Ideas for a 2D game for a neural network to play [closed] - neural-network

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am currently trying to implement my own neural-network library, and I would like to test it by letting it (and networks made with other librarys) play a 2D game. The problem is I can't really find a good game for a neural network to play.
Requirements for the game:
It should not involve skills like reaction time, precision. It should instead require some tactical skills.
It should be easily scorable, in order to create an efficient evolutional algorithm.
It should be relatively simple.
It does not have to be a game that already exists, you can come up with one if you have an idea.
It may be a single-player game (like mario) or a 1v1 game (like pong).
It must not be any kind of MMO, RPG etc. I am looking for a small kind of mini-game.
The game should be well playable by a neural network. This means it should have a fixed amount of inputs somehow normalizable between 0 and 1. Inputs can be sensors, angles to closest objects etc. inputs should NOT be the pixels of the screen because 3*1920*1080 is just too much. Up to about 100 inputs are manageable (because I am a beginner and can't afford to let my computer calculate for hours just to get one generation evolved or so).
Also the game should definitely be a 2D game since i am going to use a AWT JPanel to draw on.

I'm the main developer of Neataptic.js, basically a neural network library with neuro-evolution built in to it. Just to give you some ideas, you might want to look at my following articles: AI
Target-seeking AI
Some other suggestions:
Flappy bird
Neural networks have been tested on most simple 2D games, so if you're stuck you will always find code that might help you.


How do I make a Mario game on Netlogo? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to make a Super Mario Bros game on Netlogo. Any suggestions on how to go about that? Specifically, I need help trying to get Mario to jump and move at the same time.
To move left and right, I currently have the background scrolling left or right by asking the patches to copy the color of patches before/after them. Also, ticks are on.
It sounds like you're trying to learn how to create a side-scrolling game.
I'd recommend going over & look up what Trés Smith is doing with teaching people how to create side-scrolling games. One example of a side-scroller is Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. game.
Trés also runs, which is an IDE for developing 2D games. I've seen some pretty cool videos on his site, for how to get started making video games.
I've also heard of these 2 sites, as being possibly good ones for learning new concepts through video presentations. I don't know if they contain video game specific material, but you may want to peruse them as well:
You might also check YouTube for how-to-videos on making side-scrolling video games.
Good luck!

Create Voice Frequency Graph when user record audio? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Im building a voice recording app and I would like to show a voice frequency graph similar to "Voice Memo" app on iPhone.
Im not sure exactly where to start build this.. could anyone give me some areas to look into and how to structure it? Ill then go learn all the areas and build it!
Thank you
Great Example Project by Apple:
The top chart measures Intensity vs. Time. This is the most intuitive representation of a sound because a louder voice would show up as a larger spike. Intensity is measured in Percentage of Full-Scale (%FS) units where 100% corresponds to the loudest recordable sound by the device.
When a person speaks into a microphone, a voltage fluctuates up and down over time. This is what this graph represents.
The bottom chart is a Power Spectral Density. It shows where there is most power in the signal. For example, a deep loud voice would appear as a maximum at the lower end of the x-axis, corresponding to the low frequencies a deep voice contains. Power is measured in dB (a logarithmic unit) at different frequencies.
After a bit of Googling and testing, I think AVFoundation doesn't provide access to the audio data in real-time, it's a high-level API primarily useful for recording to a file and playing back.
The lower-level Audio Queue Services API seems to be the way to go (although I'm sure there are libraries out there that simplify its complex API).
Audio Queue Services Programming Guide:
DSP in Swift:

Can i create a tennis game with unreal engine? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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The question is newbie with unreal engine and just want to start a i'd like to spend my time with gameccreation. How can i do sports game like tennis with unreal? what can i do or could someone write links or just explain how it works? Or i just try with different engine? I tried download ffrom the webpage and istalled it...but i dont know. And i have to write c++ or i can use other program language? Blueprint what is it in this engine? And if i want like a tennis game what can i choose? SSo all in all it would be useful if someone explain how it works the whole thing. Thank u very much!!!
You can make any game in the Unreal Engine. I highly recommend you check out for some video tutorials on UE4 to get started. You do not have to touch any C++ when you use Blueprint, but it is highly recommended to learn some C++ eventually so that you can add your own functionality to make the engine do more than it was originally intended.
That said, designing a game even with a game engine is an incredibly difficult endeavor. Especially for people who are new to the whole scene. Just make sure to watch a lot of video tutorials if you are a visual learner or read lots of documentation on how to do different things. Don't expect to make any huge projects, such as large open world MMOs. Try to make really small, simple projects. You can use those to learn different aspects of game development and eventually be able to work your way up to larger and larger projects.

Game with no levels possible? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Does a game need to have levels? Does having no levels put people off?
I am working on a game where levels shouldn't be necessary, just the resources you have should put (reasonable) constraints.
I used to play simcity and it purported to be open ended. However it has some arbitrary conditions forcing you to acquire some things before others (in effect linearizing and adding levels to the game).
Actually I allways prefered non liner games.
Most RTS games suffer from this illness ( you build up a nice base and than the stage is over and you start from scratch again ).
Startegy and simulation games usually have a less direct level system, like you mentioned.
While some form of advancment is needed to keep players interested, it does not have to be liner.
Depending on the type of game you are developing, I think the more flexibility of individual playstyle the better.
I look forward to your game. :)

Looking for interesting topic from neural networks area [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm preparing to give a talk about some topic I choose from artificial intelligence area (neural networks). I'm looking for something interesting, used in a real life and preferably not too complicated (the simpler it is, the easier it is for students to understand and the more interested they will be). I thought that it's a good place to look for advice ;)
Code applying neural networks to text recognition.
I think the concept of text recognition is interesting and understandable.
Toby Segaran's interesting book "Programming Collective Intelligence" contains a simple neural net example for learning search results relevancy. He offers the code from the book free on his site.
The neural net is in chapter4 code. Not sure if you could figure out the code without the text - if you don't mind spending a little money, the book certainly wouldn't hurt.
Learn your neural net the sine wave. It's simple. You only need 4 neurons. And the weights will clearly show how it's working. It was the example that made it click for me.
The "Real life applications" section of the (english) Wikipedia article about "Artificial neural networks" lists some (quite general) applications of neural networks.