Case object extending class with constructor in Scala - scala

I am a beginner in Scala and was playing around to learn more about Abstract data types. I defined the following definition to replicate Option type:
sealed abstract class Maybe[+A](x:A)
case object Nothing extends Maybe[Nothing](Nothing)
case class Just[A](x:A) extends Maybe[A](x)
But I encountered the following error.
found : Nothing.type
required: Nothing
case object Nothing extends Maybe[Nothing](Nothing)
How do I pass Nothing instead of Nothing.type?
I referred to the following question for hints:
How to extend an object in Scala with an abstract class with constructor?, but it was not helpful.

Maybe more like this. Your Nothing shouldnt have a value, just the type. Also people usually use traits instead of abstract classes.
sealed trait Maybe[+A]
case object None extends Maybe[Nothing]
case class Just[A](x:A) extends Maybe[A]
You probably shouldnt create your own Nothing, thats going to be confusing, you will confuse yourself and the compiler about if you are referring to your one, or the one at the bottom of the type hierarchy.

As mentioned by Stephen, the correct way to do this would be not to have trait and not an abstract class, however, I thought it might be informative to explain why the current methodology fails and how to fix it.
The main issue is with this line:
case object Nothing extends Maybe[Nothing](Nothing)
First thing (as mentioned) you shouldn't call your object Nothing. Secondly, you set the object to extend Maybe[Nothing]. Nothing can't have any actual values so you can't use it as an object. Also, you can't use the object itself as the constructor parameter because that would cause a cyclic behavior.
What you need is to have a bottom type (i.e. a type which all A have in common) and an object of that type. Nothing is a bottom type but has no objects.
A possible solution is to limit yourself to AnyRef (i.e. nullable objects) and use the Null bottom type which has a valid object (null):
sealed abstract class Maybe[+A <: AnyRef](x:A)
case object None extends Maybe[Null](null)

This is a bit of clarification for Assaf Mendelson's answer, but it's too big for a comment.
case object Nothing extends Maybe[Nothing](Nothing)
Scala has separate namespaces for types and values. Nothing in case object Nothing is a value. Nothing in Maybe[Nothing] is a type. Since you didn't define a type called Nothing, it refers to the automatically imported scala.Nothing and you must pass a value of this type as an argument. By definition it has no values but e.g. case object Nothing extends Maybe[Nothing](throw new Exception) would compile, as the type of throw expressions is Nothing. Instead you pass the value Nothing, i.e. the same case object you are defining; its type is written as Nothing.type.

How do I pass Nothing instead of Nothing.type?
It seems like there is no way to do so.
As it says at
there exist no instances of this type.


Using Enumerations in Scala Best Practices

I have been using sealed traits and case objects to define enumerated types in Scala and I recently came across another approach to extend the Enumeration class in Scala like this below:
object CertificateStatusEnum extends Enumeration {
val Accepted, SignatureError, CertificateExpired, CertificateRevoked, NoCertificateAvailable, CertChainError, ContractCancelled = Value
against doing something like this:
sealed trait CertificateStatus
object CertificateStatus extends {
case object Accepted extends CertificateStatus
case object SignatureError extends CertificateStatus
case object CertificateExpired extends CertificateStatus
case object CertificateRevoked extends CertificateStatus
case object NoCertificateAvailable extends CertificateStatus
case object CertChainError extends CertificateStatus
case object ContractCancelled extends CertificateStatus
What is considered a good approach?
They both get the job done for simple purposes, but in terms of best practice, the use of sealed traits + case objects is more flexible.
The story behind is that since Scala came with everything Java had, so Java had enumerations and Scala had to put them there for interoperability reasons. But Scala does not need them, because it supports ADTs (algebraic data types) so it can generate enumeration in a functional way like the one you just saw.
You'll encounter certain limitations with the normal Enumeration class:
the inability of the compiler to detect pattern matches exhaustively
it's actually harder to extend the elements to hold more data besides the String name and the Int id, because Value is final.
at runtime, all enums have the same type because of type erasure, so limited type level programming - for example, you can't have overloaded methods.
when you did object CertificateStatusEnum extends Enumeration your enumerations will not be defined as CertificateStatusEnum type, but as CertificateStatusEnum.Value - so you have to use some type aliases to fix that. The problem with this is the type of your companion will still be CertificateStatusEnum.Value.type so you'll end up doing multiple aliases to fix that, and have a rather confusing enumeration.
On the other hand, the algebraic data type comes as a type-safe alternative where you specify the shape of each element and to encode the enumeration you just need sum types which are expressed exactly using sealed traits (or abstract classes) and case objects.
These solve the limitations of the Enumeration class, but you'll encounter some other (minor) drawbacks, though these are not that limiting:
case objects won't have a default order - so if you need one, you'll have to add your id as an attribute in the sealed trait and provide an ordering method.
a somewhat problematic issue is that even though case objects are serializable, if you need to deserialize your enumeration, there is no easy way to deserialize a case object from its enumeration name. You will most probably need to write a custom deserializer.
you can't iterate over them by default as you could using Enumeration. But it's not a very common use case. Nevertheless, it can be easily achieved, e.g. :
object CertificateStatus extends {
val values: Seq[CertificateStatus] = Seq(
// rest of the code
In practice, there's nothing that you can do with Enumeration that you can't do with sealed trait + case objects. So the former went out of people's preferences, in favor of the latter.
This comparison only concerns Scala 2.
In Scala 3, they unified ADTs and their generalized versions (GADTs) with enums under a new powerful syntax, effectively giving you everything you need. So you'll have every reason to use them. As Gael mentioned, they became first-class entities.
It depends on what you want from enum.
In the first case, you implicitly have an order on items (accessed by id property). Reordering has consequences.
I'd prefer 'case object', in some cases enum item could have extra info in the constructor (like, Color with RGB, not just name).
Also, I'd recommend or similar libraries. That allows iterating over all elements.

Is there a difference between extending a trait with a type or using a type parameter in your case class?

I recently had a coworker implement a trait like
trait CaseClassStuff{
type T
val value: T
and then used it to instantiate case classes as
case class MyCaseClassString(value: String) extends CaseClassStuff { type T = String }
case class MyCaseClassDouble(value: Double) extends CaseClassStuff { type T = Double }
and I thought that was particularly whacky since it seemed reasonable enough to just do
case class MyCaseClass[T](value: T)
to get the exact same result. There was argument over how using the trait allowed us to avoid needing to update anything using that case class, since with the trait we just explicitly used MyCaseClassString and MyCaseClassDouble in different areas, but I wasn't sure how since they seemed to be ostensibly the same thing, especially since the only change between the two is their type. The program using them was set up to parse out the logic when it was a double or a string received.
So, my question is about whether or not they are different as far as the compiler is concerned, and whether or not there is actual benefit from doing it the way with the trait in general, or if it was just specific to my situation. It wasn't clear to either of us if it was best practice to use the trait or just the type parameter, since it seems like two ways to accomplish the same outcome.

Does the AnyVal with AnyRef as a parameter make sense in Scala?

Does below construct makes any sense? Are any benefits of using it?
final case class Id(uuid: UUID) extends AnyVal
As I understand above construct, Id doesn't have to be instantiated in some scenarios described here. But I have some doubts because I didn't find any example with AnyRef as a parameter.
Yes, this example makes sense. Extending AnyVal is useful when you want specific semantics for a type, but don't want to pay the additional allocation cost that come along with it. For example, say you have a typeclass instance for outputting string representation of values, like Show[A], and you want to give specific semantics to UUID, but there already exists an instance of Show[UUID] in scope which you can't control, this is when wrapping a type and introducing an implicit typeclass for it can be useful.
Do note that AnyVal may end up allocating instances of the wrapper class in specific cases as mentioned in this documentation:
A value class is actually instantiated when:
a value class is treated as another type.
a value class is assigned to an array.
doing runtime type tests, such as pattern matching.

Importing Scala companion object in file where it is defined

I have a ThisThing.scala file containing:
class ThisThing() extends BaseThing[ThisEvent, ThisState]
object ThisThing {
sealed trait ThisEvent
case class Load(uuid: UUID) extends ThisEvent
case object Stop extends ThisEvent
sealed trait ThisState
case object Loading extends ThisState
case object Loaded extends ThisState
Where ThisThing needs to be parameterized by the types of event and state it handles. This requires also having an import:
import ThisThing._
Which feels really strange, to have to import something from the same file. I'm guessing I'm doing something non idiomatic and that there is a better way to structure it?
It's a bit strange, but in principle valid.
It's non-idiomatic, because you are trying to hide ThisEvent and ThisState inside ThisThing's companion object, but at the same time you expose these types in the signature of ThisThing ... extends BaseThing[ThisEvent, ThisState].
The problem is that not only you, but also every user of ThisThing will have to unpack ThisThings companion object in order to write down the type BaseThing[ThisEvent, ThisState]:
// much later, in someone else's code in a galaxy far, far away
import{ThisEvent, ThisState} // awkward to use!
val t: BaseThing[ThisEvent, ThisState] = new ThisThing
So... If you think that someone will want to access ThisEvent and ThisState later, then move them out of the ThisThing companion.
If you think that nobody should even know that ThisThing is actually a
BaseThing[X, Y], then you have an abstraction leak anyway, and you could handle it by declaring ThisThing as a trait, and then implementing a concrete class that extends both ThisThing and BaseThing inside the ThisThing's companion object, so that BaseThing does not leak to the outside.
To summarize, it's one of two scenarios:
Scenario 1: BaseThing[ThisEvent, ThisState] should be visible from the outside. In this case, ThisEvent and ThisState are buried a bit too deep in the companion object, and are therefore awkward to access.
Scenario 2: BaseThing[ThisEvent, ThisState] is an abstraction leak.
Just a random guess: If you just want to parameterize something like an Akka FSM, leave it as it is now. I think it's common, because nobody outside should really care how an actor is actually implemented. It's impossible to obtain an explicit reference to ThisThing anyway, because all you ever see are the ActorRefs, so that the actual instance is hidden. In this case the "abstraction leak" isn't too critical, because nobody ever sees an actual instance of your FSM.

Why does spray-json apply this hierarchy way in RootJsonFormat?

Recently, I am reading the source code of Spray-json. I noted that the following hierarchy relation in JsonFormat.scala, please see below code snippet
* A special JsonFormat signaling that the format produces a legal JSON root
* object, i.e. either a JSON array
* or a JSON object.
trait RootJsonFormat[T] extends JsonFormat[T] with RootJsonReader[T] with RootJsonWriter[T]
To express the confusion more convenient, I draw the following diagram of hierarchy:
According to my limited knowledge of Scala, I think the JsonFormat[T] with should be removed from the above code. Then I cloned the repository of Spary-json, and comment the code JsonFormat[T] with
trait RootJsonFormat[T] extends RootJsonReader[T] with RootJsonWriter[T]
Then I compile it in SBT(use package/compile command) and it passed to the compiling process and generates a spray-json_2.11-1.3.4.jar successfully.
However, when I run the test cases via test command of SBT, it failed.
So I would like to know why. Thanks in advance.
I suggest you to not think of it in terms of OOP. Think of it in terms of type classes. In case when some entity must be serialized and deserialized at the same time, there is a type class JsonFormat that includes both JsonWriter and JsonReader. This is convenient since you don't need to search for 2 type class instances when you need both capabilities. But in order for this approach to work, there has to be an instance of JsonFormat type class. This is why you can't just throw it away from hierarchy. For instance:
def myMethod[T](t: T)(implicit format: JsonFormat[T]): Unit = {
If you want this method to work properly there has to be a direct descendant of JsonFormat and a concrete implicit instance of it for a specific type T.
UPD: By creating an instance of the JsonFormat type class, you get instances for JsonWriter and JsonReader type classes automatically (in case when you need both). So this is also a way to reduce boilerplate.