copy pairs of files with same filename and different file extension - copy

So I'm trying to copy files for statements so there is a pdf and an xml file with the same name and different file extensions. I need to copy lets say 1000 files at a time so that would be 500 pairs of pdf and xml files. I'm trying setup a batch file to do this, but I'm not sure how to get it to check the filenames to get the pair to copy at the same time. The reason I need the pair is because if just one or the other is there it will bomb out and not process. Any help is greatly appreciated.


How to convert group of .dat file has 16bit integer data to group of .txt file?

I have a group of .dat files I need to convert to .txt files. I have a directory called "data" that has "210" files (0.dat, 1.dat, ......210.dat), I want to convert these .dat files to .txt files (0.txt, 1.txt ......210.txt), the data type is 16bit integer.
Ideally you are supposed to try a few steps before coming here asking for a solution. Since this is your first post, I'll give you a few pointers. Next time please Google a few solutions. Try them. Post your code/error if you have any issues to receive help.
From the directory, Load all the contents of the folder using,
files = dir('*.dat');
Add a FOR loop to read each dat file one by one.
fileID = fopen('XXXX.dat');
OneByte = fread(fileID,'*uint16');
Then once the file is loaded you can convert it into .txt file.

Tool/Script to Automate File Naming From Metadata

I have a folder containing 1000+ PDF files with generic names (i.e. DOC (1)) that I need to rename with the order number, which is listed inside the file itself. I've had to manually open each document, look for the order number, then change the file name.
I have a spreadsheet list of all of the order numbers contained in that folder. I've used the search function of the file explorer to look up each individual order #, then renaming whichever file comes up. This has reduced the task time substantially but it's still very time-consuming.
Does anyone know of a macro or scrip that I can build to automate the task? Again, I would need something to grab the order number line by line from the spreadsheet, then go to the file explorer to search for any files with that specific term, and finally rename whichever file comes up with said term.
Any and all relevant help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your time!

Extracting file names from an online data server in Matlab

I am trying to write a script that will allow me to download numerous (1000s) of data files from a data server (e.g, Unfortunately, the names of the files in each directory are not formatted in a similar way (the time that they were created were appended to the end of the file name). I need to be able to specify the file name to subset the data (I have a special tool for these data types) and download it. I cannot find a function in matlab that will extract the file names.
I have looked at URLREAD, but it downloads everything including html code.
Thanks for your help!
You can easily parse the link.
links=regexp(x,'<a href=''([^>]+)''>','tokens')
Reads every link, you have to filter all unwanted links.
For example this gets all grb files:
a=regexp(x,'<a href=''([^>]+.grb)''>','tokens')

C# folder and subfolder

Upon numerous searches, I am here to see if someone has any idea on how I should go about tackling this issue.
I have a folder with sub-folders. The sub-folder containers each has files of different file types e.g. pdf, png, jpeg, tiff, avi and word documents.
My goal is to write a code in C# that will go into the subfolder, and combined all the files into one pdf using the name of the folder. The only exception is that a file such as avi will not be pdf'ed in which case I want a nudge as to which folder it is and possibly file name. I am trying to use the form approach, so that you can copy in the folder pathname and also destination of the created pdf.
to start, create a FolderBrowserDialog to get the root folder. Alternatively just make a textbox in which you paste the folder name ( less preferred since the first method gives you nicer error-handling straight out of the box )
In order to iterate through, see How to: Iterate Through a Directory Tree
To find the filetype, check System.IO.FileInfo.Extension for each file you iterate through. Add those to list with the data you need. ( hint, create a list of objects in which your object reflects the data you need such as path, type etc,... ). If its an avi don't toss it in the list but flash a warning (messagebox?) instead.
From here the original question gets fuzzy. What exactly do you need in the pdf. Just the filenames and locations or do you actually want to throw the actual contents of the file in pdf?

How to run the same code with many files (different file name in same directory) in Matlab?

I have a thousand .dat files to run with the same program. Is there any faster way or script to run it automatically instead of run them one by one? The .dat files have different filenames.
The program is something like:
The abd is the file name. I have thousands of files with different file names. It is a bit annoying by keep copying and pasting those filenames into the program and run it. Anyone got a faster way or code for this?
you can use "dir" to get a list of files, and then process them in a loop like this.
fns = dir('*.dat');
for i = 1:length(fns)
fid = fopen(fns(i).name);
C = textscan(...);
Rethink the problem. Write one script to read a text file of file names and strings. Then you've got 2 files, not thousands.