Is it possible to install MongoDB on 32 bit Ubuntu 16.04 LTS? - mongodb

I just want to install MongoDB on my 32 bit Ubuntu 16.04 LTS laptop, but i found something on their page that say :
MongoDB only provides packages for 64-bit LTS (long-term support) Ubuntu releases. For example, 12.04 LTS (precise), 14.04 LTS (trusty), 16.04 LTS (xenial), and so on. These packages may work with other Ubuntu releases, however, they are not supported.
This is the link to MongoDB official website that said above. Could i still install MongoDB on my laptop ?

Yes. MongoDB is no longer providing installation packages for 32-bit Linux distributions.
I found this below link can be help full for you. Please check it once.

Taken from :
download the binary files here or using
curl -O
extract the files
tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-i686-3.0.6.tgz
copy extracted files
mkdir -p mongodb
cp -R -n mongodb-linux-i686-3.0.6/ mongodb
add it to PATH
#example in ~/.bashrc
export PATH=<mongodb-install-directory>/bin:$PATH
note as noted in mongodb using this method will have some limitation
"This 32-bit legacy distribution does not include SSL encryption and is limited to around 2GB of data. In general you should use the 64 bit builds."
but in the end it is up to you.


Building Flutter Engine on Ubuntu

I use Ubuntu 20.04. When I run step 7
sudo ./build/
ERROR: Only Ubuntu 12.04 (precise), 14.04 (trusty), 14.10 (utopic), 15.04 (vivid), 16.04 (xenial), 18.04 (bionic), and Debian (rodete and stretch) are currently supported
And the doc says:
If you're on Linux, run the following. Note: These scripts are distro- and version-specific, so are not guaranteed to work on every configuration. If they fail, you may need to find comparable packages to the ones that weren't found.
Based on the documentation, How do I know which packages are not compatible.
Maybe you can modify that script and force 20.04 and try to go on the building process?

FreeBSD: upgrade MongoDB server from 2.6 to 3.0

Running MongoDB v2.6 Server on FreeBSD operating system, I am looking for a way to upgrade the MongoDB version to at least v3.0. According to MongoDB website, I need to replace the binaries but I am not able to find appropriate download binaries for FreeBSD there MongoDB download website. Alternatively I had hoped, I could upgrade the binaries using pkg package manager but I don't know which command to use to upgrade to a specific version. I am looking for something like:
sudo pkg upgrade mongod v3.03
I've been crawling the web for days now to find a download link for Freebsd binaries for Version 3.0x or right upgrade command using pkg package manager.
Solution is: using the command "pkg install mongodb36-3.6.6_2" as suggested in the link by Valijon will first deinstall a previous version and then install v3.6 of MongoDB Server. Just what I was looking for.

Mongodb Version mismatch Issue 3.6 to 4.0 upgrade

I have installed the latest version of MongoDB i.e 4.0.10. I am using Ubuntu 18.04.
When i run mongod --version in putty command line i get version 4.0.10
But When i run query in Studio3T db.version(); i get version 3.6.3
I ran dpkg -l | grep mongo and got following output.
Please help me in identifying what i am doing wrong here.
Looks like you have two MongoDBs installed, judging from 3.6.3-0ubuntu1 installed by apt, and 4.0.10 versions there.
The page Install MongoDB Community Edition on Ubuntu stated:
The mongodb package provided by Ubuntu is not maintained by MongoDB Inc. and conflicts with the mongodb-org package. To check if Ubuntu’s mongodb package is installed on the system, run sudo apt list --installed | grep mongodb. You can use sudo apt remove mongodb and sudo apt purge mongodb to remove and purge the mongodb package before attempting this procedure.
The older 3.6.3 appears to be still running in port 27017, thus that was the one connected to by Studio3T.
To ensure a clean installation, it's better to do a clean install by:
Follow the instructions in Uninstall MongoDB Community Edition
Remove 3.6.3 using apt as per the instruction above
Reinstall using the procedure in Install MongoDB Community Edition on Ubuntu.
It's probably not required to uninstall/reinstall everything again, but you don't want to have conflicting leftover files that will create problems down the road.
If you need the data in the old 3.6.3, please do mongodump before uninstalling it. You can subsequently restore it later.

Is any application for MongoDB browser in ubuntu 16.04 32 bit processor

I trying to install Mongo DB browser for Ubuntu 16.04 32 bit version but none of application installing to the machine
If you are talking about robo3t, you can download the .tar.gz file for Linux (, unpack it and run the bin/robo3t executable.
You don't even need to install it.

If my CentOS 7.2 box has vagrant 1.7.2, can I just run the 1.8.1 rpm to get vagrant 1.8.1?

I have a CentOS 7.2 laptop. I have VirtualBox 5.0.x installed on it. Out of the box, it appears that I have Vagrant 1.7.2. Apparently this doesn't support VirtualBox 5.0.x, but it appears that version 1.8.1 does. What is the proper way to get access to 1.8.1? There is an installation rpm for 1.8.1 that I've downloaded, I can run this with "rpm", but do I have to do anything else before I do that?
Use Software Collections to get Vagrant 1.8.1 on CentOS: Vagrant 1.8 by Software Collections (the linked page contains instructions on how to do that). That will give you a build tested by the CentOS project.
As a sidenote: If you downloaded a standalone RPM package (presumably directly from the Vagrant project) and wish to install it, do it using the yum package manager, not rpm -- yum takes care of dependencies.