Not able to get skype group chat as well as bot messages - skype-bots

When call this API then getting below error
{"error":{"code":"BadArgument","message":"Failed to decrypt conversation id"}}


How to get User- email Id from hangout messages that are being sent to Rasa server after Rasa<->Google chat integration

I have integrated Rasa and google chat and able to receive a response in google chat. I am trying to get the user email id of every request I received from google chat. I am not sure how to get the user object from the response as mentioned in google chat API. It will be helpful if you can help me out.
Thanks a lot
the hangouts channel has a method called _extract_sender, see
If that isn't fetching the ID that you need, you can maybe add a similar method to the channnel that extracts the email ID from the request JSON

Send a message as a user to another one

Is it possible to send messages as a real user (not a page. For example myself) to another user using the Facebook Graph API?
In other words, can I create an app that will make an API call which will send a message as myself to a friend of mine (as if I have sent it myself)
The send and conversation API seems to be only about sending and receiving messages as a page
No, there is only an API for Page to User communication, but not for User to User communication.

Is there a way to send the response that's returned from dialogflow (fulfillment) to another account

I am using slack with dialogflow fulfillment to create a chat bot.
Can userA send a message to dialogflow and dialogflow return a response to userB?
This is not possible, the WebHook responses goes in the conversation which originates the call.
You can create a custom logic (in your Webhook) to initiate a message to another user. This depends on the Channel, for example with the Telegram API you can notify a user having his/her chat ID.

Maximum number of Facebook private message sent by Graph API (per day)

I am using Graph API to send private message as shown in this documentation
Now, I want to ask about the Maximum number of Facebook private message sent by Graph API (per day)
Thanks a lot
Thankfully, applications can not send private messages via the API (or any other methods).
What you are looking at is the documentation for reading the inbox.
Facebook Chat API is the same as private messages.
An easily way to test is, install Pidgin and log in Facebook Chat with pidgin.
Try to send some messages to other friends and browse "Messages" section in Facebook website.
You will find that all messages sent through Pidgin will appear in Facebook Messages.
And also we could use me/inbox or me/outbox connection of Graph API to retrieve those messages sent through Pidgin.
It is the only way to send messages to friends as I know.
Without special API key in whitelist, it could not send private message by Graph API.

invite gtalk user via xmpphp

I have set up a basic install of XMPPHP and to test it I tried sending a message from one of my gtalk (GoogleTalk) accounts to another gTalk account. The receiving account did not show the message, or the normal "user * has sent you a message: accept/block"
I then sent my receiving account a chat message from within the Google interface, and it prompted me (as expected) to add my account to the list of approved chat people.
Once my sending account was on the "approved" list, i was able successfully to send messages with xmpphp with no problem.
My question: Using xmpphp, how do i send an INVITATION to chat? I can send messages fine once the recipient accepts my incoming chats, but the first message sent does not trigger the chat program to prompt me to accept the messages.
As a there a way to find out if the recipient has accepted the request? ANy way to know that the messages are being delivered (or not)?
I had the same problem and the solution is to send a "subscribe" request before the message.
So just call
$conn->message('', 'This is a test message!');