Vehicles are missing in default CryEngine 5 installation - cryengine

I installed CryEngine 5 from an official site. Now I want to add a vehicle to a level.
As described in Beginners manual, I need to
open the Create Object tool, go to Entity and expand Vehicles in the list that appears in the bottom of the tool.
However, there is no Vehicles item:
How to add DefaultVehicle into my level?

I guess you are using one of the many templates from the Cryengine launcher. In those templates you have almost nothing, so you would have to implement them by yourself.
Here you can find some useful resource to register a new vehicle entity
Vehicle System overview
Vehicle Setup Tutorial
XML Setup Guide
And here you can find a small guide on vehicle modelling and setup.
But if you want just start using a vehicle without having to implement it from scratch, I suggest you to download and use the CRYENGINE GameSDK Sample Project that comes with some cool stuff, such as different categories of vehicles, particles, objects and an actual player.
Please note that these guides from the official documentation were developed for CryEngine 3.X but they should work also for CryEngine 5.X
I hope I helped you :)

It turns out that in CryEngine 5 you need to download GameSDK, because engine does not have this editor by default.


how would I find all the places in all blueprints where there is a call to ParallelFor()?

I'm trying to fix some incorrect calls to ParallelFor() that are appearing in performance profiles. I can't seem to find it in the Blueprint scripts in the Unreal Engine 4 project I'm working with. The Unreal documentation is sparse, and only tells me how to use it in C++.
Any ideas? I'm really concerned that I can't do a plain-text search for functions like this inside the Blueprint scripts. The Unreal Engine dev forums didn't help. The existing search mechanism via the search boxes appears to be for variables.
Using grep in the project folder fails.
There are many factors to muti-threading speedup, number of cores, utilization, memory, scheduler...
The problem may be external to the code.
On to the question:
Many of the built-in blueprint functions are implemented natively in C++.
I would suggest looking at the profiler call stack(tree view); Follow it up to something named similar to a node. This technique may fail for cross thread dispatches.
You will have to download the source code and look there to find the calls.
The other way is to build a debug build(with symbols) of the game and attach a debugger to the process.
The call was built-in to the framework in my case.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
You can easily search trough all your BPs from withing the editor with
CTRL+SHIFT+F or window -> developer tools -> find in blueprints.
You get also there from within a blueprint, CTRL+F enter what you'r looking for, and on the right side there is kind of a book symbol in the same line where you can search all blueprints.

Can XCUITEST can implement the cucumber Feature files

Can we write the Feature files and step definitions in Swift Automation framework using XCUITEST Framework ?Is yes , Any jar files or plugins we need to install ?
I am unable to find much support in this
While this is not an appropriate question for StackOverflow, I will oblige you an answer with Cucumberish. I have used it in the past, it works, but I generally steer clear of third party frameworks as they add a layer of complexity and leave you in the lurch if they lose support.
I have worked a bit with CucumberSwift and got it to work fine, reading German-language Feature files and letting me define steps in Swift using all the functionality that XCUITest provides.
However, we have not adopted this in the end but are writing Feature files in Gherkin and then write ordinary XCTestCases that we link to the Feature files by mentioning Scenario names in comments. We develop the same functionality for three platforms and it was difficult to see how BDD tooling would work across all three or how we could make it work given the resources we have. Like Mike Collins we also felt that running without the complexity of additional frameworks was an added benefit.
Having said this, CucumberSwift seems promising, perhaps check out this discussion about documentation and add to it?

Hippo custom essential plugin creation

How do we add our own plugin. Lets say a new add-on or feature which can be installed and used. How do we develop that? I am sorry i am new to this.
Kindly help
Depending on your needs, I suggest you check out:
You can also create various plugins more like the native functionality. Adding such to essentials is described here:
That doesn't tell you how to create a plugin however. Essentials is just a helper application, the plugin can be various things from services, to configuration, to document types, to hst components... All of that requires some knowledge of the internals of the system. Look around the documentation, you can see how to create various things like workflows, perspectives, and more.
A plugin is no more than a collection of code and configuration bundled together. It could be a frontend thing or a backend thing. So I can't simply tell you how to create them. It can be quite difficult, depending on what you want, to create a plugin. Look into the code of some plugins, you will see that it is basically a java project with some configuration that can be found by the system on startup.
You might want to ask more specifically on what exactly you want to develop. That could lead to more specific advice. It can be daunting when you are starting to work with the cms. With experience it does start to make sense.

How to use Plone as Document Management?

I wish to create a document repository for my company. Reason is because my company have many documents and they did not have a version tracking in place. This means everyone is using different version all the time.
Plone is something new to me and i got to know from a good friend of mine. And too bad he is not around anymore to answer my question. I believed in him and i wish to materialize his idea, to use Plone as a document repository for my company.
I have install Plone and manage to view the default Plone page, add all company's username and change the logo to my company's logo. And now the biggest question is, how to setup the document repository? What i have in mind was to create a "page" for the user to add files, download files, search for files and read its description.
Any lead for me to go about?
Same problem here. We started to use Plone as our main DMS 4 weeks ago (inserting existing docs at present).
For working copies, we use iterate (insert under eggs in your buildout.cfg).
For versioning, Products.CMFEditions. I believe this worked out of the box.
For creating new workflow, look into and read the docs.
In a previous question we asked, we were still looking at Dexterity which has alot going for it but eventually we decided on adapting an existing content type based on Archetypes.
As for inserting files, as long as the description is ok, they will be found through the in-built search functionality, but you might consider using Iterate mentioned above to make sure that nobody is using the same file twice.
As your new, as I am, the docs seem hard at first but are actually quite good.
And this book is still giving me the foundation we need to keep adding functionality.
Good luck
I think, you should get pretty far with vanilla Plone installation, without developing your own extensions or other customization add-on-products. Therefore, I'd recommend you to start with Plone 4 User Manual to find out everything you could do out-of-the box.
As #Speediro mentioned, versioning support comes built-in for the main content types (and you don't actually see CMFEditions mentioned anywhere), but it's not activated for file uploads. Although, as briefly mentioned in the manual: Content items can be configured to have versioning enabled/disabled through the Site Setup → Plone Configuration panel under "Types".
Working Copy Support ( should also be there already waiting for activation on Site Setup's add-ons-panel.
Yet, before the Plone Collective (=community) Developer Docs or Professional Plone 4 Development, I'd recommend Practical Plone 3. It has a bit outdated graphics (because it was made for Plone 3), but it's great next step after the user manual. E.g. how to define content rules to send e-mails notifications for content updates (still through the browser without coding). Or how to create custom forms using Products.PloneFormGen.
When you really need to write your own code, it'd be time for Professional Plone 4 and the Collective Docs.
If you can't have a developer to manage your stuff, I would recommand to stay on official Plone, no custom code and use only widly used addons.
I mean:
stay on the default theme (sunburst)
use the default plone content types
only customize the logo
activate in the addon controlpanel
do not play with workflow because they need to know what you are doing. by default a file has the visibility of it's folder. It mean if you can see the folder you will be able to see all files inside. You can just activate default worklfow for files under the ZMI.
Use collective.quickupload addon
Your database will going really fast to a huge size because Plone is doing indexing and indexing means lot's of spaces. So you will have to handle this as system adminstrator;

Is there a good step-by-step tutorial for using datanucleus and maven?

I have a basic java-maven-wicket project and need a persistence layer. I want to start with something fairly simple and low maintenance so I can concentrate on the business logic. I've been using db4o directly but have been having some issues and would like to move to using datanucleus as it supports both db4o or regular rdbms. Unfortunately the docs are a bit of a mess and none really show you how to set up a project from scratch - at least not with maven.
Does anyone know of a good tutorial? Are there any books on Datanucleus?
No idea what "a bit of a mess" is since you don't define what is not understandable to you.
Obviously if you just clicked on "Guides" in the docs (top level navigation) then you could just see "Use with Maven2".
Or then you could go to the docs and just type in "Maven" in the search box, and use the first link on the page to find the exact same doc.