Find " ' " in a text Postgres - postgresql

I want to found if a varchar contains a ' using the LIKE option.
I think it's something like that
select *
from table
where field like '%'%'
but a bit different.

answering about escaping single quote:
you can use dollar sign quoting:
select * from table where field like $thing$%'%$thing$;
or use E before quote:
select * from table where field like e'%\'%'
or two single quotes:
select * from table where field like '%''%'


ADF dynamic content using concat - need to embed commas inside of string for long list of columns

The use case seems pretty simple....
Produce a sql statement as part of a copy activity that includes a hard coded column listing and also concatenated to a parameter-provided database and table name (since the database and table names can change across environments such as dev/test/prod).
The problem is....If you use concat function it treats every comma as a new value to be concatenated. I was hoping for a way to escape the comma and treat it as a value but nothing I've tried works.
For example....concatenate the following string ....
SELECT event_date, event_timestamp,
(SELECT value.string_value FROM UNNEST(event_params) WHERE key = 'page_title') AS page_title
to... pipeline().parameters.Database_Nm + . + pipeline().parameters.Table_Nm
The workaround has been to quote the beginning and end of every line so the comma is treated as data so every column/line is a separate concatenation such as this....
#concat('SELECT event_date,',
'(SELECT value.string_value FROM UNNEST(event_params) WHERE key = ''page_title'') AS page_title,',
'from ', pipeline().parameters.Database_Nm, '.', pipeline().parameters.Table_Nm
That works...but I have over a hundred columns so this is just a bit silly as a solution. Am I missing a simpler method? TIA!
When most of your string is hard coded and not expressions you can use the following string interpolation expression format:
SELECT event_date,
(SELECT value.string_value FROM UNNEST(event_params) WHERE key = 'page_title') AS page_title
from #{pipeline().parameters.Database_Nm}.#{pipeline().parameters.Table_Nm}

Equal to check working only on first column in postgres

I am facing a strange problem while using postgresql. I have a table with columns as id, data, day_data. I am firing a simple query
select * from tablename where id = 'someid';
However, when I am modifying the query to
select * from tablename where day_data = 'somedata';
Both the columns are primary key of the table and both have a data type of chracter varying (255). This, is a very strange behavior and I am not able to make any head or tail out of it. Any help will be appreciated.
My guess is that you've got trailing spaces in your data values. TRIM() removes trailing whitespace. One way to find out would be SELECT '"' || day_data || '"' FROM tablename;, which will enclose each value including leading and trailing whitespace with quotes.

select data with single quote only- Postgres

im using Like to select all data which has single quote in name like Jon's.
select * from users where file_name like '%'%';
I then want to remove the ' from all results.
Double quotes in SQL to escape them:
select * from users where file_name like '%''%';
(For any vaguely recent PostgreSQL version; the non-standard escape-string phrasing E'%\'%' will work with even very old PostgreSQL versions, but not other databases.)
It sounds like you want to remove those characters from the file names. If so, something like the untested:
update users
set file_name = replace(file_name, '''', '')
should do the trick.

Wildcard search in postgresql

In postgresql, I have mangaged to add wildcard pattern (*) to the query using SIMILAR TO option. So my query will be,
SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName SIMILAR TO 'R*'
This query would return all entities starting from 'R' and not 'r'. I want to make it case insensitive.
SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName ILIKE 'R%';
or a case-insensitive regular expression:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName ~* '^R.*';
Both are PostgreSQL extensions. Sanjaya has already outlined the standards-compliant approaches - filtering both sides with lower(...) or using a two-branch SIMILAR TO expression.
SIMILAR TO is less than lovely and best avoided. See this earlier answer.
You could write:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName SIMILAR TO '(R|r)%'
but I don't particularly recommend using SIMILAR TO.
SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName SIMILAR TO 'R%|r%'

tsql using like with wildcard and trailing space?

I cannot get the like statement to work with space and trailing wildcard.
My query goes as follows:
select * from Table where Field like 'Desc_%'
The data is space-delimited such as, Desc Top, Desc Bottom and so on. The query works when I use the pattern 'Desc_%' but not when I use the pattern 'Desc %'. The field is nvarchar(255).
Any ideas?
Turns out the data was tab-delimited and when I copied a value from the 2008 Management Studio it converted the tab to space. Dumb mistake. I did like the [ ] tip so I marked it the answer. Thanks everyone, I'll remember not to trust the copy from the grid results.
Use brackets '[' & ']' to set up a single-character class to match. In your case the SQL should look like this: "select * from Table where Field like 'Desc[ ]%'"
EDIT: add sample, link
CREATE TABLE #findtest (mytext varchar(200) )
insert #findtest VALUES ('Desc r')
insert #findtest VALUES ('Descr')
select * from #findtest where mytext like 'Desc[ ]%'
DROP TABLE #findtest
(1 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
Desc r
(1 row(s) affected)
See this article.
Since an underscore is a single character wildcard, and percent is the multi-char wildcard, they are the same ( "%" and "_%" ). It is as if you are asking for two consecutive wildcards. Not sure if I understand your question, but I am not surprised it does not behave the way you expect.
Consider explicitly stating that you want a space, using its ASCII value?
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Field Like 'Desc' + CHAR(32) + '%'