Specflow Autogenerated c# code using cake - powershell

I was wondering if there was any way Cake could build Visual Studio Solution and detect changes in feature files and generate the corresponding changes. If not Cake, can it be done using any other way other than Visual Studio? I have tried finding documents related to it but I cant find anything related to it.

If you want to generate the code behind files of the feature files during build time, you have 2 options.
Run specflow.exe generate all in the pre build event
Documentation: http://specflow.org/documentation/Tools/
Use the MSBuild integration
Documentation. http://specflow.org/documentation/Generate-Tests-from-MsBuild/
The recommend way is to use the MSBuild integration.
I have no experience with Cake, but perhaps you can integrate/use one of these options with it.


How to make a Github action pipeline to build, test (gtest), and document (doxygen?) C++

I'm wanting to create a pipeline on Github for a C++ project that will build, test, and document it. The project is supposed to be compiled with GNU Make, but for now, it can be done using CMake as I can change it later. I want it to run tests using google test and also automatically create documentation for it (I've used Doxygen in the past which nicely makes HTML formatted documentation from your comments).
I've tried to get this working and used a bunch of different yaml files I've found online, but I can't get it working exactly right. The best I've been able to do is get it to build and for the tests to run, but I can't get the automatic documentation to work. Doxygen is reliant on a Doxyfile to configure it, but I'm not sure of a simple way to configure it (stuff I've found online seems overly complicated for what I want). I'm open to using a different method for automatically generating documentation if there's one that would work better.

UI integration tests for vscode extensions

I want to implement end to end testing for my vscode extension. For command we implemented in package.json & run tasks intergated that takes input parameter as pickString, promptString, etc. How to write intergation test case to pick UI elements in vscode?
Do we have any sample UI integration tests for vscode extensions?
I was facing the same problem with an extension I am working on.
You should check the vscode docs on testing as they have a way to run tests.
Another project I have been working on is a way to run tests using Cypress.io. That enabled me to write more functional test cases. I am still exploring best practices for that, but if you are interested here is my blog post: https://juanmanuelalloron.com/2020/05/05/testing-vscode-extensions-with-cypress-and-code-server/
and some boilerplate code that I have on github: https://github.com/juanallo/vscode-e2e-cypress-boilerplate

Talend - Modification of Java Code

I'm wondering how I can edit the Java code on the Code tab of the job. I've been trying to look everywhere but can't find it. I've been wanting to add more codes into it.
You cannot edit the generated code in this tab, but you can:
add some custom code using tJava, tJavaFlex or tJavaRow
develop your own .jar and include it using tLibraryLoad
develop your own Talend component
build the job and edit the exported Java sources, but at this point better not use Talend and develop directly in Java.
Just don't use Talend. Their Open Studio product is a bait and switch, their product is cumbersome to use, and source code control is impossible without paying for the full product.

Is TFS Source Control really feasible for Dynamics CRM?

I'd really like to get a CRM solution under source control but there are a lot of issues. I was excited to see the SolutionPackager tool - thinking MS finally gave us a way to do this. However the tools to export the solution, extract it to files and check it into source control are not integrated. I'm working on a C# project that ties everything together because it's easier to work with the APIs in a single C# solution than deal with a combination of command line utilities such as tf.exe, PowerShell commandlets and plain old .cmd files.
Source files for plugins and Silverlight pages are easy to deal with but I'm looking to get all of the customizations under source control. SolutionPackager works well for tracking customizations made in the CRM interface, but fails in a lot of other areas. I want to create VS solutions for my web resources and reports but I have issues with the VS project and solution structures. SolutionPackager expects to find things where it puts them for repackaging and I'm sure it would not like to see a bunch of .sln, .csproj and .vspscc files interspersed with them.
I figured putting the VS solutions in a separate folder would be the answer but it's not easy. If I create a project for my web resources and try to put my existing .html, .css and .js files into it it wants to copy those into the project folder. I have to remember to use "Add As Link" each time. Worse yet, if I try to do the same with SSRS reports, the "Add As Link" feature isn't even available.
Has anyone done this successfully? I'm open to any suggestions.
I have seen below link but i have not get chance to implement it.when i have try it will post information.

Getting the TeamCity build number into the AssemblyInfo file using Nant

I have done a lot of googling but cant seem to find an exact solution to get the TeamCity build number into my AssemblyInfo files. Would appreciate a full solution for my requirements...
1 Get the build number into a Nant variable. I believe that this code will accomplish this..
(repoduced as best as possible in SO).
2 Now I need a way to update the revision component of my version numbers so I get something like 1.0.0.[build number].
3 Ideally I need the whole thing in a re-usable Nant target so that I can just call it passing in the path to the assembly info file that i want to update.
I would respectfully request that if you can help me that a full solution is posted here with explanation as opposed to links to other sites. Ive looked at a lot of online examples but cant seem to find one that fits what I need - therefore I request the knowledge of the omnipotent SO community!
Thanks in advance.
First of all, the code snippet in your question is MSBuild syntax, not NAnt. Assuming that NAnt is your build tool, there is a good explanation of how to update AssemblyInfo files with Cruise Control.NET here. That applies to TeamCity as well, just replace "CCNetLabel" with "build.number" and you will be fine.
To get a version number like 1.0.0.[build number], you can accomplish that in the TeamCity build configuration. On the first configuration page (General Settings). Change the "Build Number Format" from "{0}" to "1.0.0.{0}". See the online help for more options.
I know you asked for an NAnt reusable task, but this is too cool.
TeamCity has a new feature tailor-made for this purpose (AssemblyInfo Patcher).
You don't have to change anything in the (NAnt) build. Just add the "Additional Build Feature" for AssemblyInfo patcher in the Build Steps configuration for the build. You can also set the format for the version there.