Connecting github repository with my webpage - github

Hey how to connect my webpage with github repository ,I mean , when I merge pull request it immediately make change in my webpage.I was using github-pages but now I would like include some php and it doesn't work. Thanks for any help.

Manual: after each push to the repo you´d have to pull on your server for the current version. (You don´t want this...)
Automation: first you need a server (linux/ windows) with git installed and clone the repository to your webserver directory (i.e. apache.webserver: var/www/html). Then you need a script which automaticly pulls the new changes to your server and use a webhook to trigger the script. That way you´d have the current version of your repo on the server all the time. (Push --> Webhook triggers script --> Server repo get´s new changes)
Alternative: create NOT a github BUT a git repository hosted on your own server (tuturial for linux only). You could push into it aswell and you´d have the current version of your site on the server without the path over github.


How to link folder / GitHub repository to Heroku?

I am hosting a Discord bot on Heroku so it stay live 24/7. I have the code local on my computer and update the code by running the below code. My only question is how can I access the code on another computer to work away from home.
git add .
git commit -am "making it better"
git push Heroku master
There isn't a way to "make the folder a GitHub link". Heroku builds your application and its runtime into a slug and this slug is what runs on your dynos. There is no way to update the code you're running without building a new slug.
However, you can deploy directly from GitHub, either manually or automatically when new commits are added to a branch. I strongly recommend having a good test suite in either case, but this is especially important if you want to do automatic deployments.

github conflict when someone manually ftp files remote

Some one manually upload files directly to web server, as a result github is not same as the physical file contents in production.
And there are many files, I m afraid.
1 - Howto refresh the github master, so that it will show correct contents of the production server.
2 - And howto refresh my local dev according the refreshed github master in step 1?
You need to somehow copy all the files from the web server to your local repo: Git will detect the new/modified/deleted files in your local repo after that copy.
Once that synchronization is done in your local repo, add, commit and push to GitHub.

Rstudio: Changing origin for git version control of project

I originally set up git in Rstudio while enrolled in the Data Scientist's Toolbox course at Coursera. Unfortunately, I did this in my phd project. The repository no longer exists on github. I am now attempting to write my thesis in rmarkdown using knitr and bookdown. I would like to use version control, both to learn proper git workflow and to have a structured back up of everything I have done in my thesis. However, I have been unable to change the version control repository in Rstudio.
I am unable to change this in the Tools > Version control > Project setup > Git/SVN menu. The Origin: textbox is unchangable.
I tried creating a new project using the old phd project's working directory. This also cloned the version control settings.
How do I change the origin to accomplish what is described above?
Git, Github and Rstudio are different things. You could use git as local version control tools. You might connect your local repo to Github account which is based on git by push/pull. Rstudio just makes a user interface for git and supplies the function to push the repo into remote server based on git to make version control(not only Github, but also Gitlab).
So for your issue, if you do not want to pay for github for a private repo, all of your code would be public and I don't think it is good before your finally finished your thesis. But version control could be made locally with git only. Just use git shell to control the version.
However, as a student, github could support private repo here for you. Just register and find your student package. Then just remove the url for remote repo after you cd to your workdir in command line, use the following code to find your remote url(mostly you might fing origin):
git remote -v
Then use this to remove them:
git remote rm origin
Now you could use version control locally. If you want to connect this repo to your remote github private repo, use this:
git remote add origin[YourUsername]/[YourRepoName].git
RStudio would find this information about git and support your following operation. Project in RStudio is different with git, although project support git as version control tool. So you need git in command line or shell to solve your problem.
This can be done by opening /your.project/.git/config
and editing the remote origin line(s), e.g. changing from git to https.
Restart Rstudio & you'll be prompted for your github username & password.
This is what worked for me for migrating from github to Azure
Go to the top right Git window in RStudio and click on the gear. Now click Shell (to open the terminal there).
#remove origin
git remote rm origin
#add new origin like Azure for me via HTTPS
git remote add origin
#push your local repro
git push -u origin --all
#in my case put in the PAT password if you needed to generate one.
After testing, I found some clue
Actually Rstudio is not really smart about this setting
It will first search for the git file in the Rproject folder where your Rporject file is located
if it could not, then it goes up to the folder contains your Rproject folder
However, for version control you only need coding files while RProject may contains some big files like .RData some pictures etc.
I don't find a way to manually disrupt this logic flow, the only thing you can do is to delete the current git repository setting files(which is .git folder and 2 other git setting files), then Rstudio may ask you if you want to init a new one.

github - attempting to push/pull/update (not sure of the terminology) updated code from github to remote server via terminal/ssh mac os

So I have my local computer - where I've updated my (html/js/css) code, github (where I've pushed the updated code already by doing a git add + git commit + git push origin master) and then the server of the actual website which the code is for.
I've connected to the server via the command line terminal. I've already previously cloned the code to the server (by running the command git clone [REPO URL]) while logged in to the server via SSH, so the (un-updated-)files are there.
But now that I've updated the code, and pushed that update to github, how do I now update or push the repo/code/updated-github-code to the server???
I'm currently looking at the terminal with
^ showing. I tried to git clone [REPO URL] again, but then I get the msg:
fatal: destination path 'name of my file' already exists and is not an empty directory
Am I missing or overlooking a step? Well obviously I am but I could use some help please. Like I said I'm trying to update the code to the server so the actual website will reflect the changes I made to the code and so everything is in sync (local code, code pushed to github and hopefully/eventually the code on the server/website).
I am just learning this obviously, so go easy on me (I've spent almost the entire day learning to connect to the server via SSH in terminal)...
Also, feel free to correct my terminology...
Pull from github while ssh'd into the server using the link from the github repo "copy to clipboard" button on the web interface. If that doesn't work you could try wiping the repos folder on the server and cloning from scratch. But use that option with caution if downtime is unacceptable for this particular web app.

Synchronize github with godaddy account

I develop front-end and back-end of many websites hosted on godaddy. I was looking for a way to synchronize the godaddy file manager with my local repository so as to prevent me from uploading the edited files each time. I push my code to github directly, but is there a way to push the code directly to godaddy account without using its file manager?
Also sometimes, with other systems, I edit the code directly on the server if I get some problems with the code, which becomes then difficult to get it on my local system.
It would be of great help to directly push it without using the file manager each time.
It would be best to:
install Git on Godaddy (as in this blog post)
setup a bare repo on the upstream side (ie, the GoDady side, the one where you would push your code)
add a post-receive hook on that upstream repo in order for a non-bare repo to update itself: see links in the "Is --bare option equal to core.bare config in Git?" answer.