How to adjust rows and columns, retaining cell sizes in arcmap? - matlab

The Situation: I have a vector data map with all the countries in the World, including a unique landcode for every country. I need to convert it into a raster map, so I can eventually analyse (with Matlab) drought indicators for that country.
The Problem: The precipitation data I use has 720 columns and 360 rows. I want the raster map of world countries to be in the exact same amount of columns and rows. BUT the raster map also needs to have a cellsize of 0.5! Right now, when I use the vector to raster conversion tool, if I use cellsize = 0.5, the columns and rows become 720x287.
Question: How can I create a raster map of 720 columns and 360 rows, while setting cellsize at 0.5?
Thank you in advance!
Additional info:
Using ArcMap 10.4.1 and Matlab R2015b
Raster is .TIFF
Vector is .shp

As a fellow GIS user I would recommend posting your question under the GIS stack exchange,
Beyond that there is some clarification needed. Are you saying that you are trying to create a multi band raster with 1 band for each column?

I solved the problem. In ArcMap, I imported the precipitation data (NetCDF). It was however flipped, but I could get it in the right orientation using the tools 'Flip' and 'Rotate'. Now this map had the right orientation and the right amount of columns and rows. Furthermore I just altered some of the default settings in environments: 1) I set the processing extent to the precipitation data. 2) I set the snap raster also to the precipitation data. 3) I set the cellsize of every output raster to 0.5. Finally, I converted the vector file of world countries to a ASCII file using the raster to ascii conversion tool. The ASCII file now has the same amount of rows and columns as the precipitation data!


Displaying Median Rent Change YoY from 2021-2022 by Manhattan Neighborhood

I have been playing around with the Tableau Map functions and just noticed it was a built-in background layer displaying neighborhoods of the NYC boroughs. I got the idea of showing the YoY median percent change in rent by the Manhattan neighborhood. However, when I upload an excel file to Tableau, it doesn't recognize the neighborhoods as they are background layers. I've seen other visuals of breakdowns by the Manhattan neighborhood, so I know it's possible.
The excel file I imported contained Inward, Hudson Heights, Washington Heights & Manhattanville. Tableau is reading them as null values and won't give me the option to decide what they are.

Analysing proportion land coverage per raster cell from polygon layers in QGIS

I want to analyse the proportion of land use coverage of 12 different land use categories per raster cell. I want to do this for areas where a little owl was seen (owl location, value 1 in binary model) and areas where no owl was seen (owl absent, value 0 in binary model).I have a polygon layer that contains all values 0 (all areas where no owl was seen) and one for all values 1 (all areas where an owl was seen).
How can I extract the information I need from the data I have? Should I convert the polygon layers to rasters for example?
Absence layer:
Presence layer:
And this is a short example of what I want the output to look like:

How to get nodal values in OpenFOAM?

I would appreciate knowing how I can convert the cell values given after the OpenFOAM solution into the ones on the grid points. Is there any direct command for such a thing or I should work with the sampling option?
Thanks a lot for your help.
When you open your case using Paraview/paraFoam, then the interpolated fields at the points (nodes) are already computed by Paraview:
Fields with an orange small circle are the point data, while the fields that have an orange cube icon are the data at the cell centers, i.e:
You can also see the values of the fields (points or cell) using the Spreadsheet view and export them as CSV:

Change scatterplot labels in ELKI result visualization

Is it possible to easily change the scatterplot labels in the ELKI result visualization, maybe using parameters?
The default axes are labeled Column 0 and Column 1 for 2-dimensional data. It would be nice to change this to Latitude and Longitude for my case. I'm running DBSCAN with ELKI version 0.6.5.
There is no parameter for this. ELKI already has way too many parameters, doesn't it?
But (I believe there is a bug in 0.6.5 there, you may need to build the current git version yourself) if there is a column label available, ELKI will use the column label instead of enumerating axes. If the first row of a file does not contain numbers, the default parser will interpret is as column labels.
This is a visualization of clustering 1 day of coordinates in the 1% Twitter sample with HDBSCAN*:
Or you just export the graph to SVG and use a SVG editor and change the label as desired. I recommend Inkscape. The ability to fine-tune graphics with Inkscape was the key reason why we chose to use SVG.

How to extract LBP features from facial images in MATLAB?

I'm not familiar with Local Binary Pattern (LBP), could anyone help me to know how to extract LBP features from facial images (I need a simple code example)?
While searching, I found this code, but I didn't understand it.
So first of all you need to split the face into a certain amount of
For each of these sections you then have to loop through the all of
the pixels contained within that section and get their value (grey scale or colour values).
For each pixel check the value of the pixels which border it in (diagonals and up down left and right) and save them
for each of the directions check if the colour value of. if the colour is greater than the original pixels value you can assign that value a 1 and if it is less you can assign it as a 0.
you should get a list of 1's and 0's from the previous steps. put these numbers together and it will be a large binary number, you should be able to convert this to decimal and you will have a number assigned for that pixel. save this number per pixel.
after you have got a decimal number for each pixel within a section you can average all of the values to get an average number for this section.
This may not be the best description of how this works so here is a useful picture which might help you.
There is an extractLBPFeatures function in the R2015b release of the Computer Vision System Toolbox for MATLAB.