JVM terminated. Exit code = -1 error while opening birt designer file - eclipse

the -vm argument is pointing to correct jvm.dll file.
This happens when I try to open my eclipse.exe.
I tried removing the launcher library, it doesn't fix the issue.
Any help please ?
I just downloaded the BIRT design folder and unzipped it. I tried doing it again, thinking some extraction problem. din help.

It was caused because of some variables in my environmental variables. the values were too high.


How to set export Path in ubuntu server?

In ubuntu, I export library path while running my scala application to load the .so files. But the files are not loaded. So an exception occurs when I hit my methods. The exception I get is as follows enter image description here
I don't know how to fix this issue. Lib folder contains all those library files needed but still error appears. Particularly it shows libboost_filesystem cannot be loaded. please help me to fix this issue. Thanks for your help.
You need to make sure your libboost libraries are installed and available for the JVM. There are multiple ways to help JVM find those libraries like LD_LIBRARY_PATH or -Djava.library.path=. Check this article for examples: https://www.chilkatsoft.com/java-loadLibrary-Linux.asp.

New Delimited File Preview error

I am trying to use Talend Open Studio v5.4.1.
When I want to create a new delimited file metadata, I get the following message error:
Failed to generate code.
Preview error. Some settings must be changed.
Note: Preview errors are generally due to a wrong encoding setting.
And I know the problem is not coming from my file setting because I did the same on Talend OS v6 and it worked!
But I have to use the v5.4.1
I tried running it as an administrator but it didn't change anything.
I finally resolved it. The problem is that the v.5.4.1 doesn't support the Java 1.8.
So the solution is to install the JDK/JRE 1.7 and specify the path into Talend.
In my case it was incorrect setting in Preferences/Java/Installed JRes that was the cause of the same error.
I set JRE home to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin (wrong) instead of C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121 (right)

Error opening Eclipse

I am unable to open Eclipse IDE. The error displayed is as below
Any idea what could be the reason? And how do I solve this??
Note: I ran CCleaner recently (any registry issue??) and I got error executing my open Eclispe project. On restarting I get this issue. Is re-installation going to help? Am going to do that and update result here. And I would really like to know what caused this for future precautions.
Update: Same error for new installation. But this time got error regarding lauching JVM and missing dlls so going to reinstall Java.
Unable to understand what might be the exact problem , still giving it a shot.
Did you go through this URL http://michaelzanussi.com/?p=468
Appears to be the same issue , resetting JAVA_HOME and PATH solved the issue for him
The authors of Eclipse strongly recommend manually updating the Eclipse.ini file to point directly to the JRE that you want to use rather than relying on Windows environment variables.
Also C:\Windows\System32 is a really strange place to find the Java Runtime Environment files, typically they wind up in C:\Program Files\Java or C:\Program Files (x86)\Java.

Netbeans 7: JVM Creation Failed, which settting to change in netbeans.conf (windows)?

I was having an issue with JVM Creation Failed when executing Netbeans in Windows, and after looking around i found 2 parameters that can fix the issue.
But i am unsure which to use, both fix the problem...
Can anyone tell me the difference and advise which i should be changing..
Thanks in advance.
Not exactly answer to your question, but might help too:
If you are running for example Win 7 64bit and 32bit Java JDK, try to install 64bit JDK, it helps many people.
Another one solution, is to delete created temporary folders, which contain the file splash.PNG (in NB folder in Doc and Settings folder).
And maybe this can help too, close any opened PDFs in Adobe Reader (version 9 probably). I get this error more often while running the built app from NB IDE and running some PDF triggers this problem.

Integration of protobuf-dt with protoc not working

I've installed the Protobuf-dt plugin in Eclipse and It's working okay, except for a weird problem related to it's integration with Protoc.
When I point it to it's executable, it says the file isn't protoc. If I point it to PATH, it doesn't show me any error but when I save the .proto file, it shows me an error saying that it haven't found protoc.
If I compile my .proto file manually with command line (using the same executable), it works okay.
Could it be a problem related to my 64 bits environment (windows/eclipse/jdk)? I haven't found a win64 executable of protoc.
Does anyone had the same problem? Any tip would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I believe it was some Bug. I raised an Issue on theirs Google Code page and they seem to have fixed.