Microsoft Edge Compatibility - date

My application is currently using Struts 2.0. The date above are being displayed by the use of struts tag: s:date
It displays invalid date when I'm using MS Edge version but WORKS FINE when I'm using MS Edge version up to the latest which is
I've been looking for documentation regarding compatibility of Microsoft Edge to Struts 2.0. Unfortunately, I can't find anything.. so far.
Any insights about this matter?


Bing Maps MapControl not loading: GET<random string>.br.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404

I'm getting 404's from my own site (regardless of browser) as well as the Bing Maps V8 Interactive SDK. On my site this leads to Uncaught TypeError: Microsoft.Maps.Location is not a constructor errors. I'm guessing this means Bing Maps is having problems and not my code because of the missing .js file? Anything I can do to mitigate this?
Looks like Microsoft fixed their issue. It is working now.
I have also reported this to Microsoft. All my screens that use the web controls have stopped working and report 404 problems on .js routines
I'm able to reproduce this. Looks like Bing Maps is down. We can report this to the Bing Maps Enterprise support team here: (Bing Maps shows up under the developer tools category in the first form). I'll also report this from my end.
The support team is now reporting that this issue has been resolved. I can confirm things are working on my end. I believe you can request details about the outage from the support team and they will send out an incident report once one is created (likely in the next couple of days).

how to put a comment while creating a version in aem 6.1?

I want to put a comment in a particular version of a page.
It gives an option to put the comment but its not specific to a particular version.
Is there a way to put the comment while creating the version in AEM6.1?
You Can always create a comment while creating a page version from your Sidekick "Versioning" tab
Good Observation. As per the Adobe Documentation AEM 6.1 working with page versions These are the steps to be followed to created the version of the page.
You can create a version of your resource from the timeline tab:
Navigate to show the page for which you want to create a version (In fact it is parent level).
Select the page in selection mode.
Open the Timeline column.
Click/tap on the arrowhead by the comment field to list the options:
Select Save as Version and confirm with Create.
The information in the timeline will be updated to indicate the new version.
And here i have noticed that the comments pushed via touch UI is not considering while Version node creation.
A little close observation at the node version properties that got created for the Classic UI vs Touch UI versions for the page. The cq:versionComment is missing (not created) for Touch UI process.
The verions 1.0 and 1.2 has created with touch UI and version 1.1 created by using Classic UI

What is FederatedPassiveSignIn replacement in WIF 4.5

As from MS, FederatedPassiveSignIn is no longer supported in WIF 4.5, I want to know how to replace that control on page for an upgrade.
Recently, I've built a replacement and published to a community. It now supports a basic button style and an auto sign in, I am open to bug submits and feature requests.

Joomla EasyDiscuss and UTF-8 alias issue

I'm using Joomla EasyDiscuss component for running a discussion community. And that is for Bengali. Unfortunately the component isn't supported for UNICODE alias, as I invested already, at this moment it's not possible to move to another one. And their support told me that they will release a fix with their next release. So now can anyone help me by suggesting a temporary fix?
Thanks in advanced.
I presume you mean the EasyDiscuss extension by StackIdeas, which runs on top of the Joomla content management system. (i.e. it's not really correct to say the "Joomla EasyDiscuss" component; the Joomla folks didn't make EasyDiscuss.)
StackIdeas announced version 2.0 of EasyDiscuss on January 9, 2012, after you posted your question. I don't see anything on their site which says that version 2.0 supports the full complement of Unicode characters, or languages beyond Western European, or international use, or anything like that.
However, I was able to get on their demo site and create a category Testing Only テスト, which includes the Japanese characters テスト ("test") in both the title and alias. Check the link, which was copied from the demo site: the URL includes the string %E3%83%86%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88. (N.B. The demo site might get cleared periodically, so by the time you follow the link, this text might be gone.)
But it sure looks like EasyDiscuss 2.0 has some degree of support for non-Latin text in aliases.
There is a comment thread on the 2.0 announcement page. I've put a pointer to this question there. Maybe the StackIdeas folks will come here and give a definitive answer.
Update: the EasyDiscuss 2.0 announcement page now has this reply, which I think is official: "The latest version 2.0 already comes with unicode support and I think you have tested it yourself in our Demo page. All you need to do is activate it in the EasyDiscuss backend: Settings -> General -> SEO and click YES to allow unicode aliases. :D Thanks for the input! We will add this feature in the what's new page."
Have you tried downloading the latest version from the site? This issue should be fixed in their latest version as it supports unicode aliases.

SSRS 2008, Force HTML3.2

I'm trying to export reports using the URL
In 2005, I could use rs:Format=HTML3.2 and life was good
Now, with 2008, it appears all I have is HTML4.0 but I need it in HTML3.2 for a variety of reasons, the main one being, it is basic html and works in all our viewing devices.
Is there a way to get this renderingExtension enabled in 2008?
Or to trick the HTML4.0 renderer into rendering HTML3.2, perhaps with an old UserAgent or something?
SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services Discontinued Functionality:
HTML 3.2 Rendering Extension
The HTML 3.2 format in the HTML rendering extension is discontinued in this release. The rendering extension is no longer included in a Reporting Services installation.