Stuck while installing ERPNext - erpnext

I am installing bench from I have opted for the easy installation option. However, everytime the installation is getting stuck at [TASK] init bench. Any solutions?

It takes some time in that step.
If it shows error try to run the command using sudo:
sudo python --develop --user frappe
Use erpnext forum for more help: EPRNext Forum


How I can open pgadmin4 in fedora 36?

Good evening people, I am trying to install pgadmin4 on fedora 36, I followed all the steps in the documentation and pgadmin4 and its dependencies were installed correctly but I do not know how to start it, or open it and it does not let me configure it on the web because I do not create the directory described in the final step to configure the web version.
I had the same problem. I solved it installing pgadmin4 from linux-pachages
I followed the same instructions but mistakenly changing "yum" to "dnf" out of force of habit. I found I got an install out of it which seemed OK at a glance, but it was just documentation and not an executable, and there was no shortcut added to run pgAdmin. Perhaps you might have inadvertently done something similar? After uninstalling, I tried again using "yum" exactly as documented and the latest executable installed without any issue. So the steps to install that would work for me were as follows. (Desktop version in my case.)
sudo rpm -e pgadmin4-fedora-repo
sudo rpm -i
sudo yum install pgadmin4-desktop
The QT workaround also mentioned as an answer worked for me, but I wanted to avoid that since it is an earlier release (6.9) than the current 6.11, isn't officially supported and fires a warning about that every time on start up saying some functionality may be missing, which is not good for clients to see potentially in my case.
Same problem - couldn't open it after installing. You have to install pgadmin4-desktop not pgadmin4.

Does coc.nvim require Python?

The installation instructions don't mention the need for Python or specific Python plugins. Although when I add coc.nvim to my vim plugs (Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}), install and restart Neovim, I get the following error:
[coc.nvim] Error on execute python script: request error nvim_command - Vim(pyxfile):E319: No "python3" provider found. Run ":checkhealth provider"
I'm a long time VIM/Neovim user and have my fair share of plugins installed, none of them has any dependency on 3rd party Python scripts, and I would like to keep it that way.
So my question is, does coc.nvim require Python or is there something misconfigured on my end?
You're using , which will load and parse Ultisnips snippets, some snippets need Python to run.
You can disable Python by setting "snippets.ultisnips.usePythonx": false in your coc-settings.json.
I solved it using "snippets.ultisnips.usePythonx": false and running pip install neovim in my virtual environment.
I solved it by pip3 install --user pynvim

pulp.pulpTestAll() :has no attribute 'pulpTestAll'

I just installed pulp and followed instructions here:
however it shows the following message:
AttributeError: module 'pulp' has no attribute 'pulpTestAll'
besides that, the glpk can't be installed either:
(base) MBP:pulp-1.4.0 ci$ sudo apt-get install glpk
sudo: apt-get: command not found
can anyone help? thanks
I ran into a similar issue today. It seems the test functionality has been removed in PuLP 2.0.
This is described here:
Can't help you with the GLPK install I'm afraid, been a while since I worked in Linux, but that seems unrelated to PuLP, as that is only the LP-interface.
It has been the case for a while that for PuLP to detect your solvers on linux you needed to run the test, so maybe you can try following the tip in the github discussion, regarding downloading the help functionality from the github code. Then you can run the test and PuLP can detect the solvers on your system after you've installed them.
For installing glpk, go to the link below
Follow the section titled as "Method 1: Installing Homebrew in macOS" in the middle of the page.
Once done, run the command below
brew install glpk
It worked for me. Hope it works for you too.

Really dont know who start

I install Cygnus from RPM repository like this and now i dont know how continue.
I try continue whit this section and i got the following error:
bash: APACHE_FLUME_HOME/bin/cygnus-flume-ng: No such file or directory
I am really confused about documentation, because i restart 3 times at start when i try to use docker image, the image got so much errors.
You need java, maven and Flume correctly installed before starting.
export APACHE_FLUME_HOME_BIN=/usr/local/flume to your shell
I recommend following the install from source, which guide you through all the steps.
For docker start with the cygnus-common Dockerfile which uses centos6 as base.

Paraview Won't Start

I've just installed Paraview on Kubuntu 16.04 largely following these instructions:
I ran make install and it finished successfully, but for the life of me, I can't launch Paraview. If I try to open it from the KLauncher (the 'starrt menu' of Kubuntu), nothing happens at all.
So, I tried running it from the terminal. Running sudo find / -name "paraview" tells me that the executable is stored at the location /usr/local/bin/. So, I cd into the directory and run paraview. All I get is the following:
Aborted (core dumped)
So, I run sudo paraview and I get this:
Bus::open: Can not get ibus-daemon's address.
IBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon
Aborted (core dumped)
As suggested at this link - - I run sudo apt-get install ibus and ibus-daemon -d and then run sudo paraview again. Now, I get this:
Aborted (core dumped)
Then, I find out that GUI applications must be run with kdesudo, not, I give it a shot and I run into even more errors:
QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No such file or directory
QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /root/.config/ibus/bus
Bus::open: Can not get ibus-daemon's address.
IBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon
Somehow, this time there's no Aborted (core dumped), but Paraview doesn't open up anywhere either.
I had installed paraview via apt before, but then removed it afterwards because it was crashing when trying to use certain menus. Also, I thought it would make sense to install the newest version (5.2), as the apt repo installs version 5.01.
As advised by Utkarsh, you can download the latest Paraview binaries at:
Then, you can untar the downloaded archive and directly run Paraview (bin/paraview). Also, You don't need to be root to install and run it.
More generally, Paraview has a lot of dependencies and its build process may be long and difficult. Unless you have a good reason to build Paraview from scratch, it is way more easier to use the pre-built binaries.