Paypal Subscription Button IPN - paypal

If I create a PayPal subscription button and set notify_url to my backend, I get the initial signup response, so that's great. What I am wondering is if Paypal will continue to send responses here based on that button for all future payments/cancels, or if it will only send IPNs to the global IPN handler as defined in my profile.

As far as I understand, you can define a IPN url in your account settings for all payments. But you can define an individual notification url for each payment via the notify_url field in the button.
Then, that url is used only for this transaction.


Multiple receivers for IPNs

Is it possible to receive the same IPN at multiple endpoints? I can pass a NOTIFY_URL e.g. for ExpressCheckout, but I may also setup an URL in my PayPal account. Will IPNs be send to both? Only one? Which one has preference?
If you have IPN configured in your PayPal account profile that will act as a default catch-all. If you then set an IPN URL via the NotifyURL parameter of payment requests that would override the value set in your profile.
If you need to have IPN data sent to more than one IPN URL with a single transaction you can daisy-chain the IPN scripts. PayPal would send the IPN to your URL, which could then forward that IPN data on to as many secondary URL's as you need to.

Notification URL for PayPal IPN and recurring payment

I'm working on implementation of PayPal recurring payments, but I have some doubts.
The steps to create a recurring payment profile are:
Call SetExpressCheckout (with L_BILLINGTYPE0=RecurringPayments)
Get the TOKEN
Call CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile with the token and the billing frequency
Receive the response with the ID of the active profile.
If I set the notify URL (PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NOTIFYURL) in SetExpressCheckout does PayPal IPN notify about recurring payment?
According to CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile does not accept the notify URL but SetExpressCheckout does!
The SEC call does indeed set your IPN. Remember, you're setting up everything with PayPal to process a payment (setting the stage, so to speak). So it makes sense that it, and it alone, would accept the IPN callback (I wouldn't want conflicting IPN URLs in the various calls afterwards)
I would still specify an IPN URL in your account just to be safe, but yes, if you provide an IPN callback you will get notifications sent to that callback.

SetExpressCheckout callback

Is there any way I can be notified that someone has approved a payment through SetExpressCheckout, if they don't get redirected back to my website?
ie. After they approve the payment I would receive a callback or payment notification.
If so, how would I do it?
Users will always be redirected to your site when using Express Checkout. They have to because the payment isn't final until you call DoExpressCheckoutPayment which can't occur until after they've been redirected back to your site. Maybe I don't understand what you're asking here..??
In any case, take a look at IPN (Instant Payment Notification). It will POST transaction data to a listener script you have on your server so you can automate post-order processing in real-time. Again, though, no IPN would be triggered form SetExpressCheckout alone because no payment has actually been made at that point.

Send Paypal IPN to a secondary email (NOT the primary) How?

My developer is trying to get the instant payment notifications for one of my web products to be sent to a secondary email, not the primary Paypal one. But no luck so far -it keeps getting sent to my primary email. I'd like some help on how to get it sent to a secondary email account?
Thank you
Your email address doesn't have anything to do with where the IPN gets sent. You basically have 2 options for configuring IPN.
1) Log in to the PayPal account that is receiving the payments, go into the profile, and then into Instant Payment Notification Preferences. Enable it, and add the URL to your IPN listener. This will now act as a default IPN listener so every transaction that hits your PayPal account will send an IPN to this URL.
2) If you include a notify URL in your button code or API calls this will override what you have setup in your profile. If you need to send IPN's for a specific button or API call to a secondary IPN listener you can just add that URL to the notify value for the request and that's where the IPN's will go.
If you need IPN's to hit multiple scripts you might want to take a look at this article I wrote awhile back about daisy-chaining PayPal IPN scripts.

Capturing payment; express checkout

I have paypal express checkout working on my site, when user buys something the transaction goes through and the merchant is able to capture payment by clicking on the capture button on the sandbox site. Problem is that I need 'capture status' returned to the site as I need to store it in database for future use, is there a way that paypal sends some notification whenever the payment is captured by the merchant.
PayPal IPN:
In short, include NOTIFYURL in your SetExpressCheckout and DoExpresscheckoutPayment call and you'll receive a POST on that URL when the transaction has been captured. Look for 'PAYMENTSTATUS', as that should read 'Complete'.
Don't forget to validate the POST by sending it back to and checking for a VERIFIED / INVALID response.