Synchronize github with godaddy account - github

I develop front-end and back-end of many websites hosted on godaddy. I was looking for a way to synchronize the godaddy file manager with my local repository so as to prevent me from uploading the edited files each time. I push my code to github directly, but is there a way to push the code directly to godaddy account without using its file manager?
Also sometimes, with other systems, I edit the code directly on the server if I get some problems with the code, which becomes then difficult to get it on my local system.
It would be of great help to directly push it without using the file manager each time.

It would be best to:
install Git on Godaddy (as in this blog post)
setup a bare repo on the upstream side (ie, the GoDady side, the one where you would push your code)
add a post-receive hook on that upstream repo in order for a non-bare repo to update itself: see links in the "Is --bare option equal to core.bare config in Git?" answer.


How to set up GIT as version control tool for a small team

We are using Eclipse with a SVN client plug-in. This client needs a server running; what about Git? We need to work in a LAN environment without internet access. I have read some basic tutorials about using Git with Eclipse. If I got a Java project in my Git repository, how can I share it with my teammate?
Even though you can share your local repositories, I would suggest setting up a server. There many free alternatives like:
gitlab (
gitorious (
gitolite (
gitblit (
But IMO the best one is Atlassian Stash which for small team will cost you only $10.
if you need to share it, you need some way to access it from each other. Bitbucket is great for small teams who need private code.
If you are always using it from inside a LAN one of you should set up a shared section which you can all push your git changes too (a shared folder or shared drive is good enough) but i would recommend using github / bitbucket if possible
from a command line (can probably use it within eclipse too)
git clone file:////
and then you can psuh and pull from assuming you have write permissions there
if you're coming from subversion to git, you will be faced with the concept of local repository vs shared repository. You will be able to have a local repository on your computer where you can do as many commits as you want and then only push relevant changes to the shared repository (the one that your teammates will be able to see).
Here's an useful link on the possibilities to share a repository: (ignore the last one, GITHUB, which will require internet access).
In your particular situation I would recommend sharing via SSH or via GIT daemon.
I also really recommend you to take a look on Eric Sink's book here. He's even offering hardcopies for free!
as suggested you can run your own instance of gitolite or gitlab, but for a rudimentary solution i suggest you just check the following answer:
basically you can use any folder as a shared repository as long as all users can access the files either locally or via ssh. that link discribes how to tell git to create its file with rights that are appropriate for usage by all users of one unix group (instead of only the single user owning the files).

Using GitHub to listen to changes made to files on remote server

I know there are a lot of posts about running GitHub on a remote server, but I can't find any that I understand or can follow. Command line stuff and all this talk about SSH completely befuddle me, so I am hoping for a step-by-step answer which is literally written for a dummy and hopefully provides an easy solution (I am having my fingers and toes crossed).
My scenario:
I have built a site using Statamic as a CMS, which uses text files to manage the site's content. I also have a GitHub repository which contains most of the site's files here:
I am using the GitHub app on OSX to push any changes I make to, for example, my local CSS or HTML files to the remote Github repository. That is as far as my basic understanding of Git takes me really.
Whenever existing content is edited or a new page/entry is published through the CMS's Control Panel, a file is updated or created inside the *_content* folder on the server where the site is hosted.
What I want is for Github to listen to and keep track of any changes made on the server, particularly that *_content* folder.
One of my attempts was to just upload the .git folder in my local files to my server and change the Primary remote repository path, but that didn't work.
What do I need to do?
Really the only way to run Git (the version control system, not GitHub the web application/network) is via SSH.
Here's a good article:
And if you get that up and running, here's a good way to set up deployments:

deploy website with mercurial

I am working on setting up a development/deploy cycle for one of our latest projects. Here is what I am trying to do,
Commit the latest code to local "mercurial" clone.
Push it to central repo hosted at "bitbucket"
Open some web based management console (this is the part I need help with) on my server, which is already configured to use the bitbucket repo automatically fetches the latest commits and shows a list.
Choose one of the revisions and perform an update which will effectively update the website.
If there are some issues with the latest revision, go back to previous version using the same web console.
I am using "SourceTree" for step1 and step2 and I want to keep the whole cycle GUI based. Can anyone suggest any tool which I can use for the server side management (step 3,4,5) ?
This is more simple than you'd think:
Clone the website on your server using bitbucket as the source
Write a small web app which calls hg pull -u in the root folder of your website. Mercurial remembers where to pull from, so you won't need anything here.
The second feature can be implemented using hg id -i (see this answer) to get the current revision. Write that to file.
Now you need a web page which lists all the revisions in that file and runs hg up -r <revision> when you click on one of them.
But maybe a better approach would be to push directly to the web server using hg push from your local repo (see here). You can then use a hook to update the files and save the last revision to a file.
Now you'll only need a web service to revert to a former revision.
Team City is a web app which can do that for you.
It is a continuous integration server but can be configured to only publish when you use the application.
There are many continuous integration servers and I imagine that most/all can do what you want so search around if that one doesn't quite fit your needs.

Github Commit hooks for server integration into cloud9

I work for a small agency that works mainly with php, and we were searching for a simple form of version control. I came across cloud9, and it seemed perfect, but I found no way to integrate it with our servers.
However, cloud9 does integrate seamlessly with github, which made me think is there a way to integrate github with my server. Now I'm under the impression that you can use a 'post_commit' hook in svn to ftp a file to a server when a commit is made. Is there a feature similar to these that I can use with a github repository to automatically send a file to a server when a commit is made? Or is there any software I can install on my server to listen for any changes in a github repository to update itself when any changed are made?
GitHub offers post receive hooks, which can be used to do what you want. Whenever you push to GitHub a POST request to a pre configured URL is sent. The body of the POST message contains a JSON structure with all the information about the push and the commits involved.

Drupal 6: using for my Drupal projects as a real version control system dummy

Here is a real version control system dummy! proper new starter!
The way I have worked so far:
I have a Drupal-6 web project and making development under . I'm directly working on on server. nothing at my local, nothing at anywhere else. Only taking backup to local, time to time. I know horrible and not safe way :/
The new way I want to work from now on:
I decided to use Mercurial. I have one more developer to work on same project with me. I have a Drupal-6 project on bluehost and making development I found out for mercurial hosting. I have created an account.
So now how do I set up things? I'm totally confused after reading tens of article :/
bitbucket is only for hosting revised files? so if I or my developer friend edit index.php, bitbucket will host only index.php?
from now on do I have to work at localhost and upload the changes to blueshost? no more editing directly at or can I still work on bluehost maybe under
When I need to edit any file, do I first download update from bitbucket, I make my change at localhost, update bitbucket for edited files, and uploading to bluehost?
Sorry for silly questions, I really need a guidance...
Appreciate helps so much! thanks a lot!
bitbucket is only for hosting revised files?
The main service of bitbucket is to host files under revision control, but there is also a way to store arbitrary files there.
so if I or my developer friend edit index.php, bitbucket will host only index.php?
I a typical project every file which belongs to the product is cheked into revision control, not only index.php. see this example
from now on do I have to work at localhost and upload the changes to blueshost? no more editing directly at or can I still work on bluehost maybe under
Mercurial does not dictate a fix workflow. But I recommend that you have mercurial installed where you edit the files. For example then you can see direct which changes you did since the last commit, without to need to copy the files from your server to your local repository.
I absolutely recommend a workflow where somewhere in the repository is a script which generates the archive file which is transmitted to the server, containing the revision of the repository when the archive got created. This revision information should also be somewhere stored on the server (not necessarily in a public accessible area), since this information can get very handy when something went wrong.
When I need to edit any file, do I first download update from bitbucket, I make my change at localhost, update bitbucket for edited files, and uploading to bluehost?
There are several different approaches to get the data to the server:
export the local repo into an archive and transmit this onto the server (hg archive production.tar.bz2), this is the most secure variant, since it does not depend on any extra software on the server. Also depending on how big the archive is this approach can waste lots of bandwidth.
work on the server and copy changed files back, but I don't recommend this since is is very easy to miss something important
install mercurial on the server, work in a working copy there and hg export locally there into the production area
install mercurial on the server and hg fetch from bitbucket(or any other server-accessible repository)
install mercurial on the server and hg push from your local working copy to the server (and hg update on the server afterwards)
The last two points can expose the repository to the public. This exposition can be both good and bad, depending on what your repository contains, and if you want to share the content. When you want to share the content, or you can limit the access to, you can clone directly from your web server.
Also note that you should not check in any files with passwords or critical secrets, even when you access-limit the repository. It is much more save to check in template files (with a different name than in production), and copy-and-edit these files on the server.