to the Data Acquisition toolbox. If not use bin2dec:
A = [0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0];
bin2dec( sprintf('%d',A) )
or (in reverse)
A = [0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0];
bin2dec( sprintf('%d',A(end:-1:1)) )
depending on what you intend to be bit 1 and 12!
If the MSB is right-most (I'm not sure what you mean by Bit 1, sorry if that seems stupid):
Output should be:
ans =
If the MSB is left-most, use fliplr(A) first.

modem.oqpskmod for BER

hi can anyone show how to use the modem.oqpskmod for BER. thanks!
h = modem.oqpskmod
y = modulate(h, values);
g = modem.oqpskdemod(h)
z = demodulate(g, y)
let's assume that i have array called values which contains only 1s and 0s.
my question is how would i calculate BER? of course if above my code is correct.
Based on this Wikipedia page, you simply have to compute the number of incorrect bits and divide by the total number of transferred bits to get the bit error rate (BER). If values is the unmodulated input signal and z is the output signal after modulation and demodulation, you can compute it like this:
BER = sum(logical(values(:)-z(:)))/numel(values);
EDIT: I modified the above code just in case you run into two situations:
If z has values other than 0 and 1.
If z is a different size than values (i.e. row vector versus column vector).
I don't know if you are ever likely to come across these two situations, but better safe than sorry. ;)