GitKracken does not connect to Gitlab - gitkraken

Currently, when you select the "Connect to Gitlab" button in the GK preferences it opens a login page for regular gitlab...
However, I have a local version of Gitlab accessible via
Is there a way to get GitKracken to look at my local version of gitlab?
Thanks for the help in advance!

AFAIK GitKraken does not support any GitLab instances except
Your best bet is to set up an "Other Connection", i.e. read
Edit 2017-12-26:
According to GitKrakens features page the Pro version now supports what you are asking for.


Can't Authorize Dev Hub or Org in SF/VS Code Env. Setup for SF

I'm trying to Authorize Dev Hub in SF, It opens up a browser window to login and once I put my Credentials and click login, The Page Simply Keeps Loading, Never Finishes loading.
I have everything in place, SFDX is installed, VS Code Extensions for SF installed, The Dev Hub is enabled from the App settings.
Saw Various Videos and Articles on this but no solution works in my case. Tried all options available in VS Code Command Palette related to Authorization and also tried doing it using cmd.
Please Help.
Thanks in Advance
Any Other Information can be provided on demanded.
You need to make sure that your user profile has access to the connected apps like Salesforce CLI.
I had the same issue. So, I created a permission set and added this set to my user. That solved the problem.
Try to install this plugin with the following command: "sfdx plugins:install salesforcedx#48.22.11"

Setting up Github with an used Macbook

I recently used my wife's MacBook (I have a desktop in my office, but since the university is closed, I am not allowed to go there.) This Macbook was used to set up AWS before. In particular, some ssh keys were created.
Recently, I am trying to set up Github. All the guidelines on the internet seem to suggest that we have to start from the beginning. As a consequence, I am having a hard time setting up Github.
I am a completely new user of Macbook. I wonder whether it is possible to reset everything on my wife's Macbook so that I can set up my Github connection?
I am sorry if my question is too silly. Thank you for your help!
You should first install git using one of the following methods. Then you can use command line arguments to clone a desired repository or perform whatever action you need. If you are not comfortable using the command line to manage your project with git, then you can install GitHub Desktop to obtain a convenient UI for managing the project.
Not sure if this is what you meant by "setting up GitHub" but hope it helps. Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.

How to allow users to send issues via e-mail to MantisBT?

In it says, that Mantis allows Input via mail.
I checked config_defaults_inc.php for associated settings, but could not find them. How can I allow my users to send issues to my MantisBT instance?
You will have to install the EmailReporting plugin to enable this feature. You can download the plugin from
Installation of the plugin is straightforward, but configuration can be done only from the plugin page. Please make sure that you read the README before using the plugin.
If you are using MantisHub (MantisBT as a Service), email reporting is included as part of the gold and platinum plans:
You can find the documentation of the feature at:

Hosting chrome extension in github

I have developed a chrome extension and want to know how to host the .crx in github.
I also saw this that's similar to mine (i.e. hosted in github):
but the installation instructions seem complicated (haven't tested even that will work).
Has anyone succeeded in hosting .crx in github and have users install it with just a click?
(basically satisfying header constraints given by google at
ok, so this is what ended up:
Hosting in our own server doesn't work in latest versions of chrome. It directed me to google chrome's support section stating that they have disabled it altogether for security reasons
So the only option left (as i didn't want to host it in chrome web store) is manual install - users have to download my extension and drag and drop it onto chrome://extensions page
I chose google code (downloads section) as compared to github for hosting my .crx because in github download is not straightforward.
More details: in github user has to download in 'raw'. It may not be straightforward for users - if they say 'Save as' against .crx without going to raw view then they end up getting git mashed up file (in other words not the original file we upload)

subversioning ipad app project

I am currently looking at setting up an Ipad app project into subversion.
Ive had a lot of experience with windows based development and .net. With this we have just created a repository in a network folder (by just right clicking -> TortiseSVN -> create repository) , than all we have done is our developers have checked out from this directory.
How do we go about doing this in xcode. I know subversion is integrated with xcode and I am pretty confident of doing everything (from tutorials) except for the creation of the repository.
Just wondering how we go about creating a repository in a folder based up on network folder?
Thanks in advance
Google for the svn book.
It should have everything you need to know with the exception of Xcode specifics.
Honestly, you probably don't want to create a repository on someone's development machine, especially if you are giving people network access.
You should setup an actual SVN server or use an online service.
Here is a question posted in 2009: SVN server for the Mac that's easy to set up?
Here is the "official" Ubuntu guide if you chose to run the SVN server on top of Ubuntu (which is my recommendation). Google for "install svn ubuntu".
Sorry I can't post multiple links yet.
Not 100% sure since I mainly use the terminal for svn operations on mac but
if you go in XCode to the scm you can configure the repositories for your project
once that is set up (I guess you know how to do this form your question), you simply you can go scm->repositories
select the one you want and you can then modify it