Scala map validation - scala

My program receives a scala map, the requirements is to validate this map (key-value pairs). Ex: validate a key value, convert its type from string to int etc. In a rare case, we update the key as well before passing the map to the down layer.
Its not always required to update this map , but only when we detect that there are any unsupported keys or values.
I'm doing some thing like this:
private def updateMap ( parameters: Map[String, String]): Map[String, String] = {{
case(k,v) => k match { case "checkPool" =>
(k, (if (k.contains("checkPool"))
v match {
case "1" => "true"
case _ => "false"
else v))
case "Newheader" => (k.replace("Newheader","header"),v)
case _ =>(k,v)
case _ => ("","")
Like this the code increases for doing the validation and converting the keys/values to supported ones.
Is there a cleaner way of doing this validation in Scala for a map?

According to what I understood from your question, match case can be your solution => kv.keySet.contains(STR) match {
case true => mutable.HashMap(STR_UPDT->kv.get(STR).get)
case _ => kv
Since you updated your question with more requirements, simple if else condition matching seems to be the best choice.
def updateMap(parameters: Map[String, String]): Map[String, String] = { => {
var key = kv._1
var value = kv._2
value = if(value.equals("1")) "true" else "false"
else if(key.contains("Newheader")){
key = key.replace("Newheader", "header")
(key, value)
You can add more else if conditions


Validation JSON schema runtime

I want to avoid Runtime undefined behaivors as follows:
val jsonExample = Json.toJson(0)
yield Some(1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)
How can I verify this using partial function with a lift or some other way, to check thatits indeed Instant, or how you recommend to validate?
val jsonExample = Json.toJson(
jsonExample match { ... }
val jsonExample = Json.toJson(0)
jsonExample match { ... }
Examples for desired output:
validateInstant(Json.toJson( -> return Some(...)
validateInstant(Json.toJson(0)) -> return None
I can do somthing as follows, maybe some other ideas?
Just wanted to add a note regarding parsing json, there some runtime undefined problems when we are trying to parse .asOpt[T]
for example:
Json.toJson("0").asOpt[BigDecimal] // yields Some(0)
Json.toJson(0).asOpt[Instant] // yields Some(1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)
We can validate it as follows or some other way:
Json.toJson("0") match {
case JsString(value) => Some(value)
case _ => None
Json.toJson(0) match {
case JsNumber(value) => Some(value)
case _ => None
Json.toJson( match {
case o # JsString(_) => o.asOpt[Instant]
case _ => None
You can use Option:
def filterNumbers[T](value: T)(implicit tjs: Writes[T]): Option[Instant] = {
Then the following:
will output:

Scala: How to add match vals to a list val

I have a few vals that match for matching values
Here is an example:
val job_ = Try(jobId.toInt) match {
case Success(value) => jobs.findById(value).map(
.getOrElse( Left(WrongValue("jobId", s"$value is not a valid job id")))
case Failure(_) => jobs.findByName(jobId.toString).map(
.getOrElse( Left(WrongValue("jobId", s"'$jobId' is not a known job title.")))
// Here the value arrives as a string e.i "yes || no || true || or false" then converted to a boolean
val bool_ = bool.toLowerCase() match {
case "yes" => true
case "no" => false
case "true" => true
case "false" => false
case other => Left(Invalid("bool", s"wrong value received"))
Note: invalid case is case class Invalid(x: String, xx: String)
above i'm looking for a given job value and checking whether it exist in the db or not,
No I have a few of these and want to add to a list, here is my list val and flatten it:
val errors = List(..all my vals errors...).flatten // <--- my_list_val (how do I include val bool_ and val job_)
if (errors.isEmpty) { do stuff }
My result should contain errors from val bool_ and val job_
You need to fix the types first. The type of bool_ is Any. Which does not give you something you can work with.
If you want to use Either, you need to use it everwhere.
Then, the easiest approach would be to use a for comprehension (I am assuming you're dealing with Either[F, T] here, where WrongValue and Invalid are both sub-classes of F and you're not really interested in the errors).
for {
foundJob <- job_
_ <- bool_
} yield {
// do stuff
Note, that in Scala >= 2.13 you can use toIntOption when converting the String to Int:
vaj job_: Either[F, T] = jobId.toIntOption match {
case Some(value) => ...
case _ => ...
Also, in case expressions, you can use alternatives when you have the same statement for several cases:
val bool_: Either[F, Boolean] = bool.toLowerCase() match {
case "yes" | "true" => Right(true)
case "no" | "false" => Right(false)
case other => Left(Invalid("bool", "wrong value received"))
So, according to your question, and your comments, these are the types you're dealing with.
type ID = Long //whatever id is
def WrongValue(x: String, xx: String) :String = "?-?-?"
case class Invalid(x: String, xx: String)
Now let's create a couple of error values.
val job_ :Either[String,ID] = Left(WrongValue("x","xx"))
val bool_ :Either[Invalid,Boolean] = Left(Invalid("x","xx"))
To combine and report them you might do something like this.
val errors :List[String] =
List(job_, bool_).flatMap(
println(errors.mkString(" & "))
//?-?-? & Invalid(x,xx)
After checking types as #cbley explained. You can just do a filter operation with pattern matching on your list:
val error = List(// your variables ).filter(_ match{
case Left(_) => true
case _ => false

Create a list with empty map

I have a JSON string which is parsed and a typecaseted to a map. I'm using this map to get a List[Map[String, Any]]. Here to make my code error free I have used getOrElse while type casting.
JSON string looks similar to
"map-key" : [
"list-object-1-key" : "list-object-1-value"
"list-object-2-key" : "list-object-2-value"
My code
val json = JSON.parseFull(string) match {
case Some(e) =>
val list = e.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]]
.getOrElse("map-key", List[Map[String,Any]]) // Error here
val info = list.asInstanceOf[List[Map[String, Any]]]
//iterate over each element in the list and perform my operations
case None => string
I can understand that whenever there is no result present in list object then info object is repeated code.
How can I improve this programme by giving the default value to list object?
Do it in more functional way, without asInstanceOf:
val parsed = JSON.parseFull(string)
parsed match {
case Some(e: Map[String, Any]) =>
e.get("map-key") match {
case Some(a: List[Any]) =>
a.foreach {
case inner: Map[String, Any] => println(inner.toList)
case _ =>
case None => string
Your default value is wrong. You're passing a type, not an empty list.
e.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]].getOrElse("map-key", List.empty[Map[String,Any]])
Unfortunately i don't have the environment at this machine but try something like that
first thing you need to convert json to map
def jsonStrToMap(jsonStr: String): Map[String, Any] = {
implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
parse(jsonStr).extract[Map[String, Any]]
and the second thing you will need to iterate over map to get values of list
val list={ case(k,v) => (k.getBytes, v) }. toList

Create map based on condition from Future of List in Scala

I have method with param type Future[List[MyRes]]. MyRes has two option fields id and name. Now I want to create map of id and name if both present. I am able to create map with default value as follow but I don't want to have default value just skip the entry with null value on either.
def myMethod(myRes: Future[List[MyRes]]): Future[Map[Long, String]] = { (
o =>
( match {
case Some(id) => id.toLong
case _ => 0L
}) ->
( match {
case Some(name) => name
case _ => ""
Any suggestion?
You are looking for collect :) {
.map { r => -> }
.collect { case(Some(id), Some(name) => id -> name }
If your MyRes thingy is a case class, then you don't need the first .map: {
_.collect { case MyRes(Some(id), Some(name)) => id -> name }
collect is like .map, but it takes a PartialFunction, and skips over elements on which it is not defined. It is kinda like your match statement but without the defaults.
If I am reading your comment correctly, and you want to log a message when either field is a None, collect won't help with that, but you can do flatMap: {
_.flatMap {
case MyRes(Some(id), Some(name)) => Some(id -> name)
case x => loger.warn(s"Missing fields in $x."); None
Try this:
def myMethod(myRes: Future[List[MyRes]]): Future[Map[Long, String]] = { (
_.flatMap(o =>
(for (id <-; name <- yield (id.toLong -> name)).toList
The trick is flattening List[Option[(Long,String)]] by using flatMap and converting the Option to a List.

playframework 2 - empty string for optional form field

I have a form
case class UserUpdateForm(
id:Long, name: String,
remark: Option[String], location: Option[String])
I define the fields as
"id" -> of[Long],
"remarks" -> optional(text)
the remark field is None, Not Some("") I am excepting,
So, how can I bind an empty string to optional text field
case class OptionalText(wrapped: Mapping[String], val constraints: Seq[Constraint[Option[String]]] = Nil) extends Mapping[Option[String]] {
override val format: Option[(String, Seq[Any])] = wrapped.format
val key = wrapped.key
def verifying(addConstraints: Constraint[Option[String]]*): Mapping[Option[String]] = {
this.copy(constraints = constraints ++ addConstraints.toSeq)
def bind(data: Map[String, String]): Either[Seq[FormError], Option[String]] = {
data.keys.filter(p => p == key || p.startsWith(key + ".") || p.startsWith(key + "[")).map(k => data.get(k)).collect { case Some(v) => v } { _ =>
}.getOrElse {
def unbind(value: Option[String]): (Map[String, String], Seq[FormError]) = {
val errors = collectErrors(value) => r._1 -> (r._2 ++ errors)).getOrElse(Map.empty -> errors)
def withPrefix(prefix: String): Mapping[Option[String]] = {
copy(wrapped = wrapped.withPrefix(prefix))
val mappings: Seq[Mapping[_]] = wrapped.mappings
val textOpt = new OptionalText(text)
Finally I copied the OptionalMapping class and exclude the empty filter part
I stumbled upon the same thing some months ago. I didn't find any easy way around it, so I decided to play along.
Basically, "remarks" -> optional(text)
will always return None when text is an empty string. So instead of treating an empty string as a sign of no updates, fill the remarks field in the form with the original value and then, after you get it back:
remarks match {
case None => // set remarks to ""
case originalRemark => // do nothing
case _ => // set remarks to the new value
Hope it helps. It's my first entry here, on Stack Overflow :)
"remarks" -> default(text, "")