EMI UCP Syntax Error - perl

I have a perl code that sends a reminder sms via Net::UCP package. It worked so far, until now, I started to get negative acknowledgement with 02 reason code. The EMI UCP documentation says, it refers to syntax error, but I don't know why. It worked for like 6 months. Here is the sent string:
And here is what I receive:
My question is where is the syntax error in the sent string? Thanks in advance!

It was the MB parameter that was set to 8. I also noticed that a new message was uploaded that was too long, was longer than 160 characters, so I told the client to change it.


SOAP Web Service Client error, While consuming the service

I am getting this error while using SOAP web service client with axis 1. I had created stub from the wsdl file and tried to consume it then I got this error. wsdl is given to me by someone else.
error in msg parsing: xml was empty, did't parse!
below is the error message and stack trace for the same. Anyone can help.?
In order to fix the javax.activation.DataHandler issue you must add the JavaBeans Activation Framework activation.jar in your classpath.
In order to fix the javax.mail.internet.mimeMultipart issue you must add the Java Mail API mail.jar in your classpath.
The warning messages printed in your console shows that the above jars are not in the classpath.
There are several common reasons to receive the message:
error in msg parsing: xml was empty, did't parse!
The most obvious is that no message was sent. If you have some way of inspecting your transport channel, that would be worth looking at.
Also, the xml message could have been sent in an unexpected character set, e.g. A header declares it to be "Utf-8" but it is really "Win-1252", sometimes you can get away with that if you only use 7-bit ASCII characters, but anything in the 8-bit plane will cause it to bomb.
Also, the xml message could have had a byte order mark unexpectedly inserted at the beginning of the message.
Also, the xml message might not have the document declaration ( starting in the first byte of the message, that violates the specification, and often causes parsers to puke and claim that no message was found.
All things considered with this error message, the parser was not able to find a valid xml message that it could parse, so it didn't. You need to grab the data on the transport channel and figure out what exactly is wrong to resolve the issue.

SOAP Fault Error : internal Error

SOAP Fault returned from TKS.
SOAP Response:<NS1:Fault xmlns:NS1="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<faultstring>Internal Error</faultstring>
TKS is our program that is designed to receive financial information from other program so called eTKS and TKS and eTKS had been developed by two different companies.
While we are testing our programs, above soap-error notification occurred however, the problem is member of programmer of TKS and eTKS cannot specify on in which part the problem is occuring exactly.
We, the TKS part, are assuming the the pre-defined format has been violated from the eTKS sides, since TKS doesn't receive any file but just resulting above error code.
However, eTKS, claims that there's no possibility of the format being modified since they allowed only one format being allowed before the out-send from eTKS.
They are arguing that above "Internal Error" denotes the problem resides in TKS.
Have anyone can advise how to resolve this problem concisely via specifying the problem?

AT+CMGS returns ERROR 302

I'm trying to send a SMS using AT commands and after typing the cellphone number it show the CMS: ERROR 302.
What I'm doing:
AT+CMGS="<3 digit local area code><7 digit cellphone number>"<Enter>
I've found this post: AT+CMGS returns ERROR but couldn't find a solution. Am I typing something wrong? I've changed SMS-encoding to GMS as the post describes.
Try this:
AT+CSCA="sms tel. service",145
AT+CMGS="tel. number"
text message here
Some modems need set CSCA (SMS Service Center Address) always.
And look here for a examples and descriptions.
I found out that sending exactly the same AT commands by hand worked, but sending them from a controller did not (with waiting for the correct answers). Getting the 302 error. But then doing all commands a lot slower with waits of 2 secs in between it suddenly started to work. Apparantly the SIM900 needs more time after it answers, or something.

Gracenote Entourage Initialization Error

I received my Entourage License Info and attempting to test the GN_Entourage_Demo.
However, when inputting the Client ID, Tag and License String in the appropriate #define lines in GNViewController.m, I receive the following errors:
2014-03-10 19:05:20.506 GN_Entourage_Demo[24927:70b] getUserACR: ERROR: Manager not initialized
2014-03-10 19:05:20.509 GN_Entourage_Demo[24927:70b] Error: Invalid User
I have tried various permutations and even used second Entourage License but I get the same error. Can anyone provide some insight?
See the answer in this thread: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22874005/1588901
You probably need to replace newlines in the License String with '\n'

unable to sent SMS using AT Commands in hyperterminal by using TCAM GSM Modem

I am facing the problem while running the AT-commands in Hyperterminal when i enter the following commands
it returns the following result
Result: +CMGS: 136
and i received the sms on my cell.
but when i use the following sequence of commands it gives me the error
Result: +CMS ERROR: 305
I don't know what is going wrong with these commands. i have googled a lot but not find any solution.
+CMS ERROR: 305 is a text format mode error.
AT+CMGS="Unicode" Mobile no and SMS text must be convert to hex code.
I have tested successfully and sent SMS to any language.