Dropbox http api Get shared link for file after shared link already created by its path - dropbox-api

Is there a way to get link to file after i created it with create_shared_link_with_settings ?
That means , i want to get the link to the file in another time after the creation of the link, and at that time i have only the path to the file.

Yes, you can retrieve the shared link again using /2/sharing/list_shared_links.


How to create a site using SFRA but name and ID would be my custom name and ID

Whenever I am creating a site following the steps in SFCC infocentre I am getting two sites with name as RefArch and RefArchGlobal but I want my site with my id and my name, I was able to do that by creating a custom site and then assigning the same catalog as RefArch and also the same content libraries as RefArch and then by importing the slot config of Refarch to my custom site, I want to know if there is any other way of doing it easily.
You can pull on your local -> Storefront Reference Architecture Data. This is a repository for the RefArch site data that goes with Storefront Reference Architecture (SFRA). After:
Clean up the demo_data_sfra folder by removing what you don't need. An example is all related to RefArchShared site if you need just
Replace in the XML files RefArch with your site ID
Rename folder names in the sites with proper site names.
Rename catalogs and make a proper link between them.
Cross check all files to see if there are other references. For example, in the jobs.xml you might have a site context and you need to use a proper site ID there.
After all those steps, archive and import the site to your sandbox. Run reindex and clean cache and check storefront. It should work.

Cannot download google credentials json file

At this website
it says:
After creating your credentials, download the client_secret.json file by going to the Credentials page in the Cloud Console and clicking Download JSON file_download.
The credentials page is hyperlinked. But when you go to that page there is no such button named download json file. Here is a screenshot of the page:
I really wish Google would learn to write clear documentation.
I should also add that the website has the following cryptic instructions:
Use this key in your application by passing it with key=API_KEY parameter.
I don't know what it means to pass a key. If the writers would have provided an example that would certainly have helped. I have the key and that might solve my problem, I just don't know what to do with it.
This may be late, but this may help if anyone is still having this issue
After creating the service account
Select/click the from the account listing
Goto the keys tab
Click Add Key and select create key
Then select JSON and the file will be downloaded
refer here https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started?authuser=1#creating_a_service_account
You haven't made a OAuth credential.
Click Create credentials > Oauth Client ID.
Set the application type to Other and complete the form.
After creating your credentials, download the client_secret.json file by going to the Credentials page in the Cloud Console and clicking Download JSON file_download. Securely store the file in a location that only your application can access.
The write of the documentation linked to the wrong page. He should have linked to
But instead linked to
If you can download the json file with the first link then more instructions will be needed. The second link though allows you to download the json file.
After creating the keys and service account, you can download the Json file on the end right side of OAuth key IDs. Check the picture below for the location of the button.

Create Store in magento

Hi I'm trying to create a website, store and store view in Magento 2. I've been watching youtube video on how to do it. But I'm just curious why is it my admin panel has this kind of prefix
As you can see below my website name I have (Code: aliexpress) may I know what this mean? In the video I'm watching they don't have this. Any idea regarding this?
Every website, store and store view has one unique identifier that is called code. in your case your website Name is Aliexpress according to that name code is aliexpress.
Website code is helpful when we want to run specific website in Multi-Website environment. you can open your index.php file in your Magento installation directory and find the below code.
$params[\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManager::PARAM_RUN_CODE] = '<your website code>';
$params[\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManager::PARAM_RUN_TYPE] = 'website';
Using above code you can run specific website.

Where must I upload my .unity3d

Ok the problem is when I try to put my "Unity Binary URL" to facebook's developers web page, it shows me an error message saying that my url must ends with .unity3d...
I try to upload it to... MEGA, Drive, OneDrive, DropBox and all of them give me a encripted url like this:
(this project is already shared in public)
My Question is... where or how must I upload this file for get the correct url?
I mean .../myfolder/myfile.unity3d ???
for Google Drive youll get a link like this when you hit the share button and make sure its the share link to the WebPlayer folder
so the real key to this is after the id= part this
you take that key and put it into facebook like this

Using Parse REST API to link an uploaded image to a parse object, getting access denied when accessing image

I'm using the sample code provided in the REST API docs for uploading an image (my own) and then assigning it to an object in an image table. Image uploads fine, code for associating the image runs fine, and a record is created in the DB.
However, if I try to access the image from the data browser, I get ACCESS DENIED. Why is this so? The image is retrievable via the URL provided after a successful upload, but doesn't appear anywhere in the Parse web UI (should it be ihe Files section of Cloud Code?).
Any input would be helpful. I am working on a few wrinkles to get it working.
The answer to this question is to use the long filename provided in the image upload confirm, and not the short filename example shown in the docs.