Place for GitHub Snapshot Archives (Source Code) - github

I am looking for a place which maintain GitHub archives (Source code) periodically.
My requirement is, I need to analyze status of Java/C++/Python GitHub projects over the past years and identify trends of Softwares. For my analysis, I need the exact picture of GitHub for past couple of years. If there is anyplace which checkout GitHub projects periodically and make it available for research purposes, I would like to know a such place.
As far as I know GH Archive maintain, history of GitHub events. But what I need is the exact picture of source codes.
Why I can't go back to the commit history and find the exact picture? I won't be able to consider about deleted project if I consider current picture and try to go back to history.

For analyzing repos hosted on, you may need to contact GitHub support.
They may have these trend reports and share/sell them to you.
Hope this helps!


Show commits and description but hide code in repository [Github]

I've almost done my first big project in React+Typescript+Redux and started it on Firebase with users and some database conneted with logged users.
It was supposed to be my project to portfolio before looking for my first dev job, but it start to be very complex.
Now I have idea to use it in the future to make commercial app.
So the problem is I don't want to publish my code on github, but at the same time I want to publish all my commits and repository description on Github for recrutiers (and all my tasks from trello table). Is it possible to publish only commits and description from github repository?
No, this is not possible. If your repository is public, anyone can clone the entire repository. The only way to make your code inaccessible is to make the repository private, which means nobody can see it without having permssion.

How can my GitHub repo have 1 visitor but 12 clones?

This has baffled me for quite a long time.
I notice that anyone with a link can download the repository. But the question is, where do they get the link from? I cannot seem to find a page on GitHub listing all the newly published repo.
Everytime I publish a new repo, there would be 3~6 mysterious clones follow shortly after, even when the number of visitor remains at most 2 persons.
While I welcome people to find out what my code can do, it somehow gives a pressure on me not to publish unfinalized code, and also not to amend the content of my repo after publishing it because they might already have cloned it before the changes are made.
Alright, it has 2 visitors (including me) to be exact:
You have no way to see who has checked out your repository using standard git commands such as git clone, but you can see who has forked your repository on GitHub in the Traffic section under Insights.
Now my first thought would be that those people cloned your repository outside of Github as you don't need to be a Github user to clone repository (so Github couldn't keep track of them and you wouldn't be able to see them).
Good luck, hope this helps.

Monitoring changes in collaborators on github

I have a pet project where I am trying to get some stats about collaborators (core team members, as per Basically I want to know when people were added to a repo. Since I want to get that info retroactively, I was thinking of using the github archive.
According to the docs ( MemberEvent is what I am looking for. Yet, as far as I can tell, there are barely any events of that sort in the Github Archive. All I find are 'added' events. Is there somewhere on a repo's page where I should be able to see it so that I can triangulate what i retrieve from github archive and the project page?
Thanks a lot!

How to merge two GitHub project boards?

I want to move the entire project board of a GitHub repository to another. Is there any way that can be done without manually copying each and every card.
Project board is a feature on GitHub to organize and prioritize work. More
Thank you.
When I contacted GitHub Support, I got the following response.
There isn't currently a way to merge a Project on GitHub, but I can
definitely see how that would be useful. I can't make any promises but
I'll let the team know you'd like to see us add this feature in the

How to see statistics of a repository on Github

Previously I remember that I could go into any repository and see how many codes it has how many lines with or without comments, what languages is it made of with how much percentage, how many man hour was used for development of that repository. I could see all of them on my browser. No code was required.
Now, I cannot find any option on Github. Is this facility changed, moved or removed?
There is an open source project made by #vdaubry : Github Awards
You can get all the information you described and more.