Save Data Source in Crystal Server - crystal-reports

I'm new to Crystal Reports/Crystal Server. Hope someone can enlighten me.
In SSRS, there's a thing called Shared Data Source wherein you can configure a data source like the server and database settings. This data source can then be used by multiple reports. This is very convenient especially if you would change the server name (ex: Production to UAT server) after some later time because you need to change it only on one place without modifying all the reports.
In Crystal Server, is there any equivalent? If not, what are the alternatives?
BTW, I'm using SAP Crystal Server 2013 and Crystal Reports 11.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: Saw this under Database > Set Datasource Location...
Can I save Datasource in Crystal and point all my reports thru this?

You can change data source by using Database-Set Datasource location from menu bar. From there it is pretty simple to change a reports datasource as long as you are changing to a database with same structure. If tables or fields don't exist you will receive an error. If field types used in the report do not match new data structure a mapping menu will appear.
So for example... I have several ODBC data sources which point to same server but different directories. Each directory has identical database structure but for different departments so all different data. I have setup each to be a favorite connection in database manager. I click database from menu bar, select Set Datasource. Select the current datasource. Select the new datasource and click update!
Very straight forward except for the items I mentioned in first paragraph.


Correcting Crystal Report Data Sources -- Tables not following Server

Been struggling with this on a few Crystal Reports, and it's super evident when testing inside of the CR editor.
My report has one database connection (OLE DB to a a SQL Server). On the vast majority of my CR's, when I hit F5, and log into the SQL server for a data preview, the rest of the report will follow whatever database I select.
On some reports, it does not--and the tables in the underlying connection are stuck to a specific database.
Is this a setting within Crystal Reports for the tables below a connection to have their own "Catalog"?
I've found I'm able to correct this somewhat by changing each of the tables Catalog's manually, but I use these CRs against multiple databases.
Has anyone encountered this, and hopefully found a way to fix it without re-creating the report from scratch?
Try to verify the database. If this doesn't help try to update the connection to ODBC and back to OLDE DB.
Something else to try would be to click on Database in the menu bar, then click "Log On or Off Server". This will allow you to select a database server that the report is connected to and then Log Off from that connection, repeat this for all connected databases. Then click Database on the menu bar again and then click "Set Datasource Location" to update the report with the database you would like to use.
This usually works for me:
right click on database fields and left click on set datasource location.
some times you will need to update every table.
but most of the time - after making the connection to database you can update all tables automatically

Crystal Reports Loading Database info

I have SAP Crystal Reports 2011 and use it to edit reports we use with JobBOSS ERP system. These reports were all put in place before I started here and am just now learning Crystal Reports. I am trying to edit the reports but am having issues.
So when I open the report in Crystal Reports the Field Explorer is showing that the file being used to pull fields into the reports is a TTX file. I know nothing about TTX files and assumed I could just find the data in my tables and import it in but apparently that wont mix well from what I am understanding. I have no clue what to do with the TTX and being able to populate the fields on the page with data from another table.
Where do I start with this? All of my forms use the TTX to pull data. Does anyone have any resources that can help me with this?
To change this report, you must use the report version in the JobBoss production report folder (.rpt). Save the .rpt to a work area. Make changes and then place back in the folder retrieved from. You can add tables to this kind of report but cannot change the .ttx table. The report must be run from within Jobboss. Save the original .rpt to a save folder first. Call with questions.

Running Reporting Services against a test database

What's the best way to setup SSRS reports to run against a test database? We need to run them from the Report Server (e.g. from a browser) against a test database. I tried creating a linked report but I don't see a way to associate a different data connection with the linked report.
I usually create a second copy of reports in a Test folder on the SSRS server. This lets consumers test report changes before they affect production.
But if you really want one version of the report to point at both production and test you can get clever with data sources. Here's a blog entry discussing dynamically changing your datasource based on a parameter.
Then you'll need to either expose the parameter or call the report in some way where you can set the hidden parameter.
Create a new folder in the Report Manager and upload the exact same report to that new folder.
If needed, you can also hide this folder so only testing people can access the URL directly.
Create a new data source that points to your test database and change the data source of the new report to use the test data source.
That way you can leave your production report intact.
Go to Properties > Data Sources and point the datasource to your test database

running a script from within crystal reports

I have an application that creates a report using crystal reports. The data for the report is created in db tables that are built on the fly and then deleted after the report has been created. I would like to save the database that create the report.
I have access to the reports, so I was wondering if it is possible to embed a script in the crystal report that would run when the report is created and move the data to another location, such as via a batch script.
Can anyone tell me if this can or cannot be done? Thanks for any thoughts.
Try this. In the .rpt, go to Database Export and Add Command as shown below.
I don't know what the proper SQL syntax is (the query in the sample image threw an error), but once you work it out, you could probably do it this way. This example from Business Objects uses this command as part of a larger question.
(However, since the original DB is immediately deleted, you'll have to specify a new database to put the table in. I don't know if that's possible.)

Changing Crystal Reports reports shipped with an application and a runtime version

We have a purchased application (I'm told it's .NET, it's client server, running on Windows XP, connecting to SQL Server 2005) that uses a Crystal Reports runtime and separate report files (.rpt) to do it's reporting function. I have a copy of the CR Designer program but we don't have the CR Enterprise software. I can open the reports in the designer, get to the SQL Server data source (and any others, I guess), add them to the report, run it, print it -- but I can't figure out how to use the same Datasource, which is a subset of the tables in the database that it's connecting to, to do it, and I can't figure out how to save the report files so they'll work with the application. Real gravy would be coming up with new reports.
Is this even possible?
If you open up the report and then go to Database, Set Datasource Location, under the Properties section you will find a lot of info about the datasource and where it is getting it's info from. If the purchased application is creating its own datasource internally though and supplying it to the report at runtime, the best option that I can think of is to start a trace on the SQL Server and then run a report. You should be able to see the SQL that is issued by the Datasource and replicate it in your own version.
You have the possibility to manage your connection's properties at runtime (ie while launching CR from your app). Here is a proposal: Crystal Reports Datasource remap
If you cannot access your app code, you should then do as proposed by #Anthony, by updating all your connection strings in your rpt files, save the rpt files, and copy then on the corresponding report folder of your app: you might have to find where it's located in your system.
First of all, you'd better make sure you're not violating the application's license agreement by attempting to add to it in this way.
It may simply not be possible to add reports to the app in any case - it depends how it loads them and what it does with them.
To use the same datasource, you should just be able to open one of the .rpt files, then go to File > Save As, and give it a new name. Then modify it to what you want. Of course, if you don't know the authentication credentials the app passes to the report to connect, it would be tricky to test it.
It would help greatly if you gave us the name of the purchased application, as we don't really know what you're up against.
It could be that the application is passing through a filter of the data. So when you run the report from Crystal Reports Designer you get the whole data base, however when run through the program the parameters being passed to the report restrict the data back down.
Create a backup of the report. Then edit the existing report, make the changes you require, preview the report to get an idea it looks right, save the report and run the report via the application.
As it has already been stated some vendors may not allow you to edit existing reports, your warranty/sport may be voided by editing existing reports, or reports could even be overwritten on the next update.