Does the AnyVal with AnyRef as a parameter make sense in Scala? - scala

Does below construct makes any sense? Are any benefits of using it?
final case class Id(uuid: UUID) extends AnyVal
As I understand above construct, Id doesn't have to be instantiated in some scenarios described here. But I have some doubts because I didn't find any example with AnyRef as a parameter.

Yes, this example makes sense. Extending AnyVal is useful when you want specific semantics for a type, but don't want to pay the additional allocation cost that come along with it. For example, say you have a typeclass instance for outputting string representation of values, like Show[A], and you want to give specific semantics to UUID, but there already exists an instance of Show[UUID] in scope which you can't control, this is when wrapping a type and introducing an implicit typeclass for it can be useful.
Do note that AnyVal may end up allocating instances of the wrapper class in specific cases as mentioned in this documentation:
A value class is actually instantiated when:
a value class is treated as another type.
a value class is assigned to an array.
doing runtime type tests, such as pattern matching.


Using Enumerations in Scala Best Practices

I have been using sealed traits and case objects to define enumerated types in Scala and I recently came across another approach to extend the Enumeration class in Scala like this below:
object CertificateStatusEnum extends Enumeration {
val Accepted, SignatureError, CertificateExpired, CertificateRevoked, NoCertificateAvailable, CertChainError, ContractCancelled = Value
against doing something like this:
sealed trait CertificateStatus
object CertificateStatus extends {
case object Accepted extends CertificateStatus
case object SignatureError extends CertificateStatus
case object CertificateExpired extends CertificateStatus
case object CertificateRevoked extends CertificateStatus
case object NoCertificateAvailable extends CertificateStatus
case object CertChainError extends CertificateStatus
case object ContractCancelled extends CertificateStatus
What is considered a good approach?
They both get the job done for simple purposes, but in terms of best practice, the use of sealed traits + case objects is more flexible.
The story behind is that since Scala came with everything Java had, so Java had enumerations and Scala had to put them there for interoperability reasons. But Scala does not need them, because it supports ADTs (algebraic data types) so it can generate enumeration in a functional way like the one you just saw.
You'll encounter certain limitations with the normal Enumeration class:
the inability of the compiler to detect pattern matches exhaustively
it's actually harder to extend the elements to hold more data besides the String name and the Int id, because Value is final.
at runtime, all enums have the same type because of type erasure, so limited type level programming - for example, you can't have overloaded methods.
when you did object CertificateStatusEnum extends Enumeration your enumerations will not be defined as CertificateStatusEnum type, but as CertificateStatusEnum.Value - so you have to use some type aliases to fix that. The problem with this is the type of your companion will still be CertificateStatusEnum.Value.type so you'll end up doing multiple aliases to fix that, and have a rather confusing enumeration.
On the other hand, the algebraic data type comes as a type-safe alternative where you specify the shape of each element and to encode the enumeration you just need sum types which are expressed exactly using sealed traits (or abstract classes) and case objects.
These solve the limitations of the Enumeration class, but you'll encounter some other (minor) drawbacks, though these are not that limiting:
case objects won't have a default order - so if you need one, you'll have to add your id as an attribute in the sealed trait and provide an ordering method.
a somewhat problematic issue is that even though case objects are serializable, if you need to deserialize your enumeration, there is no easy way to deserialize a case object from its enumeration name. You will most probably need to write a custom deserializer.
you can't iterate over them by default as you could using Enumeration. But it's not a very common use case. Nevertheless, it can be easily achieved, e.g. :
object CertificateStatus extends {
val values: Seq[CertificateStatus] = Seq(
// rest of the code
In practice, there's nothing that you can do with Enumeration that you can't do with sealed trait + case objects. So the former went out of people's preferences, in favor of the latter.
This comparison only concerns Scala 2.
In Scala 3, they unified ADTs and their generalized versions (GADTs) with enums under a new powerful syntax, effectively giving you everything you need. So you'll have every reason to use them. As Gael mentioned, they became first-class entities.
It depends on what you want from enum.
In the first case, you implicitly have an order on items (accessed by id property). Reordering has consequences.
I'd prefer 'case object', in some cases enum item could have extra info in the constructor (like, Color with RGB, not just name).
Also, I'd recommend or similar libraries. That allows iterating over all elements.

Is there a difference between extending a trait with a type or using a type parameter in your case class?

I recently had a coworker implement a trait like
trait CaseClassStuff{
type T
val value: T
and then used it to instantiate case classes as
case class MyCaseClassString(value: String) extends CaseClassStuff { type T = String }
case class MyCaseClassDouble(value: Double) extends CaseClassStuff { type T = Double }
and I thought that was particularly whacky since it seemed reasonable enough to just do
case class MyCaseClass[T](value: T)
to get the exact same result. There was argument over how using the trait allowed us to avoid needing to update anything using that case class, since with the trait we just explicitly used MyCaseClassString and MyCaseClassDouble in different areas, but I wasn't sure how since they seemed to be ostensibly the same thing, especially since the only change between the two is their type. The program using them was set up to parse out the logic when it was a double or a string received.
So, my question is about whether or not they are different as far as the compiler is concerned, and whether or not there is actual benefit from doing it the way with the trait in general, or if it was just specific to my situation. It wasn't clear to either of us if it was best practice to use the trait or just the type parameter, since it seems like two ways to accomplish the same outcome.

Why the first base class in parent list must be non-trait class?

In the Scala spec, it's said that in a class template sc extends mt1, mt2, ..., mtn
Each trait reference mti must denote a trait. By contrast, the
superclass constructor sc normally refers to a class which is not a
trait. It is possible to write a list of parents that starts with a
trait reference, e.g. mt1 with …… with mtn. In that case the
list of parents is implicitly extended to include the supertype of
mt1 as first parent type. The new supertype must have at least one
constructor that does not take parameters. In the following, we will
always assume that this implicit extension has been performed, so that
the first parent class of a template is a regular superclass
constructor, not a trait reference.
If I understand it correctly, I think it means:
trait Base1 {}
trait Base2 {}
class Sub extends Base1 with Base2 {}
Will be implicitly extended to:
trait Base1 {}
trait Base2 {}
class Sub extends Object with Base1 with Base2 {}
My questions are:
Is my understanding correct?
Does this requirement (the first subclass in the parent list must be non-trait class) and the implicit extension only applies to class template (e.g. class Sub extends Mt1, Mt2) or also trait template (e.g. trait Sub extends Mt1, Mt2)?
Why this requirement and the implicit extension is necessary?
Disclaimer: I'm not and never was a member of the "Scala design committee" or anything like that, so the answer on the "why?" question is mostly speculation but I think a useful one.
Disclaimer #2: I've written this post over several hours and in several takes so it is probably not very consistent
Disclaimer #3 (a shameful self-promotion for the future readers): If you find this quite long answer useful, you might also take a look at my another long answer to another question by Lifu Huang on a similar topic.
Short answers
This is one of those complicated things for which I don't think there is a good short answer unless you already know what the answer is. Although my real answer will be long, here are my best short answers:
Why the first base class in parent list must be non-trait class?
Because there has to be only one non-trait base class and it makes thing easier if it is always the first
Is my understanding correct?
Yes, your implicit example is what will happen. However I'm not sure that it shows full understanding of the topic.
Does this requirement (the first subclass in the parent list must be non-trait class) and the implicit extension only applies to class template (e.g. class Sub extends Mt1, Mt2) or also trait template (e.g. trait Sub extends Mt1, Mt2)?
No, implicit extensions happens for traits as well. Actually how else you could expect Mt1 to have its own "supertype" to be promoted down to the class that extends it?
Actually here are two IMHO non-obvious examples proving this is true:
Example #1
trait TAny extends Any
trait TNo
// works
class CGood(val value: Int) extends AnyVal with TAny
// fails
// illegal inheritance; superclass AnyVal is not a subclass of the superclass Object
class CBad(val value: Int) extends AnyVal with TNo
This example fails because the spec says
The extends clause extends scsc with mt1mt1 with …… with mtnmtn can be omitted, in which case extends scala.AnyRef is assumed.
so TNo actually extends AnyRef which is incompatible with AnyVal.
Example #2
class CFirst
class CSecond extends CFirst
// did you know that traits can extend classes as well?
trait TFirst extends CFirst
trait TSecond extends CSecond
// works
class ChildGood extends TSecond with TFirst
// fails
// illegal inheritance; superclass CFirst is not a subclass of the superclass CSecond of the mixin trait TSecond
class ChildBad extends TFirst with TSecond
Again ChildBad fails because TSecond requires CSecond but TFirst only provides CFirst as the base class.
Why this requirement and the implicit extension is necessary?
There are three major reasons:
Compatibility with the main target platform (JVM)
Traits have "mixin" semantics: you have a class and you mix additional behavior in
Completeness, consistency and simplicity of the rest of the spec (e.g. of linearization rules). This might be restated as following: each class must declare 0 or 1 base non-trait classes and after compilation the target platform enforces that there will be exactly 1 non-trait base class. So it makes the rest of the spec easier if you just assume there is always exactly one base class. In such way you have to write this implicit extension rules only once rather than each time when the behavior depends on the base class.
Scala spec goals/intentions
I believe that when one reads a spec there are two different sets of questions:
What exactly is written? What is the meaning of the spec?
Why it is written so? What was the intention?
Actually I think in many cases #2 is more important than #1 but unfortunately specs rarely explicitly contain insights into that area. Anyway I will start with my speculations over #2: what were the intentions/goals/limitations of the classes system in Scala? The main high-level goal was to create a type system richer than the one in Java or .Net (which are quite similar) but that can be:
compiled back to an efficient code in those target platforms
allow reasonable two-way interaction between the Scala code and the "native" code in the target platforms
Side note: Support of the .Net was dropped years ago but it was one of the target platforms for years and this affected the design.
Single base class
Short summary: this section describes some reasons why Scala designers had a strong motivation to have the "exactly one base class" rule in the language.
A major problem with OO design and particularly inheritance is that AFAIK the question: "where exactly is the border between the "good and useful" practices and the "bad" ones?" is open. It means that each language must find out its own trade off between making impossible what is wrong and making possible (and easy) what is useful. Many believe that in C++, which obviously was a major inspiration for Java and .Net, that trade off is shifted too much into "allow everything even if it is potentially harmful" zone. It made many designers of newer languages to seek for more restricting trade off. Particularly both JVM and .Net platform enforce the rule that all types are split into "value types" (aka primitive types), "classes" and "interfaces" and each class, except the root class (java.lang.Object/System.Object), has exactly one "base class" and zero or more "base interfaces". This decision was a reaction to many issues of multiple inheritance including infamous "diamond problem" but actually many others as well.
Sidenote (about memory layout): Another major problem with multiple inheritance is objects layout in memory. Consider following ridiculous (and impossible in current Scala) example inspired by Achilles and the tortoise:
trait Achilles {
def getAchillesPos: Int
def stepAchilles(): Unit
class AchillesImpl(var achillesPos: Int) extends Achilles {
def getAchillesPos: Int = achillesPos
def stepAchilles(): Unit = {
achillesPos += 2
class TortoiseImpl(var tortoisePos: Int) {
def getTortoisePos: Int = tortoisePos
def stepTortoise(): Unit = {
tortoisePos += 1
class AchillesAndTortoise(handicap: Int) extends AchillesImpl(0) with TortoiseImpl(handicap) {
def catchTortoise(): Int = {
var time = 0
while (getAchillesPos < getTortoisePos) {
time += 1
The tricky part here is how to actually lay achillesPos and tortoisePos fields out in the memory (of the object). The issue is that you probably want to have only one compiled copy of all the methods in the memory and you want the code to be efficient. This means that getAchillesPos and stepAchilles should have know some fixed offset of the achillesPos regarding to the this pointer. Similarly getTortoisePos and stepTortoise should have know some fixed offset of the tortoisePos regarding to the this pointer. And all choices you have to achieve this goal don't look nice. For example:
You might decide that achillesPos is always first and tortoisePos is always second. But this means that in the instances of TortoiseImpl tortoisePos should also be the second field but there is nothing to fill the first field with so you waste some memory. Moreover if both AchillesImpl and TortoiseImpl come from pre-compiled libraries, you should have some way to move access to the fields in them as well.
You might try to "fix" this pointer on-the-fly when you call into TortoiseImpl (AFAIK this is the way C++ really works). This becomes especially funny when TortoiseImpl is an abstract class that is aware of the trait Achilles (but not the specific class AchillesImpl) via extends and tries to call back some methods from there via this or pass this to some method that takes Achilles as an argument so this has to be "fixed back". Note that this is not the same as the "diamond problem" because there is only one copy of all fields and implementations.
You might agree to have a unique copy of the methods compiled for each specific class that are aware of the specific layout. This is bad for memory usage and performance because it blows CPU caches and forces JIT to make independent optimizations for each.
You might say that no method except for getter and setter can have direct access to the fields and should use getters and setters instead. Or store all the fields in some kind of a dictionary which is effectively the same. This might be bad for performance (but this is the closest to what Scala does with mixin-traits).
In the actual Scala this issue does not exist because trait can't really declare any fields. When you declare val or var in a trait, you actually declare a getter (and a setter) method(s) that will be implemented by particular class that extends the trait and each class has full control over layout of the fields. And actually in terms of performance this most probably would work OK because JVM (JIT) can inline such a virtual call in many real-world scenarios.
End of the Sidenote
Another major point is interoperability with the target platform. Even if Scala somehow supported true multiple-inheritance so you can have a type that inherits from String with Date and that can be passed to both methods that expect String and that expect Date, how this would look like from the Java point of view? Also if the target platform enforces the rule that every class has to be an (indirect) sub-type of the same root class (Object), you can't work this around in your higher level language.
Traits and Mix-ins
Many think that "one class and many interfaces" trade-off that was made in Java and .Net is too restrictive. For example it makes it hard to share common default implementation of some of the interface methods between different classes. Actually over the time Java and .Net designers seem to come to the same conclusion and rolled out they own fixes for this kind of issues: Extension methods in .Net and then Default methods in Java. Scala designers added a feature called Mixins that was known to fare well in many practical cases. However unlike many other dynamic languages that has similar feature, Scala still had to meet the "exactly one base class" rule and other limitations of the target platform.
It is important to note that there are important scenarios when mixins are used in practice is to implement a variation of the Decorator or Adapter patterns both of which relies on the fact that you can restrict your base type to something more specific than Any or AnyRef. Prime example of such usage is the scala.collection package.
Scala syntax
So now you have following goals/restrictions:
Exactly one base class for each class
Ability to add logic to classes from mixins
Support of mixins with restricted base type
Classes from the target platform (Java) when seen from Scala are mapped to the Scala classes (because what else they can be mapped to?) and they come pre-compiled and we don't want to mess with their implementation
Other good qualities such as simplicity, type safety, determinism, etc.
If you want some kind of multiple inheritance support in your language, you need to develop conflict resolution rules: what happens when several base types provide some logic that would fit the same "slot" in your class. After prohibition of fields in traits we are left with the following "slots":
Base class in terms of the target platform
Methods with the same name and signature
And possible conflict resolution strategies are:
Prohibit (fail compilation)
Decide which one wins and wipes others
Somehow chain them
Somehow preserve all with renaming. This is not really possible in JVM. For example in .Net see Explicit Interface Implementation
In a sense Scala uses all available (i.e. first 3) strategies but the high-level goal is: let's try to preserve as many logic as we can.
The most important part for this discussion is conflicts resolution for constructors and methods.
We want the rules to be the same for different slots because otherwise it is not clear how to achieve safety (if traits A and B both override methods foo and bar but resolution rules for foo and bar are different, invariants for A and B might easily be broken). Scala's approach is based on the class linearization. In short these is the way to "flatten" hierarchy of the base classes into a simple linear structure in some predictive way that is based on the idea that the lefter type in the with chain - the more "base" (higher in the inheritance) it is. After you do this, conflict resolution rule for methods becomes simple: you go through the list of the base types and chain behavior via super calls; if super is not called, you stop chaining. This produce quite predictable semantics that people can reason about.
Now assume you allow non-trait class to be not first. Consider following example:
class CBase {
def getValue = 2
trait TFirst extends CBase {
override def getValue = super.getValue + 1
trait TSecond extends CFirst {
override def getValue = super.getValue * 2
class CThird extends CBase with TSecond {
override def getValue = 100 - super.getValue
class Child extends TFirst with TSecond with CThird
In which order TFirst.getValue and TSecond.getValue should be called? Obviously CThird is already compiled and you can't change what the super for it is, so it has to be moved to the first position and there is already TSecond.getValue call inside it. But on the other hand this breaks the rule that everything on the left is base and everything on the right is child. The simplest way to not introduce such confusion is to enforce the rule that non-trait classes must go first.
The same logic applies if you just extend the previous example by substituting class CThird with a trait that extends it:
trait TFourth extends CThird
class AnotherChild extends TFirst with TSecond with TFourth
Again, the only non-trait class AnotherChild can extend is CThird and this again makes conflict resolution rules quite hard to reason about.
That's why Scala makes a rule much simpler: whatever provides the base class must come from the first position. And then it makes sense to extend the same rule upon the traits as well so if the first position is occupied by some trait - it also defines the base class.
1) Basically yes, your understanding is correct. Like in Java, every class inherits from java.lang.Object (AnyRef in Scala). So, since you are defining a concrete class, you will implicitly inherits from Object. If you check with the REPL, you got:
scala> trait Base1 {}
defined trait Base1
scala> trait Base2 {}
defined trait Base2
scala> class Sub extends Base1 with Base2 {}
defined class Sub
scala> classOf[Sub].getSuperclass
res0: Class[_ >: Sub] = class java.lang.Object
2) Yes, from the "Traits" paragraph in the specs, this applies also to them. In "Templates" paragraph we have:
The new supertype must have at least one constructor that does not take parameters
And then in "Traits" paragraph:
Unlike normal classes, traits cannot have constructor parameters. Furthermore, no constructor arguments are passed to the superclass of the trait. This is not necessary as traits are initialized after the superclass is initialized.
Assume a trait D defines some aspect of an instance x of type C (i.e. D is a base class of C). Then the actual supertype of D in x is the compound type consisting of all the base classes in L(C) that succeed D.
This is needed to define the base constructor with no-parameters.
3) As per answer (2), it's needed to define the base constructor

Do AnyVal elements inside specialized collections need boxing?

Say I have a custom class which extends AnyVal and uses a Long internally:
case class Instruction(underlying: Long) extends AnyVal
When I add Instructions to a collection which is specialized for Long, do the Instructions need boxing?
(Are there Scala collections which are specialized for Long? I need an indexed sequence.)
Yes, it will be boxed. Unfortunately, value classes lose all their benefits when used as type arguments (generics) or put into collections. They are boxed always when they need to be seen as any other type than exactly the type of the value class itself.
The reason for that limitation is that to retain sound semantics of Scala language, code like this must work:
case class ValueClass(raw: Long) extends AnyVal
val someList: List[Any] = List[ValueClass](ValueClass(42L))
someList.head match {
case ValueClass(raw) => // boxing needed for this match to work...
case _ => ...
Specialization doesn't change anything here, any collection (specialized or not) could be passed somewhere where it's seen as Coll[Any] or Coll[T] where information about exact element type is lost.
If you want an IndexedSeq[Long] with unboxed storage, I think scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray.ofLong is the closest thing to that. It also has its corresponding builder, scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuilder.ofLong.
For now Scala doesn't support #specialized for collection.
Currently there is no support for specialization of collections. It would be nice to allow this in the new design if we can do it without too much of an impact on the majority of non-specialized collections.
PS: I think this is caused by the Java doesn't support primitive collection, Since Java generiction is bound to the Object type, but primitive type doesn't derive from Object.

"Parameter type in structural refinement may not refer to an abstract type defined outside that refinement"

When I compile:
object Test extends App {
implicit def pimp[V](xs: Seq[V]) = new {
def dummy(x: V) = x
I get:
$ fsc -d aoeu go.scala
go.scala:3: error: Parameter type in structural refinement may not refer to an abstract type defined outside that refinement
def dummy(x: V) = x
one error found
(Scala: "Parameter type in structural refinement may not refer to an abstract type defined outside that refinement" doesn't really answer this.)
It's disallowed by the spec. See 3.2.7 Compound Types.
Within a method declaration in a structural refinement, the type of any value parameter may only refer to type parameters or abstract types that are contained inside the refinement. That is, it must refer either to a type parameter of the method
itself, or to a type definition within the refinement. This restriction does not apply
to the function’s result type.
Before Bug 1906 was fixed, the compiler would have compiled this and you'd have gotten a method not found at runtime. This was fixed in revision 19442 and this is why you get this wonderful message.
The question is then, why is this not allowed?
Here is very detailed explanation from Gilles Dubochet from the scala mailing list back in 2007. It roughly boils down to the fact that structural types use reflection and the compiler does not know how to look up the method to call if it uses a type defined outside the refinement (the compiler does not know ahead of time how to fill the second parameter of getMethod in p.getClass.getMethod("pimp", Array(?))
But go look at the post, it will answer your question and some more.
Hello list.
I try to define structural types with abstract datatype in function
parameter. ... Any reason?
I have heard about two questions concerning the structural typing
extension of Scala 2.6 lately, and I would like to answer them here.
Why did we change Scala's native values (“int”, etc.) boxing scheme
to Java's (“java.lang.Integer”).
Why is the restriction on parameters for structurally defined
methods (“Parameter type in structural refinement may not refer
to abstract type defined outside that same refinement”) required.
Before I can answer these two questions, I need to speak about the
implementation of structural types.
The JVM's type system is very basic (and corresponds to Java 1.4). That
means that many types that can be represented in Scala cannot be
represented in the VM. Path dependant types (“x.y.A”), singleton types
(“a.type”), compound types (“A with B”) or abstract types are all types
that cannot be represented in the JVM's type system.
To be able to compile to JVM bytecode, the Scala compilers changes the
Scala types of the program to their “erasure” (see section 3.6 of the
reference). Erased types can be represented in the VM's type system and
define a type discipline on the program that is equivalent to that of
the program typed with Scala types (saving some casts), although less
precise. As a side note, the fact that types are erased in the VM
explains why operations on the dynamic representation of types (pattern
matching on types) are very restricted with respect to Scala's type
Until now all type constructs in Scala could be erased in some way.
This isn't true for structural types. The simple structural type “{ def
x: Int }” can't be erased to “Object” as the VM would not allow
accessing the “x” field. Using an interface “interface X { int x{}; }”
as the erased type won't work either because any instance bound by a
value of this type would have to implement that interface which cannot
be done in presence of separate compilation. Indeed (bear with me) any
class that contains a member of the same name than a member defined in
a structural type anywhere would have to implement the corresponding
interface. Unfortunately this class may be defined even before the
structural type is known to exist.
Instead, any reference to a structurally defined member is implemented
as a reflective call, completely bypassing the VM's type system. For
example def f(p: { def x(q: Int): Int }) = p.x(4) will be rewritten
to something like:
def f(p: Object) = p.getClass.getMethod("x", Array(Int)).invoke(p, Array(4))
And now the answers.
“invoke” will use boxed (“java.lang.Integer”) values whenever the
invoked method uses native values (“int”). That means that the above
call must really look like “...invoke(p, Array(new
Integer values in a Scala program are already often boxed (to allow the
“Any” type) and it would be wasteful to unbox them from Scala's own
boxing scheme to rebox them immediately as java.lang.Integer.
Worst still, when a reflective call has the “Any” return type,
what should be done when a java.lang.Integer is returned? The called
method may either be returning an “int” (in which case it should be
unboxed and reboxed as a Scala box) or it may be returning a
java.lang.Integer that should be left untouched.
Instead we decided to change Scala's own boxing scheme to Java's. The
two previous problems then simply disappear. Some performance-related
optimisations we had with Scala's boxing scheme (pre-calculate the
boxed form of the most common numbers) were easy to use with Java
boxing too. In the end, using Java boxing was even a bit faster than
our own scheme.
“getMethod”'s second parameter is an array with the types of the
parameters of the (structurally defined) method to lookup — for
selecting which method to get when the name is overloaded. This is the
one place where exact, static types are needed in the process of
translating a structural member call. Usually, exploitable static types
for a method's parameter are provided with the structural type
definition. In the example above, the parameter type of “x” is known to
be “Int”, which allows looking it up.
Parameter types defined as abstract types where the abstract type is
defined inside the scope of the structural refinement are no problem
def f(p: { def x[T](t: T): Int }) = p.xInt
In this example we know that any instance passed to “f” as “p” will
define “x[T](t: T)” which is necessarily erased to “x(t: Object)”. The
lookup is then correctly done on the erased type:
def f(p: Object) = p.getClass.getMethod("x", Array(Object)).invoke(p,
Array(new java.lang.Integer(4)))
But if an abstract type from outside the structural refinement's scope
is used to define a parameter of a structural method, everything breaks:
def f[T](p: { def x(t: T): Int }, t: T) = p.x(t)
When “f” is called, “T” can be instantiated to any type, for example:
f[Int]({ def x(t: Int) = t }, 4)
f[Any]({ def x(t: Any) = 5 }, 4)
The lookup for the first case would have to be “getMethod("x",
Array(int))” and for the second “getMethod("x", Array(Object))”, and
there is no way to know which one to generate in the body of
“f”: “p.x(t)”.
To allow defining a unique “getMethod” call inside “f”'s body for
any instantiation of “T” would require any object passed to “f” as the
“p” parameter to have the type of “t” erased to “Any”. This would be a
transformation where the type of a class' members depend on how
instances of this class are used in the program. And this is something
we definitely don't want to do (and can't be done with separate
Alternatively, if Scala supported run-time types one could use them to
solve this problem. Maybe one day ...
But for now, using abstract types for structural method's parameter
types is simply forbidden.
Discovered the problem shortly after posting this: I have to define a named class instead of using an anonymous class. (Still would love to hear a better explanation of the reasoning though.)
object Test extends App {
case class G[V](xs: Seq[V]) {
def dummy(x: V) = x
implicit def pimp[V](xs: Seq[V]) = G(xs)