Is there a mongo query that returns a boolean if any documents match a query? [duplicate] - mongodb

I want to return true if a userID already exists and false otherwise from my collection.I have this function but it always returns True.
def alreadyExists(newID):
if db.mycollection.find({'UserIDS': { "$in": newID}}):
return True
return False
How could I get this function to only return true if a user id already exists?

Note: This answer is outdated. More recent versions of MongoDB can use the far more efficient method db.collection.countDocuments. See the answer by Xavier Guihot for a better solution.
find doesn't return a boolean value, it returns a cursor. To check if that cursor contains any documents, use the cursor's count method:
if db.mycollection.find({'UserIDS': { "$in": newID}}).count() > 0
If newID is not an array you should not use the $in operator. You can simply do find({'UserIDS': newID}).

Starting Mongo 4.0.3/PyMongo 3.7.0, we can use count_documents:
if db.collection.count_documents({ 'UserIDS': newID }, limit = 1) != 0:
# do something
Used with the optional parameter limit, this provides a way to find if there is at least one matching occurrence.
Limiting the number of matching occurrences makes the collection scan stop as soon as a match is found instead of going through the whole collection.
Note that this can also be written as follow since 1 is interpreted as True in a python condition:
if db.collection.count_documents({ 'UserIDS': newID }, limit = 1):
# do something
In earlier versions of Mongo/Pymongo, count could be used (deprecated and replaced by count_documents in Mongo 4):
if db.collection.count({ 'UserIDS': newID }, limit = 1) != 0:
# do something

If you're using Motor, find() doesn't do any communication with the database, it merely creates and returns a MotorCursor:
Since the MotorCursor is not None, Python considers it a "true" value so your function returns True. If you want to know if at least one document exists that matches your query, try find_one():
def alreadyExists(newID):
doc = yield db.mycollection.find_one({'UserIDS': { "$in": newID}})
return bool(doc)
Notice you need a "coroutine" and "yield" to do I/O with Tornado. You could also use a callback:
def alreadyExists(newID, callback):
db.mycollection.find_one({'UserIDS': { "$in": newID}}, callback=callback)
For more on callbacks and coroutines, see the Motor tutorial:
If you're using PyMongo and not Motor, it's simpler:
def alreadyExists(newID):
return bool(db.mycollection.find_one({'UserIDS': { "$in": newID}}))
Final note, MongoDB's $in operator takes a list of values. Is newID a list? Perhaps you just want:
find_one({'UserIDS': newID})

One liner solution in mongodb query
db.mycollection.find({'UserIDS': { "$in": newID}}).count() > 0 ? true : false

return db.mycollection.find({'UserIDS': newID}).count > 0

This worked for me
result = num.find({"num": num}, { "_id": 0 })
if result.count() > 0:
num.insert({"num": num, "DateTime": DateTime })


Show Recent chat message in Mongodb [duplicate]

I can't find anywhere it has been documented this. By default, the find() operation will get the records from beginning. How can I get the last N records in mongodb?
Edit: also I want the returned result ordered from less recent to most recent, not the reverse.
If I understand your question, you need to sort in ascending order.
Assuming you have some id or date field called "x" you would do ...
The 1 will sort ascending (oldest to newest) and -1 will sort descending (newest to oldest.)
If you use the auto created _id field it has a date embedded in it ... so you can use that to order by ...{_id:1});
That will return back all your documents sorted from oldest to newest.
Natural Order
You can also use a Natural Order mentioned above ...{$natural:1});
Again, using 1 or -1 depending on the order you want.
Use .limit()
Lastly, it's good practice to add a limit when doing this sort of wide open query so you could do either ...{_id:1}).limit(50);
The last N added records, from less recent to most recent, can be seen with this query:
db.collection.find().skip(db.collection.count() - N)
If you want them in the reverse order:
db.collection.find().sort({ $natural: -1 }).limit(N)
If you install Mongo-Hacker you can also use:
If you get tired of writing these commands all the time you can create custom functions in your ~/.mongorc.js. E.g.
function last(N) {
return db.collection.find().skip(db.collection.count() - N);
then from a mongo shell just type last(N)
Sorting, skipping and so on can be pretty slow depending on the size of your collection.
A better performance would be achieved if you have your collection indexed by some criteria; and then you could use min() cursor:
First, index your collection with db.collectionName.setIndex( yourIndex )
You can use ascending or descending order, which is cool, because you want always the "N last items"... so if you index by descending order it is the same as getting the "first N items".
Then you find the first item of your collection and use its index field values as the min criteria in a search like:
Here's the reference for min() cursor:
In order to get last N records you can execute below query:
db.yourcollectionname.find({$query: {}, $orderby: {$natural : -1}}).limit(yournumber)
if you want only one last record:
db.yourcollectionname.findOne({$query: {}, $orderby: {$natural : -1}})
Note: In place of $natural you can use one of the columns from your collection.
db.collection.find().sort({$natural: -1 }).limit(5)
You can use an aggregation for the latest n entries of a subset of documents in a collection. Here's a simplified example without grouping (which you would be doing between stages 4 and 5 in this case).
This returns the latest 20 entries (based on a field called "timestamp"), sorted ascending. It then projects each documents _id, timestamp and whatever_field_you_want_to_show into the results.
var pipeline = [
"$match": { //stage 1: filter out a subset
"first_field": "needs to have this value",
"second_field": "needs to be this"
"$sort": { //stage 2: sort the remainder last-first
"timestamp": -1
"$limit": 20 //stage 3: keep only 20 of the descending order subset
"$sort": {
"rt": 1 //stage 4: sort back to ascending order
"$project": { //stage 5: add any fields you want to show in your results
"_id": 1,
"timestamp" : 1,
"whatever_field_you_want_to_show": 1
yourcollection.aggregate(pipeline, function resultCallBack(err, result) {
// account for (err)
// do something with (result)
so, result would look something like:
"_id" : ObjectId("5ac5b878a1deg18asdafb060"),
"timestamp" : "2018-04-05T05:47:37.045Z",
"whatever_field_you_want_to_show" : -3.46000003814697
"_id" : ObjectId("5ac5b878a1de1adsweafb05f"),
"timestamp" : "2018-04-05T05:47:38.187Z",
"whatever_field_you_want_to_show" : -4.13000011444092
Hope this helps.
You can try this method:
Get the total number of records in the collection with
Then use skip:
db.dbcollection.find().skip(db.dbcollection.count() - 1).pretty()
You can't "skip" based on the size of the collection, because it will not take the query conditions into account.
The correct solution is to sort from the desired end-point, limit the size of the result set, then adjust the order of the results if necessary.
Here is an example, based on real-world code.
var query = collection.find( { conditions } ).sort({$natural : -1}).limit(N);
query.exec(function(err, results) {
if (err) {
else if (results.length == 0) {
else {
results.reverse(); // put the results into the desired order
results.forEach(function(result) {
// do something with each result
you can use sort() , limit() ,skip() to get last N record start from any skipped value
db.collections.find().sort(key:value).limit(int value).skip(some int value);
Look under Querying: Sorting and Natural Order,
as well as sort() under Cursor Methods
You may want to be using the find options :
db.collection.find({}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}, skip:2, limit: 18}).fetch();
Use .sort() and .limit() for that
Use Sort in ascending or descending order and then use limit
db.collection.find({}).sort({ any_field: -1 }).limit(last_n_records);
If you use MongoDB compass, you can use sort filed to filter,
use $slice operator to limit array elements
GeoLocation.find({},{name: 1, geolocation:{$slice: -5}})
.then((result) => {
.catch((err) => {
res.status(500).json({ success: false, msg: `Something went wrong. ${err}` });
where geolocation is array of data, from that we get last 5 record.
db.collection.find().hint( { $natural : -1 } ).sort(field: 1/-1).limit(n)
according to mongoDB Documentation:
You can specify { $natural : 1 } to force the query to perform a forwards collection scan.
You can also specify { $natural : -1 } to force the query to perform a reverse collection scan.
Last function should be sort, not limit.

mongodb any command instead of count

I use
where query uses gte and lte commands.
It working ok. But not very fast.
Maybe it will be faster to use something like "any" command instead of count.
Is there any equivalent of
which should return true if count > 0 and false if count == 0
I tried to use $exists. But seemingly it can be used only with single field, like
db.records.find( { b: { $exists: false } } )
and cannot be applied to gte less query like this
"from_5": {
"$lte": 79038
"to_5": {
"$gte": 79038
You can use either find or findOne... I'd use the former since it's said to be more efficient. And call size() on the cursor returned to get the number of documents.

mongodb - how to query collection and document

So say I have a collection of documents. Each document contains a primary and secondary address such as...
primaryAddress: "94-111",
secondaryAddress: "94-111"
What I want to do is, query for a primary address that has a primary address of "94-111" but exclude all results where the primaryAddress is equal to the secondaryAddress.
I tried the following with no luck.
db.address.find({primaryAddress:"94-111", secondaryAddress: {$ne this.primaryAddress}})
To compare two fields within a document, use the aggregation framework:
$project: {
primaryAddress: '$primaryAddress',
secondaryAddress: '$secondaryAddress',
eq: {$eq: ['$primaryAddress', '$secondaryAddress']}
}, {
$match: {eq: false}
The $project stage of the pipeline carries the primary and secondary addresses into the next stage, and it adds a field, eq, which is true if the fields are equal and false otherwise.
The $match stage gets the documents processed by the first stage, and filters out those where eq is true.
This aggregation pipeline will be much much faster than a $where clause, which executes Javascript on the server for each document.
Try something like this
{ $where: "this.primaryAddress == '94-111' &&
this.primaryAddress != this.secondaryAddress" } );
which should be equivalent to
{ $where: "this.primaryAddress == '94-111' &&
this.secondaryAddress != '94-111'" } );
You can drop the where operator if you like, see here.
If you want documents where primaryAddress = "94-111" AND secondaryAddress <> "94-111", try this:
db.address.find({primaryAddress:"94-111", secondaryAddress: {$ne: "94-111"}})
If you want documents where primaryAddress <> secondaryAddress, see #Jesse's solution

Mongo query different attributes on different rows

I have a mongo collection with the fields
visit_id, user_id, date, action 1, action 2
1 u100 2012-01-01 phone-call -
2 u100 2012-01-02 - computer-check
Can I get in mongodb the user that has made both a phone-call and a computer-check no matter the time ? ( basically it's an AND on different rows )
I guess it is not possible without map/reduce work.
I see it can be done in following way:
1.First you need run map/reduce that produce to you results like this:
_id : "u100",
value: {
actions: [
2.Then you can query above m/r result via elemMatch
You won't be able to do this with a single query-- if this is something you're doing frequently in your application I wouldn't recommend map/reduce-- I'd recommend doing a query in mongodb using the $or operator, and then processing it on the client to get a unique set of user_id's.
For example:
db.users.find({$or:[{"action 1":"phone-call"}, {"action 2":"computer-check"}]})
In the future, you should save your data in a different format like the one suggested above by Andrew.
There is the MongoDB group method that can be used for your query, comparable to an SQL group by operator.
I haven't tested this, but your query could look something similar to:
var results ={
key: { user_id: true },
cond: { $or: [ { action1: "phone-call" }, { action2: "computer-check" } ] },
initial: { actionFlags: 0 },
reduce: function(obj, prev) {
if(obj.action1 == "phone-call") { prev.actionFlags |= 1; }
if(obj.action2 == "computer-check") { prev.actionFlags |= 2; }
finalize: function(doc) {
if(doc.actionFlags == 3) { return doc; }
return null;
Again, I haven't tested this, it's based on my reading of the documentation. You're grouping by the user_id (the key declaration). The rows you want to let through have either action1 == "phone-call" or action2 == "computer-check" (the cond declaration). The initial state when you start checking a particular user_id is 0 (initial). For each row you check if action1 == "phone-call" and set its flag, and check action2 == "computer-check" and set it's flag (the reduce function). Once you've marked the row types, you check to make sure both flags are set. If so, keep the object, otherwise eliminate it (the finalize function).
That last part is the only part I'm unsure of, since the documentation doesn't explicitly state that you can knock out records in the finalize function. It will probably take me more time to get some test data set up to see than it would for you to see if the example above works.

How to get the last N records in mongodb?

I can't find anywhere it has been documented this. By default, the find() operation will get the records from beginning. How can I get the last N records in mongodb?
Edit: also I want the returned result ordered from less recent to most recent, not the reverse.
If I understand your question, you need to sort in ascending order.
Assuming you have some id or date field called "x" you would do ...
The 1 will sort ascending (oldest to newest) and -1 will sort descending (newest to oldest.)
If you use the auto created _id field it has a date embedded in it ... so you can use that to order by ...{_id:1});
That will return back all your documents sorted from oldest to newest.
Natural Order
You can also use a Natural Order mentioned above ...{$natural:1});
Again, using 1 or -1 depending on the order you want.
Use .limit()
Lastly, it's good practice to add a limit when doing this sort of wide open query so you could do either ...{_id:1}).limit(50);
The last N added records, from less recent to most recent, can be seen with this query:
db.collection.find().skip(db.collection.count() - N)
If you want them in the reverse order:
db.collection.find().sort({ $natural: -1 }).limit(N)
If you install Mongo-Hacker you can also use:
If you get tired of writing these commands all the time you can create custom functions in your ~/.mongorc.js. E.g.
function last(N) {
return db.collection.find().skip(db.collection.count() - N);
then from a mongo shell just type last(N)
Sorting, skipping and so on can be pretty slow depending on the size of your collection.
A better performance would be achieved if you have your collection indexed by some criteria; and then you could use min() cursor:
First, index your collection with db.collectionName.setIndex( yourIndex )
You can use ascending or descending order, which is cool, because you want always the "N last items"... so if you index by descending order it is the same as getting the "first N items".
Then you find the first item of your collection and use its index field values as the min criteria in a search like:
Here's the reference for min() cursor:
In order to get last N records you can execute below query:
db.yourcollectionname.find({$query: {}, $orderby: {$natural : -1}}).limit(yournumber)
if you want only one last record:
db.yourcollectionname.findOne({$query: {}, $orderby: {$natural : -1}})
Note: In place of $natural you can use one of the columns from your collection.
db.collection.find().sort({$natural: -1 }).limit(5)
You can use an aggregation for the latest n entries of a subset of documents in a collection. Here's a simplified example without grouping (which you would be doing between stages 4 and 5 in this case).
This returns the latest 20 entries (based on a field called "timestamp"), sorted ascending. It then projects each documents _id, timestamp and whatever_field_you_want_to_show into the results.
var pipeline = [
"$match": { //stage 1: filter out a subset
"first_field": "needs to have this value",
"second_field": "needs to be this"
"$sort": { //stage 2: sort the remainder last-first
"timestamp": -1
"$limit": 20 //stage 3: keep only 20 of the descending order subset
"$sort": {
"rt": 1 //stage 4: sort back to ascending order
"$project": { //stage 5: add any fields you want to show in your results
"_id": 1,
"timestamp" : 1,
"whatever_field_you_want_to_show": 1
yourcollection.aggregate(pipeline, function resultCallBack(err, result) {
// account for (err)
// do something with (result)
so, result would look something like:
"_id" : ObjectId("5ac5b878a1deg18asdafb060"),
"timestamp" : "2018-04-05T05:47:37.045Z",
"whatever_field_you_want_to_show" : -3.46000003814697
"_id" : ObjectId("5ac5b878a1de1adsweafb05f"),
"timestamp" : "2018-04-05T05:47:38.187Z",
"whatever_field_you_want_to_show" : -4.13000011444092
Hope this helps.
You can try this method:
Get the total number of records in the collection with
Then use skip:
db.dbcollection.find().skip(db.dbcollection.count() - 1).pretty()
You can't "skip" based on the size of the collection, because it will not take the query conditions into account.
The correct solution is to sort from the desired end-point, limit the size of the result set, then adjust the order of the results if necessary.
Here is an example, based on real-world code.
var query = collection.find( { conditions } ).sort({$natural : -1}).limit(N);
query.exec(function(err, results) {
if (err) {
else if (results.length == 0) {
else {
results.reverse(); // put the results into the desired order
results.forEach(function(result) {
// do something with each result
you can use sort() , limit() ,skip() to get last N record start from any skipped value
db.collections.find().sort(key:value).limit(int value).skip(some int value);
Look under Querying: Sorting and Natural Order,
as well as sort() under Cursor Methods
You may want to be using the find options :
db.collection.find({}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}, skip:2, limit: 18}).fetch();
Use .sort() and .limit() for that
Use Sort in ascending or descending order and then use limit
db.collection.find({}).sort({ any_field: -1 }).limit(last_n_records);
If you use MongoDB compass, you can use sort filed to filter,
use $slice operator to limit array elements
GeoLocation.find({},{name: 1, geolocation:{$slice: -5}})
.then((result) => {
.catch((err) => {
res.status(500).json({ success: false, msg: `Something went wrong. ${err}` });
where geolocation is array of data, from that we get last 5 record.
db.collection.find().hint( { $natural : -1 } ).sort(field: 1/-1).limit(n)
according to mongoDB Documentation:
You can specify { $natural : 1 } to force the query to perform a forwards collection scan.
You can also specify { $natural : -1 } to force the query to perform a reverse collection scan.
Last function should be sort, not limit.