Transformation unity 3d - unity3d

I'm learning unity by the book "Unity game development in 24 hours". The book says:
Translation: Translation is a inert transformation. That means any changes applied after it won't be affected.
Scaling: Scaling effectively changes the size of the local coordinate grid. Basically, when you scale an object to be larger, you are really scaling the local coordinate system to be larger. This causes the object to seem to grow. This change is multiplicative. For example, if an object is scaled to 1 (its natural, default size) and then translated 5 units along the x axis, the object appears to move 5 units to the right. If the same object were to be scaled to 2, however, then translating 5 units on the x axis would result in the object appearing to move 10 units to the right. This is because the local coordinate system is now double the size and 5 times 2 equals 10. Inversely, if the object were scaled to .5 and then moved, it would appear to only move 2.5 units (.5 x 5 = 2.5)
I tried to experiment this two effects but it didn't work that way. To the Translation, I can apply any changes after it. And to the Scaling, it scaled the local coordinate system in multiplicative way but it didn't multi the affect of translation. Am I understand this wrong or it's the book?

Translating (using Transform.Translate method) means moving object's transform by some vector. Simple as that.
Local scale is little bit more complicated. It scales not only the object itself, but all objects, that are children of it. And the distance moved is relative - if you have a cube that's 1x1x1 in size and you move it by 1 unit, it will move its full length. If, however, you scale it by 2 and than move it by 1 unit, it moves only half its size.
According to what you wrote, the book is probably really bad source to learn Unity3D. Try doing some official tutorials, they are really good and explain the basics really well. This one is pretty good, this one as well. And remember, anytime you are in doubt with Unity. try to search their really good documentation first.


Making `ScrewJoint` more compliant to the manipulator

I am working on a simulation, which contains:
a bolt, welded uprightly to the world
a nut, connected to the bolt via ScrewJoint. The mass of a nut set to 0.02 kg, the inertia is a diagonal 1.1e-9 *I. This is configured via a .sdf file.
an iiwa manipulator, which is beside a point for now.
The problem is that the nut is very hard to manipulate and I cannot find a parameter to adjust, which could've made it more lifelike. To be more specific:
I measure the ability of force, applied tangentially in a horizontal plane to the nut, to cause the screwing motion of a joint, that joins the nut with a bolt
I'd like to have greater amount of motion at lower forces, and so far I am failing to achieve that
My interest in doing this is not idle; I am interested in more complicated simulations, which are also failing when iiwa is coming in a contact with this same joint; I've asked about those here and here. (Both answered partially). To sum up those here: when manipulator grips the nut, the nut fights the screwing in such a manner, that the schunk gripper is forced to unclasp and iiwa is thrown off-track, but the nut remains stationary.
I attach below two simpler experiments to better illustrate the issue:
1. Applying tangentially in a horizontal plane 200N force using ExternallyAppliedSpatialForce.
Graph notation: (here as well as below)
The left graph contains linear quantities (m, m/s, etc) along world's Z axis, the right graph contains angular quantities (in degrees, deg, deg/s, etc) around world's Z axis. The legend entries with a trailing apostrophe use the secondary Y-axis scale; other legend entries use the primary Y-axis scale.
Experiment summary:
This works as expected, 200 N is enough to make the nut spin on a bolt, resulting in the nut traveling vertically along the bolt for just under 1 centimeter, and spinning for over 90 degrees. Note: the externally applied force does not show up on my graph.
2. Applying tangentially in a horizontal plane force using iiwa and a simple position controller.
Experiment summary:
The force here is approximately the same as before: 70N along tz, but higher (170N) in tx and ty, though it is applied now only for a brief moment. The nut travels just a few degrees or hundredth fractions of centimeter.
The video of this unsuccessful interaction is below, the contact forces are visualized using ContactVisualizer.
Please advise me on how to make this screw_joint more compliant?
I've tried varying mass and inertia of the nut (different up to the orders of magnitude) in these experiments, this
seems to scale the contact forces, but does not affect acceleration or velocity of the nut after contact.
I like your experiment using ExternallyAppliedSpatialForce to get an idea of scales, though TBH I didn't quite get the details of this setup.
Things that caught my eye though are about scales, which you can estimate with pen and paper:
Your inertia is 1e-9 kg⋅m²?! Judging from your interaction with the iiwa I estimated a radius of 1cm and with that you'd get 2e-6 kg⋅m², three orders of magnitude larger.
A force of 200 N on a 20 grams nut would cause an acceleration of 10000 m/s². As a reference, that's 1000 times the acceleration of Earth's gravity!
Are these numbers correct? Also, if you happen to have fast interactions (do you?), you might want to estimate a time step that makes sense for your application.
Hopefully this helps!
A good thing is that I've fixed it; a bad thing: I don't understand the fix.
Let's restate a problem that I was tacking: a manipulated object reacted quite predictably to the ExternallyAppliedSpatialForce, but couldn't be moved via the contact with the manipulator.
What was done:
I've update drake from 2f340192a9dc79110410faf8a6d54a8615ddca92 (circa 22 Aug, 2022) to 42448c0af1b39f0c46f760e7ae37d77097689ad3 (circa 3 Nov, 2022)
After the update, my experimental setup broke down with assertion Actuation input port for model instance ... must be connected. [Similar to the issue raised in this question.]. My fix was like that:
bolt_n_nut_ = internal::AddAndWeldModelFrom(sdf_path, "nut_and_bolt",
"bolt", X_WC, plant_);
then later in ManipulationStation::Finalize:
auto zero_torque = builder.template AddSystem<systems::ConstantVectorSource<double>>(
With changes above, a manipuland began to interact with the manipulator:
Things to note in graphs:
the distance the manipuland has moved grew from fractions of millimeter up to tens of centimeters. The video presents that a nut became manipulable.
This interaction violates the constraints of the ScrewJoint, i.e. the manipuland moves along it's axis without as much rotation

Collision / Rigidbody not working properly in small objects

I have this simple domino scene where you can click a domino and apply a force to knock it.
At first I had this dominoes in a scale of (x=0.1), (y=0.6), (z=0.3) 1 is supposed to be 1 meter, they fell without a problem but too slow. According to unity documentation on Rigidbody this made total sense.
Use the right size.
The size of the your GameObject’s mesh is much more important than the mass of the Rigidbody. If you find that your Rigidbody is not behaving exactly how you expect - it moves slowly, floats, or doesn’t collide correctly - consider adjusting the scale of your mesh asset. Unity’s default unit scale is 1 unit = 1 meter, so the scale of your imported mesh is maintained, and applied to physics calculations. For example, a crumbling skyscraper is going to fall apart very differently than a tower made of toy blocks, so objects of different sizes should be modeled to accurate scale.
So I just re sized the dominoes to (x=0.01), (y=0.06), (z=0.03), this time they fell to the desired speed but for some reason they stop falling and don't knock the next domino.
example GIF
I don't know why this is happening but i can guess that this is because at the time of calculating physics the engine doesn't waste so much resources in calculating small objects that are probably not even going to be seen by the user.
Modifying mass doesn't seem to do anything, also draw and angular draw are both 0 and already tried every collision detection mode.
Is there any solution or workaround for this?
In my experience, Unity physics doesn't like too small objects since it introduces rounding errors. A game simulation usually does not need the same accuracy as when you try to land on Mars. Therefore, I usually avoid scales less than 0.1f.
In your case, I would keep the scales at 1.0f and instead experiment with either increasing the world gravitation, changing it from the default -9.81f to -98.1f (Edit - Project Settings - Physics). Or changing the default Time Scale from 1f to 5f (Edit - Project Settings - Time).
Try not to make too big changes in the beginning since it might introduce strange effects on other parts of the gameplay.

HoloLens: How to stabilize holograms at far distances

I want to place virtual objects (holograms) at far distances (20+ meters) in the HoloLens 1. However, at such distances holograms become unstable and appear to "swim" in the display. Has anyone had success with this? What worked for you?
Some potential fixes include:
Ensure 60 FPS
Adjust Stabilization Plane
Employ visual markers (vuforia)
Use static room scan (may not scale well)
For me, frame rate is not an issue. And I am using Unity 2017.4.4f1. Currently, I have a single world anchor and all objects are set relative to this anchor.
20+ meters is a lot and I am not sure if this will work good enough.
Ensuring 60 fps or at least 50/55+ is important but this wont solve the swimming at this distance. A low framerate might only cause additional swimming :)
Everything that should appear statically placed in the room should be on or very close to the stabilization plane. So what you want to avoid is having the far objects at very different distances from the user. That would otherwise cause the ones farthest off from the stabilization plane to swim.
If you only have the far away object try placing the stabilization plane at the same distance as the object, if the distances are changing a lot you can also update the stabilization plane distance at runtime to always set it to the current distance to the object.
Would be interesting to hear if it worked out :)
One more thing: If I remember correctly, objects should ideally placed directly or in close proximity to their world anchor to help stabilization.
20 metres is too far. The docs
Best practices When holograms cannot be placed at 2m and conflicts
between convergence and accommodation cannot be avoided, the optimal
zone for hologram placement is between 1.25m and 5m. In every case,
designers should structure content to encourage users to interact 1+ m
away (e.g. adjust content size and default placement parameters).

Unity, Relative dimensions of gameobjects

I saw some documents saying that there is no concepts of length in Unity. All you can do to determine the dimensions of the gameobjects is to use Scale.
Then how could I set the overall relative dimensions between the gameobjects?
For example, the dimension of a 1:1:1 plane is obviously different from a 1:1:1 sphere! Then how could I know what's the relative ratios between the plane and the sphere? 1 unit length of the plane is equal to how much unit of the diameter of the sphere!? Otherwise how could I know if I had set everything in the right proportion?
Well, what you say is right, but consider that objects could have a collider. And, in case of a sphere, you could obtain the radius with SphereCollider.radius.
Also, consider Bounds.extents, that's relative to the objects's bounding box.
Again, considering the Sphere, you can obtain the diameter with:
Mesh mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
Bounds bounds = mesh.bounds;
float diameter = bounds.extents.x * 2;
All GameObjects in unity have a Transform component, which determines its position, rotation and scale. Most 3D Objects also have a MeshFilter component, which contains reference to the Mesh object.
The Mesh contains the actual shape of the object, for example six faces of a cube or, faces of a sphere. Unity provides a handful of built in objects (cube, sphere, cyliner, plane, quad), but this is just a 'starter kit'. Most of those built in objects are 1 unit in size, but this is purely because the vertexes have been placed in those positions (so you need to scale by 2 to get 2units size).
But there is no limit on positinos within a mesh, you can have a tiny tiny object od a whole terrain object, and have them massively different in size despite keeping their scale at 1.
You should try to learn some 3D modelling application to create arbitrary objects.
Alternatively try and install a plugin called ProBuilder which used to be quite expensive and is nowe free (since acquired by Unity) which enabels in-editor modelling.
Scales are best kept at one, but its good to have an option to scale - this way you can re-use the spehre mesh, or the cube mesh, (less waste of memory) by having them at different scales.
In most unity applications you set the scale to some arbitrary number.
So typically 1 m = 1 unit.
All things that are 1 unit tall are 1 m tall.
If you import a mesh from a modelling program that is the wrong size, scale it to exactly one meter (use a standard 1,1,1 cube as reference). Then, stick it inside an empty game object to “convert” it into your game’s proper scale. So now if you scale the empty object’s y axis to 2, the object is now 2 meters tall.
A better solution is to keep all objects’ highest parent in the hierarchy at 1,1,1 scale. Using the 1,1,1 reference cube, scale your object to a size that looks proper. So for example if I had a model of a person I’d want it to be scaled to be roughly twice as tall as the cube. Then, drag it into an empty object of 1,1,1 scale this way, everything in your scene’s “normal” size is 1,1,1. If you want to double the size of something you’d then make it 2,2,2. In practice this is much more useful than the first option.
Now, if you change its position by 1 unit it is moving effectively by what would look like the proper 1 m also.
This process also lets you change where the “bottom” of an object is. You can change the position of the object inside the empty, making an “offset”. This is Useful for making models stand right on the ground with position y=0.

OpenGL ES units

I am developing an application for iPhone.
I am using OpenGL to display a 3D object in the screen, with the camera view as background.
I'd like to know how can i change the OpenGL ES unit to centimeters/meters.
How can i do that?
You dont.
Thought experiment time!
First imagine you have sphere 1 centimeter in diameter. And you have a camera 10 centimeters away. You would see a small sphere in the center of the frame.
Now imagine you have a sphere 1 kilometer in diameter and a camera 10 kilometers away. How would you expect the image to be different?
The correct answer is you would not expect the image to change at all. All that really matters is the relative sizes of things. So the unit type you attribute to the the numbers only matters to the programmer, and not to the program.
So you simply mentally declare that one unit is equal to one centimeter and create your objects and world according to that scale. There is no code level change to make this happen. It's merely a convention that you use to help you build things in correct dimensions relative to each other.
OpenGL does not have a notion for units. It just uses unit-less values. What these values mean is up to you. They just have to be consistent. So if your objects coordinates and viewing parameters are all specified with meters in mind and you have an object whose coordinates are in centimeters, just scale that object by a factor of 0.1.