Facebook graph user picture won't show on mobile devices - facebook

I use the url https://graph.facebook.com/{app_user_id}/picture?width=120&height=120 to show the user picture on my app, but since this morning, it has stopped working on mobile devices.
Now, the same url redirects to https://lookaside.facebook.com/platform/profilepic/?asid={app_user_id}&height=120&width=120. This url works on desktop web, but on mobile it redirects again to https://m.facebook.com/platform/profilepic/?asid={app_user_id}&height=120&width=120 and the mobile web refuses to output the image. If I try to load it in the address bar, it is downloaded instead of showed.
I have searched for any change on the Facebook graph api about this but didn't find anything. Any hint to solve this? Thanks.

This seems to be a bug. Started happening to my app earlier on this morning. Still no fix as of yet.
A few bug reports that have been submitted on Facebook for Developers:
Profile Pictures Can't Load
Graph API Profile picture doesn`t work on mobile
Cross site policy error while accessing graph pictures

I faced the same issue today and I'v found a solution for that and it worked for me.
After login we get below Profile pic URL
11111111111 is your social id/facebook id
now we need to change this URL in order to display image,
here is the code.
try {
profile_pic = new URL("https://graph.facebook.com/" + id + "/picture?type=large");
Log.i("profile_pic", profile_pic + "");
catch (MalformedURLException e) {
id is your socialid/facebook id
in short we just need to remove &height=320&width=420 from url.
you can compare both the url:
and yes you need to change http to https as well

Though I didn't find any official announcements, Facebook during last few days changed their api's, now when you request user's public profile the picture url has extra parameters, ext and hash
Calling the url without these params returns 404 error.
Not sure if the change is affecting Page Scope ID's only.
Currently, when you request user's public profile data the url looks like this
before it was just
It seems to me the only known solution currently would be requesting new public profile data and updating your database.
Hope that helps.


Change in image urls from Facebook Graph API response [duplicate]

I use the url https://graph.facebook.com/{app_user_id}/picture?width=120&height=120 to show the user picture on my app, but since this morning, it has stopped working on mobile devices.
Now, the same url redirects to https://lookaside.facebook.com/platform/profilepic/?asid={app_user_id}&height=120&width=120. This url works on desktop web, but on mobile it redirects again to https://m.facebook.com/platform/profilepic/?asid={app_user_id}&height=120&width=120 and the mobile web refuses to output the image. If I try to load it in the address bar, it is downloaded instead of showed.
I have searched for any change on the Facebook graph api about this but didn't find anything. Any hint to solve this? Thanks.
This seems to be a bug. Started happening to my app earlier on this morning. Still no fix as of yet.
A few bug reports that have been submitted on Facebook for Developers:
Profile Pictures Can't Load
Graph API Profile picture doesn`t work on mobile
Cross site policy error while accessing graph pictures
I faced the same issue today and I'v found a solution for that and it worked for me.
After login we get below Profile pic URL
11111111111 is your social id/facebook id
now we need to change this URL in order to display image,
here is the code.
try {
profile_pic = new URL("https://graph.facebook.com/" + id + "/picture?type=large");
Log.i("profile_pic", profile_pic + "");
catch (MalformedURLException e) {
id is your socialid/facebook id
in short we just need to remove &height=320&width=420 from url.
you can compare both the url:
and yes you need to change http to https as well
Though I didn't find any official announcements, Facebook during last few days changed their api's, now when you request user's public profile the picture url has extra parameters, ext and hash
Calling the url without these params returns 404 error.
Not sure if the change is affecting Page Scope ID's only.
Currently, when you request user's public profile data the url looks like this
before it was just
It seems to me the only known solution currently would be requesting new public profile data and updating your database.
Hope that helps.

Generate access token Instagram API, without having to log in?

So I am building a restaurant app and one of the features I want is to allow a user of the app to see photos from a particular restaurant's Instagram account.
And I want a user to be able to see this without having to login to their Instagram account, so they shouldn't even need an Instagram account for this to work.
So I have read this answer How can I get a user's media from Instagram without authenticating as a user?
And I tried what it said and used the client_id(which I recieved when I registered my app using my personal Instagram account), but I still get an error back saying :
meta: {
error_type: "OAuthAccessTokenException",
code: 400,
error_message: "The access_token provided is invalid."
The endpoint I am trying to hit is :
https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/search?q=[USERNAME]&client_id=[CLIENT ID]
So do I absolutely need an access token for this to work(and thus have to enforce a user to log in) ?
If I do, then is there way to generate an access token somehow without forcing the user log in?
I believe there is a way around this, as the popular dating app Tinder has this desired functionality I am looking for, as it allows you to see photos from people's Instagram account without having to log in! (I have just verified this 5 minutes ago!)
Any help on this would be much appreciated.
Edit April 2018: After facebook privacy case this endpoint is immediately put out of service. It seems we need to parse the JSON embedded in <script> tag directly within the profile page:
<script type="text/javascript">window._sharedData = {"activity_counts":...
Any better ideas are welcome.
You can use the most recent link
GET https://www.instagram.com/{username}/?__a=1
to get latest 20 posts in JSON format. Hope you put this to good use.
edit: other ways aren't valid anymore:
Instagram used to allow most API requests with just client_id and without access_token, the apps registered back in the day still work with way, thats how some apps are able to show instagram photos without user login.
Instagram has changes the API specification, so new apps will have to get access_token, older apps will have to change before June 2016.
One way you can work around this is by using access_token generated by your account to access photos. Login locally and get access_token, use this for all API calls, it should not change, unless u change password,if it expires, regenerate and update in your server.
Since the endpoints don't exist anymore I switched to a PHP library -
Installed this lib with composer:
composer require pgrimaud/instagram-user-feed "^4.0"
To get a feed object -
$cache = new Instagram\Storage\CacheManager();
$api = new Instagram\Api($cache);
$feed = $api->getFeed();
Example of how to use that object -
foreach ($feed->medias as $key => $value) {
echo '<li><img src="'.$value->thumbnailSrc.'"></li>';

Facebook login - what on earth am I doing wrong

I'm tearing my hair out here.
We've got a web app that is hosted on a bunch of different domains and we have a facebook login on the page. This works just peachy. Most of them run of our root domain eg newsite.ourplatform.com and we reuse the same facebook app and add a new domain in.
We've had a request to set up a new site on a different url. In the past, this hasn't really been a problem. We set up a new facebook app, add the appid to out config and voila, facebook login working. (we don't do this so often, so I've potentially broken it)
This time around. I've set up a new app id and plugged it in, but whenever I call the facebook login, it authenticates me, but I get a useless response from facebook.
eg. On a working site I call
FB.api("/me/", function(response){console.log(JSON.stringify(response));});
and get response
"{id":"12345678910","email":"my#email.com","first_name":"My Name","gender":"male","last_name":"Myname","link":"https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/12345678910/","locale":"en_GB","name":"My Name","timezone":10,"updated_time":"2014-01-19T10:44:20+0000","verified":true}
but on the broken site I do the same call and get a response
Which is sort of good, but I need their email. As far as I can tell, I'm not asking for any permissions beyond email,public_profile and user_friends
Because of the way the app setup works, we have different apps running 2.1, 2.2 and 2.4 and this new one on 2.4 doesn't work. I'm not sure if that's a red herring or if I've got a misconfigured facebook app.
(edit - removed the sites affected to protect the innocent)
As #CBroe said you really need to checkout the v2.4 changelog for the API. In version 2.4 of the API Facebook introduced 'declarative fields'. This means that when you make a base request, like to /me you will only get a small amount of info back, e.g. 'name' and 'id'.
You have two options to get more fields:
Option One
FB.api('/me?fields=first_name,last_name,gender', function(response) {
Option Two
FB.api('/me', function(response) {
}, {'fields': 'first_name, last_name, gender'})
This will return a response that looks like the following:
{"first_name":"First", "last_name":"Last", "gender":"gender", "id":"ID"}
The key in the request above is specifying the fields URL parameter in your request and is documented in the link #CBroe linked and I have linked above.

A specific Fan Page ID is not returning FB Graph data

We are working with High Times Magazine (http://www.facebook.com/HIGHTIMESMag, profile id: 23237898444). I've tried checking via FB's graph to see if the proper data returns, and it doesn't for some reason. You can check here as well:
https://graph.facebook.com/23237898444 and http://graph.facebook.com/HIGHTIMESMag
Does anyone else have this issue? How can I get the id to work, or is this a Facebook bug?
Accessing it with a valid access token (i.e. https://graph.facebook.com/23237898444?access_token=...) works for me. This usually means the page is age- or locale-gated.

Get user profile picture by Id

I'm now working on a web application which is mostly based of facebook graph api.
I hold some data about users - actually , the possible public data available - such as name and id.
I also know that a profile picture is a part of the public data, and I wondered how I'll be able to get a direct link to a profile picture of a user only by using their id?
http://graph.facebook.com/" + facebookId + "/picture?type=square
For instance:
There are also more sizes besides "square". See the docs.
Update September 2020
As Facebook have updated their docs this method is not working anymore without a token. You need to append some kind of access_token. You can find further information and how to do it correctly in the fb docs to the graph api of user picture
Requirements Change
This endpoint supports App-Scoped User IDs (ASID), User IDs (UID), and Page-Scoped User IDs (PSID). Currently you can query ASIDs and UIDs with no requirements. However, beginning October 24, 2020, an access token will be required for all UID-based queries. If you query a UID and thus must include a token:
use a User access token for Facebook Login authenticated requests
use a Page access token for page-scoped requests
use an App access token for server-side requests
use a Client access token for mobile or web client-side requests
Quote of fb docs
You can use following urls to obtain different sizes of profile images.
Please make sure to add Facebook id to url.
Large size photo
Medium size photo
Small size photo
Square photo
To get largest size of the image
or anything else you need as size. Based on experience, type=large is not the largest result you can obtain.
From the Graph API documentation.
/OBJECT_ID/picture returns a redirect to the object's picture (in this case the users)
/OBJECT_ID/?fields=picture returns the picture's URL
<img src="https://graph.facebook.com/4/picture"/> uses a HTTP 301 redirect to Zuck's profile picture
https://graph.facebook.com/4?fields=picture returns the URL itself
This will be helpful link:
You can set height and width as you needed
893914824028397 is facebookid
UPDATE September 2020
Facebook has new requirements change: an access token will be required for all UID-based queries
So you have to add your app access token to the url:
To get your app_access_token use the following url:
You find your-app-id and your-app-secret in the Basic Settings of your Facebook app in Facebook developers
It's an API that returns the profile image when given a username for a variety of social networks including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and gravatar. It has libraries for iOS, Android, Ruby, Node, PHP, Python, and JavaScript.
you can get it with using this url : you will get the picture HD (max size)
don't forget redirect=false or it will return an error
Use url as:https://graph.facebook.com/user_id/picture?type=square in src of img tag.
type may be small,large.
You can use AngularJs for this, Its two -way data binding feature will get solution with minimum effort and less code.
<input type="text" name="" ng-model="fbid"><br/>
<img src="https://graph.facebook.com/{{fbid}}/picture?type=normal">
I hope this answers your query.Note: You can use other library as well.
Through the Javascript SDK (v2.12 - April, 2017) you can get the details of the picture request this way:
FB.api("/" + uid + "/picture?redirect=0", function (response) {
// prints the following:
//data: {
// height: 50
// is_silhouette: false
// url: "https://lookaside.facebook.com/platform/profilepic/?asid=…&height=50&width=50&ext=…&hash…"
// width: 50
if (response && !response.error) {
// change the src attribute of img elements
i => i.src = response.data.url
// OR redirect to the URL above
For getting the JSON response the parameter redirect with 0 (zero) as value is important since the request redirects to the image by default. You may still add other parameters in the same URL. Examples:
"/" + uid + "/picture?redirect=0&width=100&height=100": a 100x100 image will be returned;
"/" + uid + "/picture?redirect=0&type=large": a 200x200 image is returned. Other possible type values include: small, normal, album, and square.
As per the current latest Facebook API version 3.2, For users you can use this generic method for getting profile picture is https://graph.facebook.com/v3.2/{user-id}/picture?type=square you can visit documentation for user picture here.
The possible values for type parameter in URL can be small, normal, album, large, square
For Groups and Pages, the profile picture is not available directly. You have to get them using access token. For Groups you have to use User Access Token and for Pages you can use both User Access Token and Page Access Token.
You can get Group's or Page's Profile Picture using the generic URL: https://graph.facebook.com/v3.2/{user-id}/picture?access_token={access-token}&type=square
I hope this is helpful for people who are looking for Page or Group Profile picture.
Simply Follow as below URL
type may be normal,small,medium,large. Or square (f you want to get square picture, the square size is limited to 50x50).
today I found a problem, the profile images was returning the default profile picture because a new requirement from Facebook to all the UID based queries, so just add &access_token=[apptoken] to the url, you can obtain your app token from here
You can use the following endpoint to get the image.jfif instead of jpg:
Note that you won't be able to see the image, only download it.
Update July 2021
On top of answer by #EddyG, turned out that if you still not able to fetch the profile picture with app access token, the FB account must "allow" the FB app first then you should be able to fetch the profile picture with FB app access token.