Mirth Connect : How to create channel to make HTTP request once in a day - mirth

Requirement is that we need to download some certificates everyday. For this we have RESTfull endpoint in our application and when manually sent request to RESTfull endpoint, then certificates are downloaded to our application folder.
Now I am looking to automate it by creating channel in Mirth, which will make HTTP request the RESTfull endpoint every day.
In Mirth channel, destination is set to HTTP sender and other configuration are done.
But I am not getting about configurations needs to be done for Source.
Could any one please suggest what should be the source considering the requirement??
Thanks in advance..

That's easy to do. Just use a JavaScript Reader to return a dummy message. Literally just something like this would work:
return 'dummy';
The scheduling options available allow you to poll on a certain time interval, poll once a day at a specific time, or even specify a cron expression. Advanced options are also available that allow you to choose which days of the week/month to poll on.
Once you've made your request with the HTTP Sender, I imagine you're going to want to do something with the response. You can use the response from that destination in a subsequent destination. For example, you could use a Database Writer to grab values coming from the HTTP response and insert into a table. Or, you could use a Channel Writer to forward the response on to a completely different channel.

What operation you want to do in your source?You mean to say you are doing your main operation in destination if you want a dummy source means use channel reader.If you elaborate your query I can clearly answer.


Which HTTP method to use to build a REST API to perform following operation?

I am looking for a REST API to do following
Search based on parameters sent, if results found, return the results.
If no results found, create a record based on search parameters sent.
Can this be accomplished by creating one single API or 2 separate APIs are required?
I would expect this to be handled by a single request to a single resource.
Which HTTP method to use
This depends on the semantics of what is going on - we care about what the messages mean, rather than how the message handlers are implemented.
The key idea is the uniform interface constraint it REST; because we have a common understanding of what HTTP methods mean, general purpose connectors in the HTTP application can do useful work (for example, returning cached responses to a request without forwarding them to the origin server).
Thus, when trying to choose which HTTP method is appropriate, we can consider the implications the choice has on general purpose components (like web caches, browsers, crawlers, and so on).
GET announces that the meaning of the request is effectively read only; because of this, general purpose components know that they can dispatch this request at any time (for instance, a user agent might dispatch a GET request before the user decides to follow the link, to make the experience faster).
That's fine when you intend the request to provide the client with a copy of your search results, and the fact that you might end up making changes to server local state is just an implementation detail.
On the other hand, if the client is trying to edit the results of a particular search (but sometimes the server doesn't need to change anything), then GET isn't appropriate, and you should use POST.
A way to think about the difference is to consider what action you want to be taken when an intermediate cache holds a response from an earlier copy of "the same" request. If you want the cache to reuse the response, GET is the best; on the other hand, if you want the cache to throw away the old response (and possibly store the new one), then you should be using POST.

REST file download that takes 5 minutes to complete

One of the API calls to my Web API 2 server from my Angular client dynamically generates an XLSX file via a ton of SQL queries and processing. That can take up to five minutes to generate all the data and return it via a file download to the client. Obviously that's bad because Chrome shows an error by then even though the page is still loading.
It feels like this is where I'd use a status code 202 to tell the client that it got the request, but I'm not sure after that how to actually send the file back to the client then.
The only thing I can think of is that the server spawns a background task that will write the file to a specific temp location, after it's been created, and then another API call will download that file if it exists and delete it from the temp location.
Is that what I do and then just have the client poll periodically for that file? Pre-generating the file isn't an option as it has to have realtime data (at the point of request of course).
It feels like this is where I'd use a status code 202 to tell the client that it got the request, but I'm not sure after that how to actually send the file back to the client then.
Usually a HTTP 202 comes with a location header and an indicator of where and when the resource will be available.
Also a possibility is to add a link to a status monitor, like described here.
To achieve this, you could generate an id for that process and use it in the location header url to point to the result.
The client then is able to get that resource when the resource should be ready. This means you would need some short-term persistence.

Cqrs and rest best practice

Does anyone have best practice pattern for cqrs with put/post, specifically the client is doing a get for updated resource after it has sent command/event... Would you allow/require the client to keep local copy of the updated resource, and send a last updated timestamp in the get response? Or ensure that get includes the unprocessed commands? Of course, if the same resource is retrieved by another client, may/not get the updated resource.
What's worked best for you?
Would you contend with added complexity of the get also checking command queue?
Does anyone have best practice pattern for cqrs with put/post, specifically the client is doing a get for updated resource after it has sent command/event...
How would you do it on a web site?
Normally, you would do a GET to load the resource, and that would give you version 0, possibly with some validators in the meta data to let you know what version of the representation you received. If you tried to GET the resource again, the generic components could see from the headers that your copy was up to date, and would send you back a message to that effect (304 Not Modified).
When you POST to that resource, a successful response lets all of the intermediate components know that the previously cached copy of the resource has been invalidated, so the next GET request will retrieve a fresh copy, with all of the modifications.
This all works great, right up to the point where, in a CQRS setting, the read requests follow a different path than the write requests. The read side will update itself eventually, so the trick is how to avoid returning a stale representation to the client that knows it should have changed.
The analogy you are looking for is 202 Accepted; we want the write side to let the client know that the operation succeeded, and that there is a resource that can be used to get the change.
Which is to say, the write side returns a response indicating that the command was successful, and provides a link that includes data that the read model can use to determine if its copy is up to date.
The client's job is to follow the links, just like everywhere else in REST.
The link provided will of course be some safe operation, pointing to the read model. The read model compares the information in the link to the meta data of the currently available representation; if the read model copy is up to date, it returns that, otherwise it returns a message telling the client to retry (presumably after some interval).
In short, we use polling on the read model, waiting for it to catch up.

How to combine websockets and http to create a REST API that keeps data up to date? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am thinking about buildning a REST API with both websockets and http where I use websockets to tell the client that new data is available or provide the new data to the client directly.
Here are some different ideas of how it could work:
ws = websocket
Idea A:
David get all users with GET /users
Jacob add a user with POST /users
A ws message is sent to all clients with info that a new user exist
David recive a message by ws and calls GET /users
Idea B:
David get all users with GET /users
David register to get ws updates when a change is done to /users
Jacob add a user with POST /users
The new user is sent to David by ws
Idea C:
David get all users with GET /users
David register to get ws updates when a change is done to /users
Jacob add a user with POST /users and it gets the id 4
David receive the id 4 of the new user by ws
David get the new user with GET /users/4
Idea D:
David get all users with GET /users
David register to get ws updates when changes is done to /users.
Jacob add a user with POST /users
David receive a ws message that changes is done to /users
David get only the delta by calling GET /users?lastcall='time of step one'
Which alternative is the best and what are the pros and cons?
Is it another better 'Idea E'?
Do we even need to use REST or is ws enought for all data?
To solve problems with data getting out of sync we could provide the header"If-Unmodified-Since"https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/If-Unmodified-Sinceor "E-Tag" https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/ETag or both with PUT requests.
Idea B is for me the best, because the client specifically subscribes for changes in a resource, and gets the incremental updates from that moment.
Do we even need to use REST or is ws enought for all data?
Please check: WebSocket/REST: Client connections?
I don't know Java, but I worked with both Ruby and C on these designs...
Funny enough, I think the easiest solution is to use JSON, where the REST API simply adds the method data (i.e. method: "POST") to the JSON and forwards the request to the same handler the Websocket uses.
The underlying API's response (the response from the API handling JSON requests) can be translated to any format you need, such as HTML rendering... though I would consider simply returning JSON for most use cases.
This helps encapsulate the code and keep it DRY while accessing the same API using both REST and Websockets.
As you might infer, this design makes testing easier, since the underlying API that handles the JSON can be tested locally without the need to emulate a server.
Good Luck!
P.S. (Pub/Sub)
As for the Pub/Sub, I find it best to have a "hook" for any update API calls (a callback) and a separate Pub/Sub module that handles these things.
I also find it more resource friendly to write the whole data to the Pub/Sub service (option B) instead of just a reference number (option C) or an "update available" message (options A and D).
In general, I also believe that sending the whole user list isn't effective for larger systems. Unless you have 10-15 users, the database call might be a bust. Consider the Amazon admin calling for a list of all users... Brrr....
Instead, I would consider dividing this to pages, say 10-50 users a page. These tables can be filled using multiple requests (Websocket / REST, doesn't matter) and easily updated using live Pub/Sub messages or reloaded if a connection was lost and reestablished.
EDIT (REST vs. Websockets)
As For REST vs. Websockets... I find the question of need is mostly a subset of the question "who's the client?"...
However, once the logic is separated from the transport layer, than supporting both is very easy and often it makes more sense to support both.
I should note that Websockets often have a slight edge when it comes to authentication (credentials are exchanged once per connection instead of once per request). I don't know if this is a concern.
For the same reason (as well as others), Websockets usually have an edge with regards to performance... how big an edge over REST depends on the REST transport layer (HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, etc').
Usually these things are negligible when it comes time to offer a public API access point and I believe implementing both is probably the way to go for now.
To summarize your ideas:
A: Send a message to all clients when a user edits data on the server. All users then request an update of all data.
-This system may make a lot of unnecessary server calls on behalf of clients who are not using the data. I don't recommend producing all of that extra traffic as processing and sending those updates could become costly.
B: After a user pulls data from the server, they then subscribe to updates from the server which sends them information about what has changed.
-This saves a lot of server traffic, but if you ever get out of sync, you're going to be posting incorrect data to your users.
C: Users who subscribe to data updates are sent information about which data has been updated, then fetch it again themselves.
-This is the worst of A and B in that you'll have extra round trips between your users and servers just to notify them that they need to make a request for information which may be out of sync.
D: Users who subscribe to updates are notified when any changes are made and then request the last change made to the server.
-This presents all of the problems with C, but includes the possibility that, once out of sync, you may send data that will be nonsense to your users which might just crash the client side app for all we know.
I think that this option E would be best:
Every time data changes on the server, send the contents of all the data to the clients who have subscribed to it. This limits the traffic between your users and the server while also giving them the least chance of having out of sync data. They might get stale data if their connection drops, but at least you wouldn't be sending them something like Delete entry 4 when you aren't sure whether or not they got the message that entry 5 just moved into slot 4.
Some Considerations:
How often does the data get updated?
How many users need to be updated each time an update occurs?
What are your transmission
costs? If you have users on mobile devices with slow connections, that will affect how often and how much you can afford to send to them.
How much data gets updated in a given update?
What happens if a user sees stale data?
What happens if a user gets data out of sync?
Your worst case scenario would be something like this: Lots of users, with slow connections who are frequently updating large amounts of data that should never be stale and, if it gets out of sync, becomes misleading.
I personally have used Idea B in production and am very satisfied with the results. We use http://www.axonframework.org/, so every change or creation of an entity is published as an event throughout the application. These events are then used to update several read models, which are basically simple Mysql tables backing one or more queries. I added some interceptors to the event processors that update these read models so that they publish the events they just processed after the data is committed to the DB.
Publishing of events is done through STOMP over web sockets. It is made very simple is you use Spring's Web Socket support (https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/websocket.html). This is how I wrote it:
protected void dispatch(Object serializedEvent, String topic, Class eventClass) {
Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("eventType", eventClass.getName());
messagingTemplate.convertAndSend("/topic" + topic, serializedEvent, headers);
I wrote a little configurer that uses Springs bean factory API so that I can annotate my Axon event handlers like this:
#PublishToTopic(value = "/salary-table/{agreementId}/{salaryTableId}", eventClass = SalaryTableChanged.class),
value = "/salary-table-replacement/{agreementId}/{activatedTable}/{deactivatedTable}",
eventClass = ActiveSalaryTableReplaced.class
Of course, that is just one way to do it. Connecting on the client side may look something like this:
var connectedClient = $.Deferred();
function initialize() {
var basePath = ApplicationContext.cataDirectBaseUrl().replace(/^https/, 'wss');
var accessToken = ApplicationContext.accessToken();
var socket = new WebSocket(basePath + '/wss/query-events?access_token=' + accessToken);
var stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
stompClient.connect({}, function () {
this.subscribe = function (topic, callBack) {
connectedClient.then(function (stompClient) {
stompClient.subscribe('/topic' + topic, function (frame) {
callBack(frame.headers.eventType, JSON.parse(frame.body));
Another option is to use Firebase Cloud Messaging:
Using FCM, you can notify a client app that new email or other data is
available to sync.
How does it work?
An FCM implementation includes two main components for sending and
A trusted environment such as Cloud Functions for Firebase or an app server on which to build, target and send messages.
An iOS, Android, or Web (JavaScript) client app that receives messages.
Client registers its Firebase key to a server. When updates are available, server sends push notification to the Firebase key associated with the client. Client may receive data in notification structure or sync it with a server after receiving a notification.
Generally you might have a look at current "realtime" web frameworks like MeteorJS which tackle exactly this problem.
Meteor in specific works more or less like your example D with subscriptions on certain data and deltas being sent out after changes only to the affected clients. Their protocol used is called DDP which additionally sends the deltas not as overhead prone HTML but raw data.
If websockets are not available fallbacks like long polling or server sent events can be used.
If you plan to implement it yourself i hope these sources are some kind of inspiration how this problem has been approached. As already stated the specific use case is important
The answer depends on your use case. For the most part though I've found that you can implement everything you need with sockets. As long as you are only trying to access your server with clients who can support sockets. Also, scale can be an issue when you're using only sockets. Here are some examples of how you could use just sockets.
Server side:
socket.on('getUsers', () => {
// Get users from db or data model (save as user_list).
socket.emit('users', user_list );
socket.on('createUser', (user_info) => {
// Create user in db or data model (save created user as user_data).
io.sockets.emit('newUser', user_data);
Client side:
socket.on('newUser', () => {
// Get users from db or data model (save as user_list).
socket.on('users', (users) => {
// Do something with users
This uses socket.io for node. I'm not sure what your exact scenario is but this would work for that case. If you need to include REST endpoints that would be fine too.
With all great information all the great people added before me.
I found that eventually there is no right or wrong, its simply goes down to what suits your needs:
lets take CRUD in this scenario:
WS Only Approach:
Create/Read/Update/Deleted information goes all through the websocket.
--> e.g If you have critical performance considerations ,that is not
acceptable that the web client will do successive REST request to fetch
information,or if you know that you want the whole data to be seen in
the client no matter what was the event , so just send the CRUD events
AND DATA inside the websocket.
Create/Read/Update/Deleted , Event information is sent in the Websocket,
giving the web client information that is necessary to send the proper
REST request to fetch exactly the thing the CRUD that happend in server.
e.g. WS sends UsersListChangedEvent {"ListChangedTrigger: "ItemModified" , "IdOfItem":"XXXX#3232" , "UserExtrainformation":" Enough info to let the client decide if it relevant for it to fetch the changed data"}
I found that using WS [Only for using Event Data] and REST
[To consume the data ]is better because:
[1] Separation between reading and writing model, Imagine you want to add some runtime information when your data is retrieved when its read from REST , that is now achieved because you are not mixing Write & Read models like in 1.
[2] Lets say other platform , not necessarily web client will consume this data.
so you just change the Event trigger from WS to the new way, and use REST to
consume the data.
[3] Client do not need to write 2 ways to read the new/modified data.
usually there is also code that reads the data when the page loads , and not
through the websocket , this code now can be used twice , once when page
loads , and second when WS triggered the specific event.
[4] Maybe the client do not want to fetch the new User because its showing currently only a view of old Data[E.g. users] , and new data changes is not in its interest to fetch ?
i prefer the A, it allows client the flexibility whether or not to update the existing data.
also with this method, implementation and access control becomes much more easier.
for example you can simply broadcast the userUpdated event to all users, this saves having a client list for do specific broadcasts and the Access Controls and Authentications applied for your REST Route wont have to change to reapplied again because the client is gonna make a GET request again.
Many things depends on the what kind of application you are making.

How to Update a resource with a large attachment with PUT request in JAX-RS?

I have a large byte file (log file) that I want to upload to server using PUT request. The reason I choose PUT is simply because I can use it to create a new resource or update an existing resource.
My problem is how to handle situation when server or Network disruption happens during PUT request.
That is say I have a huge file, during the transfer of which, Network failure happens. When the network resumes, I dont want to start the entire upload. How would I handle this?
I am using JAX-RS API with RESTeasy implementation.
Some people are using the Content-Range Header to achieve this but many people (like Mark Nottingham) state that this is not legal for requests. Please read the comments to this answer.
Besides there is no support from JAX-RS for this scenario.
If you really have the repeating problem of broken PUT requests I would simply let the client slice the files:
PUT /logs/{id}/1
PUT /logs/{id}/2
PUT /logs/{id}/3
GET /logs/{id} would then return the aggregation of all successful submitted slices.