Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException - scala

I am new to scala. When i try to run the example program PageRank its showing the following error..
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input
string: "5" at
at scala.collection.immutable.StringOps.toBoolean(StringOps.scala:31)
import spark._
import spark.SparkContext._
import spark.bagel._
import spark.bagel.Bagel._
import scala.xml.{XML,NodeSeq}
object WikipediaPageRank {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length < 5) {
System.err.println("Usage: WikipediaPageRank <inputFile> <threshold> <numPartitions> <host> <usePartitioner>")
System.setProperty("spark.serializer", "spark.KryoSerializer")
System.setProperty("spark.kryo.registrator", classOf[PRKryoRegistrator].getName)
val inputFile = args(0)
val threshold = args(1).toDouble
val numPartitions = args(2).toInt
val host = args(3)
val usePartitioner = args(4).toBoolean
val sc = new SparkContext(host, "WikipediaPageRank")
// Parse the Wikipedia page data into a graph
val input = sc.textFile(inputFile)
println("Counting vertices...")
val numVertices = input.count()
println("Done counting vertices.")
println("Parsing input file...")
var vertices = input.map(line => {
val fields = line.split("\t")
val (title, body) = (fields(1), fields(3).replace("\\n", "\n"))
val links =
if (body == "\\N")
try {
XML.loadString(body) \\ "link" \ "target"
} catch {
case e: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException =>
System.err.println("Article \""+title+"\" has malformed XML in body:\n"+body)
val outEdges = links.map(link => new String(link.text)).toArray
val id = new String(title)
(id, new PRVertex(1.0 / numVertices, outEdges))
if (usePartitioner)
vertices = vertices.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(sc.defaultParallelism)).cache
vertices = vertices.cache
println("Done parsing input file.")
// Do the computation
val epsilon = 0.01 / numVertices
val messages = sc.parallelize(Array[(String, PRMessage)]())
val utils = new PageRankUtils
val result =
sc, vertices, messages, combiner = new PRCombiner(),
numPartitions = numPartitions)(
utils.computeWithCombiner(numVertices, epsilon))
// Print the result
System.err.println("Articles with PageRank >= "+threshold+":")
val top =
.filter { case (id, vertex) => vertex.value >= threshold }
.map { case (id, vertex) => "%s\t%s\n".format(id, vertex.value) }
Please help me in solving the error.


How do I create an MQTT sink for Spark Streaming?

There are some examples of how to create MQTT sources [1] [2] for Spark Streaming. However, I want to create an MQTT sink where I can publish the results instead of using the print() method. I tried to create one MqttSink but I am getting object not serializable error. Then I am basing the code on this blog but I cannot find the method send that I created on the MqttSink object.
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext}
import org.apache.spark.{HashPartitioner, SparkConf}
import org.fusesource.mqtt.client.QoS
import org.sense.spark.util.{MqttSink, TaxiRideSource}
object TaxiRideCountCombineByKey {
val mqttTopic: String = "spark-mqtt-sink"
val qos: QoS = QoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val outputMqtt: Boolean = if (args.length > 0 && args(0).equals("mqtt")) true else false
// Create a local StreamingContext with two working thread and batch interval of 1 second.
// The master requires 4 cores to prevent from a starvation scenario.
val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(1))
val stream = ssc.receiverStream(new TaxiRideSource())
val driverStream = stream.map(taxiRide => (taxiRide.driverId, 1))
val countStream = driverStream.combineByKey(
(v) => (v, 1), //createCombiner
(acc: (Int, Int), v) => (acc._1 + v, acc._2 + 1), //mergeValue
(acc1: (Int, Int), acc2: (Int, Int)) => (acc1._1 + acc2._1, acc1._2 + acc2._2), // mergeCombiners
new HashPartitioner(3)
if (outputMqtt) {
println("Use the command below to consume data:")
println("mosquitto_sub -h -p 1883 -t " + mqttTopic)
val mqttSink = ssc.sparkContext.broadcast(MqttSink)
countStream.foreachRDD { rdd =>
rdd.foreach { message =>
mqttSink.value.send(mqttTopic, message.toString()) // "send" method does not exist
} else {
ssc.start() // Start the computation
ssc.awaitTermination() // Wait for the computation to terminate
import org.fusesource.mqtt.client.{FutureConnection, MQTT, QoS}
class MqttSink(createProducer: () => FutureConnection) extends Serializable {
lazy val producer = createProducer()
def send(topic: String, message: String): Unit = {
producer.publish(topic, message.toString().getBytes, QoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE, false)
object MqttSink {
def apply(): MqttSink = {
val f = () => {
val mqtt = new MQTT()
mqtt.setHost("localhost", 1883)
val producer = mqtt.futureConnection()
sys.addShutdownHook {
new MqttSink(f)
As an alternative you could also use Structure Streaming with the Apache Bahir Spark Extention for MQTT.
Complete Example
name := "MQTT_StructuredStreaming"
version := "0.1"
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" % "spark-core_2.12" % "2.4.4"
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" % "spark-sql_2.12" % "2.4.4"
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" % "spark-streaming_2.12" % "2.4.4" % "provided"
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.bahir" % "spark-sql-streaming-mqtt_2.12" % "2.4.0"
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQuery
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset, SparkSession}
object Main extends App {
val brokerURL = "tcp://localhost:1883"
val subTopicName = "/my/subscribe/topic"
val pubTopicName = "/my/publish/topic"
val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession
.config("spark.sql.streaming.checkpointLocation", "/my/sparkCheckpoint/dir")
import spark.implicits._
val lines: Dataset[String] = spark.readStream
.option("topic", subTopicName)
.option("clientId", "some-client-id")
.option("persistence", "memory")
.selectExpr("CAST(payload AS STRING)").as[String]
// Split the lines into words
val words: Dataset[String] = lines.as[String].flatMap(_.split(";"))
// Generate running word count
val wordCounts: DataFrame = words.groupBy("value").count()
// Start running the query that prints the running counts to the console
val query: StreamingQuery = wordCounts.writeStream
.option("topic", pubTopicName)
.option("brokerURL", brokerURL)
this is a working example based on the blog entry Spark and Kafka integration patterns.
package org.sense.spark.app
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext}
import org.apache.spark.{HashPartitioner, SparkConf}
import org.fusesource.mqtt.client.QoS
import org.sense.spark.util.{MqttSink, TaxiRideSource}
object TaxiRideCountCombineByKey {
val mqttTopic: String = "spark-mqtt-sink"
val qos: QoS = QoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val outputMqtt: Boolean = if (args.length > 0 && args(0).equals("mqtt")) true else false
// Create a local StreamingContext with two working thread and batch interval of 1 second.
// The master requires 4 cores to prevent from a starvation scenario.
val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(1))
val stream = ssc.receiverStream(new TaxiRideSource())
val driverStream = stream.map(taxiRide => (taxiRide.driverId, 1))
val countStream = driverStream.combineByKey(
(v) => (v, 1), //createCombiner
(acc: (Int, Int), v) => (acc._1 + v, acc._2 + 1), //mergeValue
(acc1: (Int, Int), acc2: (Int, Int)) => (acc1._1 + acc2._1, acc1._2 + acc2._2), // mergeCombiners
new HashPartitioner(3)
if (outputMqtt) {
println("Use the command below to consume data:")
println("mosquitto_sub -h -p 1883 -t " + mqttTopic)
val mqttSink = ssc.sparkContext.broadcast(MqttSink())
countStream.foreachRDD { rdd =>
rdd.foreach { message =>
mqttSink.value.send(mqttTopic, message.toString()) // "send" method does not exist
} else {
ssc.start() // Start the computation
ssc.awaitTermination() // Wait for the computation to terminate
package org.sense.spark.util
import org.fusesource.mqtt.client.{FutureConnection, MQTT, QoS}
class MqttSink(createProducer: () => FutureConnection) extends Serializable {
lazy val producer = createProducer()
def send(topic: String, message: String): Unit = {
producer.publish(topic, message.toString().getBytes, QoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE, false)
object MqttSink {
def apply(): MqttSink = {
val f = () => {
val mqtt = new MQTT()
mqtt.setHost("localhost", 1883)
val producer = mqtt.futureConnection()
sys.addShutdownHook {
new MqttSink(f)
package org.sense.spark.util
import java.io.{BufferedReader, FileInputStream, InputStreamReader}
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.util.Locale
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream
import org.apache.spark.storage._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver._
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.joda.time.format.{DateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatter}
case class TaxiRide(rideId: Long, isStart: Boolean, startTime: DateTime, endTime: DateTime,
startLon: Float, startLat: Float, endLon: Float, endLat: Float,
passengerCnt: Short, taxiId: Long, driverId: Long)
object TimeFormatter {
val timeFormatter: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").withLocale(Locale.US).withZoneUTC()
class TaxiRideSource extends Receiver[TaxiRide](StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_2) {
val dataFilePath = "/home/flink/nycTaxiRides.gz";
var dataRateListener: DataRateListener = _
* Start the thread that receives data over a connection
def onStart() {
dataRateListener = new DataRateListener()
new Thread("TaxiRide Source") {
override def run() {
def onStop() {}
* Periodically generate a TaxiRide event and regulate the emission frequency
private def receive() {
while (!isStopped()) {
val gzipStream = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(dataFilePath))
val reader: BufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(gzipStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
try {
var line: String = null
do {
// start time before reading the line
val startTime = System.nanoTime
// read the line on the file and yield the object
line = reader.readLine
if (line != null) {
val taxiRide: TaxiRide = getTaxiRideFromString(line)
// regulate frequency of the source
} while (line != null)
} finally {
def getTaxiRideFromString(line: String): TaxiRide = {
// println(line)
val tokens: Array[String] = line.split(",")
if (tokens.length != 11) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid record: " + line)
val rideId: Long = tokens(0).toLong
val (isStart, startTime, endTime) = tokens(1) match {
case "START" => (true, DateTime.parse(tokens(2), TimeFormatter.timeFormatter), DateTime.parse(tokens(3), TimeFormatter.timeFormatter))
case "END" => (false, DateTime.parse(tokens(2), TimeFormatter.timeFormatter), DateTime.parse(tokens(3), TimeFormatter.timeFormatter))
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Invalid record: " + line)
val startLon: Float = if (tokens(4).length > 0) tokens(4).toFloat else 0.0f
val startLat: Float = if (tokens(5).length > 0) tokens(5).toFloat else 0.0f
val endLon: Float = if (tokens(6).length > 0) tokens(6).toFloat else 0.0f
val endLat: Float = if (tokens(7).length > 0) tokens(7).toFloat else 0.0f
val passengerCnt: Short = tokens(8).toShort
val taxiId: Long = tokens(9).toLong
val driverId: Long = tokens(10).toLong
TaxiRide(rideId, isStart, startTime, endTime, startLon, startLat, endLon, endLat, passengerCnt, taxiId, driverId)

How to using Akka Stream with Akk-Http to stream the response

I'm new to Akka Stream. I used following code for CSV parsing.
class CsvParser(config: Config)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends LazyLogging with NumberValidation {
import system.dispatcher
private val importDirectory = Paths.get(config.getString("importer.import-directory")).toFile
private val linesToSkip = config.getInt("importer.lines-to-skip")
private val concurrentFiles = config.getInt("importer.concurrent-files")
private val concurrentWrites = config.getInt("importer.concurrent-writes")
private val nonIOParallelism = config.getInt("importer.non-io-parallelism")
def save(r: ValidReading): Future[Unit] = {
def parseLine(filePath: String)(line: String): Future[Reading] = Future {
val fields = line.split(";")
val id = fields(0).toInt
try {
val value = fields(1).toDouble
ValidReading(id, value)
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
logger.error(s"Unable to parse line in $filePath:\n$line: ${t.getMessage}")
val lineDelimiter: Flow[ByteString, ByteString, NotUsed] =
Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), 128, allowTruncation = true)
val parseFile: Flow[File, Reading, NotUsed] =
Flow[File].flatMapConcat { file =>
val src = FileSource.fromFile(file).getLines()
val source : Source[String, NotUsed] = Source.fromIterator(() => src)
// val gzipInputStream = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))
.mapAsync(parallelism = nonIOParallelism)(parseLine(file.getPath))
val computeAverage: Flow[Reading, ValidReading, NotUsed] =
Flow[Reading].grouped(2).mapAsyncUnordered(parallelism = nonIOParallelism) { readings =>
Future {
val validReadings = readings.collect { case r: ValidReading => r }
val average = if (validReadings.nonEmpty) validReadings.map(_.value).sum / validReadings.size else -1
ValidReading(readings.head.id, average)
val storeReadings: Sink[ValidReading, Future[Done]] =
val processSingleFile: Flow[File, ValidReading, NotUsed] =
def importFromFiles = {
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
val files = importDirectory.listFiles.toList
logger.info(s"Starting import of ${files.size} files from ${importDirectory.getPath}")
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
val balancer = GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder =>
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
val balance = builder.add(Balance[File](concurrentFiles))
val merge = builder.add(Merge[ValidReading](concurrentFiles))
(1 to concurrentFiles).foreach { _ =>
balance ~> processSingleFile ~> merge
FlowShape(balance.in, merge.out)
.withAttributes(ActorAttributes.supervisionStrategy { e =>
logger.error("Exception thrown during stream processing", e)
.andThen {
case Success(_) =>
val elapsedTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0
logger.info(s"Import finished in ${elapsedTime}s")
case Failure(e) => logger.error("Import failed", e)
I wanted to to use Akka HTTP which would give all ValidReading entities parsed from CSV but I couldn't understand on how would I do that.
The above code fetches file from server and parse each lines to generate ValidReading.
How can I pass/upload CSV via akka-http, parse the file and stream the resulted response back to the endpoint?
The "essence" of the solution is something like this:
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
val route = fileUpload("csv") {
case (metadata, byteSource) =>
val source = byteSource.map(x => x)
complete(HttpResponse(entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`text/csv(UTF-8)`, source)))
You detect that the uploaded thing is a multipart-form-data with a chunk named "csv". You get the byteSource from that. Do the calculation (insert your logic to the .map(x=>x) part). Convert your data back to ByteString. Complete the request with the new source. This will make your endoint like a proxy.

recursive value x$5 needs type

i am getting error at this line
val Array(outputDirectory, Utils.IntParam(numTweetsToCollect), Utils.IntParam(intervalSecs), Utils.IntParam(partitionsEachInterval)) =
recursive value x$7 needs
recursive value x$1 needs
what does this error meaning, please guide me how to resolve this error.
object Collect {
private var numTweetsCollected = 0L
private var partNum = 0
private var gson = new Gson()
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Process program arguments and set properties
if (args.length < 3) {
System.err.println("Usage: " + this.getClass.getSimpleName +
"<outputDirectory> <numTweetsToCollect> <intervalInSeconds> <partitionsEachInterval>")
val Array(outputDirectory, Utils.IntParam(numTweetsToCollect), Utils.IntParam(intervalSecs), Utils.IntParam(partitionsEachInterval)) =
val outputDir = new File(outputDirectory.toString)
if (outputDir.exists()) {
System.err.println("ERROR - %s already exists: delete or specify another directory".format(
println("Initializing Streaming Spark Context...")
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(this.getClass.getSimpleName)
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(intervalSecs))
val tweetStream = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, Utils.getAuth)
tweetStream.foreachRDD((rdd, time) => {
val count = rdd.count()
if (count > 0) {
val outputRDD = rdd.repartition(partitionsEachInterval)
outputRDD.saveAsTextFile(outputDirectory + "/tweets_" + time.milliseconds.toString)
numTweetsCollected += count
if (numTweetsCollected > numTweetsToCollect) {
Try removing the Utils.IntParam(.. from your pattern matched values. Extract the values, then parse them separately.

Generating recommendation model for a large dataset using spark

I'm trying out to generate a simple ALS model using the spark documentation here.
My first file(ratings.csv) has 20million UserID,MovID,Rat and can be downloaded here
So I have the testing data which is a subset of ratings.csv. That test dataset can be downloaded here:
The test file has just the UserID, Movie ID column.
So to create training data we will have to filter ratings.csv.
The following code is working fine for a smaller case of 100,000 UserID,MovID rating. I am not able to generate the model for the big case.
Please help with a pointer.
* Created by echoesofconc on 3/8/17.
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.MatrixFactorizationModel
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating
import java.io._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
object Prateek_Agrawal_task1 {
def dropheader(data: RDD[String]): RDD[String] = {
data.mapPartitionsWithIndex((idx, lines) => {
if (idx == 0) {
def create_training(ratings_split: RDD[Array[String]], ratings_testing: Array[Array[String]]) = {
ratings_split.filter(x => {
ratings_testing.exists(y =>
(x(0) == y(0) && x(1) == y(1))
) == false
def create_testing(ratings_split: RDD[Array[String]], ratings_testing: Array[Array[String]]) = {
ratings_split.filter(x => {
ratings_testing.exists(y =>
(x(0) == y(0) && x(1) == y(1))
) == true
def create_model(ratings_train:RDD[Array[String]],rank:Int,numIterations:Int ):org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.MatrixFactorizationModel={
val ratings = ratings_train.map(_ match { case Array(user,item,rate,temp) =>
Rating(user.toInt, item.toInt, rate.toDouble)
val model = ALS.train(ratings, rank, numIterations, 0.01)
return model
def print_results(final_predictions_adjusted:RDD[((Int, Int), Double)])={
val rating_range=final_predictions_adjusted.map(x=>(x._2.toInt,1)).reduceByKey(_+_).sortByKey()
val rating_range_till_4=rating_range.map{x=>
var temp=x
if (x._1==5){temp=(4,x._2)}
rating_range_till_4.sortByKey().foreach { x =>
printf(">=0 and <1: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=1 and <2: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=2 and <3: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=3 and <4: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=4 " + x._2+"\n")
printf("=5 " + x._2+"\n")
case class User_mov_rat(UserID: Int, MovieID:Int, Pred_rating: Double)
def print_outputfile(final_predictions_adjusted:RDD[((Int, Int), Double)])={
val writer = new FileWriter(new File("./output.txt" ))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Prateek_Agrawal_task1").setMaster("local[2]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val file = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/ml-20m/ratings.csv"
val test = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/Prateek_Agrawal_hw3/testing_20m.csv"
val data = sc.textFile(file, 2).cache()
val data_test = sc.textFile(test, 2).cache()
// Drop Header
val data_wo_header=dropheader(data).persist()
val data_test_wo_header=dropheader(data_test).persist()
// Create Training and testing data of the format (User ID, MovID, Rating, Time)
val ratings_split = data_wo_header.map(line => line.split(",")).persist()
val ratings_testing = data_test_wo_header.map(line => line.split(",")).collect()
val ratings_train = create_training(ratings_split, ratings_testing).persist()
val ratings_test=create_testing(ratings_split, ratings_testing)
// Create the model using rating_train the training data
val rank = 1
val numIterations = 10
val model=create_model(ratings_train,rank,numIterations)
// Average user,Rating from training this is for cases which are there in test but not rated by any user in training
val user_avgrat=ratings_test.map(_ match { case Array(user, mov, rate, temp) =>(user.toInt, (rate.toDouble,1.0))}).reduceByKey((x,y)=>(x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2)).mapValues{ case (sum, count) => (1.0 * sum) / count }
// Predict user_mov ratings
val user_mov = data_test_wo_header.map(_.split(',') match { case Array(user, mov) =>
val predictions =
model.predict(user_mov).map { case Rating(user, mov, rate) =>
((user, mov), rate)
// Combine Predictions and unpredicted user,Movies due to them being individual. Going forward we need to improve the accuracy for these predictions
val user_mov_rat=user_mov.map(x=>(x,0.0))
val predictions_unpredicted_combined= predictions.union(user_mov_rat).reduceByKey(_+_).map(x=>(x._1._1,(x._1._2,x._2)))
// Combine average rating and predictions+unpredicted values
val avg_rating_predictions_unpredicted_combined=predictions_unpredicted_combined.join(user_avgrat)
// Generate final predictions RDD
val final_predictions=avg_rating_predictions_unpredicted_combined.map{x=>
var temp=((x._1,x._2._1._1),x._2._2)
// Adjust for ratings above 5.0 and below 0.0
val final_predictions_adjusted=final_predictions.map{x=>
var temp=x
if (x._2>5.0){temp=(x._1,5.0)}
if (x._2<0.0){temp=(x._1,0.0)}
val ratesAndPreds = ratings_test.map(_ match { case Array(user, mov, rate, temp) => ((user.toInt,mov.toInt),rate.toDouble)}).join(final_predictions_adjusted)
val MSE = ratesAndPreds.map { case ((user, product), (r1, r2)) =>
val err = (r1 - r2)
err * err
val RMSE=math.sqrt(MSE)
// Print output.txt
// Print the predictionresults
In case someone thinks I should be doing a regex match I have tried that approach. BUt that dosen't seem to be a bottleneck.
I only need to complete the create model part on which I am stuck for the big dataset. Can somebody help.
Another approach I tried which is much faster by using broadcast variables. But it's been running for 12 hrs with no signs of progress. On spark UI somehow the whole of the RDD(ratings.csv ~500MB) is not cached. Only around 64MB with 2.5 Million lines is being processed initially. I am using --executor-memory -8g. I have modified the create_training create_testing functions:
* Created by echoesofconc on 3/8/17.
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating
import java.io._
object Prateek_Agrawal_task2 {
def dropheader(data: RDD[String]): RDD[String] = {
data.mapPartitionsWithIndex((idx, lines) => {
if (idx == 0) {
def create_training(data_wo_header: RDD[String], data_test_wo_header: RDD[String],sc:SparkContext): RDD[String] = {
val rdd2array = sc.broadcast(data_test_wo_header.collect())
val training_set = data_wo_header.filter{
case(x) => rdd2array.value.filter(y => x.indexOf(y.toString())==0).length == 0
return training_set
def create_test(data_wo_header: RDD[String], data_test_wo_header: RDD[String],sc:SparkContext): RDD[String] = {
val rdd2array = sc.broadcast(data_test_wo_header.collect())
val training_set = data_wo_header.filter{
case(x) => rdd2array.value.filter(y => x.indexOf(y.toString())==0).length != 0
return training_set
def create_model(ratings_train:RDD[String],rank:Int,numIterations:Int ):org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.MatrixFactorizationModel={
val ratings = ratings_train.map(_.split(',') match { case Array(user, item, rate, timestamp) =>
Rating(user.toInt, item.toInt, rate.toDouble)
val model = ALS.train(ratings, rank, numIterations, 0.01)
return model
def print_results(final_predictions_adjusted:RDD[((Int, Int), Double)])={
val rating_range=final_predictions_adjusted.map(x=>(x._2.toInt,1)).reduceByKey(_+_).sortByKey()
val rating_range_till_4=rating_range.map{x=>
var temp=x
if (x._1==5){temp=(4,x._2)}
rating_range_till_4.sortByKey().foreach { x =>
printf(">=0 and <1: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=1 and <2: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=2 and <3: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=3 and <4: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=4 " + x._2+"\n")
printf("=5 " + x._2+"\n")
case class User_mov_rat(UserID: Int, MovieID:Int, Pred_rating: Double)
def print_outputfile(final_predictions_adjusted:RDD[((Int, Int), Double)])={
val writer = new FileWriter(new File("./output.txt" ))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Prateek_Agrawal_task1").setMaster("local[2]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val file = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/ml-latest-small/ratings.csv"
val test = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/Prateek_Agrawal_hw3/testing_small.csv"
// val file = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/ml-20m/ratings.csv"
// val test = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/Prateek_Agrawal_hw3/testing_20m.csv"
val data = sc.textFile(file, 2).persist()
val data_test = sc.textFile(test, 2).persist()
// Drop Header
val data_wo_header=dropheader(data)
val data_test_wo_header=dropheader(data_test)
// Create Traing and testing data of the format (User ID, MovID, Rating, Time)
val ratings_train=create_training(data_wo_header,data_test_wo_header,sc).persist()
val ratings_test=create_test(data_wo_header,data_test_wo_header,sc)
// val ratings_test=create_test(data_wo_header,data_test_wo_header,sc)
// data_test_wo_header.unpersist()
// data_test.unpersist()
//// data.unpersist()
//// data_test.unpersist()
// Create the model using rating_train the training data
val rank = 1
val numIterations = 10
val model=create_model(ratings_train,rank,numIterations)
// ratings_train.unpersist()
// model.save(sc, "target/tmp/myCollaborativeFilter")
// val Model = MatrixFactorizationModel.load(sc, "/Users/echoesofconc/myCollaborativeFilter")
// Average user,Rating from training
val user_avgrat=ratings_test.map(_.split(",") match { case Array(user, mov, rate, temp) =>(user.toInt, (rate.toDouble,1.0))}).reduceByKey((x,y)=>(x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2)).mapValues{ case (sum, count) => (1.0 * sum) / count }
// Predict user_mov ratings
val user_mov = data_test_wo_header.map(_.split(',') match { case Array(user, mov) =>
val predictions =
model.predict(user_mov).map { case Rating(user, mov, rate) =>
((user, mov), rate)
// Combine Predictions and unpredicted user,Movies due to them being individual. Going forward we need to improve the accuracy for these predictions
val user_mov_rat=user_mov.map(x=>(x,0.0))
val predictions_unpredicted_combined= predictions.union(user_mov_rat).reduceByKey(_+_).map(x=>(x._1._1,(x._1._2,x._2)))
// Combine average rating and predictions+unpredicted values
val avg_rating_predictions_unpredicted_combined=predictions_unpredicted_combined.join(user_avgrat)
// Generate final predictions RDD
val final_predictions=avg_rating_predictions_unpredicted_combined.map{x=>
var temp=((x._1,x._2._1._1),x._2._2)
// Adjust for ratings above 5.0 and below 0.0
val final_predictions_adjusted=final_predictions.map{x=>
var temp=x
if (x._2>5.0){temp=(x._1,5.0)}
if (x._2<0.0){temp=(x._1,0.0)}
val ratesAndPreds = ratings_test.map(_.split(",") match { case Array(user, mov, rate, temp) => ((user.toInt,mov.toInt),rate.toDouble)}).join(final_predictions_adjusted)
val MSE = ratesAndPreds.map { case ((user, product), (r1, r2)) =>
val err = (r1 - r2)
err * err
val RMSE=math.sqrt(MSE)
// Print output.txt
// Print the predictionresults
This worked out to be fine. It's using join to create testng training data
* Created by echoesofconc on 3/8/17.
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.MatrixFactorizationModel
import java.io._
object Prateek_Agrawal_task1 {
def dropheader(data: RDD[String]): RDD[String] = {
data.mapPartitionsWithIndex((idx, lines) => {
if (idx == 0) {
def create_training(ratings_split: RDD[Array[String]], ratings_testing: Array[Array[String]]) = {
ratings_split.filter(x => {
ratings_testing.exists(y =>
(x(0) == y(0) && x(1) == y(1))
) == false
def create_testing(ratings_split: RDD[Array[String]], ratings_testing: Array[Array[String]]) = {
ratings_split.filter(x => {
ratings_testing.exists(y =>
(x(0) == y(0) && x(1) == y(1))
) == true
def create_model(ratings_train:RDD[((String, String), (String, String))],rank:Int,numIterations:Int ):org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.MatrixFactorizationModel={
val ratings = ratings_train.map(_ match { case ((user,item),(rate,temp)) =>
Rating(user.toInt, item.toInt, rate.toDouble)
val model = ALS.train(ratings, rank, numIterations, 0.01)
return model
def print_results(final_predictions_adjusted:RDD[((Int, Int), Double)])={
val rating_range=final_predictions_adjusted.map(x=>(x._2.toInt,1)).reduceByKey(_+_).sortByKey()
val rating_range_till_4=rating_range.map{x=>
var temp=x
if (x._1==5){temp=(4,x._2)}
rating_range_till_4.sortByKey().foreach { x =>
printf(">=0 and <1: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=1 and <2: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=2 and <3: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=3 and <4: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=4 " + x._2+"\n")
printf("=5 " + x._2+"\n")
case class User_mov_rat(UserID: Int, MovieID:Int, Pred_rating: Double)
def print_outputfile(final_predictions_adjusted:RDD[((Int, Int), Double)])={
val writer = new FileWriter(new File("./output.txt" ))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Prateek_Agrawal_task1").setMaster("local[2]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
// val file = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/ml-latest-small/ratings.csv"
// val test = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/Prateek_Agrawal_hw3/testing_small.csv"
val file = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/ml-20m/ratings.csv"
val test = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/Prateek_Agrawal_hw3/testing_20m.csv"
val data = sc.textFile(file, 2).cache()
val data_test = sc.textFile(test, 2).cache()
// Drop Header
// val data_wo_header=dropheader(data).persist()
// val data_test_wo_header=dropheader(data_test).persist()
// Create Traing and testing data of the format (User ID, MovID, Rating, Time)
val data_wo_header=dropheader(data).map(_.split(",")).map(x=>((x(0),x(1)),(x(2),x(3))))
val data_test_wo_header=dropheader(data_test).map(_.split(",")).map(x=>((x(0),x(1)),1))
val ratings_train=data_wo_header.subtractByKey(data_test_wo_header)
val ratings_test=data_wo_header.subtractByKey(ratings_train)
// val ratings_split = data_wo_header.map(line => line.split(",")).persist()
// data_wo_header.unpersist()
// data.unpersist()
// val ratings_testing = data_test_wo_header.map(line => line.split(",")).collect()
// data_test_wo_header.unpersist()
// data_test.unpersist()
// val ratings_train = create_training(ratings_split, ratings_testing).persist()
// val ratings_test=create_testing(ratings_split, ratings_testing)
// ratings_split.unpersist()
// ratings_test.unpersist()
// Create the model using rating_train the training data
val rank = 1
val numIterations = 10
// val model=create_model(ratings_train,rank,numIterations)
// model.save(sc, "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/Prateek_Agrawal_hw3/myCollaborativeFilter")
val model = MatrixFactorizationModel.load(sc, "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/Prateek_Agrawal_hw3/myCollaborativeFilter")
// Average user,Rating from training
val user_avgrat=ratings_train.map(_ match { case ((user, mov), (rate, temp)) =>(user.toInt, (rate.toDouble,1.0))}).reduceByKey((x,y)=>(x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2)).mapValues{ case (sum, count) => (1.0 * sum) / count }
// Predict user_mov ratings
val user_mov = data_test_wo_header.map(_ match { case ((user, mov),temp) =>
val predictions =
model.predict(user_mov).map { case Rating(user, mov, rate) =>
((user, mov), rate)
// Combine Predictions and unpredicted user,Movies due to them being individual. Going forward we need to improve the accuracy for these predictions
val user_mov_rat=user_mov.map(x=>(x,0.0))
val predictions_unpredicted_combined= predictions.union(user_mov_rat).reduceByKey(_+_).map(x=>(x._1._1,(x._1._2,x._2)))
// Combine average rating and predictions+unpredicted values
val avg_rating_predictions_unpredicted_combined=predictions_unpredicted_combined.join(user_avgrat)
// Generate final predictions RDD
val final_predictions=avg_rating_predictions_unpredicted_combined.map{x=>
var temp=((x._1,x._2._1._1),x._2._2)
// Adjust for ratings above 5.0 and below 0.0
val final_predictions_adjusted=final_predictions.map{x=>
var temp=x
if (x._2>5.0){temp=(x._1,5.0)}
if (x._2<0.0){temp=(x._1,0.0)}
// final_predictions_adjusted.count()
val ratesAndPreds_map = ratings_test.map(_ match { case ((user, mov), (rate, temp)) => ((user.toInt,mov.toInt),rate.toDouble)})
val ratesAndPreds=ratesAndPreds_map.join(final_predictions_adjusted)
val MSE = ratesAndPreds.map { case ((user, product), (r1, r2)) =>
val err = (r1 - r2)
err * err
val RMSE=math.sqrt(MSE)
// Print output.txt
// Print the predictionresults

SparkContext cannot be launched in the same programe with Streaming SparkContext

I created the following test that fit a simple linear regression model to a dummy streaming data.
I use hyper-parameters optimisation to find good values of stepSize, numiterations and initialWeights of the linear model.
Everything runs fine, except the last lines of the code that are commented out:
// Save the evaluations for further visualization
// val gridEvalsRDD = sc.parallelize(gridEvals)
// gridEvalsRDD.coalesce(1)
// .map(e => "%.3f\t%.3f\t%d\t%.3f".format(e._1, e._2, e._3, e._4))
// .saveAsTextFile("data/mllib/streaming")
The problem is with the SparkContext sc. If I initialize it at the beginning of a test, then the program shown errors. It looks like sc should be defined in some special way in order to avoid conflicts with scc (streaming spark context). Any ideas?
The whole code:
// scalastyle:off
package org.apache.spark.mllib.regression
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector, Vectors}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.util.LinearDataGenerator
import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{StreamingContext, TestSuiteBase}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.TestSuiteBase
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter
class StreamingLinearRegressionHypeOpt extends TestSuiteBase with BeforeAndAfter {
// use longer wait time to ensure job completion
override def maxWaitTimeMillis: Int = 20000
var ssc: StreamingContext = _
override def afterFunction() {
if (ssc != null) {
def calculateMSE(output: Seq[Seq[(Double, Double)]], n: Int): Double = {
val mse = output
.map {
case seqOfPairs: Seq[(Double, Double)] =>
val err = seqOfPairs.map(p => math.abs(p._1 - p._2)).sum
}.sum / n
def calculateRMSE(output: Seq[Seq[(Double, Double)]], n: Int): Double = {
val mse = output
.map {
case seqOfPairs: Seq[(Double, Double)] =>
val err = seqOfPairs.map(p => math.abs(p._1 - p._2)).sum
}.sum / n
def dummyStringStreamSplit(datastream: Stream[String]) =
datastream.flatMap(txt => txt.split(" "))
test("Test 1") {
// create model initialized with zero weights
val model = new StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGD()
.setInitialWeights(Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0))
// generate sequence of simulated data for testing
val numBatches = 10
val nPoints = 100
val inputData = (0 until numBatches).map { i =>
LinearDataGenerator.generateLinearInput(0.0, Array(10.0, 10.0), nPoints, 42 * (i + 1))
// Without hyper-parameters optimization
withStreamingContext(setupStreams(inputData, (inputDStream: DStream[LabeledPoint]) => {
model.predictOnValues(inputDStream.map(x => (x.label, x.features)))
})) { ssc =>
val output: Seq[Seq[(Double, Double)]] = runStreams(ssc, numBatches, numBatches)
val rmse = calculateRMSE(output, nPoints)
println(s"RMSE = $rmse")
// With hyper-parameters optimization
val gridParams = Map(
"initialWeights" -> List(Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0), Vectors.dense(10.0, 10.0)),
"stepSize" -> List(0.1, 0.2, 0.3),
"numIterations" -> List(25, 50)
val gridEvals = for (initialWeights <- gridParams("initialWeights");
stepSize <- gridParams("stepSize");
numIterations <- gridParams("numIterations")) yield {
val lr = new StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGD()
withStreamingContext(setupStreams(inputData, (inputDStream: DStream[LabeledPoint]) => {
lr.predictOnValues(inputDStream.map(x => (x.label, x.features)))
})) { ssc =>
val output: Seq[Seq[(Double, Double)]] = runStreams(ssc, numBatches, numBatches)
val cvRMSE = calculateRMSE(output, nPoints)
println(s"RMSE = $cvRMSE")
(initialWeights, stepSize, numIterations, cvRMSE)
// Save the evaluations for further visualization
// val gridEvalsRDD = sc.parallelize(gridEvals)
// gridEvalsRDD.coalesce(1)
// .map(e => "%.3f\t%.3f\t%d\t%.3f".format(e._1, e._2, e._3, e._4))
// .saveAsTextFile("data/mllib/streaming")
// scalastyle:on