Finding a path: SAT solving - sat

We are given an n*m grid, which has obstacles at various points,the starting and ending location of the bot. The task is to find a collision free path from start to end. This problem is to be modelled as a SAT problem.
Please guide me on what should be done in this case to get an optimal solution.

I would assume that optimal means the shortest. Using the approach that I've described here you can do first steps:
define a grid
formulate a satisfiability task
At this stage, a solver returns to you random path that satisfies all constraints. An important thing to remember - you can define number of steps k which are required to reach a goal! So you just start with k = 0. Is it possible to reach the goal with 0 actions? Probably, not, until an agent is at the goal already. Then just increment k = 1. Is it possible now? If not, increment more! How to implement it? Just set all k's above a certain limit to False and increment this limit each iteration.
If you know upper limits, you can use binary search to find the shortest possible path, which could be more efficient.
If you care for other properties of a path, you can use pseudo-boolean constraints. By leveraging this approach, you can minimize, for example, a number of right turns. Create a Boolean counter for all possible right turns and limit number of available turns via assumptions.


How to stop MPSolver of Google OR-Tools at the first feasible solution found?

I have a MIP (BP, maximization) that takes too long to compute and I'd like to have MPSolver return the first feasible solution it finds, also, I'd like to know if I use RELATIVE_MIP_GAP solver parameter correctly.
I have tried two things:
I have searched the docs and have not found a callback possibility for MPSolver's solution iteration process (only for CpSolver) with which one could implement stopping on the first feasible solution found.
Relative gap as termination criterion
I tried using RELATIVE_MIP_GAP like so (this is Kotlin language):
val mpSolverParameters = MPSolverParameters().apply {
setDoubleParam(MPSolverParameters.DoubleParam.RELATIVE_MIP_GAP, 1.0)
I've seen as a documentation comment somewhere that a 0.05 value for RELATIVE_MIP_GAP means a 5% gap, so 1.0 should denote a 100% gap.
But it did not work. I know it because when I have set a time limit, it returned a solution at the end of the time limit, but when I ran the same problem without a time limit, it just went on and did not return anything even after much more time than when it stopped at the time limit previously.
If I understand relative gaps correctly, if I set a value of 1.0 for this relative gap parameter, the solver should stop at any feasible solution found immediately, because the objective value of any integer solution is inside a 100% relative difference of the objective value for any continuous state of the variables. I should add that my objective function is always positive, so there's no problem of these two having different signs.
Solution remarks
Both of Laurent Perron's suggestions work for my case.
If using SCIP as the solver, we may call solver.setSolverSpecificParametersAsString("limits/solutions = 1") to get the first feasible solution, but that will be a poor quality one. We may increase this value passed as we see fit.
Check out time limit too: call setTimeLimit(timeInMs) on your solver object. It will return the best feasible solution found so far, or the unsolved state if no solution has been found at all.
Still not sure why RELATIVE_MIP_GAP didn't work, it is part of the API, not a solver specific parameter.
can you try CP-SAT ? Does it fit there ? meaning no continuous variables.
Can you remove the objective function ?

Searching for max-min in MATLAB

I am writing a matlab code where i calculate the max-min.
I am using matlab's "fminimax" to solve the following problem:
G: is a system matrix. pt: is the optimization variable.
When the actual system matrix is used, the "fminimax" stops after one iteration and returns the initial value of "pt", no matter what the initial value for "pt", i.e. no solution is found. (the initial value is defined as X0 in the documentation). The system has the following parameters: G is in the order of e-11, pt is in the order of e-1, and c1 is in the order of e-14.
when i try a randomly generated test matrix and different parameters, the "fminimax" finds a solution for the problem, and everything works fine. G in order of e-2, pt in order of e-2, c1 is in the order of e-7.
I tried to scale the actual system: "fminimax" lasted more than one iteration, however, it still returned the initial value of pt, i.e. it couldn't find a solution.
I tried to change the tolerance of the "fminmax", using "options" [StepTolerance, OptimalityTolerance, ConstraintTolerance, and functiontolerance]. There were no impact at all. still no solution.
I thought that the problem might be that the precision of "fminimax" is not that high, or it is not suitable to solve the problem. i think it is also slow.
i downloaded CPLX, and i wanted to transform the max-min problem into linear programing, using a method i found in a book. However, when i tried my code on a simple minimax it didn't give the same solution.
I thought of using CVX for example, but the problem is not convex.
What might be the problem?
P.S. the system matrix, G, has different realizations, i tried some of them. However, the "fminimax" responds in the same way for all of them, i.e. it wasn't able to find an adequate solution.
I am not convinced that the optimization solvers are broken. If the problem is nonconvex, then there can be multiple local minimizers. Given the information you have provided, we have no way of knowing whether you started at an initial condition.
The first place you need to start is by getting more information from the optimization exit condition... Did it finish because it hit the iteration limit? (I hope not since it isn't doing many iterations)... Did it finish because a tolerance was hit (e.g. the function did not change by more than xxxx)? Or perhaps it could not find a feasible solution? (I don't know if you have any constraints that need to be met).
More than likely, I wold guess that you are starting at a local minimizer without realizing it. So you need to determine whether you are indeed at a local minimizer by looking at the jacobian of the function evaluated at your initial guess. Either calculate it analytically or use a finite step approximation....

Finding Conditional Moments in a Markov Process

This question combines math and programming. I will first describe the general problem and then give an example that is (hopefully) simpler to understand.
General Question: Consider a Markov-chain process of N-states with transition matrix Π. Each state is associated with a value x_n (n in {1,…,n}). Our goal is to find the unconditional average of the first two moments (mean and var) along T-period paths conditional on (i) the path starts in a subset of states, N_0, (ii) it ends in a subset of states, N_T, and (iii) it is not going through a subset of states, N_not, in any of the periods between 1 to T-1. By saying we are interested in the unconditional average of these two moments, I basically mean what would be the average of these two moments in the stationary distribution. To be more concrete, let me illustrate the goal of the exercise in a simple case.
Simple Example: Consider a 3-state Markov-chain process with transition matrix Π, and let the three state be denoted by A, B, and C. Each of these states are associated with some value (x_A, x_B, and x_C), respectively. We are interested in what happens along paths that satisfy the following condition. The path starts at point A, after 3 periods are in either points B or C, and between periods 1 to 3 never go again through point A. Denote this condition by (#). So, for example, a path which we are interested in would be {A,B,B,C} with the associated values {x_A, x_B, x_B, x_C}. We are interested in the average and standard deviation along such paths. In particular, we would like to find the unconditional average of these first two moments in paths that satisfy (#).
Let me now propose a solution based on simulating the process. Since both T and N are quite large, this solution is too slow for my purpose.
Simulation Solution: Starting from some initial point simulate the process for a very long time period, and drop the first τ periods. Extract all paths along the simulation that satisfy condition (#) and compute the mean and std along each of these paths. Finally, simply take the average across these paths.
I’m hoping there is a better and more efficient way to achieve the goal. Since I want the solution to be accurate and the size of T and N the simulation takes a long time.
I would love to hear your thoughts and if you know of efficient methods to achieve this goal. Please let me know if something is not clear and I'll try to clarify it.
Thank you!!!
I think I know how to do this if N_0 consists of one state, let's call that state A.
The long run probability of being in A is pi(A) and can be obtained by solving pi = pi*P, with P the transition matrix.
The other thing you need to calculate is the probability of those transient paths. You probably need to introduce a modified P, where all states i in the set N_not are absorbing (i.e. P[i,i]=1 and P[i,j]=0 for j is not i). Then starting from a vector p(0) which has a 1 in the element corresponding to state A and 0 otherwise, you can keep calculating p(n) = p(n-1)*P to get the probabilities of your transient paths.
Multiply the result of that by pi(A) to get the unconditional probability.
You can probably do something like this as well when N_0 is a set, but I don't know how you should select p(0) in that case.

Maximum Likelihood, Matlab

I'm writing code, that executes MLE. At each step, I get gradient at one point and then move along it to another point. But I have problem with determination of magnitude of the move. How to determine the best magnitude for good convergence? Can you give me an advice how to avoid other pitfalls, such as presence of several maximums?
Regarding the presence of several maxima: this issue will occur when dealing with a function that is not convex. It can be partially solved by multi-start optimization, which essentially means that you run the simulation multiple times in order to find as many maxima as possible and then selecting the 'highest' maximum from among them. Note that this does not guarantee global optimality, as the global optimum might be hard to reach (i.e. the local optima have a larger domain of attraction).
Regarding the optimal step size for convergence: you might want to look at back-tracking linesearch. A short explanation of it can be found in the answer to this question
We might be able to give you more specific help if you could give us some code to look at, as jkalden already pointed out.

Graph/tree representation and recursion

I'm currently writing an optimization algorithm in MATLAB, at which I completely suck, therefore I could really use your help. I'm really struggling to find a good way of representing a graph (or well more like a tree with several roots) which would look more or less like this:
alt text
Basically 11/12/13 are our roots (stage 0), 2x is stage1, 3x stage2 and 4x stage3. As you can see nodes from stageX are only connected to several nodes from stage(X+1) (so they don't have to be connected to all of them).
Important: each node has to hold several values (at least 3-4), one will be it's number and at least two other variables (which will be used to optimize the decisions).
I do have a simple representation using matrices but it's really hard to maintain, so I was wondering is there a good way to do it?
Second question: when I'm done with that representation I need to calculate how good each route (from roots to the end) is (like let's say I need to compare is 11-21-31-41 the best or is 11-21-31-42 better) to do that I will be using the variables that each node holds. But the values will have to be calculated recursively, let's say we start at 11 but to calcultate how good 11-21-31-41 is we first need to go to 41, do some calculations, go to 31, do some calculations, go to 21 do some calculations and then we can calculate 11 using all the previous calculations. Same with 11-21-31-42 (we start with 42 then 31->21->11). I need to check all the possible routes that way. And here's the question, how to do it? Maybe a BFS/DFS? But I'm not quite sure how to store all the results.
Those are some lengthy questions, but I hope I'm not asking you for doing my homework (as I got all the algorithms, it's just that I'm not really good at matlab and my teacher wouldn't let me to do it in java).
Granted, it may not be the most efficient solution, but if you have access to Matlab 2008+, you can define a node class to represent your graph.
The Matlab documentation has a nice example on linked lists, which you can use as a template.
Basically, a node would have a property 'linksTo', which points to the index of the node it links to, and a method to calculate the cost of each of the links (possibly with some additional property that describe each link). Then, all you need is a function that moves down each link, and brings the cost(s) with it when it moves back up.