Which HTTP method to use to build a REST API to perform following operation? - rest

I am looking for a REST API to do following
Search based on parameters sent, if results found, return the results.
If no results found, create a record based on search parameters sent.
Can this be accomplished by creating one single API or 2 separate APIs are required?

I would expect this to be handled by a single request to a single resource.
Which HTTP method to use
This depends on the semantics of what is going on - we care about what the messages mean, rather than how the message handlers are implemented.
The key idea is the uniform interface constraint it REST; because we have a common understanding of what HTTP methods mean, general purpose connectors in the HTTP application can do useful work (for example, returning cached responses to a request without forwarding them to the origin server).
Thus, when trying to choose which HTTP method is appropriate, we can consider the implications the choice has on general purpose components (like web caches, browsers, crawlers, and so on).
GET announces that the meaning of the request is effectively read only; because of this, general purpose components know that they can dispatch this request at any time (for instance, a user agent might dispatch a GET request before the user decides to follow the link, to make the experience faster).
That's fine when you intend the request to provide the client with a copy of your search results, and the fact that you might end up making changes to server local state is just an implementation detail.
On the other hand, if the client is trying to edit the results of a particular search (but sometimes the server doesn't need to change anything), then GET isn't appropriate, and you should use POST.
A way to think about the difference is to consider what action you want to be taken when an intermediate cache holds a response from an earlier copy of "the same" request. If you want the cache to reuse the response, GET is the best; on the other hand, if you want the cache to throw away the old response (and possibly store the new one), then you should be using POST.


Modelling a endpoint for a REST API that need save data for every request

A few time ago I participate from a interview where had a question about REST modelling, and how the best way to implement it. The question was:
You have an REST API where you expose a method to consult the distance between two point, although you must save each request to this method to expose the request history.
And I was questioned about which HTTP method should be used on this case, for me the logic answer in that moment was the GET method (to execute the both actions). After this the interviewer asked me why, because since we are also storing the request, this endpoint is not idempotent anymore, after that I wasn't able to reply it. Since this stills on my mind, so I decided to verify here and see others opinions about which method should be used for this case (or how many, GET and POST for example).
You have an REST API where you expose a method to consult the distance between two point, although you must save each request to this method to expose the request history.
How would you do this on the web? You'd probably have a web page with a form, and that form would have input controls to collect the start and end point. When you submit the form, the browser would use the data in the controls, as well as the form metadata and standard HTML processing rules to create a request that would be sent to the server.
Technically, you could use POST as the method of the form. It's completely legal to do that. BUT, as the semantics of the request are "effectively read only", a better choice would be to use GET.
More precisely, this would mean having a family of similar resources, the representation of which includes information about the two points described in the query string.
That family of similar resources would probably be implemented on your origin server as a single operation/route, with a parser extracting the two points from the query string and passing them along to the function as arguments.
the interviewer asked me why, because since we are also storing the request, this endpoint is not idempotent anymore
This is probably the wrong objection - the semantics of GET requests are safe (effectively read only). So the interview might argue that saving the request history is not read only. However, this objection is invalid, because the semantic constraints apply to the request message, not the implementation.
For instance, you may have noticed that HTTP servers commonly add an entry to their access log for each request. Clearly that's not "read only" - but it is merely an implementation detail; the client's request did not say "and also log this".
GET is still fine here, even though the server is writing things down.
One possible objection would be that, if we use GET, then sometimes a cache will return an previous response rather than passing the request all the way through to the origin server to get logged. Which is GREAT - caches are a big part of the reason that the web can be web scale.
But if you don't want caching, the correct way to handle that is to add metadata to the response to inhibit caching, not to change the HTTP method.
Another possibility, which is more consistent with the interviewer's "idempotent" remark, is that they wanted this "request history" to be a resource that the client could edit, and that looking up distances would be a side effect of that editing process.
For instance, we might have some sort of an "itinerary" resource with one or more legs provided by the client. Each time the client modifies the itinerary (for example, by adding another leg), the distance lookup method is called automatically.
In this kind of a problem, where the client is (logically) editing a resource, the requests are no longer "effectively read only". So GET is off the table as an option, and we have to look into the other possibilities.
The TL;DR version is that POST would always be acceptable (and this is how we would do it on the web), but you might prefer an API style where the client edits the representation of the resource locally, in which case you would let the client choose between PUT and PATCH.

Using GET verb to update in rest api?

I know the use of http verbs is based on standard specification. But my question if I use "GET" for update operations and write a code logic to update, does it create issues in any scenario? Apart from the standard, what else could be the reason to use these verbs for a specific purpose only?
my question if I use "GET" for update operations and write a code logic to update, does it create issues in any scenario?
A simple example - suppose the network between the client and the server is unreliable; specifically, for a time, HTTP responses are being lost. A general purpose component (like a web proxy) might time out, and then, noticing that the method token of the request is GET, resend the request a second/third/fourth time, with your server performing its update on every GET request.
Let us further assume that these multiple update operations lead to an undesirable outcome; where do we properly affix blame?
Second example: you send someone a copy of the link to the update operation, so that they can send you a request at the appropriate time. But suppose you send that link to them in an email, and the email client recognizes the uri and (as a performance optimization) pre-fetches the link, triggering your update operation too early. Where do we properly affix the blame?
HTTP does not attempt to require the results of a GET to be safe. What it does is require that the semantics of the operation be safe, and therefore it is a fault of the implementation, not the interface or the user of that interface, if anything happens as a result that causes loss of property -- Fielding, 2002
In these, and other examples, blame is correctly affixed to your server, because GET has a standardized meaning which include the constraint that the semantics of the request are safe.
That's not to say that you can't have side effects when handling a GET request; "hit counters" are almost as old as the web itself. You have a lot of freedom in your implementation; so long as you respect the uniform interface, there won't be too much trouble.
Experience report: one of our internal tools uses GET requests to trigger scheduling; in our carefully controlled context (which is not web scale), we get away with it, and have for a very long time.
To borrow your language, there are certainly scenarios that would give us problems; but given our controls we manage to avoid them.
I wouldn't like our chances, though, if requests started coming in from outside of our carefully controlled context.
I think it's a decent question. You're asking a hypothetical: is there any value to doing the right other than that's we agree to use GET for fetching? e.g.: is there value beyond the fact that it's 'semantically nice'. A similar question in HTML might be: "Is it ok to use a <div> with an onclick instead of a <button>? (the answer is no).
There certainly is. Clients, servers and intermediates all change their behavior depending on what method is used. Even if your server can process GET for updates, and you build a client that uses this, your browser might still get confused.
If you are interested in this subject, don't ask on a forum; read the spec. The HTTP specification tells you what clients, servers and proxies should do when they encounter certain methods, statuses and headers.
Start at RFC7231

Confusion about HTTP verbs

While building my Web API, I have encountered some cases, where I'm not sure what HTTP verbs to use.
Downloading a file with a side effect
My first thought was to use GET, but later I did realize, when a client calls the API to download a file, the server also updates the counter in the DB indicating total number of downloads and the date of the last download.
Isn't this against the specification? The server state was changed, after all. Shouldn't this be a POST/PUT? But if the POST/PUT would be used, I wouldn't be able to share the link and use it from the browser.
Generating random list of values
In my case I need to call the API to generate random list of questions for a test (exam). The request doesn't change anything on the server, it just produces different response content each time the client calls it, so I guess using GET is alright. The indempotency applies only for the server state, not the result handed to the client, right? So is it allowed to request (GET) the same resource repeatedly with different outcome (as seen from the client)?
Generating list of values based on the user input
The last case is similar to the previous. I need the server to generate list of questions. This time based on the previous test's wrong answers. Again, the request doesn't alter server data, but I need to send to the server (relatively) long list of items, which wouldn't have to fit as a query string. That's why I would think a POST with a payload in the body could be used. But to be honest, it feels weird.
Is there a definitive answer which verbs to use for each case?
Downloading a file with a side effect
My first thought was to use GET
And that's the right answer. HTTP Methods are about semantics, not implementation.
HTTP does not attempt to require the results of a GET to be safe. What
it does is require that the semantics of the operation be safe, and
therefore it is a fault of the implementation, not the interface
or the user of that interface, if anything happens as a result that
causes loss of property -- Fielding (2002)
Generating random list of values
it just produces different response content each time the client calls it, so I guess using GET is alright.
Yup - again, as long as the semantics are safe, GET is a fine choice.
Generating list of values based on the user input
I need to send to the server (relatively) long list of items, which wouldn't have to fit as a query string. That's why I would think a POST with a payload in the body could be used. But to be honest, it feels weird.
So if you weren't worried about length of the identifier, GET would be the usual answer here, with all of the user input encoded into the URI.
At this point, you have a couple of options.
The simplest one is to simply use POST, with the user input in the message body, and the resulting list of values in the Response. That shouldn't feel weird -- POST is the method in HTTP with the fewest semantic constraints.
Alternatively, you can rethink your protocol such that the client is creating a "query resource", using the message body as the payload. So POST could work here again, or alternatively you could use PUT (with a somewhat different handling of the URI).
A third possibility is to look in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Method Registry to see if there is an extension method with the semantics that you need, paying careful attention to whether or not the method is safe. SEARCH and REPORT might fit your needs.
If I decide later, I want to record each generated test to the DB, would you recommend to change the API to POST or keep it as it is? In case of changing the HTTP verb, the client wouldn't notice any functional change, but it would break the API, so semantics-wise, wouldn't it be more appropriate to use POST right from the start, after all? In both cases the meaning would be "create a new test".
No, but change things up a bit and things get interesting. The interesting bit isn't really "record to the database", but "be able to pull it out of the database later". When you start looking toward creating a new resource that can be retrieved later, GET stops being a good fit.
it would break the API
Only because you are ignoring an important REST constraint - REST api are hypertext driven. On the web, we can easily change from GET to POST by changing from a link to a form (or from a GET form to a POST form). The client isn't playing "guess the URI" or "guess the method" because the representation of state includes these details.
But yes, if you make a big enough change to the semantics, it's not going to be backwards compatible. So don't try to pretend that it is backwards compatible - just create a new protocol using new resources.

http verb to invoke services / methods

what is the best practice in defining web service that represent a non REST command invocation?
For REST, basically we use POST to create new record(s), GET to retrieve record(s), PUT to update record(s) and DELETE to remove record(s). Which http verb should I use if I just want to invoke some other non resource function, for example - to flush a system cache?
Which http verb should I use if I just want to invoke some other non resource function, for example - to flush a system cache?
HTTP request methods should be selected based on their alignment with their defined semantics.
The most important of these is to determine whether or not the semantics are safe
Request methods are considered "safe" if their defined semantics are essentially read-only; i.e., the client does not request, and does not expect, any state change on the origin server as a result of applying a safe method to a target resource. Likewise, reasonable use of a safe method is not expected to cause any harm, loss of property, or unusual burden on the origin server.
Advertising a safe link invites consumers to pre-fetch a link, or to crawl and index the representation found there.
If having Google and a billion of her closest friends flushing your system cache sounds expensive, then you probably don't want a safe method.
PUT and PATCH are unsafe methods with semantics of manipulating representations. So if you had a schema that described a system cache, a client might PUT a representation of an empty cache in the entity body, and send that to you, whereupon you could flush the cache. You could achieve a similar things with PATCH, sending a list of the edits needed to make the change.
Both of these rely on the illusion that your resources are just documents. I GET a representation of your resource, I load that into my generic editor, make changes, send my edited representation back to you, and then it's up to you to manifest those changes (or not).
But they aren't required -- if you want to simply document that
PUT /df1645af-f960-4cc4-ad7a-d0ddd29903f8
Content-Length: 0
has the side effect of flushing the system cache, the REST Police aren't going to come after you just because you've introduced a bit of RPC into the mix.
Of course, if you were doing this with HTML, then your only choice would be POST.
The POST method requests that the target resource process the representation enclosed in the request according to the resource's own specific semantics.
Which is to say, POST is always an option.
It's easy enough to imagine the flow -- you load up some bookmark, follow a system cache link, find a form with a flush cache button, and submit. The browser would create the request as described in the form elements and submit it.
So that's going to be fine too. And the REST police won't bother you for that, because that protocol is actually RESTful.
If those answers are unsatisfying, or if you are just surveying the space to know what options are available, you can review the HTTP Method Registry. To be honest, I've never found anything there I've wanted to use. But if WebDAV is your jam....

Add data(Object) to Jersey(Restful) Response to a POST?

I want to GET an object that depend on another one sent by the client. So in normal scenario i should first POST the initial Object, then retrieve it to construct the final object and get it with GET method. How can i do it without a session? (We are in a RESTful Application ).
Is it possible to add an Object(XmlElement) in the Response to a POST request using Jersey?
I want to avoid having to do 2 operations (POST, then GET).
Is it in contradiction with HTTP Protocol?
With POST you can take an input document and produce an output document, and it doesn't require any kind of session. The POST verb really just means “do something with this”; it's much less specific in meaning than GET, PUT or DELETE. However, if the processing operation is likely to take a “long time” (which is a fuzzy concept) then you are better off creating a resource in response to the POST that tracks the processing and redirecting the client to that resource; like that, they can pick up the results once they're available. It's up to you whether you use a session to manage the resource existence, but I don't really recommend it at all; access control should be by the users identity whether or not there's a session involved, and the processing resource should be available to anyone who asks (and is authorized). You may well need to consider carefully what's involved in managing semi-transient resources (e.g., a database and expiry policy) and design your whole application carefully with those things in mind.