I use facebook API to Login in my project. But for long time, all user image in my project is broken image and get URL signature expired. Even though, I grab URL picture same in website facebook developer. And this is my code :
var profile_picture = "https://graph.facebook.com/" + response.id + "/picture";
Any solution for me ? because I really confused right now. Thank you very much.
I use the url https://graph.facebook.com/{app_user_id}/picture?width=120&height=120 to show the user picture on my app, but since this morning, it has stopped working on mobile devices.
Now, the same url redirects to https://lookaside.facebook.com/platform/profilepic/?asid={app_user_id}&height=120&width=120. This url works on desktop web, but on mobile it redirects again to https://m.facebook.com/platform/profilepic/?asid={app_user_id}&height=120&width=120 and the mobile web refuses to output the image. If I try to load it in the address bar, it is downloaded instead of showed.
I have searched for any change on the Facebook graph api about this but didn't find anything. Any hint to solve this? Thanks.
This seems to be a bug. Started happening to my app earlier on this morning. Still no fix as of yet.
A few bug reports that have been submitted on Facebook for Developers:
Profile Pictures Can't Load
Graph API Profile picture doesn`t work on mobile
Cross site policy error while accessing graph pictures
I faced the same issue today and I'v found a solution for that and it worked for me.
After login we get below Profile pic URL
11111111111 is your social id/facebook id
now we need to change this URL in order to display image,
here is the code.
try {
profile_pic = new URL("https://graph.facebook.com/" + id + "/picture?type=large");
Log.i("profile_pic", profile_pic + "");
catch (MalformedURLException e) {
id is your socialid/facebook id
in short we just need to remove &height=320&width=420 from url.
you can compare both the url:
and yes you need to change http to https as well
Though I didn't find any official announcements, Facebook during last few days changed their api's, now when you request user's public profile the picture url has extra parameters, ext and hash
Calling the url without these params returns 404 error.
Not sure if the change is affecting Page Scope ID's only.
Currently, when you request user's public profile data the url looks like this
before it was just
It seems to me the only known solution currently would be requesting new public profile data and updating your database.
Hope that helps.
I use the url https://graph.facebook.com/{app_user_id}/picture?width=120&height=120 to show the user picture on my app, but since this morning, it has stopped working on mobile devices.
Now, the same url redirects to https://lookaside.facebook.com/platform/profilepic/?asid={app_user_id}&height=120&width=120. This url works on desktop web, but on mobile it redirects again to https://m.facebook.com/platform/profilepic/?asid={app_user_id}&height=120&width=120 and the mobile web refuses to output the image. If I try to load it in the address bar, it is downloaded instead of showed.
I have searched for any change on the Facebook graph api about this but didn't find anything. Any hint to solve this? Thanks.
This seems to be a bug. Started happening to my app earlier on this morning. Still no fix as of yet.
A few bug reports that have been submitted on Facebook for Developers:
Profile Pictures Can't Load
Graph API Profile picture doesn`t work on mobile
Cross site policy error while accessing graph pictures
I faced the same issue today and I'v found a solution for that and it worked for me.
After login we get below Profile pic URL
11111111111 is your social id/facebook id
now we need to change this URL in order to display image,
here is the code.
try {
profile_pic = new URL("https://graph.facebook.com/" + id + "/picture?type=large");
Log.i("profile_pic", profile_pic + "");
catch (MalformedURLException e) {
id is your socialid/facebook id
in short we just need to remove &height=320&width=420 from url.
you can compare both the url:
and yes you need to change http to https as well
Though I didn't find any official announcements, Facebook during last few days changed their api's, now when you request user's public profile the picture url has extra parameters, ext and hash
Calling the url without these params returns 404 error.
Not sure if the change is affecting Page Scope ID's only.
Currently, when you request user's public profile data the url looks like this
before it was just
It seems to me the only known solution currently would be requesting new public profile data and updating your database.
Hope that helps.
Is there anyway to retrieve photos that are not the profile picture on Unity through the facebook api? or any other way?
1. Easiest
Use www class to fetch the image texture.
string link = https://graph.facebook.com/v2.1/" + friendID + "/picture?width=50&height=50&redirect=true;
WWW pic = new WWW (link);
yield return pic;
if (pic.error == null)
go.renderer.material.mainTexture = pic.texture;
where friendID is your facebook id. Here you can pass the id for any of your friends.
width and height to specify what dimension do you want the image to be.
2. A bit complex but useful in long run
link to pass to www class
string link = https://graph.facebook.com/v2.1/" + friendID + "/picture?width=50&height=50&redirect=false;
the difference in this method is that you are now not redirecting to the cdn permanent link.
this will give you a json file. Now you can parse the json file to get the actual link.
use this link again with www class to get the actual image
benefits of using this method.
You can save the image once and next time just ping for permanent link only.. if they match then don't fetch image again.
You're in luck. Facebook themselves have made a tutorial for Unity, which is a small game using Facebook's profile pictures. Here is a link to it.
Yes you can. Not sure what platform are you using.
You can use Facebook official SDK from here
Authorise your platform, facebook will give you a token.
Then you can call graph API to get whatever you need.
For Example:
As from the title I am trying to use tha facebook notifications api. I have read the documentation and I am trying to do a POST to the graph like the one following:
String notificationURL =
"https://graph.facebook.com/" +
String.valueOf(facebookUserId) +
"/notifications?" +
"access_token=444146492324422|8LOOIj7xPT2LFlx14_3SqKCDgVc" +
"&href=https://apps.facebook.com/Nmctesting" +
"&template=#["+String.valueOf(facebookUserId)+"]! You have won!!";
the access token is the one returned from the graph query :
String appAccessURL = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=444146492324422"+
"&client_secret=[MYAPPSECRET]" +
I have tried to use the access token of the logged in user, who was the admin at that time, but It didn't work.
For any test that I do I get the html page as a response which states "Sorry, something went wrong"
what did went wrong?!
Thanks in advance!
Make sure your FACEBOOK_USER_ID is a valid facebook username. You may need to URI escape it first. If it's the correct username, https://www.facebook.com/FACEBOOK_USER_ID will be the user's facebook page, so try hitting it in a browser before you try anything else.
i little speak english
i want create feed (post, note, link) to page wall ANY TIME (like offline_access) with new graph api
What should I do for it , what permissions should
thank you in advance.
create facebook app
take appid
copy this link to browser
provide appid and the url u given in canvas url(eg:http://localhost/web)
redirected url u can see access token.take that access token value.
Facebook_Graph_Toolkit.GraphApi.Api x = new Facebook_Graph_Toolkit.GraphApi.Api(accesstoken);
string id = x.PostFeedToTarget("pageid", "hi test");