Facebook Send API 400 Bad Request - facebook

I'm trying to send a message from my app to a user using the Send API. I have the user_id from reading the userId when a message was sent to the page.
However, when I try to send a message using the Send API I get the error:
Failed calling Send API 400 Bad Request { message: '(#100) No matching user
type: 'OAuthException',
code: 100,
error_subcode: 2018001,
fbtrace_id: 'GmBQFOIlkFS' }
I saw on this link that a lot of these errors might be because "the page scoped ID does not belong to the app used for this request."
The problem is that I'm not quite sure what that means.
I thought it might be because my webhook is on my website, but I was trying to send from localhost:3000. But then whether I tried sending it from my local server or from the server online, I get the same error code.


I can't send messages with WhatsApp Business Cloud API

I am trying to send a message through WhatsApp using WhatsApp Business API, but it doesn't work.I created a new whatsapp application on the Facebook developers page. I entered my own phone instead of the test phone from the "Getting started" page. I'm trying to send a message with the sample api found on the "Getting started" page. I press the 'Send Message' button. I get the response "Message sent successfully". I can see that messages are sent in the statistics section on Facebook Business (https://business.facebook.com/wa/manage/insights/). However, messages do not come to the specified phone number.The messages I sent are not being delivered. "The first 1000 messages initiated by the business are free." specified as. So I should be able to send messages without a message problem. I have not made any payments as of now. It also asks me to add the receiving phone when I want to try the "Test number". The recipient sends a verification code when adding their phone. However, the verification code is not coming to the phone. Where am i doing wrong?
here are my results

Not able to get skype group chat as well as bot messages

When call this API then getting below error
{"error":{"code":"BadArgument","message":"Failed to decrypt conversation id"}}

facebook send api - sending message "without" recepient id

Is there any way to send a message (using Facebook API) to user that just gave us some (which?) permissions but haven't sent any message to us?
No you must have the recipient set.
recipient is required.
message or sender_action must be set.
notification_type is optional.
Here's the documentation.

Check if an email address is already in a list using MailChimp API v3.0 without subscribing the email address

Is it possible to check whether the email is already in a list or not via the new MailChimp API v3.0?
I know I can make a post request to the lists/{list_id}/members/ endpoint that returns a 400 Bad Request error if the email is in the list.
This is ok and it helps, but it does subscribe the email as well if it is not in there already.
My main goal is not to subscribe just to check.
The ID of the user is the MD5 hash of their email address. So make a call to /3.0/lists/<list_id>/members/<email_md5> -- if that returns a 404, the user isn't on your list. If you get a 200, the resulting object has a status field that will tell you whether the user is subscribed or not.

Facebook Requests Dialog: Too many recepients

Hello I'm having problem while sending invitations to my application with the Requests Dialog.
API Error Code: 100
API Error Description: Invalid parameter
Error Message: Too many recipients.
I know that there are limitations on recipients number, but is there any way of increasing this limit?
No,I don't think so, you cant send app request to more than 50 users in one go.