Building Flutter Engine on Ubuntu - flutter

I use Ubuntu 20.04. When I run step 7
sudo ./build/
ERROR: Only Ubuntu 12.04 (precise), 14.04 (trusty), 14.10 (utopic), 15.04 (vivid), 16.04 (xenial), 18.04 (bionic), and Debian (rodete and stretch) are currently supported
And the doc says:
If you're on Linux, run the following. Note: These scripts are distro- and version-specific, so are not guaranteed to work on every configuration. If they fail, you may need to find comparable packages to the ones that weren't found.
Based on the documentation, How do I know which packages are not compatible.

Maybe you can modify that script and force 20.04 and try to go on the building process?


Is any application for MongoDB browser in ubuntu 16.04 32 bit processor

I trying to install Mongo DB browser for Ubuntu 16.04 32 bit version but none of application installing to the machine
If you are talking about robo3t, you can download the .tar.gz file for Linux (, unpack it and run the bin/robo3t executable.
You don't even need to install it.

How to install pre-requisites for Hyperledger Composer on Windows10

I am following the tutorial for Hyperledger Composer. I'm trying to install the pre-requisites for the Composer as outlined here:
The instructions are only provided for Ubuntu or Mac, and I have Win10 machine with Docker 17.12.x
So I got Ubuntu 16.04 docker image, added curl. I got the script, I login as blockchain user, and run the script, but I get this error:
#Updating package lists
-sudo apt-add-repository: command not found
Is it even possible to install Hperledger Composer on a Windows 10 machine?!
No it is not possible to install Hyperledger Composer on windows which includes the Windows Subsystem for Linux and other environments like MinGW that simulate a linux environment. This platform is not supported at this time. I recommend you use a hypervisor such as VirtualBox or if you are using Windows 10 Professional, the built in Hyper-V support to run a Linux virtual machine where you can install Hyperledger Composer. Also we recommend using ubuntu 16.04 as this is the level we test with most.

Kubernetes-Ubuntu14.04: How to install and configure kubernetes using Ubuntu 14.04

I'm new in using kubernetes and I need to know how can I install and use kubernetes with different nodes using ubuntu 14.04,
because all what I found is aroud ubuntu 16.04.
There is a huge difference between the two version concerning kubernetes.
I need to have a master and two slaves(using the same OS).
Is recommended to Work with kebernetes on ubuntu 14.4 ?
Thank you for your help.
Kubernetes makes use of systemd, which is not available in Ubuntu 14.04. While it is possible to install in Ubuntu 14.04, you would have to do some magic in order to make it work. You can find more info here: How to install latest Kubernetes in Ubuntu 14 (Thanks to Janos Lenart who shared in the comments)

Is it possible to install MongoDB on 32 bit Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?

I just want to install MongoDB on my 32 bit Ubuntu 16.04 LTS laptop, but i found something on their page that say :
MongoDB only provides packages for 64-bit LTS (long-term support) Ubuntu releases. For example, 12.04 LTS (precise), 14.04 LTS (trusty), 16.04 LTS (xenial), and so on. These packages may work with other Ubuntu releases, however, they are not supported.
This is the link to MongoDB official website that said above. Could i still install MongoDB on my laptop ?
Yes. MongoDB is no longer providing installation packages for 32-bit Linux distributions.
I found this below link can be help full for you. Please check it once.
Taken from :
download the binary files here or using
curl -O
extract the files
tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-i686-3.0.6.tgz
copy extracted files
mkdir -p mongodb
cp -R -n mongodb-linux-i686-3.0.6/ mongodb
add it to PATH
#example in ~/.bashrc
export PATH=<mongodb-install-directory>/bin:$PATH
note as noted in mongodb using this method will have some limitation
"This 32-bit legacy distribution does not include SSL encryption and is limited to around 2GB of data. In general you should use the 64 bit builds."
but in the end it is up to you.

If my CentOS 7.2 box has vagrant 1.7.2, can I just run the 1.8.1 rpm to get vagrant 1.8.1?

I have a CentOS 7.2 laptop. I have VirtualBox 5.0.x installed on it. Out of the box, it appears that I have Vagrant 1.7.2. Apparently this doesn't support VirtualBox 5.0.x, but it appears that version 1.8.1 does. What is the proper way to get access to 1.8.1? There is an installation rpm for 1.8.1 that I've downloaded, I can run this with "rpm", but do I have to do anything else before I do that?
Use Software Collections to get Vagrant 1.8.1 on CentOS: Vagrant 1.8 by Software Collections (the linked page contains instructions on how to do that). That will give you a build tested by the CentOS project.
As a sidenote: If you downloaded a standalone RPM package (presumably directly from the Vagrant project) and wish to install it, do it using the yum package manager, not rpm -- yum takes care of dependencies.