Empty Iterator : Asynchronous cassandra write - scala

I am trying to implement asynchronous cassandra writes on objects (not RDD) using TableWriter. Code snippet below:
class CassandraOperations[T] extends Serializable with Logging {
* Saves the data from object or Iterator of object to a Cassandra table asynchronously. Uses the specified column names.
* You can check whether this action is completed or not by callback on Future.
def saveToCassandraAsync(
cc: CassandraConnector,
keyspaceName: String,
tableName: String,
columns: ColumnSelector = AllColumns,
data: Iterator[T],
writeConf: WriteConf = WriteConf(ttl = TTLOption.constant(80000)))(implicit rwf: RowWriterFactory[T]):
Future[Unit] = {
implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.global
val writer = TableWriter(cc, keyspaceName, tableName, columns, writeConf)
val futureAction = Future(writer.write(TaskContext.get(), data: Iterator[T]))
And then wait using:
Await.result(resultFuture, TIMEOUT seconds)
the data is available when the execution reaches the write method on line :
val futureAction = Future(writer.write(TaskContext.get(), data: Iterator[T]))
But data is empty when the execution reaches the definition def write(taskContext: TaskContext, **data**: Iterator[T]) of function :
def write(taskContext: TaskContext, data: Iterator[T]) {
val updater = OutputMetricsUpdater(taskContext, writeConf)
connector.withSessionDo { session =>
val protocolVersion = session.getCluster.getConfiguration.getProtocolOptions.getProtocolVersion
val rowIterator = new CountingIterator(data)
val stmt = prepareStatement(session).setConsistencyLevel(writeConf.consistencyLevel)
val queryExecutor = new QueryExecutor(
Some(updater.batchFinished(success = true, _, _, _)),
Some(updater.batchFinished(success = false, _, _, _)))
val routingKeyGenerator = new RoutingKeyGenerator(tableDef, columnNames)
val batchType = if (isCounterUpdate) Type.COUNTER else Type.UNLOGGED
val boundStmtBuilder = new BoundStatementBuilder(
protocolVersion = protocolVersion,
ignoreNulls = writeConf.ignoreNulls)
val batchStmtBuilder = new BatchStatementBuilder(
val batchKeyGenerator = batchRoutingKey(session, routingKeyGenerator) _
val batchBuilder = new GroupingBatchBuilder(
val rateLimiter = new RateLimiter((writeConf.throughputMiBPS * 1024 * 1024).toLong, 1024 * 1024)
logDebug(s"Writing data partition to $keyspaceName.$tableName in batches of ${writeConf.batchSize}.")
for (stmtToWrite <- batchBuilder) {
assert(stmtToWrite.bytesCount > 0)
if (!queryExecutor.successful)
throw new IOException(s"Failed to write statements to $keyspaceName.$tableName.")
val duration = updater.finish() / 1000000000d
logInfo(f"Wrote ${rowIterator.count} rows to $keyspaceName.$tableName in $duration%.3f s.")
if (boundStmtBuilder.logUnsetToNullWarning) {
so I see empty iterator.
Please guide on what can be the issue.


How to using Akka Stream with Akk-Http to stream the response

I'm new to Akka Stream. I used following code for CSV parsing.
class CsvParser(config: Config)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends LazyLogging with NumberValidation {
import system.dispatcher
private val importDirectory = Paths.get(config.getString("importer.import-directory")).toFile
private val linesToSkip = config.getInt("importer.lines-to-skip")
private val concurrentFiles = config.getInt("importer.concurrent-files")
private val concurrentWrites = config.getInt("importer.concurrent-writes")
private val nonIOParallelism = config.getInt("importer.non-io-parallelism")
def save(r: ValidReading): Future[Unit] = {
def parseLine(filePath: String)(line: String): Future[Reading] = Future {
val fields = line.split(";")
val id = fields(0).toInt
try {
val value = fields(1).toDouble
ValidReading(id, value)
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
logger.error(s"Unable to parse line in $filePath:\n$line: ${t.getMessage}")
val lineDelimiter: Flow[ByteString, ByteString, NotUsed] =
Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), 128, allowTruncation = true)
val parseFile: Flow[File, Reading, NotUsed] =
Flow[File].flatMapConcat { file =>
val src = FileSource.fromFile(file).getLines()
val source : Source[String, NotUsed] = Source.fromIterator(() => src)
// val gzipInputStream = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))
.mapAsync(parallelism = nonIOParallelism)(parseLine(file.getPath))
val computeAverage: Flow[Reading, ValidReading, NotUsed] =
Flow[Reading].grouped(2).mapAsyncUnordered(parallelism = nonIOParallelism) { readings =>
Future {
val validReadings = readings.collect { case r: ValidReading => r }
val average = if (validReadings.nonEmpty) validReadings.map(_.value).sum / validReadings.size else -1
ValidReading(readings.head.id, average)
val storeReadings: Sink[ValidReading, Future[Done]] =
val processSingleFile: Flow[File, ValidReading, NotUsed] =
def importFromFiles = {
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
val files = importDirectory.listFiles.toList
logger.info(s"Starting import of ${files.size} files from ${importDirectory.getPath}")
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
val balancer = GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder =>
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
val balance = builder.add(Balance[File](concurrentFiles))
val merge = builder.add(Merge[ValidReading](concurrentFiles))
(1 to concurrentFiles).foreach { _ =>
balance ~> processSingleFile ~> merge
FlowShape(balance.in, merge.out)
.withAttributes(ActorAttributes.supervisionStrategy { e =>
logger.error("Exception thrown during stream processing", e)
.andThen {
case Success(_) =>
val elapsedTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0
logger.info(s"Import finished in ${elapsedTime}s")
case Failure(e) => logger.error("Import failed", e)
I wanted to to use Akka HTTP which would give all ValidReading entities parsed from CSV but I couldn't understand on how would I do that.
The above code fetches file from server and parse each lines to generate ValidReading.
How can I pass/upload CSV via akka-http, parse the file and stream the resulted response back to the endpoint?
The "essence" of the solution is something like this:
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
val route = fileUpload("csv") {
case (metadata, byteSource) =>
val source = byteSource.map(x => x)
complete(HttpResponse(entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`text/csv(UTF-8)`, source)))
You detect that the uploaded thing is a multipart-form-data with a chunk named "csv". You get the byteSource from that. Do the calculation (insert your logic to the .map(x=>x) part). Convert your data back to ByteString. Complete the request with the new source. This will make your endoint like a proxy.

Apache Flink: add timestamp to filename

I want to create a BucketingSink in Flink which writes all the files in the same folder, but sets the file name with the current timestamp instead of incrementing counter. For example:
Here is my code:
val sink = new BucketingSink[Tuple2[String, MyType]]("/tmp/flink/")
sink.setBucketer(new MyTypeBucketer(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd--HH")))
sink.setInactiveBucketThreshold(120000) // this is 2 minutes
sink.setBatchSize(1024 * 1024 * 64) // this is 64 MB,
val writer: AvroKeyValueSinkWriter[String, MyType] = new AvroKeyValueSinkWriter[String, MyType](parseAvroSinkProperties())
def parseAvroSinkProperties(): util.Map[String, String] = {
var properties = new util.HashMap[String, String]()
val stringSchema = Schema.create(Type.STRING)
val myTypeSchema = myType.getClassSchema
val keySchema = stringSchema.toString
val valueSchema = myTypeSchema.toString
val compress = true
properties.put(AvroKeyValueSinkWriter.CONF_OUTPUT_KEY_SCHEMA, keySchema)
properties.put(AvroKeyValueSinkWriter.CONF_OUTPUT_VALUE_SCHEMA, valueSchema)
properties.put(AvroKeyValueSinkWriter.CONF_COMPRESS, compress.toString)
properties.put(AvroKeyValueSinkWriter.CONF_COMPRESS_CODEC, DataFileConstants.SNAPPY_CODEC)
class MyTypeBucketer(dateFormatter: SimpleDateFormat) extends DateTimeBucketer[Tuple2[String, MyType]] {
override def getBucketPath(clock: Clock, basePath: Path, element: Tuple2[String, MyType]) = {
new Path(s"$basePath/${element.f1.getMyStringProp}")
Does anybody have any idea?

Why does my Akka data stream stops processing a huge file (~250,000 lines of strings) but works for small file?

My stream works for smaller file of 1000 lines but stops when I test it on a large file ~12MB and ~250,000 lines? I tried applying backpressure with a buffer and throttling it and still same thing...
Here is my data streamer:
class UserDataStreaming(usersFile: File) {
implicit val system = ActorSystemContainer.getInstance().getSystem
implicit val materializer = ActorSystemContainer.getInstance().getMaterializer
def startStreaming() = {
val graph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() {
implicit builder =>
val usersSource = builder.add(Source.fromIterator(() => usersDataLines)).out
val stringToUserFlowShape: FlowShape[String, User] = builder.add(csvToUser)
val averageAgeFlowShape: FlowShape[User, (String, Int, Int)] = builder.add(averageUserAgeFlow)
val averageAgeSink = builder.add(Sink.foreach(averageUserAgeSink)).in
usersSource ~> stringToUserFlowShape ~> averageAgeFlowShape ~> averageAgeSink
val usersDataLines = scala.io.Source.fromFile(usersFile, "ISO-8859-1").getLines().drop(1)
val csvToUser = Flow[String].map(_.split(";").map(_.trim)).map(csvLinesArrayToUser)
def csvLinesArrayToUser(line: Array[String]) = User(line(0), line(1), line(2))
def averageUserAgeSink[usersSource](source: usersSource) {
source match {
case (age: String, count: Int, totalAge: Int) => println(s"age = $age; Average reader age is: ${Try(totalAge/count).getOrElse(0)} count = $count and total age = $totalAge")
case bad => println(s"Bad case: $bad")
def averageUserAgeFlow = Flow[User].fold(("", 0, 0)) {
(nums: (String, Int, Int), user: User) =>
var counter: Option[Int] = None
var totalAge: Option[Int] = None
val ageInt = Try(user.age.substring(1, user.age.length-1).toInt)
if (ageInt.isSuccess) {
counter = Some(nums._2 + 1)
totalAge = Some(nums._3 + ageInt.get)
else {
counter = Some(nums._2 + 0)
totalAge = Some(nums._3 + 0)
(user.age, counter.get, totalAge.get)
Here is my Main:
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
implicit val system = ActorSystemContainer.getInstance().getSystem
implicit val materializer = ActorSystemContainer.getInstance().getMaterializer
val usersFile = new File("data/BX-Users.csv")
val userDataStreamer = new UserDataStreaming(usersFile)
It´s possible that there may be any error related to one row of your csv file. In that case, the stream materializes and stops. Try to define your flows like that:
FlowFlowShape[String, User].map {
case (user) => try {
}.withAttributes(ActorAttributes.supervisionStrategy {
case ex: Throwable =>
log.error("Error parsing row event: {}", ex)
In this case the possible exception is captured and the stream ignores the error and continues.
If you use Supervision.Stop, the stream stops.

BulkLoading to Phoenix using Spark

I was trying to code some utilities to bulk load data through HFiles from Spark RDDs.
I was taking the pattern of CSVBulkLoadTool from phoenix. I managed to generate some HFiles and load them into HBase, but i can't see the rows using sqlline(e.g using hbase shell it is possible). I would be more than grateful for any suggestions.
class BulkPhoenixLoader[A <: ImmutableBytesWritable : ClassTag, T <: KeyValue : ClassTag](rdd: RDD[(A, T)]) {
def createConf(tableName: String, inConf: Option[Configuration] = None): Configuration = {
val conf = inConf.map(HBaseConfiguration.create).getOrElse(HBaseConfiguration.create())
val job: Job = Job.getInstance(conf, "Phoenix bulk load")
// initialize credentials to possibily run in a secure env
val htable: HTable = new HTable(conf, tableName)
// Auto configure partitioner and reducer according to the Main Data table
HFileOutputFormat2.configureIncrementalLoad(job, htable)
def bulkSave(tableName: String, outputPath: String, conf:
Option[Configuration]) = {
val configuration: Configuration = createConf(tableName, conf)
class ExtendedProductRDDFunctions[A <: scala.Product](data: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[A]) extends
ProductRDDFunctions[A](data) with Serializable {
def toHFile(tableName: String,
columns: Seq[String],
conf: Configuration = new Configuration,
zkUrl: Option[String] =
None): RDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable, KeyValue)] = {
val config = ConfigurationUtil.getOutputConfiguration(tableName, columns, zkUrl, Some(conf))
val tableBytes = Bytes.toBytes(tableName)
val encodedColumns = ConfigurationUtil.encodeColumns(config)
val jdbcUrl = zkUrl.map(getJdbcUrl).getOrElse(getJdbcUrl(config))
val conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl)
val query = QueryUtil.constructUpsertStatement(tableName,
data.flatMap(x => mapRow(x, jdbcUrl, encodedColumns, tableBytes, query))
def mapRow(product: Product,
jdbcUrl: String,
encodedColumns: String,
tableBytes: Array[Byte],
query: String): List[(ImmutableBytesWritable, KeyValue)] = {
val conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl)
val preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(query)
val columnsInfo = ConfigurationUtil.decodeColumns(encodedColumns)
val uncommittedDataIterator = PhoenixRuntime.getUncommittedDataIterator(conn, true)
val hRows = uncommittedDataIterator.asScala.filter(kvPair =>
Bytes.compareTo(tableBytes, kvPair.getFirst) == 0
).flatMap(kvPair => kvPair.getSecond.asScala.map(
kv => {
val byteArray = kv.getRowArray.slice(kv.getRowOffset, kv.getRowOffset + kv.getRowLength - 1) :+ 1.toByte
(new ImmutableBytesWritable(byteArray, 0, kv.getRowLength), kv)
def setInStatement(statement: PreparedStatement): (((ColumnInfo, Any), Int)) => Unit = {
case ((c, v), i) =>
if (v != null) {
// Both Java and Joda dates used to work in 4.2.3, but now they must be java.sql.Date
val (finalObj, finalType) = v match {
case dt: DateTime => (new Date(dt.getMillis), PDate.INSTANCE.getSqlType)
case d: util.Date => (new Date(d.getTime), PDate.INSTANCE.getSqlType)
case _ => (v, c.getSqlType)
statement.setObject(i + 1, finalObj, finalType)
} else {
statement.setNull(i + 1, c.getSqlType)
private def getIndexTables(conn: Connection, qualifiedTableName: String) : List[(String, String)]
= {
val table: PTable = PhoenixRuntime.getTable(conn, qualifiedTableName)
val tables = table.getIndexes.asScala.map(x => x.getIndexType match {
case IndexType.LOCAL => (x.getTableName.getString, MetaDataUtil.getLocalIndexTableName(qualifiedTableName))
case _ => (x.getTableName.getString, x.getTableName.getString)
The generated HFiles I load with the utility tool from hbase as follows:
hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.LoadIncrementalHFiles path/to/hfile tableName
You could just convert your csv file to an RDD of Product and use the .saveToPhoenix method. This is generally how I load csv data into phoenix.
Please see: https://phoenix.apache.org/phoenix_spark.html

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException

I am new to scala. When i try to run the example program PageRank its showing the following error..
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input
string: "5" at
at scala.collection.immutable.StringOps.toBoolean(StringOps.scala:31)
import spark._
import spark.SparkContext._
import spark.bagel._
import spark.bagel.Bagel._
import scala.xml.{XML,NodeSeq}
object WikipediaPageRank {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length < 5) {
System.err.println("Usage: WikipediaPageRank <inputFile> <threshold> <numPartitions> <host> <usePartitioner>")
System.setProperty("spark.serializer", "spark.KryoSerializer")
System.setProperty("spark.kryo.registrator", classOf[PRKryoRegistrator].getName)
val inputFile = args(0)
val threshold = args(1).toDouble
val numPartitions = args(2).toInt
val host = args(3)
val usePartitioner = args(4).toBoolean
val sc = new SparkContext(host, "WikipediaPageRank")
// Parse the Wikipedia page data into a graph
val input = sc.textFile(inputFile)
println("Counting vertices...")
val numVertices = input.count()
println("Done counting vertices.")
println("Parsing input file...")
var vertices = input.map(line => {
val fields = line.split("\t")
val (title, body) = (fields(1), fields(3).replace("\\n", "\n"))
val links =
if (body == "\\N")
try {
XML.loadString(body) \\ "link" \ "target"
} catch {
case e: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException =>
System.err.println("Article \""+title+"\" has malformed XML in body:\n"+body)
val outEdges = links.map(link => new String(link.text)).toArray
val id = new String(title)
(id, new PRVertex(1.0 / numVertices, outEdges))
if (usePartitioner)
vertices = vertices.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(sc.defaultParallelism)).cache
vertices = vertices.cache
println("Done parsing input file.")
// Do the computation
val epsilon = 0.01 / numVertices
val messages = sc.parallelize(Array[(String, PRMessage)]())
val utils = new PageRankUtils
val result =
sc, vertices, messages, combiner = new PRCombiner(),
numPartitions = numPartitions)(
utils.computeWithCombiner(numVertices, epsilon))
// Print the result
System.err.println("Articles with PageRank >= "+threshold+":")
val top =
.filter { case (id, vertex) => vertex.value >= threshold }
.map { case (id, vertex) => "%s\t%s\n".format(id, vertex.value) }
Please help me in solving the error.