Why it's possible to modify an element in an array in a parent scope using Powershell - powershell

I wrote this code:
$var = 0
$array= #(1,2,3)
function changeData(){
Write-host $var
Write-host $array
When I run it I get:
100 2 3
I understand why the variable $var remains 0.
We cannot modify a variable in a parent scope unless we add global keyword as below:
function changeData(){
However, I cannot understand why the $array changed into #(100,2,3).
The $array is in a parent scope too. But somehow it can be changed in function changeData().
Could you tell me why this difference occurs?

When you do: $array[0] = 100, it's equivalent to invoking this method to the object: $array.SetValue(100,0). Invoking a method on an object will not be restricted by the scope, so this will take effect.
Note that $array doesn't change after the invocation, and of course, doing this inside changeData() won't work either: $array = #(4, 5, 6)


Returning a ArrayList from a function in powershell contains indexes [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Powershell Join-Path showing 2 dirs in result instead of 1 - accidental script/function output
(1 answer)
Why does Range.BorderAround emit "True" to the console?
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Create a Single-Element Json Array Object Using PowerShell
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am new to PowerShell and there is a weird behavior I cannot explain. I call a function that returns a [System.Collections.ArrayList] but when I print my variable that receives the content of the array, if I have one value(for example: logXXX_20210222_075234355.txt), then I get 0 logXXX_20210222_075234355.txt. The value 0 gets added for some reason as if it has the index of the value.
If I have 4 values, it will look like this:
0 1 2 3 logXXX_20210222_075234315.txt logXXX_20210225_090407364.txt
logXXX_20210204_120318221.txt logXXX_20210129_122737751.txt
Can anyone help?
Here is a simple code that does that:
function returnAnArray{
$arrayToReturn =[System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
return $arrayToReturn
$fileNames = returnAnArray
Write-Host $fileNames
0 logICM_20210222_075234315.txt
It's characteristic of the ArrayList class to output the index on .Add(...). However, PowerShell returns all output, which will cause it to intermingle the index numbers with the true or other intended output.
My favorite solution is to simply cast the the output from the .Add(...) method to [Void]:
function returnAnArray{
$arrayToReturn = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
return $arrayToReturn
You can also use Out-Null for this purpose but in many cases it doesn't perform as well.
Another method is to assign it to $null like:
function returnAnArray{
$arrayToReturn = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$null = $arrayToReturn.Add('logICM_20210222_075234315.txt')
return $arrayToReturn
In some cases this can be marginally faster. However, I prefer the [Void] syntax and haven't observed whatever minor performance differential there may be.
Note: $null = ... works in all cases, while there are some cases where [Void] will not; See this answer (thanks again mklement0) for more information.
An aside, you can use casting to establish the list:
$arrayToReturn = [System.Collections.ArrayList]#()
Update Incorporating Important Comments from #mklement0:
return $arrayToReturn may not behave as intended. PowerShell's output behavior is to enumerate (stream) arrays down the pipeline. In such cases a 1 element array will end up returning a scalar. A multi-element array will return a typical object array [Object[]], not [Collection.ArrayList] as seems to be the intention.
The comma operator can be used to guarantee the return type by making the ArrayList the first element of another array. See this answer for more information.
Example without ,:
Function Return-ArrayList { [Collections.ArrayList]#(1,2,3,4,5,6) }
$ArrReturn = Return-ArrayList
Returns: System.Object[]
Example with ,:
Function Return-ArrayList { , [Collections.ArrayList]#(1,2,3,4,5,6) }
$ArrReturn = Return-ArrayList
Returns: System.Collections.ArrayList
Of course, this can also be handled by the calling code. Most commonly by wrapping the call in an array subexpression #(...). a call like: $filenames = #(returnAnArray) will force $filenames to be a typical object array ([Object[]]). Casting like $filenames = [Collections.ArrayList]#(returnArray) will make it an ArrayList.
For the latter approach, I always question if it's really needed. The typical use case for an ArrayList is to work around poor performance associated with using += to increment arrays. Often this can be accomplished by allowing PowerShell to return the array for you (see below). But, even if you're forced to use it inside the function, it doesn't mean you need it elsewhere in the code.
For Example:
$array = 1..10 | ForEach-Object{ $_ }
Is preferred over:
$array = [Collections.ArrayList]#()
1..10 | ForEach-Object{ [Void]$array.Add( $_ ) }
Persisting the ArrayList type beyond the function and through to the caller should be based on a persistent need. For example, if there's a need easily add/remove elements further along in the program.
Still More Information:
Notice the Return statement isn't needed either. This very much ties back to why you were getting extra output. Anything a function outputs is returned to the caller. Return isn't explicitly needed for this case. More commonly, Return can be used to exit a function at desired points...
A function like:
Function Demo-Return {
This will return 1 but not 2 because Return exited the function beforehand. However, if the function were:
Function Demo-Return
return 2
This returns 1, 2.
However, that's equivalent to Return 1,2 OR just 1,2 without Return
Update based on comments from #zett42:
You could avoid the ArrayList behavior altogether by using a different collection type. Most commonly a generic list, [Collections.Generic.List[object]]. Technically [ArrayList] is deprecated already making generic lists a better option. Furthermore, the .Add() method doesn't output anything, thus you do not need [Void] or any other nullification method. Generic lists are slightly faster than ArrayLists, and saving the nullification operation a further, albeit still small performance advantage.
ArrayList appears to store alternating indexes and values:
PS /home/alistair> $filenames[0]
PS /home/alistair> $filenames[1]

Trying and failing to pass an array of custom objects by reference

I am creating an array of custom objects in my powershell script
$UnreachablePCs = [PSCustomObject]#()
Then I am passing this into a function like this
function GetComputerData {
param (
$Computers, [ref]$unreachable
$unreachablePC = [PSCustomObject]#{
ComputerName = $i.DNSHostName
CPU = "n/a"
Cores = "n/a"
IP = "n/a"
Memory = "n/a"
Uptime = "n/a"
OS = "n/a"
Board = "n/a"
$UnreachablePCs += $unreachablePC
Write-Output $UnreachablePCs.Count
GetComputerData -Computers $TraderWorkstations -unreachable ([ref]$UnreachablePCs)
Write-Output $UnreachablePCs.Count
$TraderWorkstations is a list of pcs which are iterated over in the function. All pcs that aren't reachable are added to the $UnreachablePCs array in an else branch in the function. In the function the .Count I'm calling will increment as workstations are added to the list. But After the function is called the final .Count is returning 0. What am I missing here?
Don't use [ref] parameters in PowerShell code: [ref]'s purpose is to facilitate calling .NET API methods; in PowerShell code, it is syntactically awkward and can lead to subtle bugs, such as in your case - see this answer guidance on when [ref] use is appropriate.
Instead, make your function output the objects that make up the result array (possibly one by one), and let PowerShell collect them for you in an array:
function GetComputerData {
param (
$Computers # NO [ref] parameter
# ...
# Output (one or more) [pscustomobject] instances.
ComputerName = $i.DNSHostName
CPU = "n/a"
Cores = "n/a"
IP = "n/a"
Memory = "n/a"
Uptime = "n/a"
OS = "n/a"
Board = "n/a"
# ...
# Collect the [pscustomobject] instances output by the function
# in an array.
$UnReachablePCs = #(GetComputerData -Computers $TraderWorkstations)
#(), the array-subexpression operator, always creates an [object[]] array. To create a strongly typed array instead, use:
[pscustomobject[]] $unreachablePCs = GetComputerData -Computers $TraderWorkstations
[PSCustomObject]#{ ... directly produces output from the function, due to PowerShell's implicit output feature, where any command or expression whose output isn't captured or redirected automatically contributes to the enclosing function's (script's) output (written to PowerShell's success output stream) - see this answer for details. All the objects written to the function's success output streams are captured by a variable assignment such as $UnReachablePCs = ...
Write-Output is the explicit (rarely needed) way to write to the success output stream, which also implies that you cannot use it for ad hoc debugging output to the display, because its output too becomes part of the function's "return value" (the objects sent to the success output stream).
If you want to-display output that doesn't "pollute" the success output stream, use Write-Host. Preferably, use cmdlets that target other, purpose-specific output streams, such as Write-Verbose and Write-Debug, though both of them require opt-in to produce visible output (see the linked docs).
As for the problems with your original approach:
$UnreachablePCs = [PSCustomObject]#()
This doesn't create an array of custom objects.
Instead, it creates an [object[]] array that is (uselessly, mostly invisibly) wrapped in a [psobject] instance.[1]
Use the following instead:
[PSCustomObject[]] $UnreachablePCs = #()
As for use of [ref] with an array variable updated with +=:
Fundamentally, you need to update a (parameter) variable containing a [ref] instance by assigning to its .Value property, not to the [ref] instance as a whole ($UnreachablePCs.Value = ... rather than $UnreachablePCs = ...)
However, the += technique should be avoided except for small arrays, because every += operation requires creating a new array behind the scenes (comprising the original elements and the new one(s)), which is necessary, because arrays are fixed-size data structures.
Either: Use an efficiently extensible list data type, such as [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]] and grow it via its .Add() method (in fact, if you create the list instance beforehand, you could pass it as a normal (non-[ref]) argument to a non-[ref] parameter, and the function would still directly update the list, due to operating on the same list instance when calling .Add() - that said, the output approach at the top is generally still preferable):
$unreachablePCs = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]] #()
foreach ($i in 1..2) {
$unreachablePCs.Add([pscustomobject] #{ foo = $i })
Or - preferably - when possible: Use PowerShell's loop statements as expressions, and let PowerShell collect all outputs in an array for you (as also shown with output from a whole function above); e.g.:
# Automatically collects the two custom objects output by the loop.
[array] $unreachablePCs = foreach ($i in 1..2) {
[pscustomobject] #{ foo = $i }
[1] This behavior is unfortunate, but stems from the type accelerators [pscustomobject] and [psobject] being the same. A [pscustomobject] cast only works meaningfully in the context of creating a single custom object literal, i.e. if followed by a hashtable (e.g., [pscustomobject] #{ foo = 1 }). In all other cases, the mostly invisible wrapping in [psobject] occurs; e.g., [pscustomobject] #() -is [object[]] is $true - i.e., the result behaves like a regular array - but [pscustomobject] #() -is [psobject] is also $true, indicating the presence of a [psobject] wrapper.

Add Members to Distribution Groups DLs

I have below .csv input file. These are the Distribution Groups.
Level-4 is member of Level3,
Level-3 is member of Level2,
Level-2 is member of Level1,
Level-1 is member of Level0.
So far, I have tried the below code. Starting to add Level-4 into Level-3. I have marked them for better understanding. However, I am not able to select the object and iterate in correct way using PowerShell.
e.g. First instance of Level-3 DL is 'DL_L3_US1' and it will contain members from Level-4 i.e. DL_L4_US1 and DL_L4_US2. How do I make this work?
$DLlist = Import-Csv C:\tempfile\Book2.csv
$Test = $DLlist | select Level3,Level4 | ? {$_.level3 -notlike $null }
foreach ($x in $DLlist)
{Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity "$($x.Level3)" -Member "$($x.Level4)"}
So my first answer wasn't correct. I misunderstood the question. Here's a new example:
$Props = 'Level-0','Level-1','Level-2','Level-3','Level-4'
$GroupDefs = Import-Csv C:\temp\Book2.csv
For( $i = 0; $i -lt $GroupDefs.Count; ++$i )
{ # Loop through the objects that came from the CSV file...
For( $p = 1; $p -lt $Props.Count; ++$p )
{ # Loop through the known properties...
$Prop = $Props[$p] # Convenience var
$GroupProp = $Props[$p-1] # Convenience var
If( $GroupDefs[$i].$Prop ) {
# If the property is populated then loop backwards from $i-1,
# the group def record just prior to the current one.
$Member = $GroupDefs[$i].$Prop
:Inner For($r = ($i-1); $r -ge 0; --$r)
If( $GroupDefs[$r].$GroupProp ) {
# This means you hit the first record behind your current
# position that has the previous property populated. Now
# we know the group...
$Group = $GroupDefs[$r].$GroupProp
Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity $Group -Member $Member -WhatIf
Break Inner
By using traditional For Loops we can find values at other positions. So, the way I worked this out is to nest a loop of the known properties in a loop of the group definitions. When I find a property that has a value, I then loop backward from the current position in $GroupDefs until I find the previous property populated. By that point, I've managed to find both the group and the member, so I can run the command.
Update for Comments:
There is no Dot sourcing in this program. Dot referencing is used. As previously mentioned . is an operator in the sense that the right-hand side will be evaluated before the property is referenced, hence we can use a variable or expression.
Imagine that you are going through the spreadsheet line by line. That is the outer loop of $GroupDefs. You can look at the value of $i as if it's a row#.
Now, for each of those rows, I want to look at each of a known set of property names. So we're going to loop through $Props. If one of those properties has a value, I then want to look at previous rows to find the nearest previous row where the previous property ($Prop[$p-1]) is populated. For example, if Level-2 is populated in Row# 3 I know I have to look back through rows 2, 1, 0 to find the first previous value for property Level-1. That part is the innermost loop, which moves backward through the $GroupDefs array from the current position -1 ($p = ($i-1)) to 0. When the first populated previous value for Level-1 is found I know that's the group name.
$Member is a convenience variable. It's set to $GroupDefs[$i].$Prop because the value of the given property is the member we wish to add to the yet to be determined group.
Note: $GroupDefs.$i returning nothing is expected. At any given moment $i is a number determined by the loop, but it is not the name of a property on the $GroupDefs array or any objects within it. So, it will neither return any property value from the array itself nor will it unroll (enumerate) any properties from the objects contained within.
Note: The value of $Prop will change as you loop through the properties and until a value is found on a property by the given name.
I realize this is confusing, but if you step through the code you will better understand what's happening. First, try to understand what's literally being done. Then the code should make more sense...

How to create a loop to feed back the result as new param of the function? (PowerShell)

My current script is:
function F
param ([int]$OF)
$OF / 2
$OF = 100
if ((F $OF) -ge 2)
F (F $OF)
The result is 25 now. But what I want to do is to add a loop to this script. Within the loop, the result F (F $OF) will be fed back as the new $OF of the function. Then the function runs again. It will not stop feeding back the result until the result is -lt 2. The whole process is more like the optimization: keep reducing the value until it meets the objective. However, I am not sure how to create such a loop. Use FOR LOOP? Or DO UNTIL LOOP?
couple of ways to do this:
function F
param ([int]$OF)
$result = $of / 2
$of = $result
while( $result -gt 2)
f -OF 200
function F2
param ([int]$OF)
$of / 2
#Declare the parameter value
$val = 100
$result = F2 -OF $val
$val = $result
while($result -gt 2)
The original description in your question seems to point to a recursive method as a recursive function can run until a condition is met (in the same manner as a loop). In this case a simple while loop or do/while loop would probably work but this also provides an excellent opportunity to learn about recursion for later problems or assignments (such as flattening arrays or sorting/searching problems).
Simple Recursive Method
A note on the code: it is good coding practice to start learning naming standards. In this case, variables created within functions shouldn't have the same name as other functions (unless a $global is needed) and one letter functions are rarely a good idea - both of these can cause confusion and make code hard to parse later.
function CalculateF #changed from F
param ([int] $cur_of) #changed from $OF so no confusion with calling variable
if ($cur_of -gt 2)
CalculateF -cur_of ($cur_of/2) # calls itself with halved value
$OF = 100
if (CalculateF -cur_of $OF -ge 2) #changed these function calls to call the parameter directly
CalculateF -cur_of $OF
This function runs, prints the value of the current OF (cur_of), checks to see if the value of cur_of is greater than 2. Than CalculateF calls itself (that is simple recursion) with cur_of/2. Or if it is not it completes the function.
For Loop Version
As #Kiran already put a version with a do/while loop and function - I'll put the for loop version which does not require or make sense with a function at all. As a for loop can perform simple mathematical calculations on the iterator not just +/- 1, as such:
$val = 100
for ($i=$val; $i -ge 2; $i /= 2)
# Sets iterator to value and loops through (dividing by 2 each time)
[int] $i
Note: Tested above with powershell -version 2 ./scriptname.ps1 to ensure no versioning issues

How to modify parent scope variable using Powershell

I'm fairly new to powershell, and I'm just not getting how to modify a variable in a parent scope:
$val = 0
function foo()
$val = 10
write "The number is: $val"
When I run it I get:
The number is: 0
I would like it to be 10. But powershell is creating a new variable that hides the one in the parent scope.
I've tried these, with no success (as per the documentation):
$script:$val = 10
$global:$val = 10
$script:$val = 10
But these don't even 'compile' so to speak.
What am I missing?
You don't need to use the global scope. A variable with the same name could have been already exist in the shell console and you may update it instead. Use the script scope modifier. When using a scope modifier you don't include the $ sign in the variable name.
The parent scope can actually be modified directly with Set-Variable -Scope 1 without the need for Script or Global scope usage. Example:
$val = 0
function foo {
Set-Variable -scope 1 -Name "Val" -Value "10"
write "The number is: $val"
The number is: 10
More information can be found in the Microsoft Docs article About Scopes. The critical excerpt from that doc:
Note: For the cmdlets that use the Scope parameter, you can also refer to scopes by number. The number describes the relative position of one scope to another. Scope 0 represents the current, or local, scope. Scope 1 indicates the immediate parent scope. Scope 2 indicates the parent of the parent scope, and so on. Numbered scopes are useful if you have created many recursive scopes.
Be aware that recursive functions require the scope to be adjusted accordingly:
$val = ,0
function foo {
$b = $val.Count
Set-Variable -Name 'val' -Value ($val + ,$b) -Scope $b
if ($b -lt 10) {
Let me point out a third alternative, even though the answer has already been made. If you want to change a variable, don't be afraid to pass it by reference and work with it that way.
function bar ($lcl)
write "In bar(), `$lcl.Value starts as $($lcl.Value)"
$lcl.Value += 9
write "In bar(), `$lcl.Value ends as $($lcl.Value)"
That returns:
In bar(), $lcl.Value starts as 1
In bar(), $lcl.Value ends as 10
If you want to use this then you could do something like this:
function foo()
write "The number is: $val"
Perhaps the easiest way is to dot source the function:
$val = 0
function foo()
$val = 10
. foo
write "The number is: $val"
The difference here being that you call foo via . foo.
Dot sourcing runs the function as normal, but it runs inside the parent scope, so there is no child scope. This basically removes scoping. It's only an issue if you start setting or overwriting variables/definitions in the parent scope unintentionally. For small scripts this isn't usually the case, which makes dot sourcing really easy to work with.
If you only want a single variable, then you can use a return value, e.g.,
$val = 0
function foo()
return 10
$val = foo
write "The number is: $val"
(Or without the return, as it's not necessary in a function)
You can also return multiple values to set multiple variables in this manner, e.g., $a, $b, $c = foo if foo returned 1,2,3.
The above approaches are my preferred way to handle cross-scope variables.
As a last alternative, you can also place the write in the function itself, so it's writing the variable in the same scope as it's being defined.
Of course, you can also use the scope namespace solutions, Set-Variable by scope, or pass it via [ref] as demonstrated by others here. There are many solutions in PowerShell.