Trying to create Area Chart based on same column filter - tableau-api

As shown in the image , Im trying to create an Area chart of unemployment/1000 peoplein India based on both genders but categorized on Area type(rural or urban).
In this area chart Im trying to use dual axis so that I can filter it based on Type of Area(rural or urban). However dual axis wont work here since rural and urban are part of the same column. How can i create an area chart in this scenario ?
I cannot put area type in color since it will give me aggregated values of both rural and urban. Something like this
Data Set is given below


Harmonized scale on a Power BI chart

I would like, as you can see in the photo, to make a power BI graph as a function of time with different categories. Only my "category" indicator contains small and very large values, which makes the diagram not homogeneous. I would like to use the secondary y axis, but I would have to create a new measure "Nb cmd 2" which would only contain certain categories with therefore lower values. What is more laborious... Would you have another solution to harmonize the grafic or to set up a secondary Y axis more simply ?
enter image description here
Thank you for your answers
I tried what is in the picture

How to create a Stacked Column Chart in Tableau using two different calculated fields as measures

Attached is the image of two calculated fields I want to show as one stacked column chart
Two separate column charts
Blue and Orange charts are two different Calculated Fields
I want to add them and show as one column chart - E.g. - For the month of Feb'22 the blue part should show till 25 and on top of it show the orange part till 111
Is there any way to do this?

Is it possible to apply different filters to different charts in same Tableau worksheet?

In the following image I have four charts with same measure. Currently all four are exactly same.
I want to add different country filters to these charts. For example, chart 1 should show view only for country 1, chart 2 for only for country 2 and so on. I have data only for 4 countries and current view shows data for all countries aggregated.
Is there any way to achieve this? I understand I can create separate worksheets for different countries and add into the dashboard. But I'm afraid it will mess up the viz. My dashboard is already filled with lot of stuff and I have to adjust this in bottom 20% of the dashboard.
If you have 4 countries in your dataset (US, UK, China, India), and with "country filters" you just want to see that line chart for each one of them, just drag your country column in the rows shelf.
It seems to me that you may not need filters, just another dimension plotted into your worksheet, for the same metric.

Cognos Chart with "No Data Available" although list shows data

I am completely new to Cognos, so sorry if I don't state some necessary information. I can't go into specifics about my chart, but here is the background:
I have a SQL code running into my Query
My chart and list use the same Query and have the exact same fields
My chart is a basic line graph
When I change my aggregate function to total for my y-axis, then I can see the data points
I do not want to use an aggregate function (I need to see all the points for my x and y-axis)
My x-axis is only one object, but it has multiple y-axis values within a year (which is my series). Ex:product-cost-year list,
where my product is the x-axis, cost is the y-axis, and series is year.
How can I get my chart to appear with all my data points? Eventually, I would like to add an upper and lower confidence interval to this chart.
One way to solve this issue is to create another column that simply counts the number of products (1,2,3,...9). We will call this column count. Keep all your fields the same (product for x-axis, cost for y-axis, and year for series). You will want to add count underneath product on the x-axis. You should see your mouse pointer turn to a horizontal line and it will place it under and to the right of product. Make sure not to place it just to the right of product.

tableau - color text dimension according to other dimension value

I have 2 dimensions (one is BUG_ID, the other is severity).
I have defined a specific color for each possible severity (blocker == red, normal= orange...)
I am using a table and I want to color the BUG_ID dimension value (the text) according to the color defined for reach severity for example:
I have tried several things but cannot figure out how to do it.
Any idea ?
Generally Tableau is a data visualisation tool, so if you want to create graphs of any kind it's great. If you want to create a table and format text, stick to Excel!
You can drag all dimensions you would like to have in the rows shelf. eg: [Description] and [Status]. Now you can drag the [BUG_ID] onto "Text" in the Marks pane. That will display the bug ID, but it will be on the right of all other dimensions. And you won't be able to change it.
To color it, just drag [Severity] onto colur and choose the colors you want.