Libreoffice soffice always trigger document recovery dialog box though no file to be recovered - libreoffice

I am using Libreoffice on Ubuntu 14.04.
When I do soffice --show filename.odp it always trigger document recovery dialog box even though there is no file to be recovered.
After hitting ok, it will prompt me to select filename.odp to load which defeat the purpose of using soffice --show.
I had edited registrymodifications.xcu on recovery entries. Removed /usr/bin/soffice and reinstall libreoffice.
Still the document recovery dialog box persist with soffice. Any advice is appreciated.
Thank you.

Have you tried resetting the LibreOffice User Profile?
To test --show, create filename.odp as a new presentation and see if the problem still occurs.


PGAdmin 4 fails to backup database with no errors

I try to backup my university project database. I followed the instruction, everything seems to be inputed:
But the only pop-out I get is this one in right-bottom corner of PGAdmin 4:
From the Official site, there should be another pop-up message, similiard to this one:
But I don't get this one, nor I get the other one that is displayed where any error occurs.
I tried to directly use pg_dump.exe, but it prompts me for a password. I tried all my passwords - user password, server password which I use to connect to my database in PGAdmin 4, other passwords, but none of them seem to work.
I tried to find any information about this, but all articles about pg_dump.exe are about how to automatize password input. What is the cause of this backup silent failure, and which password does pg_dump.exe need?
I'll add any details if needed, I was trying to figure it out for 4 hours now...
I've tried with pgAdmin4 1.4 and still my backup file was empty so I moved back to pgAdmin3 and it worked like a charm.
Although pgAdmin3 is not maintained anymore I suggest you use it until pgAdmin4 is up to it but right now it is way too slow.
Can you upgrade your pgAdmin4 with version 1.2 and try again?
I think they have fixed the issue in new release.
Clearing the items in the path: C:\Users\yourUser\AppData\Roaming\pgAdmin seems to do the trick. Tested on PGadmin 4.29.
Be aware that all the sessions and saved servers will be gone.

pgadmin4 command keep running and process watcher won't go away

I was trying to follow the instructions from postgresqltutorial to load a sample database into postgresql using pgadmin. But after the database was restored(since I can query data from the database), the process watcher just won't go away, and it keeps saying that the command is "running"(as of this writing, it has been running for over 400 thousands seconds, but the size of the sample database is just a few megabytes). Reboot and reinstallation couldn't fix the problem.
Here are some screen shots:
And when I click "click here for details":
I am using postgresql 9.6 with pgadmin4 on windows 10. So what's going on here? Is it a bug? How can I get rid of the process watcher?
I had the same issue with posgresql 9.5 and pgAdmin4 on Windows 7. I solved it without loosing server list by opening %APPDATA%\pgAdmin\pgadmin4.db file with SQLite Manager (Firefox Add-on) and deleting all entries from the 'process' table.
This is a bug in pgAdmin4 & reported,
close pgAdmin, restart the system, open %APPDATA% and erase the folder pgAdmin and the pgAdmin is Ready to start without errors.

windows 8 mongodb locked file, bad shut down

I just got mongo running yesterday, I entered C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe, then bought up another command prompt and entered the same thing again, and it was working fine. I ended up shutting it down wrong and now im getting unable to create/open lock file: data/db/mongod/lock because it is being used by another process. I have tried all of what im seeing but getting not recognized errors. It was a little test db, so i want to just get rid of it so i can open mongo again. I deleted the file.lock from my db file as well, but not sure it worked seems like it left and was back again, but it might just be me.
I know this is a super easy problem, just not getting it. Where should i be entering these command, im following the instructions, but i know im not inputing them in the right place because none of them work at all. I tried just inputting them, in C, in C: data/db, i entered C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe left it open and opened another command prompt and enter everything in there to. I can't just reset mongodb? Does anyone know what I'm missing maybe it's i have no windows knowledge at all, i'm trying to use it because i know javascript a little php/sql and i'm trying to learn node.js when i had it working in the shell it was great, but with this set up stuff i'm lost. I'm understanding everything there saying but just not where to do it i think.
Someone please lol, i just uninstalled mongodb and reinstalled and same problem.
mongod --repair (is not recognized as internal, or external command)
db.repairDatabase(same,,is not recognized as internal, or external command);
\data\db\mongod.lock (asks how i want to open it)
This is my set up, i think mongod is the problem, but can't get rid of it.
mongod locked file
edit*** not sure if i removed the lock or not but i got it to work. I should have wrote down how i did it but pretty sure this was it.
open a command prompt cd\ enter it cd mongodb\bin enter it open another command cd\ enter it cd mongoDb\bin enter it. in the first command enter mongod then in the other one enter mongo. Don't know if this is right way, but i got me to be able to play with mongodb like i wanted.
try to remove mongod.lock and journal, then restart.

Not able to start Sphinx Search- error 1067

I am trying to install the Sphinx Search Server. I followed the steps given here
I added C:\Sphinx\bin to environment path and Sphinx Search is listed in the Services panel. When I try to start it, this error occurs:
Windows could not start SphinxSearch service on local computer
Error: 1067 The process terminated unexpectedly.
Please help me solving this problem. Thanks in advance.
I trid this but it didn't help.
I had the same error in my Windows 7 x64. The step below helped to solve my problem:
Create folders data and log in C:\Sphinx.
Then try to start sphinx with cmd:
I have faced the same problem and eventually moved the sphnix.conf to C:\Sphinx\bin\sphnix.conf from root and the services starts. Please try this. (Please make sure there are data\, log\ directories in the root with write permission)
It is looking like your configuration is not setup properly. Have you tried to run search daemon from sphinx directory path via command prompt?
C:\sphinx\bin> searchd
C:\sphinx\bin>indexer --rotate –all
Also please ensure the log via search.log or windows event log.
If it is not running after this than try to reinstall it again
I hope it will work for you
Error 1067 doesn't say much about the problem, except that the process terminated unexpectedly. Try looking some more informations in searchd.log.
I've got same error code when I tried to update Sphinx with newer version.
In the log file, I've found
FATAL: no valid indexes to serve
My problem was that I tried running new version of Sphinx using index files created with an older version. It was solved by deleting all old index files and creating new indexes.
==>> close your cmd window and restart the sphinxsearch service...
I got this error suddenly, when Shpinx was working fine yesterday. Turns out the query log file was hitting 4Gb in size. I deleted it, and service started with no problems.
Make sure all the folders defined in the conf file actually exist. I was missing the LOG folder and that's why I was getting the error. Once I added the folder, the problem was solved.

postgresql installation failed

I tried to install postgresql 8.4 in my windows 7 (64 bit). But it fails with following messages in log
Initialising the database cluster (this may take a few minutes)...
Executing cscript //NoLogo "C:\PostgreSQL\8.4/installer/server/initcluster.vbs" "postgres" "postgres" "****" "C:\PostgreSQL\8.4" "C:\PostgreSQL\data" 5432 "DEFAULT"
Script exit code: 1
Script output:
CScript Error: Can't find script engine "VBScript" for script "C:\PostgreSQL\8.4\installer\server\initcluster.vbs".
Script stderr:
Program ended with an error exit code
Error running cscript //NoLogo "C:\PostgreSQL\8.4/installer/server/initcluster.vbs" "postgres" "postgres" "****" "C:\PostgreSQL\8.4" "C:\PostgreSQL\data" 5432 "DEFAULT" : Program ended with an error exit code
Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly
The database cluster initialisation failed.
Creating Uninstaller
Creating uninstaller 25%
Creating uninstaller 50%
Creating uninstaller 75%
I have googled about this and run the command 'regsvr32 vbscript.dll' and it shows the message 'DllRegisterServer in vbscript.dll is succeeded', but it haven't solved my issue.
Also I set the default value for {B54F3741-5B07-11cf-A4B0-00AA004A55E8} in registry to the file path of vbscript.dll, but it also haven't solved my issue.
How to fix this issue?
Following link solve my issue
The article text:
I’ll keep this one short and sweet. For those of you that have tried
to install PostgreSQL (mine was 8.3.7-1) on Windows Vista and got the
error Database Cluster Initialisation Failed error at the end of the
install, read this.
The problem is that Vista has some safety features associated with
setting permissions on the Program Files folder. Basically, even if
you are an admin, you can’t change permissions on some folders like
Program Files and Windows folder itself. This causes initdb to be
unable to create some folders and the database cluster. What this
means for you is that you need to install PostgreSQL in another folder
that is not inside Program Files.
By the way, if you have forgotten your Postgres account password while
installing the first time, just open a Command Prompt in Vista (If you
don’t know how, Google for it). Then type the command “net user”. You
will see a list of users on your computer. Find Postgre’s account.
It’s usually “postgres“. Then you need to change its password by
typing “net user postgres new_password” where new_password is… well, a
new password for the account. You will be needing that postgres
account during install. You will need admin privileges to do this
change however.
Firstly, uninstall any failed installations. Use the Control Panel or
the PostgreSQL installer in the install folder.
During the install, you will be prompted to choose where you want to
install the program. Just select a location in another place. Like
“C:\PostgreSQL” or something similar. It may even be on your desktop.
But not inside Program Files. Not inside Windows folder. However, it’s
not as easy. Bear with me.
After the install, you will still see that darned error message (or
something like non-fatal error occured). Do not despair! (For Windows
Power Users, we are just assigning Full Control permission to Postgres
account on the new PostgreSQL install folder). For other users, read
on if you don’t know how to do it.
Go to where you just installed PostgreSQL. In this case, the C:
drive. There, right-click on the folder (usually called PostgreSQL),
and go to Properties – Security tab. Click on the Edit button. You
will now see some usernames and other stuff. Click on the Add button.
In the “Enter the object names to select” box, enter “postgres” and
press Check. Postgres’ user account should appear there. Click on Ok.
Now from the “Group or Usernames” box, select the Postgres account. In
the window below, with lots of checkboxes, assign permission “Full
Control” in the Allow Column to it. Note, if you don’t want to allow
full control, just give it read/write. But I just went ahead and gave
it Full Control. (I was tired and annoyed. The “World’s most advanced
open source database” had failed to install!). Click on Ok and wait a
bit for permissions to be applied.
Then, just do a re-install. Do not uninstall anything. Just run the
setup again. It’ll say that a PostgreSQL install folder already exists
and other stuff. Just click on Next until the install finishes. If you
see “file cannot be copied” errors, click on the “ignore” button when
That’s it. PostgreSQL should be up and running on Vista now. Hope it
works for you too as it did for me, and that my guide is helpful to
anybody. If it works, or if you have other solutions, let us know.
Thanks for reading! :)
I got the same result installing "postgresql-9.2.3-1-windows-x64.exe" on Windows 7 Enterprise
and the problem get solved when I change the installation path.
Try to install into "c:\postgresql" instead of "c:\program files\Postgresql"
Good luck
For me the problem was that PATH variable did not have C:\Windows\system32 and so it did not find ICACLS command to change folder permissions. So the solution is to add C:\Windows\system32 to system PATH variable (if it does not contain it already):
Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
Under "System variable" find and select "Path"
Click "Edit..."
Now if value does not contain path to system32 append string ;C:\Windows\system32 (or wherever your windows path is)
I've pulled shin's link from the google cache:
Original link:
Cached link:
PostgreSQL Database Cluster Initialisation Failed Solution
I’ll keep this one short and sweet. For those of you that have tried to install PostgreSQL (mine was 8.3.7-1) on Windows Vista and got the error Database Cluster Initialisation Failed error at the end of the install, read this.
The problem is that Vista has some safety features associated with setting permissions on the Program Files folder. Basically, even if you are an admin, you can’t change permissions on some folders like Program Files and Windows folder itself. This causes initdb to be unable to create some folders and the database cluster. What this means for you is that you need to install PostgreSQL in another folder that is not inside Program Files.
By the way, if you have forgotten your Postgres account password while installing the first time, just open a Command Prompt in Vista (If you don’t know how, Google for it). Then type the command “net user”. You will see a list of users on your computer. Find Postgre’s account. It’s usually “postgres“. Then you need to change its password by typing “net user postgres new_password” where new_password is… well, a new password for the account. You will be needing that postgres account during install. You will need admin privileges to do this change however.
Firstly, uninstall any failed installations. Use the Control Panel or the PostgreSQL installer in the install folder.
During the install, you will be prompted to choose where you want to install the program. Just select a location in another place. Like “C:\PostgreSQL” or something similar. It may even be on your desktop. But not inside Program Files. Not inside Windows folder. However, it’s not as easy. Bear with me.
After the install, you will still see that darned error message (or something like non-fatal error occured). Do not despair! (For Windows Power Users, we are just assigning Full Control permission to Postgres account on the new PostgreSQL install folder). For other users, read on if you don’t know how to do it.
Go to where you just installed PostgreSQL. In this case, the C: drive. There, right-click on the folder (usually called PostgreSQL), and go to Properties – Security tab. Click on the Edit button. You will now see some usernames and other stuff. Click on the Add button. In the “Enter the object names to select” box, enter “postgres” and press Check. Postgres’ user account should appear there. Click on Ok.
Now from the “Group or Usernames” box, select the Postgres account. In the window below, with lots of checkboxes, assign permission “Full Control” in the Allow Column to it. Note, if you don’t want to allow full control, just give it read/write. But I just went ahead and gave it Full Control. (I was tired and annoyed. The “World’s most advanced open source database” had failed to install!). Click on Ok and wait a bit for permissions to be applied.
Then, just do a re-install. Do not uninstall anything. Just run the setup again. It’ll say that a PostgreSQL install folder already exists and other stuff. Just click on Next until the install finishes. If you see “file cannot be copied” errors, click on the “ignore” button when needed.
That’s it. PostgreSQL should be up and running on Vista now. Hope it works for you too as it did for me, and that my guide is helpful to anybody. If it works, or if you have other solutions, let us know. Thanks for reading!
• Uninstall PostgreSQL
• Run command: net user postgres /delete
• Click: Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Configure advanced user profile properties -> delete all “Unknown User” instances that seem to be left from PostgreSQL installation.
• Run: compmgmt.msc -> Click Local Users and Groups -> Users -> New User… -> User name: postgres, Password: postgrespass -> Create
• Run: compmgmt.msc -> Click Local Users and Groups -> Users -> postgres ->Member of -> Add… -> Administrators -> OK
• copy the PostgreSQL installer postgresql-8.4.9-1-windows.exe to C:\
• Run: runas /user:postgres cmd.exe -> cd \ -> postgresql-8.4.9-1-windows.exe -> installed successfully without errors. Checked data folder and confirmed files created successfully.
• Run: compmgmt.msc -> Local Users and Groups -> Users -> postgres -> Member of -> Administrators -> Remove
• Run: compmgmt.msc -> Local Users and Groups -> Users -> postgres -> Member of -> Add… -> Power Users -> OK
Your Windows install is a little borked, and you will need to re-register the VBScript engine to get the installer to run.
Edit: I'm blind, the post author had already tried this.
I had the same problem when trying to install PostgreSQL 9.3.5-3 on a Windows 7 x64 machine (not joined to a domain) in a folder, created on the root, with full access to everybody. The problem was solved by not using ä in my password, so avoid using non-English characters in your password.
This message still occurs in Postgres v9.3.1.1.
For me, the problem was running the installer under the "Administrator" account. This doesn't work. Run it under an administrator account, avoiding the built-in "Administrator" account.
I don't really know what it's usually called, but it's the one that already exists on a fresh install; the one that cannot be changed to a Standard User; the one whose profile is stored in C:\Users\Administrator. Turns out it was a bad idea using this account; learned it the hard way.
(Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit)
Hey guys the answer is very simple just install postgresql on another folder outside program files. it prompts a non fatal error and proceeds to with the installation...
I have solved the same problem on Windows Server 2003 and postgres 9.2.9-3 by creating directory for installation beforehand, and giving full access on it to group "Users".
The answer is very simple, move the downloaded .exe file to some other folder . for ex: c:\postgres and try to install it.
your issue is due to some admin privilege issues
There seem to be many reasons cause the installation fail.
In my case, I'm using Windows 10 home edition, which has no advance user group control,
so a lot of solutions above doesn't work for me. And I guess this is why the installation fails.
What I do is just using BigSQL's installer instead of EnterpriceDB's installer,
Choose the second installer in posgresql download center
Or visit BigSQL directly.
After some struggle I came across this post. I struggled some more time and I think I finally figured it out with the help of all the invaluable input from my predecessors in this post.
My case
It's November 2018.
PostgreSQL 11.1 Winodws-x64 from EnterpriseDB as suggested by
Tried to install on Windows 10 (both Home and Professional)
I tried several constellations and boiled down the process to this:
Uninstall any failed installations.
Add a local user "postgres" (lowercase worked for me) to your computer, assign a SIMPLE password and administrative rights. Do avoid special characters at all expenses, stick with english letters (upper and lowercase) and numbers only.
Add a folder on your computer OUTSIDE the "C:\Program Files" or Windows folder. I chose C:\PostgreSQL
Assign full control over the above folder to the postgres account.
Run the installer (postgresql-11.1-1-windows-x64.exe in my case)
use the above password and folder when prompted (not the default folder)
For security reasons you should now assign a proper password to the windows-user "postgres" and remove administrative rights from the account.
Test your installation by running pgAdmin and connecting to your server. However, the password for the postgres user you need to connect to the server will still be the simple one you used earlier. You may change it within pgAdmin by selecting the postgres database left, choose Tools -> Query Tool and type ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '4wligzo748o$%&'; or whatever. Execute with the flash symbol or F5.
But maybe this is wrong altogether and you should rather run a linux vm with postgreSQL server.
Struggling with this problem for days. Finally got help from the EDB team
My problem got solved by doing the following steps :
1) Open the command prompt and go to the following directory:
cd "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\bin"
2) Once you are inside this "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\bin" directory execute the following command:
.\initdb.exe -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\data"
3) At the end of this command you will be promoted to execute a pg_ctl command to start the Postgres cluster. Please execute the command and once you get a message as the server started you are all set to use the Postgres database.
Note: Instead of 10 user whatever version you have installed. If the pg_ctl command in the third step gives an error after running it in \bin directory, then try running it in \data directory. After the above process re-run the installer.
I know it is not the the solution but installing 32 bit of Postgres, worked for me
I had the same problem when trying to install PostgreSQL 9.6.2 on a Windows 7 32 bit machine,but i got solution,first just uninstall the installed postgres,then delete the postgres folder from 'c' drive,delete the entry from temp file which resides in "C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp".Then again installed postgres 9.6.2 that installed successfully.
Had this same problem trying to install on my company computer (PC running Windows 7). If you are not admin on your computer, you need to install it within your personal "User" folder (not in the "Program Files" folder(s) at the root).
If you still can't access Postgres:
Once you'd installed it under your "User" folder, use the 'Run' program and type in "services.msc" and hit enter. In the window that pops up, go down to your postgres installation, right-click and go to "properties". In the "Log On" tab, select "Local System account" then go back to the "General" tab and click "Start". It should boot after that.
After this, I was able to run "pgAdmin" and access the database (after entering the password I used during installation).
I had the same problem today when installing postgres 9.6.19 on windows 10.
Solution: Neither the installation path nor the windows path variable may contain a blank! Near to the end of the installer log file (found in wondows %temp% dir with a name like bitrock_installer_16156.log) i found:
Script stderr: "\UnxUtils\usr\local\wbin\";"C:\Program" kann
syntaktisch an dieser Stelle nicht verarbeitet werden.
where the installation directory i set as well as my windows %PATH% variable contained
C:\Program Files\
open a command prompt as administrator and type:
set path=C:\WINDOWS\system32
And then of course choose a path not containing a blank.
That did it for me.
I encountered an issue where a username with a space in it on windows fails the postgres installation.
To test:
Reinstalled windows 10 home (restored)
Made a user account without the space
Postgres installed successfully
Very frustrating...
check the services: if any folder there postgres related stop it, and change to disable mode.
check regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> software -> remove postgres folder if exists.
In system environment variable: TEMP path location, remove the TEMP folder for both user and system. and Rename the TEMP to TEMP1 or something..
In system environment variable: remove path for postgres if it exists.
Now change the location of postgres.exe file to another drive.
Restart the system
Then Run postgres.exe
create a new installation directory for postgres and put /data outside.
the easiest way i solve this was:
1.- uninstall if you have already installed
2.- delete all files with failed instalations
3.- start windows in secure mode
4.- run installer in secure mode (it pops a warning but ignore) and restart
and that's it when restarted the service was running ok and everything works fine