SOAP Web Service Client error, While consuming the service - soap

I am getting this error while using SOAP web service client with axis 1. I had created stub from the wsdl file and tried to consume it then I got this error. wsdl is given to me by someone else.
error in msg parsing: xml was empty, did't parse!
below is the error message and stack trace for the same. Anyone can help.?

In order to fix the javax.activation.DataHandler issue you must add the JavaBeans Activation Framework activation.jar in your classpath.
In order to fix the javax.mail.internet.mimeMultipart issue you must add the Java Mail API mail.jar in your classpath.
The warning messages printed in your console shows that the above jars are not in the classpath.

There are several common reasons to receive the message:
error in msg parsing: xml was empty, did't parse!
The most obvious is that no message was sent. If you have some way of inspecting your transport channel, that would be worth looking at.
Also, the xml message could have been sent in an unexpected character set, e.g. A header declares it to be "Utf-8" but it is really "Win-1252", sometimes you can get away with that if you only use 7-bit ASCII characters, but anything in the 8-bit plane will cause it to bomb.
Also, the xml message could have had a byte order mark unexpectedly inserted at the beginning of the message.
Also, the xml message might not have the document declaration ( starting in the first byte of the message, that violates the specification, and often causes parsers to puke and claim that no message was found.
All things considered with this error message, the parser was not able to find a valid xml message that it could parse, so it didn't. You need to grab the data on the transport channel and figure out what exactly is wrong to resolve the issue.


Debugging Transformer Errors in Mirth Connect Server Log

Fairly new to Mirth, so looking for advice in regards to debugging/getting more information from errors reported in the Server Log in Mirth Connect. I know what channel this is originating from, but that's about it. This error is received 10 times for each message coming through. It should be noted that the channel is working properly except for this error cluttering up the logs.
The Error:
ERROR (transformer:?): TypeError: undefined is not an xml object.
What I've Tried:
Ruled out Channel Map variables (mappers), they don't have null default values, they match up with vars in the incoming xml message, even changed to Javascript transformers to modify the catch to try to narrow down the issue, but no luck.
Modified external javascript source files to include more error handling (wrapped each file in a try/catch that would log with identifying info) but this didn't change the result at all.
Added a new Alert to send info if errors are received, but this alert never fired.
Anything else to try? Thanks for any/all help!
This is a Rhino message that happens when you use an e4x operator on a variable that isn't an xml object. The following two samples will both throw the same error you are seeing when obj is undefined. Otherwise, 'undefined' in your error will be replaced with obj.toString();
// Putting a dot between the variable and () indicates an xml filter
// instead of a function call
// Two consecutive dots returns all xml descendant elements of obj
// named test instead of retrieving a property named test from obj.

SOAP Fault Error : internal Error

SOAP Fault returned from TKS.
SOAP Response:<NS1:Fault xmlns:NS1="">
<faultstring>Internal Error</faultstring>
TKS is our program that is designed to receive financial information from other program so called eTKS and TKS and eTKS had been developed by two different companies.
While we are testing our programs, above soap-error notification occurred however, the problem is member of programmer of TKS and eTKS cannot specify on in which part the problem is occuring exactly.
We, the TKS part, are assuming the the pre-defined format has been violated from the eTKS sides, since TKS doesn't receive any file but just resulting above error code.
However, eTKS, claims that there's no possibility of the format being modified since they allowed only one format being allowed before the out-send from eTKS.
They are arguing that above "Internal Error" denotes the problem resides in TKS.
Have anyone can advise how to resolve this problem concisely via specifying the problem?

FIX Message Can 35=X does not have Symbol or SecID/SecIDSource

Hi I need help to understand, if 35=X message should contain Symbol/SecID within the repeating group.
The FIX Specification indicates that under the repeating group both 55 and 48/22 are optional.
I received a message from my client without a symbol tag, please help me undersatnd if that was a bad formed message
20150923-15:06:14.976 : 8=FIXT.1.19=33635=X34=19153349=SENDER52=20150923-15:06:14.63756=RECEIVER268=8279=0269=1270=99.609375271=289279=0269=1270=99.6171875271=241279=0269=1270=99.625271=154279=0269=1270=99.6328125271=139279=0269=0270=99.6015625271=268279=0269=0270=99.59375271=244279=0269=0270=99.5859375271=171279=0269=0270=99.578125271=21610=198
You are advised to treat the default FIX message and field definitions as a set of suggested definitions.
In practice, no commercial FIX counterparty uses these definitions as-is. Every counterparty I've connected to makes modifications, adding or removing fields from messages or groups, creating new fields, or sometimes adding entirely new messages. No counterparty supports every message and field.
When connecting to a counterparty, do not assume anything. Your counterparty should provide documentation on how they expect their interface to be used, and which messages and fields they will send and which they expect to receive from you.
You need to read their specs and modify your FIXnn.xml DataDictionary file to match what they will be sending you.
If their spec says they will send you Symbol and/or SecurityID in a 35=X message, you need to make sure your DD file matches that.
This page might be helpful to you. (It's technically for the C# QuickFIX/n, but the DD file is the same for all QF versions.)

Injecting a custom die() handler into mod_perl SOAP handler

We're using a $server = SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Apache->new; $server->dispatch_with(...) over here as a backend to a JS-based application. Should the underlying module die, it sends back a nice error message that gets displayed by the JS code.
The problem is, I would like more detailed messages (e.g. Carp::longmess), and a hard copy of those on STDERR.
How can I inject a custom exception handler into SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Apache with minimal code modifications?
(This is a large and old project we can't afford to rewrite, though honestly it deserves a rewrite).
UPDATE: here's a sample error message:
'allocation' cannot be null at
line 686. </faultstring></soap:Fault></soap:Body>
I get a Tangram error but this is unlikely a bug in Tangram and anyway I need a full stack-trace. OTOH, the die message got into a SOAP message which is not a normal die action so there's a handler somewhere -- which I want to customize a bit.
The error handler is located under SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Server::_output_soap_fault. Try a grep on <faultcode> in the perl INC paths.

Proper way to convey error messages during calls to a REST service?

I'm writing a REST based web service, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle error conditions.
Currently the service is returning HTTP Errors, such as Bad Request, but how can I return extra information to give developers using the web service an idea what they're doing wrong?
For example: creating a user with a null username returns an error of Bad Request. How can I add that the error was caused by a null username parameter?
According to the HTTP spec, the text that comes after the three digit response code, the "Reason-Phrase", can only be replaced with a logical equivalent. So you can't respond with 400 null user and expect anything useful to happen. Indeed, The client is not required to examine or display the Reason- Phrase.
In general, the HTTP response entity (typically the page that accompanies the response) should contain information useful to the client to guide them forward, even when the response is an error. On the web, most such errors are HTML, and are devoid of machine readable information, but most browsers do show the error to the user (and SO's error page is pretty good!).
So for a primarily machine readable resource you have two options:
Pass a human readable message anyway. Return 400 Bad Request with a HTML response, which the client may opt to show to the user. It's dead easy but it's a bit like throwing an unchecked exception, it passes all the hard work to the client, or indeed the end user.
Allow clients to recover. Return 400 Bad Request with a machine readable response which is part of your API, so clients can recover from known error conditions. This is harder, like throwing a checked exception, it becomes part of the API, and it allows clients to recover gracefully if they want to.
You could even make the server support both scenarios by defining a media type for the machie readable error recovery document, and allow clients to "accept" them: Accept: application/atom+xml, application/my.proprietary.errors+json
Clients that forget the mandatory field can opt in to getting machine readable errors or human readable errors by choosing to Accepting the error media type.
It's stated in the HTTP spec that most error codes should return some basic text that gives a clarification of why the error is being returned. The basic Java Servlet Spec defines the HttpServletResponse.sendError(int Code, String message) for this purpose.
String desc = "my Description";
throw new WebApplicationException(Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(desc).type("text/plain").build());