Moving Files to Folders with Powershell and RegEx - powershell

I wrote the following script to batch process the files in to folders based on the title of the magazine (everything before the first hyphen):
magazine title - year-month.pdf eg National Geographic - 2017-07.pdf
After running the script the magazine(s) are moved from the parent folder to a new sub folder, in this case "National Geographic Magazine".
Three related questions:
The '_Orphans' folder (line 38) is created even if there are no 'orphans'
to file in to it for later manual processing. How do I make the folder
creation conditional?
Duplicate files create an error message during processing. Not a big deal as the script continues to run, but I'd like to handle duplicates the same way 'orphans' are handled, with a new "_Duplicates" folder/move.
How do I comment multiple lines without the # at the beginning of each
line (as at the top of the script, for example). There must be a more elegant
way to handle comments/documentation...?
Bonus Question:
If you're really bored waiting for that multi-TB file copy
you're watching progress like an hour glass, could anyone help with the code
for an array of delimiters (wrong term/name probably) as shown on line 10? I'd
like to be able to specify more than just the hard-coded hyphen I used in my
regex match (line 26, which took me the better part of a day to get working).
$OrigFolder = ".\"
$NewFolder = ".\_Sorted to Move"
# Orphans folder, where files that return null in the regex match will be moved
# Example: file "- title.pdf"
# will be moved to ".\_Orphans" folder
$Orphans = '_Orphans' # Use the underscore to sort the folder to the top of the window
#### How to use an array of values for the delimiters in the regex instead of literals
#### My proposed code, but I am missing how to use the delims in the regex match
#### $delims = "\s-\s" ",\s"\s and\s"
# First count the number of files in the $OrigFolder directory
$numFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path $OrigFolder).Count
# Tell the user what will happen
Write-Host 'This script will copy ' $numFiles ' files from ' $OrigFolder ' to _Sorted to Move'
# Ask user to confirm the copy operation
Read-host -prompt 'Press enter to start copying the files'
# Regex to match filenames
$Regex = [regex]"(?:(.*?)\s-)|(?:(.*?),\s)|(?:(.*?)\sand\s)"
# Loop through the $OrigFolder directory, skipping folders
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $OrigFolder | Where-Object {!$_.PsIsContainer} |
ForEach-Object {
if($_.BaseName -match $Regex){
$ChildPath = $_.BaseName -replace $Regex
#Caluclate copy operation progress as a percentage
[int]$percent = $i / $numFiles * 100
# If first part of the file name is empty, move it to the '_Orphans' folder
$ChildPath = $Orphans}
else {
$ChildPath = $Matches[1]
# Generate new folder name
$FolderName = Join-Path -Path $NewFolder -ChildPath ($ChildPath + ' Magazine')
# Create folder if it doesn't exist
if(!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $FolderName -PathType Container)){
$null = New-Item -Path $FolderName -ItemType Directory}
# Log progress to the screen
Write-Host "$($_.FullName) -> $FolderName"
# Move the file to the folder
Move-Item -LiteralPath $_.FullName -Destination $FolderName
# Tell the user how much has been moved
Write-Progress -Activity "Copying ... ($percent %)" -status $_ -PercentComplete $percent -verbose
Write-Host 'Total number of files in '$OrigFolder ' is ' $numFiles
Write-Host 'Total number of files copied to '$NewFolder ' is ' $i
Read-host -prompt "Press enter to complete..."

Q1: I tested your script on my machine with PDFs that followed the same naming scheme and it didn't create an Orphans folder or move my Orphan PDFs. I noticed you have a if ($_.BaseName -match $Regex) immediately after your foreach. Inside that is where you are looking for Orphans, but orphans wouldn't make it into this if block because they wouldn't match the Regex. In pseudocode, you structure should be something like:
if (match)
{$childpath $_.BaseName -replace $Regex}
{Childpath = $Orphans}
Create your folders and do your moves.
Q2: Try, Catch blocks:
Q3: You can comment multiple lines by enclosing them in <# #> pairs.
How to use an array of values for the delimiters in the regex instead of literals
My proposed code, but I am missing how to use the delims in the regex match
$delims = "\s-\s" ",\s"\s and\s"


How to pipe Rename-Item into Move-Item (powershell)

I'm in the process of writing up a PowerShell script that can take a bunch of .TIF images, rename them, and place them in a new folder structure depending on the original file name.
For example, a folder containing the file named:
would be renamed to "00011CIF.TIF", and placed in the following folder:
I've been trying to put together a code to perform this task, and I got one to work where I had two different "ForEach" methods. One would do a bunch of file renaming to remove "-" and shorten "CheckInvoiceFront" to "CIF" and such. Then the second method would again pull all .TIF images, create substrings of the image names, and create folders from those substrings, and then move the image to the new folder, shortening the file name. Like I said, it worked... but I wanted to combine the ForEach methods into one process. However, each time I try to run it, it fails for various reasons... I've tried to change things around, but I just can't seem to get it to work.
Here's the current (non-working) code:
# Prompt user for directory to search through
$sorDirectory = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input source directory to search for images: '
$desDirectory = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input target directory to output folders: '
Set-Location $sorDirectory
# Check directory for TIF images, and close if none are found
Write-Host "Scanning "$sorDirectory" for images... "
$imageCheck = Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse -Path $sorDirectory -include '*.tif'
$imageCount = $imageCheck.count
if ($imageCount -gt 0) {
Write-Host "Total number of images found: $imageCount"
Read-Host -Prompt "Press ENTER to continue or CTRL+C to quit"
# Rename all images, removing "ABCALL" from the start and inserting "20", and then shorten long filetype names, and move files to new folders with new names
Write-Host "Reformatting images for processing..."
Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse -Path $sorDirectory -include '*.tif' |
ForEach-Object {
Write-Progress -Activity "Total Formatted Images: $count1/$imageCount" -Status "0--------10%--------20%--------30%--------40%--------50%--------60%--------70%--------80%--------90%-------100" -CurrentOperation $_ -PercentComplete (($count1 / $imageCount) * 100)
Rename-Item $_ -NewName $_.Name.Replace("-", "").Replace("ABCALL", "20").Replace("CheckInvoiceFront", "CIF").Replace("CheckInvoiceBack", "CIB").Replace("CheckFront", "CF").Replace("CheckBack", "CB") |Out-Null
$year = $_.Name.SubString(0, 4)
$monthday = $_.Name.Substring(4,4)
$batch = $_.Name.SubString(12, 4)
$fulldate = $year+$monthday
$datebatch = $monthday+$batch
$image = $_.Name.SubString(16)
$fullPath = "$desDirectory\$fulldate\$datebatch"
if (-not (Test-Path $fullPath)) { mkdir $fullPath |Out-Null }
Move-Item $_ -Destination "$fullPath\$image" |Out-Null
# Finished
Write-Host "Job complete!"
Timeout /T -1
# Closes if no images are found (likely bad path)
else {
Write-Host "There were no images in the selected folder. Now closing..."
Timeout /T 10
Usually this results in an error stating that it's can't find the path of the original file name, as if it's still looking for the original non-renamed image. I tried adding some other things, but then it said I was passing null values. I'm just not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Note that if I take the everything after the "Rename-Item" (starting with "$year =") and have that in a different ForEach method, it works. I guess I just don't know how to make the Rename-Item return its results back to "$_" before everything else tries working on it. I tried messing around with "-PassThru" but I don't think I was doing it right.
Any suggestions?
As Olaf points out, situationally you may not need both a Rename-Item and a Move-Item call, because Move-Item can rename and move in single operation.
That said, Move-Item does not support implicit creation of the target directory to move a file to, so in your case you do need separate calls.
You can use Rename-Item's -PassThru switch to make it output a System.IO.FileInfo instance (or, if a directory is being renamed, a System.IO.DirectoryInfo instance) representing the already renamed file; you can directly pass such an instance to Move-Item via the pipeline:
Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse -Path $sorDirectory -include '*.tif' |
ForEach-Object {
# ...
# Use -PassThru with Rename-Item to output a file-info object describing
# the already renamed file.
$renamedFile = $_ | Rename-Item -PassThru -NewName $_.Name.Replace("-", "").Replace("ABCALL", "20").Replace("CheckInvoiceFront", "CIF").Replace("CheckInvoiceBack", "CIB").Replace("CheckFront", "CF").Replace("CheckBack", "CB")
# ...
# Pass $renamedFile to Move-Item via the pipeline.
$renamedFile | Move-Item -Destination "$fullPath\$image"
# ...
As for your desire to:
make the Rename-Item return its results back to "$_"
While PowerShell doesn't prevent you from modifying the automatic $_ variable, it is better to treat automatic variables as read-only.
Therefore, a custom variable is used above to store the output from Rename-Item -PassThru
You need -passthru and -destination:
rename-item file1 file2 -PassThru | move-item -Destination dir1

Move files to subfolders if they match in Powershell etc?

I've googled for a while now but I'm unable to find any solution for this.
So I have a bunch of files in a folder, and in this folder I have subfolders.
I want to move those files to the subfolders if they match any of these.
Like this:
some random text yellow bananas more text.txt -> \yellow bananas
some other text red apples this is text.txt -> \red apples
Example - files:
Axevalla Vivid Wise As Goop.jpg
Dagens stjärna Cyber Lane.jpg
640px Elian Web heat.jpg
Example - directories:
Vivid Wise As
Cyber Lane
1st file goes to 1st directory
2nd file goes to 2nd directory
3rd file goes to 3rd directory
4th file match no directory and goes nowhere
Is it doable?
Btw, it's possible that more than one subfolder matches the filename. If so, it doesn't matter which subfolder the file is moved to.
here's one way to do the job ... [grin] there is nearly zero error checking or handling, so you may need to add that. nor is there any record of what was done/not-done.
what it does ...
sets the constants
all one of them. [grin]
creates the files & dirs to work with
when you are ready to work with your own data, remove the entire #region/#endregion block.
gets a list of the dirs in the target location
creates a regex OR of the names of those dirs
gets a list of files in the target dir
iterates thru those files
tests for a match of the .BaseName property of each file against the dir name regex from earlier
if YES, creates a full dir name & moves the file
if NO, writes a warning to the warning stream
that is on by default, so you otta see it when such a file is found.
finishes iterating thru the file list
the code ...
$SourceDir = "$env:TEMP\user3764769"
#region >>> create some files & dirs to work with
# when ready to do this for real, remove this entire block
if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $SourceDir))
# the $Null suppresses unwanted "what was done" output
$Null = New-Item -Path $SourceDir -ItemType 'Directory' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
Axevalla Vivid Wise As Goop.jpg
Dagens stjarna Cyber Lane.jpg
640px Elian Web heat.jpg
'# -split [System.Environment]::NewLine |
ForEach-Object {
$Null = New-Item -Path $SourceDir -Name $_ -ItemType 'File' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
Vivid Wise As
Cyber Lane
'# -split [System.Environment]::NewLine |
ForEach-Object {
$Null = New-Item -Path $SourceDir -Name $_ -ItemType 'Directory' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
#endregion >>> create some files & dirs to work with
$DirList = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $SourceDir -Directory
# the "|" is what regex uses for `-or`
$RegexDL = $DirList.Name -join '|'
$FileList = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $SourceDir -File
foreach ($FL_Item in $FileList)
# the matched value is stored in $Matches[0]
if ($FL_Item.BaseName -match $RegexDL)
$DirName = $Matches[0]
$FullDirName = Join-Path -Path $SourceDir -ChildPath $DirName
Move-Item -LiteralPath $FL_Item.FullName -Destination $FullDirName
Write-Warning ''
Write-Warning ( 'No matching directory was found for [ {0} ].' -f $FL_Item.Name)
Write-Warning ' The file was not moved.'
} # end >>> foreach ($FL_Item in $FileList)
output with one file that does not match any dir in the list ...
WARNING: No matching directory was found for [ 640px Elian Web heat.jpg ].
WARNING: The file was not moved.

Windows cmd command for stripping versions from filenames?

Need Windows cmd command to rename files to names without version numbers, e.g.:
filename.exa.1 => filename.exa
filename_a.exb.23 => filename_a.exb
filename_b.exc.4567 => filename_b.exc
Filenames are variable in number of characters, and the primary extension is always 3 characters.
I once had a Solaris script "stripv" to accomplish this. I could enter "stripv *" in a directory and get a nice clean set of non-versioned files. If the command would result in duplicate filenames because multiple versions exist, then it would just skip the operation altogether.
Don't know how to do it in CMD, but here is some Powershell that would work for you:
# Quick way to get an array of filenames. You could also create a proper array,
# or read each line into an array from a file.
$filepaths = #"
"# -Split "`n"
# For each path in $filepaths
$filepaths | Foreach-Object {
$path = $_
# Split-Path -Leaf gets only the filename
# -Replace expression just means to match on the ".number" at the end of the
# filename and replace it with an empty string (effectively removing it)
$newFilename = ( Split-Path -Leaf $path ) -Replace '\.\d+$', ''
# Warning output
Write-Warning "Renaming '${path}' to '${newFilename}'"
# Rename the file to the new name
Rename-Item -Path $path -NewName $newFilename
Basically, this code creates an array of full paths to files. For each path, it strips the filename from the full path and replaces the .number pattern at the end with nothing, which removes it from the filename. Now that we have the new filename, we use Rename-Item to rename the file to the new name.
Supply the folder name to this script block's $Folder variable, and it will enumerate the items within that folder, locate the last '.' character within the file name, and rename it as everything prior to the '.'.
E.g.: Filename.123.wrcrw.txt.123 would be renamed as Filename.123.wrcrw.txt or in your case, your files would lose the extraneous characters from the final '.' onwards. If the new name for the file already exists, it will write a warning stating that it could not rename the file, and continue on without trying.
$Folder = "C:\ProgramData\Temp"
Get-ChildItem -Path $Folder | Foreach {
$NewName = $_.Name.Substring(0,$_.Name.LastIndexOf('.'))
IF (!(Test-Path $Folder\$NewName))
Rename-Item $Folder\$_ -NewName $NewName
Write-Warning "$($_.Name) cannot be renamed, $NewName already exists."
This should effectively mimic the behaviour you described for stripv *. This could easily be turned into a function with name stripv and added to your PowerShell profile to make it available at the command-line interactively and used in the same way as your Solaris script.

Powershell script to move files to folders - how do I remove hyphens from $newFolder?

I have a ton of files that I want to file in folders based on the first part of the file name. The file name -> folder name is delimited by specific characters: [-] [,] [and]. Example:
First Filename - 2016-04.pdf
Second Filename and another name.mp3
Fourth Filename, 2016.pdf
I want the resulting folder names to NOT include the [\s-] [,\s] [\sand\s] part.
Here is my script, which works, except that the folder names include the stuff I don't want, such as:
First Folder Name -
Fourth Filename,
I think it has to do with my regex match being greedy to include the hyphen (in particular) but I am not sure how to format the query and sunbsequent Folder Name creation.
Also, the stuff commented out with "####" (like the progress indicator) doesn't work. If you have any suggestions, PLEASE do comment. I'm not a programmer by any stretch.
$OrigFolder = ".\"
$NewFolder = ".\_Sorted to Move"
# Orphans folder, where files that return null in the regex match will be moved
# Example: file "- title.mp4"
# will be moved to ".\Sorted\_Orphans" folder
$Orphans = '_Orphans' # Use the underscore to sort the folder to the top of the window
#### How to use an array of values for the delimiters in the regex instead of literals
#### My proposed code, but I am missing how o use the delims in the regex match
#### $delims = "\s-\s" ",\s"\s and\s"
# First count the number of files in the $OrigFolder directory
$numFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path $OrigFolder).Count
# Tell the user what will happen
Write-Host 'This script will copy ' $numFiles ' files from ' $OrigFolder ' to _Sorted to Move'
# Ask user to confirm the copy operation
Read-host -prompt 'Press enter to start copying the files'
# Regex to match filenames
$Regex = [regex]"(^\s*(.*?)\s*-)|(^\s*(.*?),)|(^\s*(.*?)\s*and\s)"
# Loop through the $OrigFolder directory, skipping folders
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $OrigFolder | Where-Object {!$_.PsIsContainer} |
ForEach-Object {
if($_.BaseName -match $Regex){
#### Caluclate copy operation progress as a percentage
#### [int]$percent = $i / $numFiles * 100
# If first part of the file name is empty, move it to the '_Orphans' folder
$ChildPath = $Orphans
} else {
$ChildPath = $Matches[1]
# Generate new folder name
$FolderName = Join-Path -Path $NewFolder -ChildPath $ChildPath
# Create folder if it doesn't exist
if(!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $FolderName -PathType Container)){
$null = New-Item -Path $FolderName -ItemType Directory
# Log progress to the screen
Write-Host "$($_.FullName) -> $FolderName"
# Move the file to the folder
Move-Item -LiteralPath $_.FullName -Destination $FolderName
##### Tell the user how much has been moved
##### Write-Progress -Activity "Copying ... ($percent %)" -status $_ -PercentComplete $percent -verbose
##### $i++
Write-Host 'Total number of files in '$OrigFolder ' is ' $numFiles
Write-Host 'Total number of files copied to '$NewFolder ' is ' $i
Read-host -prompt "Press enter to complete..."
And MANY thanks to StackOverflow users for your help and the code snippets I have kludged together above.
The following regex should find any of your unwanted delimiters (using non-capturing groups):
Here is the Demo
Now all you have to do is to use -replace with that regex to get rid of them:
if($_.BaseName -match $Regex)
$ChildPath = $_.BaseName -replace $Regex
# copy...
Also, take a look at the Write-Progress help:
If the progress bar does not appear, check the value of the
$ProgressPreference variable. If the value is set to SilentlyContinue,
the progress bar is not displayed. For more information about Windows
PowerShell preferences, see about_Preference_Variables. The parameters
of the cmdlet correspond to the properties of the ProgressRecord class
(System.Management.Automation.ProgressRecord). For more information,
see the ProgressRecord topic in the Windows PowerShell Software
Development Kit (SDK).
Here is the completed script for moving my .pdf files (magazines) to a subdirectory named for the title of the magazine. Thanks to jisaak (Martin Brandl) for helping me resolve the regex issue. The solution to adding 'Magazine' to the new folder is on line 46/47. Probably obvious to most but it took me an hour to figure it out.
I would love suggestions for streamlining the code and fixing the indents, etc. I am not style-aware with Powershell yet and it's my first attempt
$OrigFolder = "T:\Magazines"
$NewFolder = "T:\Magazines\_Sorted to Move"
# Orphans folder, where files that return null in the regex match will be moved
# Example: file "- title.pdf"
# will be moved to ".\Sorted\_Orphans" folder
$Orphans = '_Orphans' # Use the underscore to sort the folder to the top of the window
#### How to use an array of values for the delimiters in the regex instead of literals
#### My proposed code, but I am missing how o use the delims in the regex match
#### $delims = "\s-\s" ",\s"\s and\s"
# First count the number of files in the $OrigFolder directory
$numFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path $OrigFolder).Count
# Tell the user what will happen
Write-Host 'This script will copy ' $numFiles ' files from ' $OrigFolder ' to _Sorted to Move'
# Ask user to confirm the copy operation
Read-host -prompt 'Press enter to start copying the files'
# Regex to match filenames
$Regex = [regex]"(?:(.*?)\s-)|(?:(.*?),\s)|(?:(.*?)\sand\s)"
# Loop through the $OrigFolder directory, skipping folders
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $OrigFolder | Where-Object {!$_.PsIsContainer} |
ForEach-Object {
if($_.BaseName -match $Regex){
$ChildPath = $_.BaseName -replace $Regex
#Caluclate copy operation progress as a percentage
[int]$percent = $i / $numFiles * 100
# If first part of the file name is empty, move it to the '_Orphans' folder
$ChildPath = $Orphans}
else {
$ChildPath = $Matches[1]
# Generate new folder name and append ' Magazine' to the new folder name
$FolderName = Join-Path -Path $NewFolder -ChildPath ($ChildPath + ' Magazine')
# Create folder if it doesn't exist
if(!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $FolderName -PathType Container)){
$null = New-Item -Path $FolderName -ItemType Directory}
# Log progress to the screen
Write-Host "$($_.FullName) -> $FolderName"
# Move the file to the folder
Move-Item -LiteralPath $_.FullName -Destination $FolderName
# Tell the user how much has been moved
Write-Progress -Activity "Copying ... ($percent %)" -status $_ -PercentComplete $percent -verbose
Write-Host 'Total number of files in '$OrigFolder ' is ' $numFiles
Write-Host 'Total number of files copied to '$NewFolder ' is ' $i
Read-host -prompt "Press enter to complete..."
I've modded the script for my multimedia files and pictures as well and you have NO IDEA how much time this will save me. THANK YOU AGAIN, Martin!

Powershell Move file to new destination based on trimmed file name

I have a folder where files get dropped, I wish to pull the files from that folder and move to a new folder based on part of the file name. If the new folder is missing then create it.
I have attempted to put together the below, however it throws an error about the path already existing and doesn't move the file.
File names can be any thing with out pattern except the last 16 characters of the file, I am removing these and using the remaining as the folder name.
I am really new to scripting so if i have made a silly mistake explanations are appreciated.
I have played with different orders of operations, added a "-Force" to the new item command, tried with using "Else" and not "If (!(".
I am now at the point where it proudly displays the new directory and then stops.
Could i add the move-item part to a new for each loop so it is processed after the dir is created and tested? If so how do you arrange the { } parts?
Edit 2
I finally have it working, updated script below, the movie-item command was having issues when running into special characters in file names, in my case it was square brackets. The -literalpath switch fixed that for me.
Thanks every one for your input.
Updated script 3.0
#Set source folder
$source = "D:\test\source\"
#Set destination folder (up one level of true destination)
$dest = "D:\test\dest\"
#Define filter Arguments
$filter = "*.txt"
$sourcefile - finds all files that match the filter in the source folder
$trimpath - leaves $file as is, but gets just the file name.
$string - gets file name from $trimpath and converts to a string
$trimmedstring - Takes string from $trimfile and removes the last 16 char off the end of the string
Test for path, if it exists then move on, If not then create directory
Move file to new destination
pushd $source
$sourcefile = Get-ChildItem $source -Filter $filter
foreach ($file in $sourcefile){
$trimpath = $file | split-path -leaf
$string = $trimpath.Substring(0)
$trimmedstring = $string.Substring(0,$string.Length-16)
If(!(Test-Path -path "$dest\$trimmedstring")){New-Item "$dest\$trimmedstring" -Type directory -Force}
move-Item -literalpath "$file" "$dest\$trimmedstring"
You may have to tweak the paths being used but the below should work.
$sourcefiles = ((Get-ChildItem $source -Filter $filter).BaseName).TrimEnd(16)
foreach ($file in $sourcefiles)
if(!(Test-Path "$dest\$file")){
New-item -ItemType directory -path "$dest\$file"
Move-Item "$source\$file" "$dest\file"
I finally have it working, updated script below, the movie-item command was having issues when running into special characters in file names, in my case it was square brackets. The -literalpath switch fixed that for me. Thanks every one for your input.
#Set source folder
$source = "D:\test\source\"
#Set destination folder (up one level of true destination)
$dest = "D:\test\dest\"
#Define filter Arguments
$filter = "*.txt"
$sourcefile - finds all files that match the filter in the source folder
$trimpath - leaves $file as is, but gets just the file name.
$string - gets file name from $trimpath and converts to a string
$trimmedstring - Takes string from $trimfile and removes the last 16 char off the end of the string
Test for path, if it exists then move on, If not then create directory
Move file to new destination
pushd $source
$sourcefile = Get-ChildItem $source -Filter $filter
foreach ($file in $sourcefile){
$trimpath = $file | split-path -leaf
$string = $trimpath.Substring(0)
$trimmedstring = $string.Substring(0,$string.Length-16)
If(!(Test-Path -path "$dest\$trimmedstring")){New-Item "$dest\$trimmedstring" -Type directory -Force}
move-Item -literalpath "$file" "$dest\$trimmedstring"