How to merge two GitHub project boards? - github

I want to move the entire project board of a GitHub repository to another. Is there any way that can be done without manually copying each and every card.
Project board is a feature on GitHub to organize and prioritize work. More
Thank you.
When I contacted GitHub Support, I got the following response.
There isn't currently a way to merge a Project on GitHub, but I can
definitely see how that would be useful. I can't make any promises but
I'll let the team know you'd like to see us add this feature in the


How can I clone a repository in which I am developing with someone?

We are a small team doing our own project and we need to somehow add a repository to each participant, so that later we can show what we did, how can this be done correctly?
We tried to google but did not really understand how to do it, leaving just a link like 'I took part in this project' seems to us not such a right decision
You need to set up a central, bare repository and have everyone clone that. Then they push and pull from that central repository to stay coordinated. There are various workflows of which the feature branch workflow is a good place to start.
Rather than doing this yourself, it's much simpler to host your code on a service such as Gitlab or Github. Both offer private repositories for free and many, many excellent additional features.

Show commits and description but hide code in repository [Github]

I've almost done my first big project in React+Typescript+Redux and started it on Firebase with users and some database conneted with logged users.
It was supposed to be my project to portfolio before looking for my first dev job, but it start to be very complex.
Now I have idea to use it in the future to make commercial app.
So the problem is I don't want to publish my code on github, but at the same time I want to publish all my commits and repository description on Github for recrutiers (and all my tasks from trello table). Is it possible to publish only commits and description from github repository?
No, this is not possible. If your repository is public, anyone can clone the entire repository. The only way to make your code inaccessible is to make the repository private, which means nobody can see it without having permssion.

Place for GitHub Snapshot Archives (Source Code)

I am looking for a place which maintain GitHub archives (Source code) periodically.
My requirement is, I need to analyze status of Java/C++/Python GitHub projects over the past years and identify trends of Softwares. For my analysis, I need the exact picture of GitHub for past couple of years. If there is anyplace which checkout GitHub projects periodically and make it available for research purposes, I would like to know a such place.
As far as I know GH Archive maintain, history of GitHub events. But what I need is the exact picture of source codes.
Why I can't go back to the commit history and find the exact picture? I won't be able to consider about deleted project if I consider current picture and try to go back to history.
For analyzing repos hosted on, you may need to contact GitHub support.
They may have these trend reports and share/sell them to you.
Hope this helps!

Create new repository, fork, or clone in Github?

A couple years ago I created a C# program for one of my classes. We had to work in groups and used GitHub. Now that I finally graduated I'm trying to add some code to my GitHub account to show to prospective employers, I realized that that program is not in my repositories (another teammate created it, but I contributed). Also, we have a lot of useless files in that repository and everything is a mess, it doesn't even has a Read Me.
So, my question is: should I create another repository without the useless files and cleaner code? Or should I fork the repository? What would be the best way to add it to my profile?
Also, what book, video, website, etc. would you recommend to learn how to use GitHub fast?
if you fork the repository people will see that you forked from a repository and there will be a history of commits made by whoever committed into that repository.
Assuming that it is not a very large code base, why don't you just create a new repository and just start doing the project again in a progressive manner where you can demonstrated your skills on the project. I am assuming as you already done the project early it will be easier for you to create the project ground up and will give you a chance to improve the previous code along the way.
you can find lots of git hub tutorials for beginners if you just search on google.
try git
I find this is very useful git scm
git for begginers

Can i fork this code from gist and using it for my own projects?

Hello I'm new to Github/Gist and I want to use this code, but I need to modify it a little bit. Can i just fork this code and modify it to use it for my own projects? Or do i have to link to the author etc.? Here is the link:
Thank you!
Github repositories are meant to be forked. You don't have to ask an author for permission. Anyway, the gist you linked to has already been forked 30 times.
When you are using a forked repository.It shows up as "forked from xyz". So attribution is automatic. But if you want to, you can always give an extra credit to the author by mentioning it specifically.
Forking a repository on Github, creates an individual copy of the code. This feature is meant to encourage collaboration as well as allow you to experiment with the repositories code. Forking can be used to propose new changes to someone else's code or jumpstart an idea or a new project. As the repository was created by someone else, it is always important to understand the limitations of using their code for your own projects (especially if you plan on selling this product). Every repository created on Github has the chance to create a license file. This file will tell you what you can or cannot do with the forked code. Often open source code is meant to be used and shared with everyone, but it is still good to check. Here is Githubs documentation on forking repositories: For more information on licensing files see Github gists follow the same standard. If you are still worried, it does not hurt to contact the owner of the repository and verify that you can use it for your own projects.
The point of open sourcing code on GitHub is for others to take and use for themselves and learn from it. Also, like fuchsteufelswild said, when forking on GitHub it automatically gives credit to the author so you should be good.