I have a mongo collection with the fields
visit_id, user_id, date, action 1, action 2
1 u100 2012-01-01 phone-call -
2 u100 2012-01-02 - computer-check
Can I get in mongodb the user that has made both a phone-call and a computer-check no matter the time ? ( basically it's an AND on different rows )
I guess it is not possible without map/reduce work.
I see it can be done in following way:
1.First you need run map/reduce that produce to you results like this:
_id : "u100",
value: {
actions: [
2.Then you can query above m/r result via elemMatch
You won't be able to do this with a single query-- if this is something you're doing frequently in your application I wouldn't recommend map/reduce-- I'd recommend doing a query in mongodb using the $or operator, and then processing it on the client to get a unique set of user_id's.
For example:
db.users.find({$or:[{"action 1":"phone-call"}, {"action 2":"computer-check"}]})
In the future, you should save your data in a different format like the one suggested above by Andrew.
There is the MongoDB group method that can be used for your query, comparable to an SQL group by operator.
I haven't tested this, but your query could look something similar to:
var results = db.coll.group({
key: { user_id: true },
cond: { $or: [ { action1: "phone-call" }, { action2: "computer-check" } ] },
initial: { actionFlags: 0 },
reduce: function(obj, prev) {
if(obj.action1 == "phone-call") { prev.actionFlags |= 1; }
if(obj.action2 == "computer-check") { prev.actionFlags |= 2; }
finalize: function(doc) {
if(doc.actionFlags == 3) { return doc; }
return null;
Again, I haven't tested this, it's based on my reading of the documentation. You're grouping by the user_id (the key declaration). The rows you want to let through have either action1 == "phone-call" or action2 == "computer-check" (the cond declaration). The initial state when you start checking a particular user_id is 0 (initial). For each row you check if action1 == "phone-call" and set its flag, and check action2 == "computer-check" and set it's flag (the reduce function). Once you've marked the row types, you check to make sure both flags are set. If so, keep the object, otherwise eliminate it (the finalize function).
That last part is the only part I'm unsure of, since the documentation doesn't explicitly state that you can knock out records in the finalize function. It will probably take me more time to get some test data set up to see than it would for you to see if the example above works.
I can't find anywhere it has been documented this. By default, the find() operation will get the records from beginning. How can I get the last N records in mongodb?
Edit: also I want the returned result ordered from less recent to most recent, not the reverse.
If I understand your question, you need to sort in ascending order.
Assuming you have some id or date field called "x" you would do ...
The 1 will sort ascending (oldest to newest) and -1 will sort descending (newest to oldest.)
If you use the auto created _id field it has a date embedded in it ... so you can use that to order by ...
That will return back all your documents sorted from oldest to newest.
Natural Order
You can also use a Natural Order mentioned above ...
Again, using 1 or -1 depending on the order you want.
Use .limit()
Lastly, it's good practice to add a limit when doing this sort of wide open query so you could do either ...
The last N added records, from less recent to most recent, can be seen with this query:
db.collection.find().skip(db.collection.count() - N)
If you want them in the reverse order:
db.collection.find().sort({ $natural: -1 }).limit(N)
If you install Mongo-Hacker you can also use:
If you get tired of writing these commands all the time you can create custom functions in your ~/.mongorc.js. E.g.
function last(N) {
return db.collection.find().skip(db.collection.count() - N);
then from a mongo shell just type last(N)
Sorting, skipping and so on can be pretty slow depending on the size of your collection.
A better performance would be achieved if you have your collection indexed by some criteria; and then you could use min() cursor:
First, index your collection with db.collectionName.setIndex( yourIndex )
You can use ascending or descending order, which is cool, because you want always the "N last items"... so if you index by descending order it is the same as getting the "first N items".
Then you find the first item of your collection and use its index field values as the min criteria in a search like:
Here's the reference for min() cursor: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/cursor.min/
In order to get last N records you can execute below query:
db.yourcollectionname.find({$query: {}, $orderby: {$natural : -1}}).limit(yournumber)
if you want only one last record:
db.yourcollectionname.findOne({$query: {}, $orderby: {$natural : -1}})
Note: In place of $natural you can use one of the columns from your collection.
db.collection.find().sort({$natural: -1 }).limit(5)
You can use an aggregation for the latest n entries of a subset of documents in a collection. Here's a simplified example without grouping (which you would be doing between stages 4 and 5 in this case).
This returns the latest 20 entries (based on a field called "timestamp"), sorted ascending. It then projects each documents _id, timestamp and whatever_field_you_want_to_show into the results.
var pipeline = [
"$match": { //stage 1: filter out a subset
"first_field": "needs to have this value",
"second_field": "needs to be this"
"$sort": { //stage 2: sort the remainder last-first
"timestamp": -1
"$limit": 20 //stage 3: keep only 20 of the descending order subset
"$sort": {
"rt": 1 //stage 4: sort back to ascending order
"$project": { //stage 5: add any fields you want to show in your results
"_id": 1,
"timestamp" : 1,
"whatever_field_you_want_to_show": 1
yourcollection.aggregate(pipeline, function resultCallBack(err, result) {
// account for (err)
// do something with (result)
so, result would look something like:
"_id" : ObjectId("5ac5b878a1deg18asdafb060"),
"timestamp" : "2018-04-05T05:47:37.045Z",
"whatever_field_you_want_to_show" : -3.46000003814697
"_id" : ObjectId("5ac5b878a1de1adsweafb05f"),
"timestamp" : "2018-04-05T05:47:38.187Z",
"whatever_field_you_want_to_show" : -4.13000011444092
Hope this helps.
You can try this method:
Get the total number of records in the collection with
Then use skip:
db.dbcollection.find().skip(db.dbcollection.count() - 1).pretty()
You can't "skip" based on the size of the collection, because it will not take the query conditions into account.
The correct solution is to sort from the desired end-point, limit the size of the result set, then adjust the order of the results if necessary.
Here is an example, based on real-world code.
var query = collection.find( { conditions } ).sort({$natural : -1}).limit(N);
query.exec(function(err, results) {
if (err) {
else if (results.length == 0) {
else {
results.reverse(); // put the results into the desired order
results.forEach(function(result) {
// do something with each result
you can use sort() , limit() ,skip() to get last N record start from any skipped value
db.collections.find().sort(key:value).limit(int value).skip(some int value);
Look under Querying: Sorting and Natural Order, http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Sorting+and+Natural+Order
as well as sort() under Cursor Methods
You may want to be using the find options :
db.collection.find({}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}, skip:2, limit: 18}).fetch();
Use .sort() and .limit() for that
Use Sort in ascending or descending order and then use limit
db.collection.find({}).sort({ any_field: -1 }).limit(last_n_records);
If you use MongoDB compass, you can use sort filed to filter,
use $slice operator to limit array elements
GeoLocation.find({},{name: 1, geolocation:{$slice: -5}})
.then((result) => {
.catch((err) => {
res.status(500).json({ success: false, msg: `Something went wrong. ${err}` });
where geolocation is array of data, from that we get last 5 record.
db.collection.find().hint( { $natural : -1 } ).sort(field: 1/-1).limit(n)
according to mongoDB Documentation:
You can specify { $natural : 1 } to force the query to perform a forwards collection scan.
You can also specify { $natural : -1 } to force the query to perform a reverse collection scan.
Last function should be sort, not limit.
Use Case:
I've got a mongodb collection with a couple million documents. Documents in this
collection must be updated sometimes. Therefore I've setup a monitorFrequency field which would define the that a specific document must be updated every 6, 12, 24 or 720 hours. Additionally I setup a field called lastRefreshAt which is a timestamp of the last actual update.
The problem:
How can I select all documents from my collection profiles which need to be refreshed again (because monitorFrequency is older than lastRefreshAt).
Should I run that on a single query which would only return those documents which need to be refreshed again or should I rather iterate on all documents with a cursor and check in my node application if the document needs to be refreshed or not?
I would know how to do approach #2, but I am not sure what approach to chose and how the query for #1 would look like.
There are a couple of approaches depending on available architecture and choices. Some are good choices and some are bad, but we might as well explain them all.
Use $where with multi-update
As a first option to examine, you could use $where to calculate the difference for selection and feed directly to .update() or .updateMany() for that matter:
"$where": function() {
return (Date.now() - this.lastRefreshAt.valueOf())
> ( this.monitorFrequency * 1000 * 60 * 60 );
{ "$currentDate": { "lastRefreshAt": true } },
{ "multi": true }
Which pretty simply works out the milliseconds difference between the current "lastRefreshAt" value and the current Date value and compares that to the stored "monitorFrequency" converted into milliseconds itself.
The $currentDate is appplied because it is a "multi" update and applied to all matched documents, so this ensures the "server timestamp" at the actual time of document update is applied to the document.
It's not fantastic as it does require a full collection scan in order to select the documents via calculation and thus cannot use an index. Plus it's JavaScript evaluation, which not being native code does add some overhead.
Loop the matched selection
So JavaScript is not that great a selection option in general when other options apply. Instead try using the aggregation framework for the calculation and loop the cursor result:
var ops = [];
{ "$redact": {
"$cond": {
"if": {
"$gt": [
{ "$subtract": [new Date(), "$lastRefreshAt"] },
{ "$multiply": ["$monitorFrequency", 1000 * 60 * 60] }
"then": "$$KEEP",
"else": "$$PRUNE"
]).forEach(doc => {
"updateOne": {
"filter": { "_id": doc._id },
"update": { "$currentDate": { "lastRefreshAt": true } }
if ( ops.length > 1000 ) {
ops = [];
if ( ops.length > 0 ) {
ops = [];
So again that's a collection scan due to the calculation but it is done with native operators, so that part at least should be a bit faster. Also from a technical standpoint it's a little different because the new Date() is actually established at the time of request and not per document iterated as it would be using $where. Lacking an operator to produce the "current date" internally, there is no way for the aggregation framework to do this per iteration.
And of course, instead of just applying our "update" expression as it matches documents, we are looping the result cursor and applying a function. So whilst there are "some" gains, there is also additional overhead. Mileage may vary as to performance and practicality.
Parallel Updates
Personally I would do neither of the above and simply run a query selecting each marked "monitorFrequency" and looking for the dates between the boundaries that exceed the allowed difference.
As a simple example using NodeJS to implement Promise.all() for parallel calls:
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const onHour = 1000 * 60 * 60;
(async function() {
let db;
try {
db = await MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost/test');
let collection = db.collection('profiles');
let intervals = [6, 12, 24, 720];
let snapDate = new Date();
await Promise.all(
intervals.map( (monitorFrequency,i) =>
"lastRefreshAt": Object.assign(
{ "$lt": new Date(snapDate.valueOf() - intervals[i] * oneHour) },
(i < intervals.length) ?
{ "$gt": new Date(snapDate.valueOf() - intervals[i+1] * oneHour) }
: {}
{ "$currentDate": { "lastRefreshAt": true } },
} catch(e) {
} finally {
This would allow you to index on the two fields and allow optimal selection, and since the "date ranges" are paired to their calculated difference from "monitorFrequency" then those documents that "require refresh" are the only ones that get selected for update.
Gievn the finite number of possible intervals this is what I would suspect to be the most optimal solution. But the construction along with the fact that the actual "update" portion remains consistent for each selection leads to one other option.
Use $or for each selection.
Much the same logic as above, but instead applied to build an $or condition for the "query" portion of a "single" update. It is an "array of criteria" afterall, which is essentially the same as an "array of queries" which is what we are doing above. So just turn it around a little:
let intervals = [6, 12, 24, 720];
let snapDate = new Date();
"$or": intervals.map( (monitorFrequency,i) =>
"lastRefreshAt": Object.assign(
{ "$lt": new Date(snapDate.valueOf() - intervals[i] * oneHour) },
(i < intervals.length) ?
{ "$gt": new Date(snapDate.valueOf() - intervals[i+1] * oneHour) }
: {}
{ "$currentDate": { "lastRefreshAt": true } }
This then becomes one simple statement and of course can actually use indexes where available. Generally this is what you should be doing, though as I have suggested my intuition tells me that 4 threads of execution constrained only by the slowest one gets the job done slightly faster. Again, mileage may vary on that but logic dictates that this is so.
So the basic lesson here is "whilst you may think" that the logical approach is to calculate the values and compare within the database itself, it's actually the worst possible thing you can do for query performance.
The simple approach taken are to work out the criteria that should select the documents you want "before" you issue the query statement to the server. This means you are looking at "concrete values" rather than "calculation results" in comparison. And "concrete values" can actually be indexed, which is generally what you want for database queries.
I am totally new to MongoDB... I am missing a "newbie" tag, so the experts would not have to see this question.
I am trying to update all documents in a collection using an expression. The query I was expecting to solve this was:
db.QUESTIONS.update({}, { $set: { i_pp : i_up * 100 - i_down * 20 } }, false, true);
That, however, results in the following error message:
ReferenceError: i_up is not defined (shell):1
At the same time, the database did not have any problem with eating this one:
db.QUESTIONS.update({}, { $set: { i_pp : 0 } }, false, true);
Do I have to do this one document at a time or something? That just seems excessively complicated.
Thank you Sergio Tulentsev for telling me that it does not work. Now, I am really struggling with how to do this. I offer 500 Profit Points to the helpful soul, who can write this in a way that MongoDB understands. If you register on our forum I can add the Profit Points to your account there.
I just came across this while searching for the MongoDB equivalent of SQL like this:
update t
set c1 = c2
where ...
Sergio is correct that you can't reference another property as a value in a straight update. However, db.c.find(...) returns a cursor and that cursor has a forEach method:
Queries to MongoDB return a cursor, which can be iterated to retrieve
results. The exact way to query will vary with language driver.
Details below focus on queries from the MongoDB shell (i.e. the
mongo process).
The shell find() method returns a cursor object which we can then iterate to retrieve specific documents from the result. We use
hasNext() and next() methods for this purpose.
for( var c = db.parts.find(); c.hasNext(); ) {
print( c.next());
Additionally in the shell, forEach() may be used with a cursor:
db.users.find().forEach( function(u) { print("user: " + u.name); } );
So you can say things like this:
db.QUESTIONS.find({}, {_id: true, i_up: true, i_down: true}).forEach(function(q) {
{ _id: q._id },
{ $set: { i_pp: q.i_up * 100 - q.i_down * 20 } }
to update them one at a time without leaving MongoDB.
If you're using a driver to connect to MongoDB then there should be some way to send a string of JavaScript into MongoDB; for example, with the Ruby driver you'd use eval:
db.QUESTIONS.find({}, {_id: true, i_up: true, i_down: true}).forEach(function(q) {
{ _id: q._id },
{ $set: { i_pp: q.i_up * 100 - q.i_down * 20 } }
Other languages should be similar.
//the only differnce is to make it look like and aggregation pipeline
db.table.updateMany({}, [{
$set: {
You can't use expressions in updates. Or, rather, you can't use expressions that depend on fields of the document. Simple self-containing math expressions are fine (e.g. 2 * 2).
If you want to set a new field for all documents that is a function of other fields, you have to loop over them and update manually. Multi-update won't help here.
Rha7 gave a good idea, but the code above is not work without defining a temporary variable.
This sample code produces an approximate calculation of the age (leap years behinds the scene) based on 'birthday' field and inserts the value into suitable field for all documents not containing such:
db.employers.find({age: {$exists: false}}).forEach(function(doc){
var new_age = parseInt((ISODate() - doc.birthday)/(3600*1000*24*365));
db.employers.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set: {age: new_age}});
Example to remove "00" from the beginning of a caller id:
{ destination: /^001/ },
{ "destination": true }
{ _id: row["_id"] },
{ $set: {
destination: row["destination"].replace(/^001/, '1')
I've recently discovered that Mongo has no SQL equivalent to "ORDER BY RAND()" in it's command syntax (https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-533)
I've seen the recommendation at http://cookbook.mongodb.org/patterns/random-attribute/ and frankly, adding a random attribute to a document feels like a hack. This won't work because this places an implicit limit to any given query I want to randomize.
The other widely given suggestion is to choose a random index to offset from. Because of the order that my documents were inserted in, that will result in one of the string fields being alphabetized, which won't feel very random to a user of my site.
I have a couple ideas on how I could solve this via code, but I feel like I'm missing a more obvious and native solution. Does anyone have a thought or idea on how to solve this more elegantly?
I have to agree: the easiest thing to do is to install a random value into your documents. There need not be a tremendously large range of values, either -- the number you choose depends on the expected result size for your queries (1,000 - 1,000,000 distinct integers ought to be enough for most cases).
When you run your query, don't worry about the random field -- instead, index it and use it to sort. Since there is no correspondence between the random number and the document, you should get fairly random results. Note that collisions will likely result in documents being returned in natural order.
While this is certainly a hack, you have a very easy escape route: given MongoDB's schema-free nature, you can simply stop including the random field once there is support for random sort in the server. If size is an issue, you could run a batch job to remove the field from existing documents. There shouldn't be a significant change in your client code if you design it carefully.
An alternative option would be to think long and hard about the number of results that will be randomized and returned for a given query. It may not be overly expensive to simply do shuffling in client code (i.e., if you only consider the most recent 10,000 posts).
What you want cannot be done without picking either of the two solutions you mention. Picking a random offset is a horrible idea if your collection becomes larger than a few thousands documents. The reason for this is that the skip(n) operation takes O(n) time. In other words, the higher your random offset the longer the query will take.
Adding a randomized field to the document is, in my opinion, the least hacky solution there is given the current feature set of MongoDB. It provides stable query times and gives you some say over how the collection is randomized (and allows you to generate a new random value after each query through a findAndModify for example). I also do not understand how this would impose an implicit limit on your queries that make use of randomization.
You can give this a try - it's fast, works with multiple documents and doesn't require populating rand field at the beginning, which will eventually populate itself:
add index to .rand field on your collection
use find and refresh, something like:
// Install packages:
// npm install mongodb async
// Add index in mongo:
// db.ensureIndex('mycollection', { rand: 1 })
var mongodb = require('mongodb')
var async = require('async')
// Find n random documents by using "rand" field.
function findAndRefreshRand (collection, n, fields, done) {
var result = []
var rand = Math.random()
// Append documents to the result based on criteria and options, if options.limit is 0 skip the call.
var appender = function (criteria, options, done) {
return function (done) {
if (options.limit > 0) {
collection.find(criteria, fields, options).toArray(
function (err, docs) {
if (!err && Array.isArray(docs)) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(result, docs)
} else {
// Fetch docs with unitialized .rand.
// NOTE: You can comment out this step if all docs have initialized .rand = Math.random()
appender({ rand: { $exists: false } }, { limit: n - result.length }),
// Fetch on one side of random number.
appender({ rand: { $gte: rand } }, { sort: { rand: 1 }, limit: n - result.length }),
// Continue fetch on the other side.
appender({ rand: { $lt: rand } }, { sort: { rand: -1 }, limit: n - result.length }),
// Refresh fetched docs, if any.
function (done) {
if (result.length > 0) {
var batch = collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp({ w: 0 })
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
batch.find({ _id: result[i]._id }).updateOne({ rand: Math.random() })
} else {
], function (err) {
done(err, result)
// Example usage
mongodb.MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/core-development', function (err, db) {
if (!err) {
findAndRefreshRand(db.collection('profiles'), 1024, { _id: true, rand: true }, function (err, result) {
if (!err) {
} else {
} else {
The other widely given suggestion is to choose a random index to offset from. Because of the order that my documents were inserted in, that will result in one of the string fields being alphabetized, which won't feel very random to a user of my site.
Why? If you have 7.000 documents and you choose three random offsets from 0 to 6999, the chosen documents will be random, even if the collection itself is sorted alphabetically.
One could insert an id field (the $id field won't work because its not an actual number) use modulus math to get a random skip. If you have 10,000 records and you wanted 10 results you could pick a modulus between 1 and 1000 randomly sucH as 253 and then request where mod(id,253)=0 and this is reasonably fast if id is indexed. Then randomly sort client side those 10 results. Sure they are evenly spaced out instead of truly random, but it close to what is desired.
Both of the options seems like non-perfect hacks to me, random filed and will always have same value and skip will return same records for a same number.
Why don't you use some random field to sort then skip randomly, i admit it is also a hack but in my experience gives better sense of randomness.
I can't find anywhere it has been documented this. By default, the find() operation will get the records from beginning. How can I get the last N records in mongodb?
Edit: also I want the returned result ordered from less recent to most recent, not the reverse.
If I understand your question, you need to sort in ascending order.
Assuming you have some id or date field called "x" you would do ...
The 1 will sort ascending (oldest to newest) and -1 will sort descending (newest to oldest.)
If you use the auto created _id field it has a date embedded in it ... so you can use that to order by ...
That will return back all your documents sorted from oldest to newest.
Natural Order
You can also use a Natural Order mentioned above ...
Again, using 1 or -1 depending on the order you want.
Use .limit()
Lastly, it's good practice to add a limit when doing this sort of wide open query so you could do either ...
The last N added records, from less recent to most recent, can be seen with this query:
db.collection.find().skip(db.collection.count() - N)
If you want them in the reverse order:
db.collection.find().sort({ $natural: -1 }).limit(N)
If you install Mongo-Hacker you can also use:
If you get tired of writing these commands all the time you can create custom functions in your ~/.mongorc.js. E.g.
function last(N) {
return db.collection.find().skip(db.collection.count() - N);
then from a mongo shell just type last(N)
Sorting, skipping and so on can be pretty slow depending on the size of your collection.
A better performance would be achieved if you have your collection indexed by some criteria; and then you could use min() cursor:
First, index your collection with db.collectionName.setIndex( yourIndex )
You can use ascending or descending order, which is cool, because you want always the "N last items"... so if you index by descending order it is the same as getting the "first N items".
Then you find the first item of your collection and use its index field values as the min criteria in a search like:
Here's the reference for min() cursor: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/cursor.min/
In order to get last N records you can execute below query:
db.yourcollectionname.find({$query: {}, $orderby: {$natural : -1}}).limit(yournumber)
if you want only one last record:
db.yourcollectionname.findOne({$query: {}, $orderby: {$natural : -1}})
Note: In place of $natural you can use one of the columns from your collection.
db.collection.find().sort({$natural: -1 }).limit(5)
You can use an aggregation for the latest n entries of a subset of documents in a collection. Here's a simplified example without grouping (which you would be doing between stages 4 and 5 in this case).
This returns the latest 20 entries (based on a field called "timestamp"), sorted ascending. It then projects each documents _id, timestamp and whatever_field_you_want_to_show into the results.
var pipeline = [
"$match": { //stage 1: filter out a subset
"first_field": "needs to have this value",
"second_field": "needs to be this"
"$sort": { //stage 2: sort the remainder last-first
"timestamp": -1
"$limit": 20 //stage 3: keep only 20 of the descending order subset
"$sort": {
"rt": 1 //stage 4: sort back to ascending order
"$project": { //stage 5: add any fields you want to show in your results
"_id": 1,
"timestamp" : 1,
"whatever_field_you_want_to_show": 1
yourcollection.aggregate(pipeline, function resultCallBack(err, result) {
// account for (err)
// do something with (result)
so, result would look something like:
"_id" : ObjectId("5ac5b878a1deg18asdafb060"),
"timestamp" : "2018-04-05T05:47:37.045Z",
"whatever_field_you_want_to_show" : -3.46000003814697
"_id" : ObjectId("5ac5b878a1de1adsweafb05f"),
"timestamp" : "2018-04-05T05:47:38.187Z",
"whatever_field_you_want_to_show" : -4.13000011444092
Hope this helps.
You can try this method:
Get the total number of records in the collection with
Then use skip:
db.dbcollection.find().skip(db.dbcollection.count() - 1).pretty()
You can't "skip" based on the size of the collection, because it will not take the query conditions into account.
The correct solution is to sort from the desired end-point, limit the size of the result set, then adjust the order of the results if necessary.
Here is an example, based on real-world code.
var query = collection.find( { conditions } ).sort({$natural : -1}).limit(N);
query.exec(function(err, results) {
if (err) {
else if (results.length == 0) {
else {
results.reverse(); // put the results into the desired order
results.forEach(function(result) {
// do something with each result
you can use sort() , limit() ,skip() to get last N record start from any skipped value
db.collections.find().sort(key:value).limit(int value).skip(some int value);
Look under Querying: Sorting and Natural Order, http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Sorting+and+Natural+Order
as well as sort() under Cursor Methods
You may want to be using the find options :
db.collection.find({}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}, skip:2, limit: 18}).fetch();
Use .sort() and .limit() for that
Use Sort in ascending or descending order and then use limit
db.collection.find({}).sort({ any_field: -1 }).limit(last_n_records);
If you use MongoDB compass, you can use sort filed to filter,
use $slice operator to limit array elements
GeoLocation.find({},{name: 1, geolocation:{$slice: -5}})
.then((result) => {
.catch((err) => {
res.status(500).json({ success: false, msg: `Something went wrong. ${err}` });
where geolocation is array of data, from that we get last 5 record.
db.collection.find().hint( { $natural : -1 } ).sort(field: 1/-1).limit(n)
according to mongoDB Documentation:
You can specify { $natural : 1 } to force the query to perform a forwards collection scan.
You can also specify { $natural : -1 } to force the query to perform a reverse collection scan.
Last function should be sort, not limit.