Could not find or load main class (classname) in Scala Intellij - scala

I am learning Scala and while writing some programs. I am getting following
> error:could not find or load main class Animal
I am getting this error even if I delete the class or rename the class.
I am creating this program inside src->main->scala->Animal(package)->Animal(class).
I tried to search for solutions on Google and on this site but that did not help me. Please let me know what I am missing. I am running this program on Intellij.
I am getting this error for other programs as well.
package Animal
class Animal {
def a:Int = 10

Perhaps you have previously written an application whose main method was in the Animal object. Either delete the run configuration that points to this class or make Animal an application by making it an object with a main method, e.g.:
package Animal
object Animal {
def a: Int = 10
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
You can also use the App trait and skip the definition of the main method, than you could edit your code as follows.
package Animal
object Animal extends App {
def a: Int = 10


How can I still execute the code-body of the superclass in a singleton object in Scala

I think the code below describes my problem best:
import scala.collection.mutable.Set
case class CrazyClass(i: Int) {
override def toString: String = s"CrazyClass[ i=$i ]"
CrazyClass.registeredClasses += this
object CrazyClass extends App{
val registeredClasses = Set[CrazyClass]()
CrazyClass(1); CrazyClass(2)
This prints as expected:
CrazyClass[ i=2 ]
CrazyClass[ i=1 ]
But if I try this with an object that is extending from the CrazyClass, the object does not automatically register:
object CrazyExtendedObject extends CrazyClass(4) {
def something = 2
The output with the added code is still the same as the above one. If I add a normal extended class as following all works appropriately:
class CrazyExtendedClass(i: Int) extends CrazyClass(i)
Every instance of the new class will get registered.
So how can i achieve the same result on an object?
Just reference CrazyExtendedClass from your App.
Singletons are loaded lazily, so the initializer won't run until you ask for it.

class can't have main() in scala?

I'm a beginner of Scala.
In Calulator.scala file
class Calulator {
var brand: String ="HP"
def add(m:Int, n:Int):Int = m+n
In CalculatorTest.scala file
object CalulatorTest {
def main(args:Array[String]) {
val cal = new Calulator
Compile two scala files and run CalculatorTest. This works.
My question is can I make them as one scala file like Java?
In Calulator.scala file
class Calulator {
var brand: String ="HP"
def add(m:Int, n:Int):Int = m+n
def main(args:Array[String]) {
val cal = new Calulator
This doesn't work !!!
I googled it and looks like main() should be in object.
Is there a way to put them in one file to run main()?
To put them in one file use the concept of the 'Companion Object'.
The class and companion object must be in the same file and share the same name.
class Calculator {
var brand: String = "HP"
def add(m: Int, n: Int): Int = m + n
object Calculator {
def main(args:Array[String]) {
val cal = new Calculator
Further reading:
The simple answer is No
a deeper answer is that the scala compiler refers to an object as static and class it refers as regular.
when you want to run Java program your main must be declared as static otherwise the JVM will not recognize it as your program entry point.
regards the question about is it possible to union both of them ,the answer is not because thats how the scala compiler works.
The compiler would create MyClass$.class for scala object and MyClass.class for scala class thats why you should never ever call your class something like :
class MyClass$ {
because it will override the companion object for MyClass.

Unable to run a Scala class in Intellij 15

I am very new to Scala. I am using IntelliJ IDE to run a very simple program in Scala(2.11.7).
My program goes like
class Rational(n:Int,d:Int) {
val oneHalf = new Rational(1,2)
I am trying to run it as a Class rather than a object. How could I Run this class in IntelliJ?
As #Clashsoft says you can not initialize the class like this. You can do some thing simple like this for testing:
class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) {
def oneHalf: Int =
n * d
object MyProgram {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val rational = new Rational(1, 2)
It is also possible to use App trait (extends App) then you do not need to have main method:
object MyProgram extends App {
val rational = new Rational(1, 2)
All depends on how you want to implement your solution at the end. Regarding different between main and App trait please read more.
Thx to #tzachzohar for following addition:
In Scala, just like in Java, only a static main method (with appropriate argument and return types) can serve as a program's entry point. For convenience, IntelliJ IDEA provides a Scala Worksheet as a way to easily test your code, but that's no magic either - it's a just nice wrapper - behind the scenes, a worksheet has its own main method calling your code.

Is there anyway to create a new Scala object from a Java Class

I have a number of use cases for this, all around the idea of interop between existing Java libraries and new Scala Code. The use case I've selected is the easiest I think.
Use Case:
I working on providing a JUnit Runner for some scala tests (so that I can get my lovely red / green bar in Eclipse)
The runner needs to have a constructor with a java class as a parameter. So in Scala I can do the following:
class MyRunner(val clazz: Class[Any]) extends Runner {
def getDescription(): Description
def run(notifier: RunNotifier)
When I use either
object MyTestObject
class MyTestClass
then the runner is indeed instantiated correctly, and is passed a suitable class object
Unfortunately what i want to do now is to "get hold of" the object MyTestObject, or create a MyTestClass, which are both Scala entities. I would prefer to use Scala Reflection, but I also want to use the standard Junit jar.
What I have done
The following Stackover flow questions were educational, but not the same problem. There were the nearest questions I could find
How to create a TypeTag manually?
Any way to obtain a Java class from a Scala (2.10) type tag or symbol?
Using Scala reflection with Java reflection
The discussion on Environments, Universes and Mirrors in was good, and the similar documents on other scala reflection also helped. Mostly through it is about the Scala reflection.
I browsed the Scaladocs, but my knowledge of Scala reflection wasn't enough (yet) to let me get what I wanted out of them.
As asked here is the code of the class that is being created by reflection
object Hello2 extends App {
val x= "xxx"
So the interesting thing is that the solution proposed below using the field called MODULE$ doesn't print anything and the value of x is null
This solution works fine if you want to use plan old java reflection. Not sure if you can use scala reflection given all you will have is a Class[_] to work with:
object ReflectTest {
import collection.JavaConversions._
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val fooObj = instantiate(MyTestObject.getClass())
val fooClass = instantiate(classOf[MyTestClass])
def instantiate(clazz:Class[_]):Foo = {
val rm = ru.runtimeMirror(clazz.getClassLoader())
val declaredFields = clazz.getDeclaredFields().toList
val obj = declaredFields.find(field => field.getName() == "MODULE$") match{
case Some(modField) => modField.get(clazz)
case None => clazz.newInstance()
trait Foo{
def foo:String
object MyTestObject extends Foo{
def foo = "bar"
class MyTestClass extends Foo{
def foo = "baz"

How to log in Scala *without* a reference to the logger in *every instance*?

I've looked at example of logging in Scala, and it usually looks like this:
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
trait Loggable {
private lazy val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
protected def debug(msg: => AnyRef, t: => Throwable = null): Unit =
This seems independent of the concrete logging framework. While this does the job, it also introduces an extraneous lazy val in every instance that wants to do logging, which might well be every instance of the whole application. This seems much too heavy to me, in particular if you have many "small instances" of some specific type.
Is there a way of putting the logger in the object of the concrete class instead, just by using inheritance? If I have to explicitly declare the logger in the object of the class, and explicitly refer to it from the class/trait, then I have written almost as much code as if I had done no reuse at all.
Expressed in a non-logging specific context, the problem would be:
How do I declare in a trait that the implementing class must have a singleton object of type X, and that this singleton object must be accessible through method def x: X ?
I can't simply define an abstract method, because there could only be a single implementation in the class. I want that logging in a super-class gets me the super-class singleton, and logging in the sub-class gets me the sub-class singleton. Or put more simply, I want logging in Scala to work like traditional logging in Java, using static loggers specific to the class doing the logging. My current knowledge of Scala tells me that this is simply not possible without doing it exactly the same way you do in Java, without much if any benefits from using the "better" Scala.
Premature Optimization is the root of all evil
Let's be clear first about one thing: if your trait looks something like this:
trait Logger { lazy val log = Logger.getLogger }
Then what you have not done is as follows:
You have NOT created a logger instance per instance of your type
You have neither given yourself a memory nor a performance problem (unless you have)
What you have done is as follows:
You have an extra reference in each instance of your type
When you access the logger for the first time, you are probably doing some map lookup
Note that, even if you did create a separate logger for each instance of your type (which I frequently do, even if my program contains hundreds of thousands of these, so that I have very fine-grained control over my logging), you almost certainly still will neither have a performance nor a memory problem!
One "solution" is (of course), to make the companion object implement the logger interface:
object MyType extends Logger
class MyType {
import MyType._"Yay")
How do I declare in a trait that the
implementing class must have a
singleton object of type X, and that
this singleton object must be
accessible through method def x: X ?
Declare a trait that must be implemented by your companion objects.
trait Meta[Base] {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
Create a base trait for your classes, sub-classes have to overwrite the meta method.
trait Base {
def meta: Meta[Base]
def logger = meta.logger
A class Whatever with a companion object:
object Whatever extends Meta[Base]
class Whatever extends Base {
def meta = Whatever
def doSomething = {
In this way you only need to have a reference to the meta object.
We can use the Whatever class like this.
object Sample {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val whatever = new Whatever
I'm not sure I understand your question completely. So I apologize up front if this is not the answer you are looking for.
Define an object were you put your logger into, then create a companion trait.
object Loggable {
private val logger = "I'm a logger"
trait Loggable {
import Loggable._
def debug(msg: String) {
println(logger + ": " + msg)
So now you can use it like this:
scala> abstract class Abstraction
scala> class Implementation extends Abstraction with Loggable
scala> val test = new Implementation
scala> test.debug("error message")
I'm a logger: error message
Does this answer your question?
I think you cannot automatically get the corresponding singleton object of a class or require that such a singleton exists.
One reason is that you cannot know the type of the singleton before it is defined. Not sure, if this helps or if it is the best solution to your problem, but if you want to require some meta object to be defined with a specific trait, you could define something like:
trait HasSingleton[Traits] {
def meta: Traits
trait Log {
def classname: String
def log { println(classname) }
trait Debug {
def debug { print("Debug") }
class A extends HasSingleton[Log] {
def meta = A // Needs to be defined with a Singleton (or any object which inherits from Log}
def f {
object A extends Log {
def classname = "A"
class B extends HasSingleton[Log with Debug] { // we want to use Log and Debug here
def meta = B
def g {
object B extends Log with Debug {
def classname = "B"
(new A).f
// A
(new B).g
// B
// Debug